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Flag of Arion Arion
Αριον (Hellanesian)
Capital: Laros
Population: 3400000 (2018)
Motto: Από τα λόγια των Αρχαίων (From the words of the ancients)
Anthem: Ode to the Sea and Land

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Arion is a Hellanesian country in Ghetoria (West Uletha) located on the eastern coast of the Sea of Uthyra near the Liberian Strait. The capital is located in the city of Laros, and other major cities are Ipsore, Orlioni, and Pasapolias. Arion has a long history, and is one of the oldest democratic governments in the world. It has had a tense relationship with Mazan and Aden, with Mazan occupying Arion in 702 AD , and numerous long wars being fought between the three nations. Arion was also a minor colonial power, but lost most of the colonies in the 1800s, along with a substantial amount of land in the Rakos War with Kalm and later in the Great War.

The Ancient Republic of Arion

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"Από τα λόγια των Αρχαίων"
From the words of the Ancients
Largest cityCretra
Official languagesHellanesian
Ethnic Groups
Hellanesian (70.5%), Mazanic (21.5%), Allirian (3%), Mauretian (2%), Gueyrandais (1.5%), Other ( 1.5%)
GovernmentJoint Participatory and Elected Arionic Democracy
 • Epistate
 • Eponymous Archon
 • Polemarch
 • King Archon
LegislatureThe Fora
 • Upper houseCouncil of 200
 • Lower houseEcclesia
 • Total73,464.26 km2
HDI (2015)0.84
very high
CurrencyEliaithos (𝜉 ) (ETOS)


Pre-1500 AD

Indigenous People

Arion was inhabited by scattered proto-mazanic tribes since at least 4000 BCE. They were primarily hunter-gatherers and roamed the land. Little is known about them today, although recent archaeological excavations in the province of Seleves are beginning to paint a picture of a primarily hunter gatherer nation with a few relatively major settlements that began a steep decline around 2500 BCE, and were small in number and scattered by the time the hellanesians arrived. [1]

Arrival of the Hellanesians

The Hellanesians, which originated in the upper Uythran, came across Arion around 1900 BCE, although recent excavations suggest they may have arrived as early as 2000 BCE. They established small outposts, and their presence continued to grow. The peninsula had become a collection of independent city states by 600 BCE, who began to expand their influence outwards. Cretra is the most prosperous of these city-states. This is around the time that the Hellanesian civilizations, which were closely connected by trade, begin to travel out through the Liberian Strait, and the Arionic Peninsula became one of the most important centers of the Hellanesian culture. [2]


Beginning in 100 AD, the Romantian Empire sweeps through Arion and the strait, and they become the furthest provinces of the powerful empire. The romantians bring their new religion as well, and do not tolerate the old religion. Their rule is marked by major rebellions in 245, 260, and 295 AD, which loosened the empire's tight grip on the peninsula. As the empire is embroiled in wars elsewhere, the rebellion of 325 AD takes back the Arionic Peninsula for the Hellanesians, with the southern city-state of Cretra and the northern city-state of Pasapolis leading the rebellion and becoming the geopolitical centers. The peninsula is split between four states, Cretra, Pasapolias, Amaniki, and Seleves.

Golden Age

And so begins the golden age of the Arionic Peninisula. The states foster culture and knowledge and are prosperous. Arionites explore the eastern Sea of Uythra, and establish settlements on multiple islands. One of these islands is modern-day St Isabelle, which was first settled in 332, and was the home to multiple settlements before the 411 Eruption of Mt Azufral, which forced the Arionites to flee as pyroclastic flows covered their settlements. The settlements remained buried until 1776, when they were found by a slave working on a plantation. There's no evidence of further settlement, and numerous eruptions witnessed by passing Arionic ships likely dissuaded further settlement. In 500 AD the states of Amaniki and Seleves merge (forming the state of Amaniki-Seleves) to combat the growing dominance of Cretra and Pasapolias, with the First Treaty of Laros. The states are peaceful towards each other. The democratic governments are un-demanding. However, the looming threat of another empire, the Mazanic Empire prompts the states to merge into one entity for greater strength against the Mazanic, with the second Treaty of Laros in 598 AD. Although each state retains some independence as provinces of the new Republic of Arion, the government is now firmly based in Pasapolias, which was selected to balance out the natural dominance of the south on governance.

