Forum:Global and regional issues/Name of OGF's equivalent of real-life religion names.

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ForumsGlobal and regional issues → Global and regional issues/Name of OGF's equivalent of real-life religion names.


This forum page aims to discuss the potential and current names of religions such as Christianity (Christicism) and Islam (Imanicism), and their denominations such as Catholic (Ortholic), or Orthodox (Ekelan). These names would be the English (Ingerish) name for them, and they could be later translated into OGF territory language's.

Since most names for religions are unclear and some have been discussed in the unofficial OGFC Discord server, it would be nice for established religion names to exist that could be used in the mapping process for churches, mosques, etc.


  • I have to admit that I'm very confused by this being set up as a voting process with no place for prior discussion. We should not be doing any sort of nomination process unless discussion has established that certain names should be changed. We already have names that are well established on the map for many of the major religions, and I don't think there is any need to change the existing names in basically all cases. I would say that Christicism and its main branches in particular are already clearly canon and should not be changed (Ekelan/Orthodox, Ortholic/Catholic). It's also important to note that OGF users have created a large number of unique protestant branches, so no direct parallel term is necessary. Imanism is also well established. I certainly agree that a wiki page should be created that lays out and appropriately canonizes these terms. --User:Lithium-Ion | [1] (talk) 20:27, 24 February 2025 (UTC)
    • Lithium stated this very well, and I will reiterate a few important points. First, we already have some broadly canonical names out there on OGF. Sure, there is some variation in pockets, and there are others that more or less ignore what the majority has done. Second, starting a vote on a major canon issue without a discussion is not appropriate. This cannot be overstated enough.
Intent to codify alternate-universe names of real-world religions, subsets of religions, cultures, etc. is often met with passive skepticism at best and hostility at worst. There are a wide range of opinions on how religion should be handled on OGF, and not all of them are respectful to practitioners. This does not mean we cannot have a discussion. But, unless there is a targeted question, it seems better to leave well enough alone right now. Finally, I will just point out that many users on OGF hold religious identity and fidelity dear. We are not going to codify homelands, origins, history, etc. and cause issues where they are not needed. — Alessa (talk) 21:37, 24 February 2025 (UTC)


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Naming Process

There will be two stages in the process:

  1. Name nominations will be collected for most religions (all that will be listed). If you want to add your suggestion, please add a row under an existing nomination or the corresponding title. This period will run until 14th March, 2025, though it is prone to extension if not met with as much votes as needed.
  2. Voting will occur after the nominations end.
    1. To vote, you must input your signature by typing "~~~~" in the "Votes" section next to your preferred option.
    2. You are allowed to vote for multiple nominations.
    3. If a tie occurs, we'll most likely make a second vote for the 2 (+) nominations that went into a tie.
    4. Voting will close on an unselect date.



Name Nominator Pros Cons
Christicism N/A Simple, Easy to remember Sounds close to real-life Christianity
Seraphonism Petons (talk) 19:14, 24 February 2025 (UTC) Promotes the name of Prophet Seraphon (OGF-Christ), also emphasizes divine beings as the barrier between God and Human Might lean too heavily into angelic imagery, overshadowing the human aspect of the prophet. Has no real-world meaning for the name
Name Nominator Pros Cons
Ekelan N/A
Seraphal Petons (talk) 19:14, 24 February 2025 (UTC) Represents the traditional, ritualistic branch of Seraphonism, emphasizing strict adherence to ancient teachings and practices. Very similar to Seraphonism.
Name Nominator Pros Cons
Ortholic N/A Sounds a bit weird, Ortho from Orthodox (probably), and lic from Catholic
Alearic Petons (talk) 19:14, 24 February 2025 (UTC) Doesn't sound the best, but can be used.
Name Nominator Pros Cons
Eclarian Petons (talk) 19:14, 24 February 2025 (UTC) Name could implify OGieFf Luther, something with Eclar.
Name Nominator Pros Cons
Ingeric Petons (talk) 19:14, 24 February 2025 (UTC) Simple, similar to that Anglican is kind-of English, and that OGF England is Ingeria


Name Nominator Pros Cons
Imanicism N/A Simple, Great Sounding Sounds similar to Islam, but can stay
Name Nominator Pros Cons
Name Nominator Pros Cons


Name Nominator Pros Cons
Sarvanatha Petons (talk) 19:14, 24 February 2025 (UTC) From "sarva" (all) + "natha" (protector/guide), meaning "The Guide for All."