
From OpenGeofiction
Flag of Barzona Barzona
Coat of arms

Bazona (Taqueza), Batzona (Nahuat), Barzone (Franquese), Barzona (Castellanese, Nanquin), Bazhona (Cubutacubun), Barsuna (Ediyana, Yañatibu), Barsona (Emanapak), Parxona (Meyfe), Parsona (Itanese)
Capital: Carante
Population: TBD (2020)
Motto: « Terra libre, unita e feliz »
Anthem: TBD

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Barzona, officially the Republic of Barzona is a country in southern Tarephia along the Strait of Lyc. Barzona is comprised of the mainland of Barzona along with two island departments. The capital city is Carante and the most populous city is Barzona. Barzona is divided into 16 departments, two of them are insular (island) departments away from Barzona). Mainland departments are divided into cantons, of which there are 90. Cantons and insular departments are divided into municipalities, there are 684 in Barzona.

Barzona was settled by several indigenous cultures prior to the time of colonization, with advanced civilizations and settlements. The Franquese were the first to colonize what is now Barzona, starting in the 13th century onward. The Castellanese settled Barzona in the 16th century, taking over from the Franquese. Barzona declared independence in 1817 and the entire territory was liberated from Castellanese rule in 1821. Barzona was a part of the Republic of Gran Fojenica (with Allendea) until 1833. Barzona went through a period of civil and military governments for many decades. From 1965 to 1978 Barzona was under a military dictatorship before transitioning to democratic rule.

Barzona is a member of the Assembly of Nations and Tarephian Cooperation Council.

Republic of Barzona
FlagCoat of arms
FlagCoat of arms

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"Terra libre, unita e feliz"
A free land, united and happy
Largest cityBarzona
Official languagesBarzuna
 • Regional languagesFranquese, castellanese, various indigenous languages
GovernmentConstitutional, presidential republic
 • PresidentTBD
 • Vice PresidentTBD
LegislatureCogreso na Diputados
 • Total65405.65 km2
 • Water (%)14%
 • Estimate (2019)TBD
 • Census (2010)TBD
 • DensityTBD/km2
TBD/sq mi
TimezoneCentral Tarephia Standard Time (WUT +1:00)
CurrencyLira (BAL)
Drives on theright

Barzona, officially the Republic of Barzona (Barzonian: Republica na Barzona) is a country located in southwestern Tarephia. It is bordered by Hueyapan to the north, Allendea to the west and Broceliande to the south, as well as Valaga and Tempeira in insular areas. Barzona has a surface area of 56459.24km² (total with territorial waters 66939.56 km²) and a population of ?. The capital city is Carante, and the largest city is Barzona.

Barzona is a diverse country despite its small size, unofficially divided into five regions, costa (the coast), serra (the mountains), selva (the jungle), marca (the march) and insular Barzona. It is ecologically diverse, with a lot of flora and fauna, beaches, mountains and highlands, and dense, humid rainforest. Barzona is a member of the Assembly of Nations and the Tarephia Cooperation Council.


The name of Barzona comes from the Franquese Barzone, which is believed to originate from a Taqueza speaking people in the coast of the country that died out during the early conquest of Barzona. Since the 19th century the people of Barzona have referred to themselves as "Montin" or "Montines" as a nickname, the origin is not entirely clear but a popular theory is that it came from "Belmontines", used to refer to the troops of Marshal Belmont during the war of independence.


Precolonial era

Early cultures

Writing carved in the Canavi archaeologic site

The early history of Barzona's indigenous people is not as well known as in neighboring countries. Artifacts have been found to be about as old as 5000 BC in some area. It is believed around 3500-3000 BC the indigenous people turned from hunter-gathering to settled farming, first in the lowlands of coastal Barzona. The pre-Taqueza and Nawat people settled into villages with small huts in this period. After 1200-1100 BC is when the period of major settlement begins, the oldest confirmed site discovered so far is the Conchina (southeast Barzona), dating to 12th century BC and including two burial mounds. This era of history is divided into the formative period (3000-1100 BC), early period (1200 BC-400 AD), classic period (400-1300) and late period (1300-1600). The most famous site of the early period is the Tesunhuehueche site in Santa Quiteria in the north, despite the distance and 700 year difference it has similarities to the Conchina culture site and further refined the pyramids. Santa Quiteria is dated to around 550 BC.

Classic period

Pyramid at Chichicastepeque

The classic period of precolonial Barzona existed from 400-1300. Most of the existing archaeological sites date from this period. Cavana is probably the first major city of the Taqueza, established by the year 400 and expanded to after 1100. Cavana was the first major kingdom and invaded other towns in the south. From 650 the city of Canavi rose as a major power and they conquered Cavana and its tributaries around 700. From 740 they began an expansion into the mountain areas which led to new cities founded there in the next centuries, Cerro Forqueta Site was the major one around 800. Santa Quiteria was abandoned by 450 but the nawat speaking people that inhabited it by then may have founded Tunancinque shortly after. Susulcan rose in the Barzona city area around 600 and rivaled Tunancinque. By 700 Punatecana was established as a third major city in the Taqueza zone and they were able to stop the Canavi expansion in battles.

Around 500 is considered also the rise of the Cubutacubun people in the northwest, resisting the expansion the Taqueza and Nawat. Hunters and farmers, they lived in small walled villages and were present in the highlands of northwest Barzona. They were fierce warriors in order to defend against the empires to the north and east of their region. By 700 they were organized into a kingdom with chiefs, like the Taqueza of this period mostly of independent villages but more willing to unite as a nation to defend against invasion.

From 760-880 the Triple Cities of Teotiyolcan expanding south after uniting as a empire. Around 840 they made the city of Tunancinque a vassal of their empire and around 855 did the same with Susulcan. They tried to subjugate Cubutacubun villages but faced significant defeats. After 850 the Cubutacubun cacique Fuhuchocamiscua is named as a major leader, uniting enough villages against the Triple Cities and extended the confederation as far south as the Yavi River and north beyond the Alto River. The area around modern Sant-Cuadragesimo Hicatasupcua was as as far as they extended in the east, probably after 900

Around 880 the Triple Cities reached as far as Punatecana and destroyed the city; there was no further expansion in Barzona, historians don't know exactly why but may have included a combination of disease, distance from their heartland and fear of a major war with the Canavi empire or the Cubutacubun. The Triple Cities empire constructed Chichicastepeque around 900 as a new city to show their power and wealth, there is significant damage to the site but a lot of the architectural details and constructions are detailed and high quality. Around 1000 Taquezas founded Simiqueguin not far from the Punatecana and began expanding in the area. There was peaceful coexistence and trade with the Triple Cities and even Canavi for around 100 years. Around 1100 instability brought by regional famines led to conflict between Simiqueguin and Canavi. Mestichiltut (fl. 1120-30) was the main leader of Simiqueguin and led an expansion of his territory, by 1130 Canavi was conquered and defeated an the city of Cavana was the southern extent of their conquest. Simiqueguin was expanded to be the center of administration of an expanding Taqueza empire. Probably around 1150, Chichicastepeque revolted against Triple Cities control and declared itself a vassal of the Taquezas. That was a major northern expansion of the Taquezas but they could not take Susulcan, Tunancinque or cities beyond the Alto River.

