
From OpenGeofiction
Flag of Kalm Republic of Kalm
Coat of arms

Republik Kalm (Kalmish)
Capital: Nerschach
Motto: „In ewiger Freiheit vereint“
Anthem: „Mein Land, oh Freud“

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Kalm, officially the Republic of Kalm (Kalmish: Republik Kalm), is a country located in northwestern Uletha. It notably borders Sathria to the south and Ingrea to the north. The largest city is Tarott, which is also a prominent port city. The territory that nowadays is referred to as the Republic of Kalm traditionally until the late 18th century was a conglomerate of smaller kingdoms, princedoms and dukedoms. Historically, the most powerful ones were Kelmreich, located around the valley of Kelm river west of Lake Kohnen (with Kelm river providing the origin for the name of the country); Kingdom of Stresia between Vinn Sea in the north, Borwald and Fennplatt mountains in the east, and Fora valley in the south; the Beltish Kingdom in the north-west; and the Kingdom of Torschau-Kinsburg in the south.

In antiquity, the land had been controlled by the Sathrian New Ionean Empire. Kalmish tribes began moving into the area around 375 in what became a first phase of pushing the Noumathians back to the south. The empire collapsed in 440, and Kalmish tribes took over the remaining area of Kalm by 585. Over the next couple hundred years, key areas consolidated their power, such as the rise of the city of Broziant as an important trading city within the delta region of Barsas River. Broziantian conquered several coastal cities at the West Sea coast such as Sinzhafen. A Kalmish Empire even developed around the Kelm River valley, centered on Mant, by 700. The year 911 ushered the Sellern dynasty of the Kalmish Empire, with its capital in Sellnburg. It collapsed in 1102, leading to many smaller conflicts between petty Kalmish states and occasionally other neighboring entities. Notably, in 1516, the large Principality of Erfeldia is conquered by the Kingdom of Pacturia, ruled in personal union by the King of Pacturia and later by mutual relatives of the Pacturian royal dynasty.

The seventeenth century was a time up upheaval and turmoil. Around 1600, a fatal pest epidemic took hold in the south of Kalm and in Sathria. In 1667-1676, the Nine-Year War (Kalmish: Neunjähriger Krieg), a largely religious war, started. A large group of Kamlish speaking people settles in Sathria within Zomontepe near Roantra. During the first years of the war, many Ortholic people in particular flee from Kalm to areas overseas for religious reasons. The war ended with the Kalmish Reformation, provoked by the expansion of Sathrian mendicant orders to Kalm and the protest of Kalmish religious adherents against this development. Religious adherents of the new Sathrian persuasions flee back to Sathria.

In 1731, Sathria invades Erfeldia and occupies the principality. Furthering the conflict, the southern part of Kalm is occupied by the Sathrians in 1750. First advance is to the Kinsburg region. Finally, the whole region up to Juhne river is being occupied. Herlenz is occupied in 1753, and Torschau in 1758. The conflict with Sathria ends in 1778 with the Treaty of Bittervolden (Kalmish: Vertrag von Bittervolden). Torschau and Kinsburg north of Barsas river now again under Kalmish administration, but Erfeldia now independent and not part of the Kalmish territory due to Sathrian interests, as part of the compromise. The remaining Kalmish territories quickly unify into the Great Kalmish Empire (Second Empire) with Tarott as capital city. The Duke of Stresia becomes the first Great Kalmish Emperor. In 1869, Nerschach becomes Kalmish capital again. The empire reformed into a republic in the early twentieth century.