Forum:Official collaboratives/Zalivnia

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ForumsOfficial collaboratives → Official collaboratives/Zalivnia

Flag of Serbia.svg
Zalivnija je država i kolaborativna teritorija u zapadnoj Uleti, locirana u Egaliji. Primarna inspiracija jeste Srbija, ali nije čista kopija iste.

Ovaj projekat je privatne prirode. Možete učestvovati ukoliko ste upoznati sa srpskim (ili balkanskim) stilom mapovanja, i ukoliko ste već prethodno mapovali u početničkim/plavim teritorijama i skupili dovoljno iskustvo. Ukoliko ste zainteresovani da učestvujete u projektu, molimo Vas da se obratite korisniku Bixelkoven.

Flag of the United Kingdom.svg
Zalivnia is a collaborative project in West Uletha, located in the Egalian region. It is inspired primarly by Serbia, however it is not a carbon copy of it.

This project is a private collaborative project. You can participate if you are familiar with the Serbian (or Balkan) style of mapping, and if you have previously mapped in beginner/blue territories and gained enough experience. If you are interested in participating in the project, please contact the user Bixelkoven.

Main discussion

  • Hello, what are the mapping styles in the northern part of Zalivnia, the part that borders the Egalian Lake? Best regards, Petons (talk) 16:35, 29 January 2025 (UTC)