User:Poiponen13/Postal codes in Mecyna

From OpenGeofiction

Option 1

Postal codes are four digit numeric. The first digit is for the postal region, as listed below:

  • 1xxx Silversea
  • 2xxx Volopinate
  • 3xxx Guntrum-Xandria
  • 4xxx Phoenix
  • 5xxx Dream
  • 6xxx Glotaqua
  • 7xxx Gilagonas
  • 8xxx Qu-Anges
  • 9xxx Northern Wilderness

In Silversea and Phoenix postal codes are in the format 1XYZ, where X and Y are the two digits of the district number (from 01 to 23) and the last digit is the identification number of the post office in the district (there are more than one in each district). A special system exists for PO Box deliveries, which do not follow the district system. These special postal codes refer to a specific post office rather than an area. The "1000" postal code designates the Countrywide Logistics Centre, which is currently located outside the 1000 region, in Budaörs, which is in the 2000 region.

The rest of the country is structured as follows:

  • Provincial capitals are always designated a postcode ending with "00". However, some cities have postal codes ending on "00" without being a provincial capital.
  • Cities generally have postcodes ending with "0".
  • Smaller towns and villages have any other number.