OpenGeofiction:User permissions

From OpenGeofiction

Wiki accounts on OpenGeofiction are assigned into a user permission group. This controls the ability to create and edit pages. This mainly allows for new users to participate in the forum, while not being able to create articles.

User permissions to edit & create pages
Namespace User Territory owner Collab member Assistant Administrator
(main) Emb-red.png Emb-green.png Emb-green.png Emb-green.png Emb-green.png
Talk: Emb-red.png Emb-green.png Emb-green.png Emb-green.png Emb-green.png
User: Emb-green.png Emb-green.png Emb-green.png Emb-green.png Emb-green.png
User talk: Emb-green.png Emb-green.png Emb-green.png Emb-green.png Emb-green.png
OpenGeofiction: Emb-red.png Emb-red.png Emb-red.png Emb-green.png Emb-green.png
OpenGeofiction talk: Emb-red.png Emb-green.png Emb-green.png Emb-green.png Emb-green.png
File: Emb-red.png Emb-green.png Emb-green.png Emb-green.png Emb-green.png
File talk: Emb-red.png Emb-green.png Emb-green.png Emb-green.png Emb-green.png
Template: Emb-red.png Emb-red.png Emb-red.png Emb-green.png Emb-green.png
Template talk: Emb-red.png Emb-green.png Emb-green.png Emb-green.png Emb-green.png
Help: Emb-red.png Emb-green.png Emb-green.png Emb-green.png Emb-green.png
Help talk: Emb-red.png Emb-green.png Emb-green.png Emb-green.png Emb-green.png
Category: Emb-red.png Emb-green.png Emb-green.png Emb-green.png Emb-green.png
Category talk: Emb-red.png Emb-green.png Emb-green.png Emb-green.png Emb-green.png
Forum: Emb-green.png Emb-green.png Emb-green.png Emb-green.png Emb-green.png
Forum talk: Emb-red.png Emb-red.png Emb-red.png Emb-green.png Emb-green.png
Collab: Emb-red.png Emb-green.png Emb-green.png Emb-green.png Emb-green.png
Collab talk: Emb-green.png Emb-green.png Emb-green.png Emb-green.png Emb-green.png
Index: Emb-red.png Emb-green.png Emb-green.png Emb-green.png Emb-green.png
Index talk: Emb-green.png Emb-green.png Emb-green.png Emb-green.png Emb-green.png
Admin: Emb-green.png
Admin talk: Emb-green.png

See also