Culture of Huaxia
华夏拥有丰富的、基于华朝文明和汉字的华夏文化,有琴、棋、书、画、传统音乐、杂技舞蹈、武术、十六生肖、六行、地干天支、传统思想、历法、节气节日、民间工艺、美食等文化分支。 | Huaxia has a rich cultural heritage based on the civilization of the Huachao and the Huaxian character (汉字) system. Its cultural branches include music, chess, calligraphy, painting, traditional music, acrobatics and dance, martial arts, the Sixteen Zodiac Animals (十六生肖), the Six Elements (六行), the Earthly Stems (地干) and Heavenly Branches (天支), traditional philosophy, calendars, calendar terms (节气) and festivals, folk crafts, cuisine, etc. |
地方 · 民族文化
宗教 · 民间信仰 / Religious & beliefs
华夏允许宗教信仰自由,但时下多数华夏人受现代生活带来的实用主义影响,不信仰宗教。截至2010年,华夏信教人口约占总人口7%,主要有本土的鹿珈教(Rogga)、外来的曼萨特教(Mansand)。前者是华夏数千年以来自己形成的民间信仰,最初起源于华夏传说中的一头神鹿,在约400年前被原朝确认为官方认可的、正式的宗教;后者随约750年前的外族入侵、移民带来,现在主要由少数民族安然萨科族(Arasaki)的民众信仰。 | Huaxia allows freedom of religious belief, but now the majority of Huaxians, influenced by the pragmatism of modern life, do not follow any religion. As of 2010, about 7% of the population were religious, with the primary faiths being a indigenous one, Rogga (鹿珈教) and a foreign one, Mansand (曼萨特教).
The former, Rogga, is a folk belief that developed over thousands of years in Huaxia, originally based on a legendary divine deer. About 400 years ago, it was officially recognized as a formal religion by the Yuan (原) dynasty. The latter, Mansand, was introduced approximately 750 years ago during foreign invasions and migration. It is now primarily practiced by the Arasaki ethnic minority (安然萨科族). |
此外现在坊间还有一些地方上的、民间信仰,其多来自于华夏的传说和神话,这些信仰发展出了一些地方的特色文化,如在上京附近分布的供奉着管理华夏地脉和上京 |
In addition, there are still various local and folk beliefs that come from Huaxia's ancient folks and stories, and have developed into unique regional cultures. For example, near Shangjing, there are "Tudi Temples" (土地庙) dedicated to the Tudi God (the Earth God, 土地神), who is believed to govern Huaxia's geopathic forces and the dragon vein of Shangjing. Along the coast, some ethnic groups practice a sea deity belief tied to frequent seafaring activities. On Tiankongshu Island and nearby areas, there is a belief in "Shuwang" (the Tree King, 树王), who is thought to reside on the Tiankongshu (Towering Celestial Tree, 天空树). |
尽管现在的华夏人大多不信教,但是许多人会在结婚、生子、考试、面试等一些人生大事之前去寺庙参拜祈福,主要谋求一个心理安慰,为自己添加信心。 | Although most modern Huaxians are non-religious, many people still visit temples to pray for blessings before major life events, such as marriage, childbirth, exams, or job interviews. This practice is mainly for psychological comfort and to boost confidence. |
体育竞技 / Sports
华夏共和国成立后,华夏广泛推进各项体育运动的开展,涵盖 ?? 个正式比赛项目,并且已经组建了多个单项运动协会,这为运动技术水平的提升营造了诸多有利条件。在华夏人民迈向 “两个八十年” 奋斗目标的进程中,建设体育大国与体育强国是极为关键的构成部分。从体育大国迈向体育强国的跨越,乃是新时代给予华夏体育事业全新的定位以及崭新的使命。 | Since the founding of the Huaxia Republic, Huaxia has been widely promoting the development of various sports, covering [?] official competition events. Moreover, multiple single-sport associations have been established, which has created numerous favorable conditions for the improvement of sports technical levels. In the process of the Huaxia people marching towards the "Two Eighty-Year" goals, building a major sports country and a strong sports country is a crucial component. The transition from a major sports country to a strong sports country is the new positioning and new mission bestowed upon Huaxia's sports undertakings in the new era. |
The representative sports events in Huaxia can be divided into two categories: Traditional Sports Events and Modern Sports Events.
Traditional Sports Events
Modern Sports Events
华夏赛马协会,简称“HRA”全称为Huaxia Racing Association
华夏赛马协会是华夏国有国持的赛马组织。负责管理华夏的马场及其他相关设施的赛马组织。是华夏全国性质的赛马协会。 华夏赛马协会根据中央指示进行赛马比赛,没有赌博成分,可以买彩票兑彩,盈利的资金全部会捐给慈善机构或者助力当地发展或者投资产业。总部位于天门湖市建革区 逢星期三及星期六每个马场在正常情况下举行八场比赛 |