
From OpenGeofiction

Here are the people who have brought you OpenGeofiction! They all deserve credit and recognition.

Admin team

Alessa, Bixelkoven, Leowezy, Luciano, PortCal, Taka, TheMayor, wangi

Founders and visionaries thilo (AKA Thilo Stapff),

joschi81 (AKA Johannes Bouchain)

Original design, development & hosting thilo
Admin "Emeritus"

Aiki stjur, BMSOUZA, thilo, eklas, histor, isleño, joschi81, Fleur

Current redesign and technical support

Luciano, wangi

Current hosting Luciano (AKA Jared Way, patreon: geofictician)
Current ancillary hosting infinatious (Nominatim and OSRM)
Financial support

(Thank you! If you have contributed and wish to be included here, please let us know.)

Alessa, Alex0441, amicharski, antoon, Canada_LaVearn, CharlieG, clik, diamantschiff, Ernestpcosby, Glauber, Halvarda, Huachachi, IlliaHai, kengoman, kingfries, Luciano, Leowezy, Martinawa, MrGerbear, mvexel, Myrcia, nadriko, Pawl, Punkmonkey22, ruadh, stjur, sude, Taka, The_Cute_Chick, TheMayor, Thunderbird, Turnsole80, varnel_maiser, wangi, whateversusan, Yongdinghe, Zytik