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Bai Empire

Flag of Zhenkang Bai Empire
Imperial Seal

百帝国 ㄅㄞˇ ㄉㄧˋ ㄍㄨㄛˊ (Baiyu)
Capital: Xiongjing
Population: 220,241,040 (2020)
Motto: 百省一心, 百人充一, 大百帝国
Anthem: Hundred Provinces Together
Royal Anthem: Hymn to the Empire
Flag Anthem: The Chrysanthemum and Stripes Forever

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The Bai Empire (Baiyu: 百帝国 bǎi dì guó) is a country in Northern Archanta. A semi-constitutional monarchy with a parliamentary democracy, the empire is one of the largest countries in the world and among the most populous nations. Bai faces the Belphenian Sea to its north and the Ardentic Ocean to its east; Bai borders Kaosha to the northeast, Kanglapo to its east, Huaxia to its south and southeast, and Grinzez to its west. The capital of the Bai Empire is Xiongjing (雄京) with other major urban areas of the empire including Port Dunghoi (东海港) and key financial centre Jincheng (今城). The current monarch of Bai is the Hexi Empress, and the Chancellor is Huang Cailin.

The empire originated in many separate kingdoms until they were first unified under Fu Huang in the 3rd century AD. The short-lived Fu Dynasty was then succeeded by a series of dynasties, with brief periods of civil conflict alongside advancements in technology and culture. The various princely states were reunited under the First Bai Empire in the 13th century, but the Empire was subsequently conquered by the Kyawals in the 15th century. Under the Kyawal-led Suo Dynasty (索朝), the Bai began its mass expansionism and colonisation of the kingdom beyond Northern Archanta. After the collapse of the Suo, the weak Lin had to face off Ulethan powers and its proxies seeking control over the region. Through the Bai Strengthening Movement, the Middle Bai Dynasty was established in 1798 as a semi-constitutional monarchy, ending absolute dynastic rule in Bai.

At the turn of the 20th century, tensions between the socialists and the fascists led to a brief end to dynastic rule through a Fascist coup in 1922. The totalitarian Fascist regime under Yu Shanliu instigated the devastating War of Fellow Brothers as the new Republic sought to expand its influence against its socialist neighbours. Although the rebels emerged victoriously and ended Fascist rule, Bai fell into a period of anarchy known as the Warlord Era as various factions fought for power and control. In the 1960s, the New Bai Dynasty was established through the Eastern Expedition. Under the regent Yu Zeming, he implemented the Weixin (维新) programme which contributed to the recovery and growth of the empire's economy.

Today, besides the Bai, there are also native Grinzian, Aschnarese, Nakah, Mgong and Kyawals in the country. The national language of the empire is Baiyu, which about 90% speak. Many of its citizens live in densely populated cities on the northern and eastern coasts, while the Empire has vast areas of wilderness that support the world's highest levels of biodiversity. A regional power in Northern Archanta, the Bai Empire has one of the largest economies in the world and one of the most developed nations in the region. However, the empire still faces prevalent gender inequality, economic inequality and certain restrictions on civil liberties and political rights.


Flag of Zhenkang Socialist Republic of Kanglapo
ᥞᥣᥐᥚᥨ-ᥛᥤᥢ ᥐᥨᥒᥐᥣᥒᥞᥣᥖ ᥘᥣ ᥐᥣᥒᥘᥣᥙᥨ (Kanglapolish)
Capital: Nandacheongfu
Population: 21,744,876 (2021)

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The Socialist Republic of Kanglapo (Kanglapolish: ᥞᥣᥐᥚᥨ-ᥛᥤᥢ ᥐᥨᥒᥐᥣᥒᥞᥣᥖ ᥘᥣ ᥐᥣᥒᥘᥣᥙᥨ Sakpo'min Konkangsat la Kanglapo), or simply Kanglapo, is a communist state in Northern Archanta. To its west and north are the Bai Empire and Kinglavia, and to its south is Huaxia. Approximately half of the country's population resides in urban cities in the south, including the capital Nandacheongfu, Samchincheong and Czhong-cheongging. The official language of the nation is Kanglapolish, which has many regional dialects, with the Kanglapolish Kosh being its currency.

The Katayans established the Lshming Kingdom in the 8th century after a treaty that united the Katayan tribes. Lshming became a tributary state of Bai in the 13th century and later fell under Surian control in 1623 through the Lin-Surian Wars. Kanglapo attained independence in 1808, but its early history as an independent nation-state was marked by political and socio-economic upheaval. While Kanglapo stabilised and modernised under the dictatorship of Cha Ming, his death sparked another succession crisis, leading to a communist revolution led by Tak Ning Lei.

