Government of Teotiyolcan

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Government of Teotiyolcan
Bureaucratic Monarchy
Head of state
• Huey TlatoaniTecuhuecapanoa
• Huey CihuacoatlTlamatcayetoct

The government of Teotiyolcan is a Monarchy, with the Huey Tlatoani as both the head of state and the head of religion. Although in the distant past the Huey Tlatoani was at the center of government, as the empire grew they became less involved with the day-to-day rule of the Empire, letting much of that go to the many different councils of advisors and the Huey Cihuacoatl, who holds a position similar to the "Head of Government".

Government System


List of Emperors

※ - Abidicated

† - Overthrown/Murdered

‡ - Exiled

Emperors of Teotiyolcan
No. Image Name Birth Reign from Reign to Huey Cihuacoatl
The Ahecatl Dynasty (1223-1298)
1 Zozic ? 1223 1242
2 Nahualquizqui I ? 1242 1259

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3 Tepopoloanīztlacateteo ? 1259 1276
4 Aquinlecuēni ? 1276 1289
5 Cutoniuhtli ? 1289 1298†
Cencaltin Mayo (1298-1338)
6 Cecepatic ? 1298 1301†
7 Cecepaticiuctli ? 1301 1302
8 Comonquixochitl ? 1302 1314‡
9 Nahualquizqui II ? 1314 1323
10 Tlapayahuiteocuitlalli ? 1323 1338†
Cencaltin Mixcahuia (1338-1352)
11 Chipahualizpahuic ? 1338 1352† Tried to drastically minimize what he considered the excesses of society, but failed to win over the priesthood and was deposed.
Cencaltin Huapahuaca (1354-1640)
12 Acoquizatl I ? 1354 1372
13 Icnoaicnopilti ? 1372 1392
14 Tecutonameyotl ? 1392 1421
15 Ixmimiztalia I ? 1421 1465
16 Iconotecuhpilti ? 1465 1493
17 Ecatecuhcoyaotl ? 1493 1535
18 Ixmimiztalia II ? 1535 1569
19 Tecuacualnezcayotl ? 1569 1601
20 Yecnemilizticatzintli I ? 1601 1640 Died with no appointed heir.
Cencaltin Ticocotzoah (1640-1723)
21 Yecnemilizticatzintli II ? 1654 1668
22 Yecnemilizticatzintli III ? 1668 1672
23 Yaototiootzinquizqui ? 1672 1690
24 Yecnemilizticatzintli IV ? 1690 1702
25 Acoquizatl II ? 1702 1723†
Cencaltin Tlateochiuhtli (1723-Present Day)
26 Yecnemilizticatzintli V ? 1723 1728
27 Yecnemilizticatzintli VI ? 1728 1743
28 Yecnemilizticatzintli VII ? 1743 1757
29 Tecuiccen ? 1757 1770
30 Axanauaque ? 1770 1782
31 Motititlatonatiuh "Tlamatzintli" ? 1782 1829 The only emperor given a honorific.
32 Motititlatonatiuh II ? 1829 1834※‡
33 Yecnemilizticatzintli VIII ? 1834 1867
34 Tecuacalnemachiliani I ? 1867 1902
35 Tecumahuizo ? 1902 1934
36 Tecuacalnemachiliani II ? 1934 1988
37 Tecuhuecapanoa ? 1988 Present Day