A lot of the history of this period, especially after 900 or 1000 was recorded on traditional bark paper codices which consisted of images and pictoral glyphs. From trade with the Franquese after the 13th century the Taqueza also used vellum or parchment for these codices. A well known example is the Codex Hautvilar, made in the 14th century (before 1360) by Taquezas in Fontanet detailing the leaders and symbols (glyphs) of the major cities with annotations in Franquese.

Late period

Vessel found in Simiqueguin

The Franquese colonial expansion into Barzona signaled the start of the late period. After 1200 Canavi revolted against the Taqueza kingdom, there may have been two revolts between 1200 and 1225 which one was successfully put down. Diseases brought by the colonizers affected many people and deaths became high. Between 1240 and 1350 the cities of Cavana, Canavi and others were abandoned. Susulcan was conquered to create the city of Barzona.

Many Taqueza fled into the mountains as the Franquese expanded and cities like and Mestiguin (ca. 1260) and Masacuate and Allendea sites (ca. 1300) are major sites of this era. Tacana is the last major archaeological site of the late period, completed around 1350. Though the Taqueza continued expanding north and south the tradition of major urban and religious centers was slowly given up for smaller villages as they became more separated from the traditional bases of power in the lowlands of the east.

Tunancinque continued to be occupied until the 1550s when the Castellanese conquered it. Simiqueguin resisted the Castellanese, a military expedition in 1560 was defeated, the Castellanese sent more troops along with Taqueza speakers and translators to settle a peace in 1561 but the translators were murdered and Castellanese were forced to retreat due to having less troops. In 1564 Simiqueguin was finally conquered with 100 troops and knights.

Medieval period

Early Franquese discovery

The coastal area and coastal-interior regions of Barzona were explored from Broceliande from the 13th century. Probably the first settled area of Barzona by the Rivagiens was the village of Sant-Miquel; the local church was consecrated around 1202. The area that is around the modern border of Barzona was know as the marche (or marca). Expansion was difficult due to resistance from the Taqueza indigenous and it took nearly decades of careful expansion. Mondier was founded around 1223-25 and in the typical fashion of the colonizers, towns were built with a castle and walls or at least fortified to withstand attacks from the indigenous. Portin was settled around

The indigenous people of the area attacked and harassed against the Franqueterre knights exploring the region, who were forced to build castles to defend their areas and became limited in their general settlement due to the difficulty in subjugating the indigenous peoples. By the end of the 13th century, the walled towns of Bergantin (ca. 1268) and Barzona (1280) were created to help control trade along the coast, followed by Port-Lis, Iban and Fontanet in the 14th century. Many villages in the Marca and Daube region were established.

By the early 16th century, they were still limited to a handful of coastal towns, castles and fortresses. In the early 15th century an expedition of knights sailed up the Yavi River in the jungle to explore the area, but were lost and likely died from disease or animals, or were killed by indigenous peoples.

The Castellanese arrived in t1650s, and over the next 40 years were able to subjugate a lot of modern-day Allendea and Barzona, having support from the coastal and lowland caciques for fighting the Franquese, and using their support to cross the mountains and settle them.

Medieval and early modern Franquese colonial towns

Name Founded
Sant-Miquel (St-Michel) 1202
Mondier 1224
Gordet 1240/45
Portin 1254
Bergantin 1268
Fontanet 1275
Barzona (Barzone) 1280
Niesse 1301
Iban 1306
Bercil 1310
Port-Lis 1321
Milles 1336/38
Caborna (Caborne) 1340
Florencia (Fleurance) mid-14th century
Pradet 1362
Baguerres late 14th century
Santa Elena (Sainte-Hélène) 1390
Sainte-Clothilde (Sainte-Clothilde) 1415
Vianna (Vianne) 1427
Sant-Piero (Saint-Pierre) 1459
Santa Solangia (Sainte-Solange) 1512
Acres 1549

Independence and Gran Fojenica

Independence war

In 1817 the criollos of Carante and the highlands under Juan Piero Belmont began a revolt against the Castellanese, inspired by the similar war in Fojenica. 9 June 1817 the state of Carante was declared as a country after defeating the royalists at the Battle of Chilacana. In September 1817 Gen. Belmont joined Carante into the new Gran Fojenica republic. Progress by the rebels was slow but by 1819 most of modern day Barzona was under Gran Fojenican control except for the coastal area. Mateus Barrigan led the small Gran Fojenican navy and scored a major victory when the town of Bergantin was captured in April 1820. By August 1820 only the Barzona city area remained in royalist hands. Protected by earthworks in the interior, the Punta nord and Sant-Martin fortresses and the A Rocha castle it was too formidable to attack directly. A slow siege was ended in April 1821 when the Castellanese left the city.

Lucerist revolt

In the 1820s there were always issues and tensions between the Gran Fojenica government and the provinces, over language differences, favoring political positions to people from Bervoya, Central Fojenica, Carante and lack of pwoer and autonomy offered by the constitution to the provinces. In October 1826 Colonel Manuel Lucero y Quiroz started a revolt in the Barzona province in opposition to the Gran Fojenica government. Together with 600 troops and some naval cadets he took over the castles in the city and declared a separate state. President Julio Peort and Commandant General of Carante Count Lucio Belcamp began to raise a 1500 man army to march to Barzona and restore order. In response Fontanet, Safiza, Tunancinque and other towns declared themselves for Barzona and Col. Lucero apparently was looking to get a Ulethan prince to be King of Barzona to secure support from a foreign power. The revolt failed by March 1827 since Admiral Barrigan refused to support Lucero's revolt and no Ulethan country supported it.

Count Lucio Belcamp, the Commandant General of Carante was declared vice president of Gran Fojenica. and seemed to end major revolts for the time being. In August 1828 a mutiny by sailors was put down in Bergantin and conditions for sailors became poor over the next years.

Barzonan revolt

Barzonan revolt 1832-33.gif

Over the early 1830s there was more dictontent over the taxation, diverting resources to Fojenican ports instead of Carantan or Barzonan ports among other issues. In November 1823 leading citizens and troops seized the major forts and barracks of the military and over the next weeks more cities declared themself in revolt to the government. Sailors mutinied and in this case Admiral Barrigan supported their demands and said he would travel to the capital to plead the naval case with the president and vice president. Vice President Belcamp organized 500 troops instantly to rally with over 1000 troops in Carante and march to Barzona. In December 26 troops organized in Montesanto and marched to Safiza. Outside of the village of Sulinapa 1700 government troops met 1500 rebel troops. Despite the superior numbers of the government troops mistakes on the right flank by Capt. Figueroa led to a break in the lines and over 200 soldiers died or were wounded versus only 60 rebels. The victory of Sulinapa saved the city of Barzona and more towns rose up in opposition. In this period the Gran Fojenican flag placed vertically was used as a symbol by the rebels.

