Forum:Federal States/FSA Coordinator Vacancy

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ForumsFederal States → Federal States/FSA Coordinator Vacancy

While the current FSA Omnibus Ballot is still open for voting through Tuesday, based on the results so far of the advisory poll and with varnel_maiser/CartographerKing's term ending on 15 February, I wanted to announce what will happen with the soon-to-be-vacant FSA Coordinator role.

Effective 15 February, the role of FSA Coordinator will be officially vacant. As one of the continental admins for Archanta, I will be serving as Acting Coordinator while the official FSA Coordinator position is vacant. As Acting Coordinator, my primary duties will be managing the day-to-day business of the FSA, including monitoring the forums and answering questions about the project as needed; however, all new projects and initiatives (if any) must be introduced by members of the community. (The remainder of this post will refer to "Acting Coordinator" in the third person so we can use these procedures again if another vacancy occurs and/or if a different admin ends up taking my place at some point.)

While the FSA Coordinator role remains vacant, self-nominations for the FSA Coordinator role will remain open. If a mapper nominates themselves, the Acting Coordinator will send out a one-week Vote of Confidence ballot to current FSA stateowners in good standing; 75% of respondents must vote "yes" for the nominee to be considered a candidate for the role. If the nominee clears the initial Vote of Confidence, there will be a one-week waiting period to see if there are any other interested mappers to serve as FSA Coordinator. If there are no other nominees and the initial nominee is acceptable to the OGF admin team, the initial nominee will automatically become the FSA Coordinator for the remainder of the term (through 15 August). If there are multiple valid nominees, we will have a second ballot to determine the community's recommendation and the OGF admin team will choose an FSA Coordinator.

If the FSA Coordinator role remains vacant by 15 July, the Acting Coordinator will start a new forum thread to discuss alternatives to the current FSA Coordinator role in advance of the next omnibus ballot.

Note that none of these procedures affect Fluffr_Nuttr's role as FSA Eastern Coordinator, assuming the active Vote of Confidence results in retaining Fluffr for the next term (a safe assumption, based on the preliminary results).

If you have any questions or comments, feel free to discuss here or send me a message. -TheMayor (talk) 22:05, 13 February 2022 (UTC)