User:Awesomeboy123/Canterra Mapping Theme

From OpenGeofiction

Simple mapping themes for Canterra.


Canterra's address system is very simple, except for Toamai Roopus, and Kukebi villages.


Normal format for addresses:

[N] X Street, [4th level subdivision if needed], [3rd level subdivision], [2nd level subdivison], [State]

If a building is on the corner of two streets, the address shall be the street that the front door lies on. If for some reason, there are front doors on two streets, then the street with the shorter name will be choosed for the address.

For apartments and flats, the format follows:

[room number]/[floor], [N] X Street, [4th level subdivision if needed], [3rd level subdivision], [2nd level subdivison], [State]

For Toamai Roopus, the address goes to the village mailbox, then gets delivered to a exact person. Same goes for Kukebi villages. If any of these settlements get a population of more than 200 people, then the village will have to use the standard format for addresses.

Format: [village], [3rd level subdivision], [2nd level subdivison], [State]


- Address of Canterra Parliament Building (The Dome): 1 Dome St, Beauliet, Roswynnet, Nautecove

- Address of Highsky Tower: 2 Sky Loop, Ahunmu, Arbor, Nautecove

- Former address of Ricky Ainsworth (Yazana): 1710/17, 93 Sabieret Rd, Bentainon, Goloran, Nautecove

- Address of a Toamai Roopu with the 2nd lowest population of all Toamai Roopus: Manetiki, Uparoe Canton, Sisikameta County, Parlenage

House numbering

Canterra uses the European scheme, except for Toamai and Kukebi villages. In the villages with a population of less then 200 people, everyone knows each other, and therefore, they navigate to a specific house with the owner's name.