The intent was to declare Colonel Manuel Lucero as leader but eventually the troops and sailors in revolt proclaimed Admiral Barrigan as supreme commander, he had never led troops, only sailors so relied on experienced Captains and Majors. The rebel intent became to secure Carante and the highlands. A second column of soldiers from Gran Fojenica marched through Carante and both forces met outside of the town of Santa Tereza on January 23. Rebel troop numbers were decimated but a few soldiers were able to cross the Santa Tereza river with a cannon to attack the Gran Fojenicans from the rear who broke their ranks and began a retreat into the mountains. Eventually the rebels caught up with them at the town of Sant-Francisco on the Caracol river. There was a lot of fog and rain and lots of confusion, Vice President Belcamp was nearly captured. The battle was a draw since the rebels couldn't take the town and secure the way to Carante, but the government side began to lose troops to desertion over the night and the remaining force went to Carante where many leaders and families fled west. In January 30 the rebels entered Carante and declared the establishment of the South Tarephian Republic with Admiral Barrigan as president. Count Lucio Belcamp fled towards the Gran Fojenican capital to secure more troops and return to fight.

After the fall of Carante many more cities declared themselves for the new republic. Two more battles followed, at the Battle of Sant-Simeon 2600 Gran Fojenican troops faced 3400 South Tarephian Troops, the south Tarephians won the battle and Count Belcamp was captured and arrested. The South Tarephians then moved to attack Casar and Eu Volcan and then follow the Yamis river down to take Montesanto but they were stopped and defeated and could not take Casar. A truce was declared shortly after. All the major cities east of the Yavi River fell to the rebels apart from the town of Narvas.

Dictatorship and civil war

Start of the dictatorship

Despite a 20 year period of Conservative domination after the Martell dictatorship Barzona was a prospering country, elections were generally free and fair and economic growth was significant to raise the standard of living. President David Salas was assassinated in 1957 by a dissatisfied worker but the government was not worried. The military was also placated by the government policies and basically only operated under the rule of law. The election of Julian Delbonis to president, of the Liberal party and the peaceful power transition worried some officers in the government, who thought he would be the start of leftist policies and collapse of Barzona's stability. His government did not have a significant majority in the congress but was able to pass popular policies that the working and rural class supported. By 1965 it looked likely he might be reelected and a month before the scheduled election he was assassinated in a coup and junior military officers formed a junta to take power and avoid a catastrophic leftist destruction of Barzona. The junta announced it was taking power only as long as needed to make sure Barzona was safe and they could organize elections.

Gabriel Passos Ricard took power as main leader in November 1965. By then the junta had dissolved the congress, removed some rights in the national security interests and began to prosecute leftists that would destabilize Barzona. Many musicians, writers, artists criticized the government in protests and through their art but were often detained, arrested, even killed or disappeared.

From 1968 the number of protests increased as it was cleared the military government was becoming more repressive and there was no real plan to transition to democracy. A major protest of workers and students took place at the Piaza nalla Republica on 16 May, maybe 10000 people filled the plaza and the streets but chaos erupted when troops sent to end the protest opened fire and nine people were killed. Industrial strikes paralyzed Carante, Barzona, Mondier in the summer of 1968 and in Barzona they were put down violently by the military.

In March 1969 a soldier was killed by a driving car and others were shot at at the Piaza nalla Republica, the government responded by increasing the armed presence in Carante and barricading the streets around the main plaza and the government buildings. Several large strikes occurred also in June and October, and a large cement factory in Villalis was petrol bombed by workers, leading to a state of emergency in the Barzona city area until January 1970.

Beginning of the conflict

In mid-1969, Esquedra Republicana na Barzona (ERB) was founded by rural farmers, students and working class dissatisfied by the government repression, erosion of civil liberties and felt that in the current path Barzona would implement martial law and destroy the country. Jaime Castell, Sebastian Encines, Kiko Santana and Genevieva Margueron were the key leaders. ERB was at first based in the Piscua (now Uneda Nacional) area and made an announcement through press they will fight the government in order to prevent more oppression. A group of ERB militants launched the first bullets of the civil war, attacking an army security post near Allendea (Serrania) in November 1969 to show the government they were serious, six soldiers and 2 insurgents were killed. The government responded with an operation with commandos, using helicopters to bring 40 soldiers to Piscua. In order to terrorize ERB they decided to attack the town (3 January) during the Christmas season to stop the insurgency quickly and punish the locals. This was the second deadliest attack of the civil war, the local priest, Father Ibarra hid about 200 people inside of the church but he was killed trying to negotiate and the church was attacked, together with further fighting and shooting over 600 people were killed.

Instead of ending the insurgency the attack horrified a lot of rural people, workers, students, activists and the numbers of ERB quickly rose. Forzas Armadas 3 na Janvier (FA-3) was formed in the aftermath of the attack by students and dissatisfied soldiers in Fabregas. While ERB began regrouping after the Piscua attack and training new recruits in the jungle, FA-3 began planning an attack in Carante. They decided to attack the building of the Guarda Civil (civil guard), the paramilitary police since it was easier to get to than the important buildings in the city center. A car exploded outside building on 7 April 1970, shattering windows, injuring at least a dozen people and one death. The capital was quickly put on lockdown, police and military checkpoints everywhere and 3 days later the military announced martial law in all of Barzona. By the summer of 1970 ERB had close to 1000 troops and was in control of areas in Selva Department (now Yavi Dept.) and Serrania Department, especially the towns of Piscua, Santa Virginia, Buna Vista, Sant-Josep Ispilca. ERB checkpoints existed in the road between Allendea and Narvas, also on the Pasacana-Tacos road, making road driving in the area difficult and dangerous. The growing rainforest tourism was killed, since it was difficult to ensure the safety of tourists in areas where ERB controlled or was active.

Barzona Libre (BL) was founded in 1971 in the northwest of Barzona by Juan Torres, Marco Antonio Benavides, Daisy Milena Tocarruncho, Franco Sastoque in Sant-Martin Department as a socialist political organization to protest the government and military. Initially was committed to non violence but when the Guarda Civil arrested Torres and other members and “disappeared” them for no reason, BL began to arm themselves. In 1971-72 a lot of BL’s attacks were low intensity operations, attacking police posts, farms or large and rich people to give back to the indigenous and poor.

