Administrative divisions of Demirhan Empire

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Current administrative dates back to the year 1841 when the first Constitution was established. At the time Demirhan Empire was an unitary state divided into 14 mainland provinces (eyalets): Ardeşehir, Yerkenderun, Viralmanaz, Malazıt, Neril, Burhane, Silvanca, Akdalyakale, Denglikar, Nehirhisar, Haderot, Rudafşar, Şirvandar and several overseas provinces. Every province was divided into sanjaks.

The first change came when Lorantis seceded from the empire. The eyalets of Neril and half of Malazıt were lost and overseas eyalet of Şneldorf was created around the eponymous island. The Second Constitution changed the form of governance to federal and six regions (bölge) with own parliaments were created. Regional parliaments gained responsibility over administrative divisions, education and culture maintenance. However every change in the eyalet law still must be approved by local governor so many international organizations criticize the system as "fake democracy".

Despite these concerns several provinces gained large portion of autonomy. Initially the autonomy was proposed to Aryan, Sherkman and Ibrıyım minorities but the leader of the latter, Şalom Yusuf Paşa rejected the proposal being afraid of loosing connection with the Ibrıyım communities in other parts of the empire. The borders of the minority regions also changed slightly following the migration of Turquese to the mountains because of growing mining industry and turkification process during Faşist Süleyman rule. In this period Karsun Eyaleti was separated from Alaklareli. In 1998 small Ibrıyım province was created. Currently the special rights in the provinces go as follows:

  • In provinces named vilayets (Şneldorf and Yevercin) the provincial council has much more broad competences towards education and government of the province. It can establish own tax system, as well as own funds as long as it pays the share for central government. The subdivisions may bear local unique names.
  • In the Şirvan Ostanı the Aryan language is taught in schools as an optional subject at native level. It is also co-official language of the local parliament. Local governors hold the title of Ostandar instead of Vali. The term "şahrestandar" is in use instead of "bey". Ahurian priests are recognised by law and they can give marriages and divorces recognised by a state in the same way as the sacraments given by Iman priests. Ahurian new year, Navruz is also local holiday.
  • In Zorlayıcı Dağları Mahosı Ibrıyım is co-official language, taught in schools at native level. The sacraments given by Ibriyim priests are recognised by a state. Several differences between local and state civil code. The province is called Mahos and is divided into Nafa.


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List of provinces
Province Capital Population Area Population density
Ardeşehir Eyaleti Ardeşehir 14725619 4165,14 3535
Sahil Eyaleti Viktorya 3173804 11933,73 265,95
Kıran Eyaleti Almıros 3342842 52375,01 64,30
Tarsinar Eyaleti Tarsinar 2783623 23322,84 122,62
Doğu Karadolu Eyaleti Perşehir 2611482 57066,65 45,76
Batı Karadolu Eyaleti Burhane 2860124 60111,42 47,58
Kan Vadi Eyaleti Nehirhisar 2896508 34941,94 82,89
Kuru Vadi Elayeti Gölbostan 2191329 57513,20 38,10
Yevercin Vilayeti Denglikar 1290337 45846,72 28,14
Şneldorf Eyaleti Şneldorf 68863 1112,01 61,93
Zorlayıcı Dağları Mahosı Haderot 850487 19751,13 43,06
Şirvan Ostanı Şirvandar 2686730 34369,03 78,17
Total 39481748 405055,81 97