Kanglapo was one of the major participants of the War of Fellow Brothers, and actively supported Bai communists resisting the Fascist Regime. Approximately six million Katayans perished during the war. After the War, the period of dictatorship under Ming Sa Hing continued until his death. Succeeded by Li Ching Sam, Kanglapo liberalised and modernised under key socialist principles, and transformed into a technologically-advanced developed country driven by a highly educated and skilled workforce today.


Flag of Zhenkang Principality of Kinglavia
ᥐᥤᥒᥞᥣᥐᥗᥤᥐᥣᥢ (Kanglapolish)
Capital: Kingkatcheong
Population: 215,476 (2021)

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The Principality of Kinglavia (Kanglapolish: ᥐᥤᥒᥞᥣᥐᥗᥤᥐᥣᥢ) is a landlocked sovereign microstate in Northern Archanta. Bordered by the Bai Empire to the north and west and Kanglapo to the south and east, it is one of the smallest nations in the world at only 458.85 km². Most of the country is forested and mountainous, with the main population centre and capital being Kingkatcheong. Kinglavia is an absolute monarchy led by the House of Jin.

The Katayan Tribe of King settled in the frontier mountains between Bai and Kanglapo in 500 BC. During the Lin-Surian Wars, the Katayan rebels led by Jin Sut fled to the mountains. Proclaiming himself Prince Jin of King, he established the present principality in 1624. Due to the hostile terrain and self-imposed isolation, Kinglavia remained outside of Surian and Bai control for the next 300 years. It gained official independence from Communist Kanglapo through the Satyong Treaty in 1921. Despite recent economic reforms, Kinglavia remains one of the world's least developed countries but is often praised for its efforts to preserve its culture, heritage and natural habitats.


Cộng hòa liên bang Quê Hương
Quê Hương
File:Flag of Kuehong.pngFile:Kue Hong COA.png
FlagCoat of arms

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Bài Hát Quê Hương Tôi
Song of my homeland
Largest cityNamthinhvuong
Official languagesKuehongese
 • National languagesKuehongese
 • Regional languagesNeeg
Ethnic GroupsKue (67.7%)
Bai (18.5%)
Other Archantans (4.7%)
Neeg (3.6%)
Other (5.5%)
GovernmentFederal Parliamentary Stratocracy
 • Chariman of the National Security and Stability CommitteeLe Van Kiet
 • Chief of the AssemblyLe Van Xuan
LegislatureNational Advisory Assembly
 • Total160000 km2
 • Census (2014)32 million
HDI (2015)Increase 0.679
CurrencyNew Kuehongese Bạc
Golden Provisional Bạc (NKB)
Drives on theleft

Kuehong (Kuehongese: 家乡 Quê Hương pronounced [kweˈhɔŋ]), officially the Federal Republic of Kuehong (Kuehongese: 共和联邦家乡 Cộng hòa liên bang Quê Hương), is a republic located on the Muinon Peninsula in northern Archanta. To its north it is Fayaan, while to its southwest it borders with Cinasia. Kuehong has a population of 32 million, out of which 72% are native Kue, with the remaining being Bai, Neeg or other ethnic minorities. The capital is Bakdep (北叶 Bắc Đẹp), while Namthinhvuong (南盛旺 Nam Thịnh Vượng) is the largest city and the key financial centre of the country.

Kuehong was inhabited from as early as 20 000 BC. The Kue established their first kingdom in 500 BC and became a vassal state of the Bai until the Hoai Dynasty. In the 15th to 16th century, the region was annexed to be part of the Bai Empire (under the Suo Dynasty). The Kue later became part of the Yuet Kingdom which rebelled against the Suo but failed to gain control of Bai Proper, leading into the Peninsula War. After which, the Yuet became subjected to foreign powers. In 1928, the Kue rebelled against the Cinasian Republic that succeeded the Yuet. Shortly after its official independence, Kuehong became a communist state, after which the new military junta unified with Northern Cinasia to form the Federal Republic. In 1967, after a decade of political instability, the military seized power and transformed Kuehong into a stratocracy. Kuehong developed rapidly under military rule, and the military initiated a series of economic and political reforms in the 80s that facilitated Kuehong's integration into world politics and the global economy.

Till today, Kuehong is still embroiled in rampant ethnic strifes in the rural areas in Loi Xo, Trac Khe and Phuong Lam, despite efforts in securing peace in the region. Being a stratocracy, it has a strong military force consisting entirely of the population. Although there are large improvements in the quality of education, healthcare, life expectancy, personal safety and housing, it continues to face challenges including poverty, corruption and inadequate social welfare, alongside allegations of human rights abuses against ethnic minorities.

See also