1972 and 1973 army operations

The army began planning major operations against ERB primarily and also BL. Over 6000 soldiers were used for a major sweep of Yavi and Serrania departments starting in March 1972. The forward presence of ERB was in Tacos, at least 800 troops were in the town area and the army first used artillery against the town, destroying many homes and forcing a lot of people out. When the army came in they killed at least 35 remaining civilians and disappeared many more. The army continued to Eu Eden and Buna Vista, in Buna Vista 60 soldiers died and 196 ERB guerrillas died in the biggest battle of this operation, and may rebel weapons were seized. The army continued to Piscua mostly unopposed and took the town and declared ERB destroyed in September. ERB members still operated and there were a lot of low intensity attacks on police, army checkpoints but for the time being did not have the capability for a large scale attack. The army finalized operation by taking Santa Virginia in November 1972, most of ERB fled south and west into the jungle and the highway from Narvas-Carante was fully under government control for the first time in over 2 years.

In May 1973 the army launched a second operation in Sant-Martin Department against Barzona Libre. The army attacked Santa Ana Cuhuma, center of BL operations and killed over 600 BL guerrillas and at least 300 civilians, forcing BL nearly destroyed BL’s fighting power and saw a lot of civilians killed and many farms burned and destroyed. The number 3 of BL, Daisy Milena Tocarruncho was captured, tortured and killed and many BL fighters fled into Allendea and Hueyapan.

ERB and BL alliance

The major army operations proved to the different guerrilla groups that they needed to work together in order to have any change of defeating the army. Sastoque and M.A. Benavides met with Kiko Santana and Encines in August 1973 and announced a formal alliance and joint command. They began rebuilding, training, smuggling weapons into Barzona to plan for a new offensive.

At the same time the Frente na Liberacia nal Poble Barzuno (FLPB) was being founded, a group founded mostly by rural farmers and some ex-soldiers in northern part of Yavi Department. The group first became known when they attacked the military base of Santa Eduvigis, they never took the base but killed 25 soldiers and lost only a few themselves. FLPB allied themself with BL and ERB shortly after. They were involved in vicious attacks in rural areas, against landowners and

In April 1974 the guerrillas launched the ”Tocarruncho” general offensive, a major attempt to take back territory and push more at the heart of government controlled zones. From April to August 1974 guerrillas took back Santa Virginia and Piscua, reestablished themselves in Casar and Cerrovert cantons (Sant-Martin dept.) fought and attacked military in Allendea, Gardes, Cerrovert and Safiza and destroyed 4 aircraft in the Narvas air force base. The military succeeded in stopping ERB in Cornel and forced them back to Allendea but they could not cross the Allendea river to push them back more. FLPB attacked the Santa Eduvigis base again, forcing the military out and even taking control of the town and nearby Penianera border crossing.

There were major changes to the military government and even more paranoia since they could not believe the rebels could get to within 50 km of Carante almost unopposed.

Forza Armada Revolucionaria Urbana (FARU) was founded in 1975 by more radical supporters of ERB who believed that if the guerrillas couldn't take Barzona they could at least create terror within the city to force the government to concede.

1978 ceasefire

Map of the conflict in 1978

By 1977 Barzona’s civil war had no end in sight. The government forces campaigns, use of commandos, aircraft and bombing of rebel positions and areas did not fully defeat them, and the continued fighting led to supply problems in most cities, disruption to normal life, shortages of food and basic necessities, inflation. Carante was in a state of lockdown for 7 years by then and the citizens were desperate for its end and small scale protests began taking place with frequency not seen since the late 60s. The Guarda Civil responded to a student protest and occupation at the National University on 5 October 1977 with violence and 45 students were killed and at least 35 injured. The city was paralized for the next weeks with strikes, student protests, serious disruptions to transit. On 16 October a large truck ran through barricades in the old town of Carante and In order to try and restore normality in the city and prevent a total collapse of the government Col. Henderson Grenas' government began reaching out unofficially to the guerrilla leadership to try and broker a ceasefire.

Before Christmas 1977 the government announced it began discussions with the guerrillas to the public and in January it was reported that on 14 February 1978 (St. Valentines) all sides would cease violence and elections would be held in July for a civilian government. The ceasefire took effect but there were many irregularities, a lot of mistrust and frequent violations. It was not helped by the fact that the government did not invite FARU to the discussions, and FA-3 did not sign on because they were not satisfied with what the government said they were doing and actually did. ERB put forward a lot of candidates and declared Sebastian Encines as their candidate for president. The military and political establishment backed Felix Casamont, a more moderate leftist politician who was likely to be supported by most of the urban population and a strong candidate to defeat a takeover by ERB. Felix Casamont was elected president and ERB denounced violations of the electoral process. Because of this distrust between both sides was at a record low, ERB was certain that the government wouldn't truly honor their promises at peace and the government became more certain that ERB and BL didn't really intend to disarm. Major violence did not take place between 1979 and 1981 but after 1980 BL and ERB began smuggling in more weapons to replace those they handed in as part of the disarmament process. A lot of the paramilitary and death squads were disbanded but a lot of the ex-members continued to exist unofficially and replaced government weapons with others illegally brought in.

Final peace process

In December 1981 the government uncovered a major weapons cache in Sinsontecana and accused the rebels of plotting to destabilize the peace process. The government responded with more troop presence in Carante and Serrania department. ERB and BL released a statement condemning the government actions since they are just placing troops to facilitate taking power and deposing the elected government. The government became certain that the guerrillas were planning a new offensive against Carante and in order to prevent a total collapse of order they deposed president Casamont in a "temporary situational control" on 3 March 1981. BL and ERB responded by opening fire against soldiers in Allendea, Belmont and Safiza shortly after and declared they would push to Carante.

Junior officers led a countercoup on 27 May 1981 and restored president Casamont and announced they would cease major operations and invited the guerrillas back to the table to discuss a new ceasefire. In July all sides met [in tbd] to discuss final and lasting peace process. On 15 September 1981 a general ceasefire and peace talks were announced. After what happened between 1978 and 1981 the guerrillas would not instantly disarm and part of the peace process involved a 5 year monitoring period where all sides agreed to stop armed operations and violence and monitor to avoid further breakout of violence. There were still many irregularities and breakouts of localized violence but not enough to derail the peace process. On 15 September 1986 all sides signed the final peace accord for Barzona. News reports at the time and subsequent reports on the peace process still noted several violations of the peace accords between 1981 and 1990 but all sides remained committed to a lasting peace.


Barzona is divided into four geographic and climactic regions; from east to west are selva (rainforest), serra (mountains), costa (coast) and izulas (islands). Each area has a variety of different flora, fauna.