Mazanic Occupation

The new country of Arion is able to keep the increasingly hawkish Mazanic Empire at bay for a century, but in 702 AD Mazan launches a massive attack and quickly decimates the border, rapidly taking Pasapolias and the north. The south is quickly conquered as well, and by 703 Mazan is able to control all traffic on the eastern and western sides of the strait. The "Uthyran Area Powers" intervene in 735 and stalemate for a few years until they just barely manage to force out Mazan in 746. Skirmishes and small battles continue until 750, but from 750 and on the Arionic Peninsula is mostly out of Mazanic hands. The Republic is reinstated with support from the "Uthyran Area Powers" and re-establishes itself with the capital in Seleves. The 3rd treaty of Laros is signed with Mazan in 751. Mazan continues to hold the land just north of Pasapolias.

850-1500 AD

From 868 until 1500, there are a series of small wars and many skirmishes in the area of land just north of Pasapolias, and the city itself changes hands multiple times between the Mazanic in Aden and Arion. In 984 , as Mazan grows in strength, it invades the northern islands of Arion, but fails to get any further and is repulsed by 1088. These conflicts are collectively known as the Pasapolias Wars. During this time the republic grows and prospers still, and expands into neighboring areas. However, it is embroiled in many small wars in the east and overseas around 1200, and loses many of the gains it made. In 1423 they establish formal relations with the Castellanese and shortly after the Kalmish and the Ingerish. They make an alliance with the Castellanese and therefore their allies the Ingerish to allow safe passage and peace, and good relations follow.

Post 1500 AD

Renaissance Period

Conquest of Aden

In the 1700s, Arion became increasingly expansionist and anti-Imani, with many Imani's being expelled from Arion due to the large amount of anger at Mazan and Aden due to the invasion and the many wars that took place until 1500. Anti-Imani and Anti-Adenian sentiments grew larger in the 1760s, with the ascension of Alcane Leanro to the position of Polemarch. He was the undisputed leader of Arion during this time, and oversaw a massive increase in the military might of Arion, much of which was massed in the north, supposedly to defend against possible attacks.

However, Leanro was really just waiting for the right moment to strike against Aden (at the time known as Asan), and when a civil war broke out between the Harari's and the Asanians, he chose to strike. Arion's forces invaded Aden on the 16 Feburary 1775, and rapidly overwhelmed the Adenians with the rapid attack, in what he dubbed "Pόlemoς Flaς", or "Rapid Warfare". However, he was not as good as defending what he had gained, and as such, Arion rapidly lost much of the coastal areas within the first year, with much of the losses occurring after their first defeat in Aden Mdin. However, despite the loss of Baytrouh and later in 1778, Ousayn, Arion continued to hold the majority of the inland portion of southern Aden, and controlled the vast majority of the islands. In 1777, Arion had begun to merge numerous small towns together into one city, which is currently called Harbel Mdin, but at the time was named Φλεςρι (Fleςri) by the Arionites. The city was the base of operations for the military occupation, and was the capital of the newly christened Fleςri Province. The city, despite being mostly Hellanesian, still had a sizable and ostracized population of Imani. In 1778, the Arionites, by order of the Polemarch, began to systematically brutalize and murder the Imani population both of the city, in particular the Imani quarters, and the nearby towns and villages, in what is now known as the Genocide in Harbel Mdin. Over 50,000 Imanis were killed in the genocide. However, the Adenians fought back, sending troops to Harbel Mdin, starting the War of Harbel Mdin, one of the deadliest in the history of the region.

Peak of Expansion

Rakos Wars


Great War

Present Borders



The highest point of Arion is Mount Oyranόirekenes, which reaches 4632m in height, and towers over all other mountains in the central range.


Administrative Divisions


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Economy of Arion
Regulated Market
CurrencyEliathos (𝜉)
Monetary authorityPasapolias Central Bank
GDP (PPP)92240000000
• Per capita27129.4
GDP (nominal)62360000000
• Per capita18341.2
HDI (2018)Increase 0.84
very high
Unemployment rate6.5%
Gini Index32.3


Ground Transportation - The Noun Project.svg
Infrastructure of Arion
Driving sideRight
• Passing sideRight
Telephone code+222


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Demographics of Arion
Official languagesHellanesian
Recognized minority languagesMazanic, Allirian, Eganian, Maurit
Arionic Ekelan
Mauroi Christic
Other Christic
LiteracyIncrease 96.3%
Life expectancyIncrease 79


References and Notes

  1. Rodham, G., DiAngelo, N. and Jackson, S. (2012) 'Proto-Mazanic Villages in Arion', Journal of the Uthrya Archaeology Institute, 132(24), pp. 24-78.
  2. Chorizos, B (2017) Comprehensive History of Pre-Golden Age Arion , 12 edn., Seleves: Gyres Books.