Flora and fauna

Mountains and volcanos

Volcanos of Barzona

Map Name Elev. (m) Notes

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Volcan Belcava 2509

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Volcan na Carante

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Volcan Chinquira 1647

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Volcan Cosguin 4774

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Volcan Cuhumin 1935

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Volcan Miramar 3421

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Volcan na Mondier

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Volcan Nubloso 3826

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Volcan na Santa Eduvigis

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Volcan Sengar
Volcan na Sant-Marcos

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Volcan Vert 3490

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Volcan Yavi 2506

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Volcan TBD 2001

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Volcan TBD 1921

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Volcan TBD 1851

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Volcan TBD 1778

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Volcan TBD 1802

Government and politics

Administrative divisions

The first level subdivisions of Barzona are departments, equivalent to provinces or states elsewhere. Departments are further divided into Cantons, which are themselves comprised of municipalities of various sizes, with one as cantonal seat. Muncipalities are either urban, with a larger town or city, or rural, which can include different villages and localities in one municipality. In Barzona, there are 65 cantons and 279 municipalities. Barzona can also be divided into continental and insular Barzona, continental Barzona being on the Tarephian mainland and insular Barzona comprising of many islands and rocks. Both the insular departments, Bussot and Santa Elena e as Izulas do not have cantons.

Administrative divisions of Barzona
Department Area (km²) Population Capital
Flag Aurora 1071.69 Port-Lis
Flag of Barzona (department).png
Barzona 4550.78 Barzona
Flag of Caborna.png
Caborna 3194.16 Caborna
Flag Calvet 3935.40 Iban
Flag of Carante.png
Carante 1778.24 Carante
Flag Centro 3704.44 Barrigan
Flag of Daube.png
Daube 6140.45 Pasacana
Flag of Esquibel.png
Esquibel 5504.01 Ferramont
Flag of Marca.png
Marca 8711.09 Mondier
Flag of Niesa.png
Niesa 6940.96 Niesa
Flag Sant-Martin 8524.03 Safiza
Flag of Serrania.png
Serrania 4809.80 Belmont
Flag Vianna 1611.48 Vianna
Flag of Yavi.png
Yavi[1] 12,072.34 Narvas
Insular departments
Flag of Bussot.png
Bussot 3194.09[2] Montfort
Flag of Santa Elena e as Izulas.png
Santa Elena e as Izulas 2313.37[3] 1181 Santa Elena

International relations

Barzona has relations with several countries.

Country Embassy in country Embassy in Barzona
AiranniaFlag.png Airannia TBD Via Rambaud/Cer Encinas, Barzona
Allendea-Flag.png Allendea Calle Valoris, Catamia Via Orado sec. Country Club, Col. Estela, Carante
2 Brasonia.png Brasonia Estácio, Campo Verde Via 9ª Oriente, Col. Delbonis, Carante
DrapeauCAB.svg Cabelia TBD Via Fabregas, Col. Centenario, Carante
Flag of the FSA.svg Federal States Passamaqueets Avenua, Huntington CD Fin Carrier Serra-Grana, Col. Estela, Carante
Via Passarella/Pso Belmont, Barzona
FreedemianFlag.png Freedemia Mark Street, Quentinsburgh Carrier Costanza/Via Estela, Col. Estela, Carante
Template:Geare Nazare Rounde, Bellavance Col. Delbonis, Carante
GobrassanyaFlag01.png Gobrassanya Lafayette Tower, Henil Place, Gobras City Via Soria, Col. Beaumontan, Carante
Flag of Kuehong.png Kuehong Đại lộ Diệp Quang Nhận, Bắc Đẹp Col. Delbonis, Carante
Template:Maka'he Guarapa`ry, Kataryna Torre Diana 1, Carrier Granadina, Centro, Carante
Izaland flag.png Izaland Rosemane Gate Tower, Churi Lan, Saindaul Via 32ª Oriente, Citade Radial, Carante
Flag of Suria.png Suria Чубукский проспект, Zheleznya Carrier Castro/Via 19ª, Col. Centenario, Carante
Tempeira Flag.png Tempeira Avenida das Nações, Tiléia Carrier Diana/Via 2ª, Col. Diana, Carante
Flag of Tigeria.png Tigeria TBD Via Lion, Col. Delbonis, Carante
Template:Xochimalta Todos los Santos, Xochimalta Via 16ª/Carrier 16, Col. Centenario, Carante

Heads of State

Heads of State of Barzona

Head of State of Carante


Portrait President Term of office Party Notes
1 Santiago marinho.jpg Juan Piero Belmont
9 June 1817

25 September 1817
Military Head of State and Generalissimo
Allendea-Flag.png President of the Republic of Gran Fojenica CoA Allendea (Castellanese).png

Template:Legend2 Template:Legend2

Portrait President Term of office Party Notes
1 CoA Allendea (Castellanese).png Carlos Fernández Valdilla
25 September 1817

National Party Died in office
2 CoA Allendea (Castellanese).png Julio Martín Peort

Independence Front
3 CoA Allendea (Castellanese).png Juan Manuel Nuseva

9 June 1833
Interior Party
File:Flag of Allendea Oriental.png President of the South Tarephian Republic

Template:Legend2 Template:Legend2

Portrait President Term of office Party Notes
1 100 lira Barzona.png Mateus Barrigan
9 June 1833

7 May 1834
Independent Died in office
2 File:Coat of Arms of Allendea Oriental.png Francisco Figueras Costa
7 May 1834

2 December 1835
3 Manuel Bartolome Ferreyros.JPG Lucio Belcamp
Count of Niesse
2 December 1835

4 April 1836
4 File:Coat of Arms of Allendea Oriental.png Antonio Villacis e Martell
4 April 1836

12 September 1836
5 File:Coat of Arms of Allendea Oriental.png Eusebio Gardes
12 September 1836

21 May 1837
6 File:Coat of Arms of Allendea Oriental.png Antonio Villacis e Martell
21 May 1837

6 February 1839
Independent Deposed in coup
File:Flag of Barzona (1839-1855).png President of the Republic of Barzona File:Coat of Arms of Barzona (1839-1855).png

Template:Legend2 Template:Legend2 Template:Legend2 Template:Legend2

Portrait President Term of office Party Notes
7 Manuel Bartolome Ferreyros.JPG Lucio Belcamp
Count of Niesse
6 February 1839

9 December 1841
Military Promulgated new constitution, establishing Republic of Barzona
8 Amadeedebejarry.png Antonio Nicollet
Marquis of la Barzone
9 December 1841

12 March 1842
Conservative Deposed in coup
9 Manuel Bartolome Ferreyros.JPG Lucio Belcamp
Count of Niesse
12 March 1842

5 April 1843
Military Third term, assassinated
10 File:Coat of Arms of Barzona (1839-1855).png Henrique Belmont e Tárrega
5 April 1843

18 July 1844
11 Amadeedebejarry.png Antonio Nicollet
Marquis of la Barzone
18 July 1844

2 June 1847
12 File:Coat of Arms of Barzona (1839-1855).png Victor Castelmont
2 June 1847

12 April 1851
13 File:Coat of Arms of Barzona (1839-1855).png Federico Bartols
12 April 1851

16 April 1855
14 File:Coat of Arms of Barzona (1839-1855).png Eusebio Verrier
16 April 1855

21 July 1855
File:Flag of Barzona (1855-1889).png President of the United States of Barzona File:Coat of Arms of Barzona (1855-1889).png

Template:Legend2 Template:Legend2 Template:Legend2 Template:Legend2

Portrait President Term of office Party Notes
15 File:Coat of Arms of Barzona (1855-1889).png Arthur Fontenoy
21 July 1855

4 January 1859
Liberal Took over in coup, established new constitution.
16 File:Coat of Arms of Barzona (1855-1889).png Juan Felipe Benavides
4 January 1859

8 October 1862
17 File:Coat of Arms of Barzona (1855-1889).png Sebastian Fuster
8 October 1862

21 October 1866
18 File:Coat of Arms of Barzona (1855-1889).png Felix Villanova Santmartin
21 October 1866

14 May 1869
Liberal Deposed in coup
19 Camilo N Carrillo.jpg Juan Antonio Serra
14 May 1869

26 March 1874
20 File:Coat of Arms of Barzona (1855-1889).png Juan Martines Becerra
26 March 1874

2 July 1874
21 File:Coat of Arms of Barzona (1855-1889).png Gilberto Sarria
2 July 1874

19 November 1877
22 File:Coat of Arms of Barzona (1855-1889).png Felix Villanova Santmartin
19 November 1877

22 December 1877
Liberal Died in office
23 File:Coat of Arms of Barzona (1855-1889).png Juan Josep Olente
22 December 1877

16 May 1882
24 File:Coat of Arms of Barzona (1855-1889).png Miquel Ferrier
16 May 1882

22 October 1883
25 File:Coat of Arms of Barzona (1855-1889).png Gilberto Sarria
22 October 1883

28 July 1887
26 File:Coat of Arms of Barzona (1855-1889).png Miquel Ferrier
28 July 1887

6 November 1888
27 Aurelio Sousa Matute.jpg Eusebio Tempines
6 November 1888

14 May 1889
Bandiera na Barzona.png President of the Republic of Barzona Coat of Arms of Barzona.png

Template:Legend2 Template:Legend2 Template:Legend2 Template:Legend2 Template:Legend2

Portrait President Term of office Party Notes
28 Juan Martin Echenique.jpg Piero Esquibel
14 May 1889

2 November 1889
Military Took over in coup, ushered in military era
29 German Leguia y Martinez.JPG Felipe Jordes Viergens
2 November 1889

1 March 1892
30 Coat of Arms of Barzona.png Antonio Fulbright
1 March 1892

18 January 1893
31 Cesar Canevaro.jpg Domenique Fortuna
18 January 1893

23 February 1898
32 Francisco José Eguiguren Escudero.JPG Miquel Ferrier
23 February 1898

2 March 1903
33 Cesar Canevaro.jpg Domenique Fortuna
2 March 1903

14 April 1906
34 German Arenas.jpg Andreus Soto Bouras
14 April 1906

1 June 1914
35 IsaacAlzamora.jpg Camilo Fontana Buchmann
1 June 1914

21 May 1916
36 Coat of Arms of Barzona.png Eusebio Tempines
21 May 1916

12 May 1921
37 Cesar Canevaro.jpg Domenique Fortuna
12 May 1921

28 November 1922
Conservative Fortuna's last term
38 Gerardo Balbuena.jpg Juan Francisco Brasefort
28 November 1922

10 November 1927
39 José Manuel García Bedoya.jpg Paulo Artigas
10 November 1927

9 March 1930
Coat of Arms of Barzona.png Junta Nacional 9 March 1930

10 August 1930
40 Jorge Prado.jpg Andreus Martell
10 August 1930

18 January 1939
41 Coat of Arms of Barzona.png Piero Encines
18 January 1939

12 December 1943
42 Coat of Arms of Barzona.png Manuel Silva Martell
12 December 1943

30 November 1948
43 Coat of Arms of Barzona.png Gilberto Saldania
30 November 1948

16 July 1953
44 Coat of Arms of Barzona.png David Salas
16 July 1953

2 April 1957
Conservative Assassinated
45 Coat of Arms of Barzona.png Gilberto Saldania
2 April 1957

2 July 1960
46 Líber Seregni 1971.jpg Julian Delbonis
2 July 1960

21 May 1965
Liberal Killed in coup
Coat of Arms of Barzona.png Junta Nacional 21 May 1965

28 November 1965
47 Lieutenant General (FAP) Rolando Gilardi Rodriguez.jpg Gabriel Passos Ricard
28 November 1965

26 May 1971
48 Sergio Castillo Aránguiz.jpg Paulo Tenente
26 May 1971

14 January 1973
49 General Sergio Poblete.jpg Andreus Torres
14 January 1973

21 June 1974
50 Coat of Arms of Barzona.png Antonio Henderson Grenas
21 June 1974

12 July 1978
Military Led transition to democratic government after mass protests
51 Luis Maria Piñerua Ordaz.jpg Felix Casamont
12 July 1978

3 March 1981
Democratic Alliance Deposed by coup
52 Coat of Arms of Barzona.png Felipe Abbas
3 March 1981

27 May 1981
Independent Proclaimed president by military coup that was defeated with countercoup months later
53 Luis Maria Piñerua Ordaz.jpg Felix Casamont
27 May 1981

27 May 1986
Democratic Alliance
54 Ledezma.jpg Juan Josep Cousins Salomon
27 May 1986

22 May 1991
55 Rubén Estuardo Morales Monroy.jpg Mario Villanova
22 May 1991

22 May 1996
Conservative Investigated for corruption, in prison since 2010
56 Her Excellency Ms. Margarita Cedeño de Fernández, Vice-President of the Dominican Republic (8957848699)-edit.jpg Lisette Masis
22 May 1996

4 January 2005
Democratic Alliance Impeached by congress, sentenced 7 years in prison in 2008 for corruption
57 Presidente del Parlamento de El Salvador, Sigfrido Reyes, en entrevista en La Radio de la Asamblea Nacional (8590190483).jpg Piero Bos
4 January 2005

8 October 2005
Democratic Alliance Interim president
58 Mauricio Interiano.jpg Sebastian Capels
8 October 2005

7 October 2015
Conservative Charged with embezzlement by courts in 2018, fled country
59 Henrique Capriles en Lara, Venezuela.jpg Mario Nadir
7 October 2015

7 December 2020
Democratic Alliance Corruption rumors while in government
60 Her Excellency Ms. Margarita Cedeño de Fernández, Vice-President of the Dominican Republic (8957848699)-edit.jpg Lisette Masis
7 December 2020


Current cabinet

The Masis government took office in December 2020. The present composition is the same as took office in 2020 with the exception of Minister of Technologic Development when Clara Lucia Cárdenas Riguert replaced Diego Gutierres in September 2021. Magdalie Placide (National Unity) was the first government minister to come from Santa Elena.

Masis government

Ministry Current minister Assumed office
Her Excellency Ms. Margarita Cedeño de Fernández, Vice-President of the Dominican Republic (8957848699)-edit.jpg
Lisette Masis 21 December 2020
Vice president
Marlon Tabora Munoz 2021.jpg
Felix Ducasse 21 December 2020
Relacias Externas
External Relations
(Ernesto Muyshondt) El alcalde de San Salvador se interesa por las políticas de movilidad de Madrid.jpg
Antonio Izarra 21 December 2020
Ana Maria Mascena 21 December 2020
Omar Chehade (cropped).png
Luis Miquel Jaradat Soler 21 December 2020
Avil Ramírez V..jpg
Henry Torres Martel 21 December 2020
Economia Nacional e eu Travall
National Economy and Work
Viviane Morales Hoyos.jpg
Janneth Fontenoy Garrigues 21 December 2020
Transportes e Mobileda
Transport and Mobility
23 de marzo de 2018 - Encuentro con Embajador de Ecuador ante la ONU en Ginebra Suiza, Luis Gallegos. (26101642037).jpg
Carlos Barbieri 21 December 2020
Alberto Monserrate Bartols 21 December 2020
Mario Duran.jpg
Brayan Saldania 21 December 2020
Saneda e Proteccias Sociales
Health and Social Protections
Azalia Avilés (bilde 01).JPG
Eveline Zubizarreta 21 December 2020
Industria e Turizmo
Industry and Tourism
Óscar Chinchilla (cropped).jpg
Milton Josep Castevel Figueroa 21 December 2020
Diretos Humanos e Egualeda
Human Rights and Equality
Marisol Espinoza.jpg
Elsy Vergara Ribas 21 December 2020
Agricultura e Devolvemento Rural
Agriculture and Rural Development
Samuel Santos Lopez rice lopez 2007 0419 600.jpg
Josep Dupont Santmartin 21 December 2020
Uneda Nacional
National Unity
Diana Pokie 2016, 1.png
Magdalie Placide 21 December 2020
Cienza e Devolvemento Tecnologico
Science and Technologic Development
Clara Lucia Cárdenas Riguert 10 September 2021


Krispy logo

Barzona has a mixed economy, with significant policy and sectoral changes from agriculture and raw material extraction to more diversification into new sectors.

Agriculture in Barzona has traditionally centered on various tropical fruits, coffee and chocolate. Fishing is also important in Barzona, primarily along the coasts. Mining, typically for copper and nickel were a big sector in the economy, though that industry has been in decline over the past 30 years. Logging is important economic activity in the jungles of western Barzona. In the last 20 years, tourism has become one of the fastest-growing industries in Barzona.

Businesses in Barzona

One of the most successful businesses of Barzona is Krispy, a fried chicken restaurant chain that originated in Barzona city and is now present nationally. Many businesses in Barzona are from other TCC nations and contribute to the economy.

Demographics and culture


Racial and Ethnic Composition
Estimate for now

The people of Barzona come from a variety of ancestries. Over half of Barzuna are mestizo, a mix of (Castellanese, Franquese) white with indigenous. White Barzuna people are the second largest ethnic group. Indigenous are found throughout Barzona, the biggest ethnic group is the Edikanana (commonly known as Yavi after the river), followed by Taqueza, Yañacuita, Nanquin, Meyfe, Onoyoyo (used to be known as Daida, a Yavi term that means angry) and Itanese. In the islands of Sainte-Elena the majority of the population is creole of Central Archantan origin. Immigration to Barzona, especially in the late 19th and early 20th century, the 1950s and early 1960s and in recent years brought immigrants from places like Costa Azul, Kalm, Mazan and elsewhere.


Barzona is a multilingual nation though the Barzuna language is the most widely spoken language in the country and the only official language of the republic. In the past it was considered the language of the peasants and working class, while colonial administrators spoke Castellanese, but since the 18th century has become the main language of Barzona. Towns along parts of the border with Allendea, such as Narvas, Castellanese is spoken and understood due to proximity to Allendea, others like Santa Margarita the Castellanese language is the most common. Franquese is spoken in Bussot, the lingua franca of the island, and a local Franquese-based patois (franquais or patois Sainte-Elenais) is the most common language in Santa Elena.

The traditional largest indigenous language of Barzona is the Taqueza language, spoken though most of the country but because of the colonial history saw a massive decline in speakers where it is endangered in the modern period. The further north you get toward the border with Hueyapán the Taqueza language becomes less prevalent and instead Nawat dialects are more common, though also the number of speakers reduced dramatically due to colonization and government policies. In much of Yavi Department (and in neighbouring areas of Allendea), the Ediyana language is spoken by the Edikanana (Yavi) peoples. In western Esquibel department there are divergent Ediyana dialect still spoken by a few indigenous people. The related Yañacuita language is spoken in north and central Yavi department. In the south of the department Onoyoyo is spoken in a few remote communities, which is an isolate language. In Sant-Martin department, Cubutacubun is the most common indigenous language, particularly in the north and west. In the southwest area (Eu Volcan canton) a variety of the Meyfe language spoken in Allendea is spoken. Nanquin is spoken by the indigenous people of the Santa Marta islands, experts don't know the position of the language in linguistics very well, but there are some similarities with the Taqueza languages observed. In the south coast of Bussot there are still a few Itanese communities where the Itanese language is spoken, it used to be the historic language of the island but the indigenous were displaced to a few areas of the more remote south coast.


Religion in Barzona

Ortholic church

Map of the Episcopal conference of Barzona.png

Barzona is historically a majority Ortholic country. The influence of the Ortholic church started in the early 13th century during the Franquese colonial era. The oldest recorded church is located in the town of Sant-Miquel, consecrated around 1202. The spread of settlement by colonizers in the Marche region and up the coast in the mid 13th century saw the establishment of churches, the first diocese (Mondier) in 1267. Priests began to spread the Ortholic religion among indigenous peoples, indigenous allied with the Franquese or those who were servants and peasants of nobles and knights often were converted, there were also forced conversions in many parts. For the most parts the hostility of the indigenous to the colonizers prevented significant conversions, or many would be baptized but continue to practise their traditional religions.

Conversions to the Ortholic religion only became widespread the Castellanese colonial era with the destruction of the indigenous centers of power and religion and major efforts at conversion by religious orders and priests. By the early 1700s most of the people in Barzona were converted to the Ortholic religion (voluntary and forces). The Yavi rainforest region was the area with least influence of the church. Narvas and Amelia had religious missions founded in the early 19th century and from there expansion of the church occured to the new towns founded along the Yavi River and a few places in the interior. Presently the Ortholic religion accounts for over 60% of the population. Until 1917 it was the state religion but got removed by the Tempines government. Today freedom of religion and protection from discrimination and persecution is the law.

Diocese Seat Established Notes
Archdiocese of Barzona Catedral na Sant-Sebastian 1379 Founded as diocese in 1315
Diocese of Fontanet Catedral na Fontanet 1448 Separated from Diocese of Barzona
Diocese of Pradet Catedral na Pradet 1505 Separated from Diocese of Fontanet
Diocese of Port-Lis Catedral na Santa Elena 1864 Separated from Diocese of Pradet
Diocese of Safiza Catedral na Sant-Francisco 1990 Separated from Archdiocese of Barzona
as apostolic vicariate in 1945
Apostolic vicariate of Tunancinque Catedral na Sant-Cristove 1966 Separated from Archdiocese of Barzona
Archdiocese of Carante Catedral primada na Santa Maria 1592 Established as a diocese in 1589
Diocese of Mondier Catedral Sant-Piero 1237 Established as diocese in 1267, elevated to
archdiocese in 1349. After destruction of the
original city of Fontanet it was refounded as a diocese.
Diocese of Bergantin Catedral na Bergantin 1385 or 1386 Separated from Diocese of Mondier
Diocese of Baguerres Catedral Nuva na Baguerres 1597 Separated from Diocese of Mondier
Diocese of Niesa Catedral na Santa Maria 1773 Separated from Diocese of Bergantin
Apostolic vicariate of Bussot Cathédrale Sainte-Madeleine de Montfort 1928 Separated from Diocese of Mondier
Diocese of Cornel Catedral Sant-Piero e Sant-Paulo 1971 Separated from Diocese of Carante
Diocese of Narvas Catedral Santa Ana 2017 Separated from Diocese of Carante
to be apostolic vicariate in 1935

Other religions

Protestant relgions entered Barzona in the late 19th century and protestant churches are growing especially in the last 20 years, now the second largest group of religions at nearly 30%. Other religions within Barzona include Imanic, Maverick, Ibriyim/Hebraic, traditional indigenous religions and others accounting for over 4%. Today 99% of indigenous religious are located in Yavi Department among the Yañacuita, Edikanana and Onoyoyo. The Ortholic religion is well established in major towns in the indigenous areas of Yavi Department but not particularly common among smaller villages and hamlets. The Onoyoyo in particular have been very resistant to the church. Non-religious people make up a 5% of the population (atheist, agnostic, etc) and is growing, mainly in cities and urban areas.


Barzona has a fairly varied though largely warmer climate owing to its geographic location and latitude. Coastal Barzona is fairly warm and humid, but benefits from a see brreze to bring cooler weather. Mountainous areas of Barzona tend to be cooler and often perpetually springlike, with cool-cold winters, though snow is very rare aside from mountain summits. Inner Barzona (Yavi Department) is consistently very hot and humid, characterized by a a fairly rainy summer and a comparatively drier winter.



The interior of Barzona has a cuisine influenced by the combination of indigenous and Castellanese dishes. Common foods throughout the country include dishes like fried chicken, polardo farcido (a stuffed chicken), empanadas, baleadas and pupusas, quesadilla na formaze (a cheese cake), casamento (rice and beans served with tortillas and breakfast). A lot of dishes are similar to other countries in the region due to the colonial history. Barzonan cuisine is moderately spicy, fragrant and hearty. In Carante and the mountains one of the most typical dishes is the simultanio (or simultanio serrano), a stew of chicken, pork, beef (sometimes also lamb) with potatoes, plantains, yuca, corn and tortillas. Certain exotic dishes can also be found in parts of the country, such as iguana, garrobo (armadillo) and others.

In Southern Barzona and coastal Barzona, Franquese based dishes are a major part of the traditional food, often using local ingredients and substitutions. Seafood is also important in the local food. A lot of the dishes such as estofat, bollabasa and others are often served with spicy chiles and boiled corn, which are not present in the original Franquese dish. In this part of Barzona you can find for example pistou soup, though the pistou is generally spicy and the soup is often done with black beans. Barzonan casolet (cassoulet) is prepared with achiote to give it a red color. A lot of dishes make use of seafood, including stews and other fish dishes like fried fish, ceviche, marmitaco. Seafood empanadas are also a specialty of the coast. In the very south east of Barzona escargotes bergantinos (escargots bergantins) as a local delicacy, stewed with a chili sauce.

In the rainforest area there is a unique cuisine based off of the indigenous culture. Dishes are mainly focused on freshwater fish, yuca, other herbs and tubers, tacazo (dish with boiled plantain) and some meat like pork, chicken and capybara. The islands of Barzona have their own unique cuisine as well. In Bussot a lot of the food is similar to southern Barzona and Broceliande with dishes like ratatouille, bouillabaise, cassoulet, fried and stewed seafood. They also have their own version of empanadas, the empanade, which is always fried unlike in the mainland of Barzona and are usually served with chiles. In Sainte-Elena and La Pitaye seafood is a major part of the cuisine, with dishes like stews, fried fish, shrimp, such as divé de pwason (combination plate of different fried fishes) and estoufad de poulpe (a octupus stew). A popular fast food is boquit/bokit, a flatbread sandwich. Bussotian and Sainte-Elenian cuisine is sometimes spicier than in Barzona.


Barzona has a varied musical history.


The Forzas Armadas na Barzona is the armed forces. There are three branches of the military, the army, air force and coast guard. During the dictatorship period, Barzona maintained a well-equipped army, and had air force and navy that lagged behind in alocated funds and resources. Since the 1980s, more of a focus is placed on Barzona's contribution to Lycene and TCC defence, and the government embarked on a program throug the 1990s that eliminated the navy in exchange for better equipped coast guard, and brought more funding to the air force to become a speciality for Barzona.


Air force

  • Base aeria na Pinos: Largest air force base, contains fighter and fighter-bomber aircraft, helicopters, transport/cargo aircraft. Is also used by the Federal States Air Force 13th Air Expeditionary Wing.
  • Base aeria na Narvas: Along Allendea border on Yavi River, contains a few fighter aircraft and transport and supply helicopters.
  • Base aeria na Santa Carolina: Base in Barzona city with fighter and transport units.
  • Base aeria Sandrina: Base in the Carante area, has mostly transport aircraft and some fighter-bombers.

Coast guard


Notes and references

  1. Yavi was known as Departamento nalla Selva before being renamed on 1 January 2016 after consultation with indigenous peoples of the area.
  2. Surface area for the islands, rocks and islets comprising the department totals just 102.4km².
  3. Surface area for the islands comprising the department totals just 6.25km².