
From OpenGeofiction
Flag of Raqar Kingdom of Raqar
Raqar Soyeqar (Sohelef Raqar)
Capital: Fenonas
Population: 32,408,906 (2025)
Motto: "The heart of the homeland"

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Raqar, officially the Kingdom of Raqar is an absolute monarchy in central Tarephia north of Tarephian Lake D. It borders TA255, TA254 and Tarephia Equatorial to the east, TA252 and TA246 to the west, TA247 to the north, and TA256 across Tarephian Lake D to the south. Its capital and largest city is Fenonas, situated by the river Ganassam and Tarephian Lake D.


Ancient Tribes

Early Kingdoms

The United Ganassam Kingdoms

The United Ganassam Kingdoms was formed in 907 after the monarch Areno Pakigaka of Soyeqarelef Omolebenemi Ganassam proposed a unification to the other small kingdoms along the Ganassam, which aimed to improve the overall economy and military. The monarchs of the kingdoms agreed, officially forming the United Ganassam Kingdoms. The capital was selected as Fenelef Omolebenemi Ganassam, as it was the largest of all the towns along the Ganassam. The city was renamed to Fenonas.

Intrigued by the power of the union, the city-state of Hajim found interest in joining. Initially, the union was hesitant to allow them to join, due to the amount of unpopulated land between the Ganassam and Hajim. Hajim was let in when they proposed to build and maintain a road between Fenonas and Hajim in 912.

The New Ganassam Kingdom

The New Ganassam Kingdom was formed by general Kokal Tedjani after he lead a coup against king Felal Bitha in 1200, worrying that the Bitha family was too power-hungry and aggressive and would make bad decisions, leading to chaos. Kokal Tedjani became the new king following the successful coup, in which the royal palace was raided and Felal Bitha and his brother were captured and imprisoned. During the raid of the walled city, people loyal to the king fought against rebels in the Battle of Fenonas Fitho Qef, but were overwhelmed.

The Coup of 1200

In the late 1190s, general Kokal Tedjani of the Ganassami Army started to plan a coup against king Felal Bitha, as he viewed Bitha as tyrannical and power-hungry, causing unrest and oppression within the United Ganassam Kingdoms. Tedjani quickly gained a large following, as much of the population agreed that Bitha should not be in power. Tedjani started organizing a militia with thousands of troops, many of which were trained soldiers. They planned to attack Fenonas Fitho Qef on Motamaho Letsam in 1200, as many people would be away praying that day. Several days before the attack, it was noticed that there were significantly more guards in Fenonas Fitho Qef, likely due to a soldier loyal to Bitha reporting the plan.

The Kingdom of Raqar

The Kingdom of Raqar was formed in 1493 when ___ passed the title of king to Koyeho Paqa, who proposed that the Kingdom of Batamqar united with the New Ganassam Kingdom. The proposal was accepted, creating the kingdom of Raqar, with Koyeho Paqa as its first emperor. The country pentupled in size, due to Batamqar being very large, although sparse.

The Kindom of Ra Yahan wanted to join the union, however, being very sparse and impoverished, they did not have much to offer to the union. Thus, their request was rejected. Ra Yahan was not let into the union until 1717, when large mineral deposits were discovered in the country, and Raqar let them in as they would benefit the mining industry.

Modern History

1830 is considered the year in which the industrial revolution started in Raqar, as Sreon Marakya made massive investments in industrialization when with reign started in 1830. The populations of major cities such as Fenonas, Hajim, and Meffen skyrocketed, as millions moved there from rural areas to find jobs.

When Sreon Marakya died, the throne was passed down to his eldest son Rene, who continued to industrialize the country. He constructed a railway from Fenonas to Fenelef Gafesamelef Doj to transport resources, and over the years railways connecting other cities were built.

Ikradage Epha, formerly the prime minister, became king when Rene Marakya died and the title was passed to him due to Rene having no children. Epha viewed Raqar's market economy as unfair, and eventually established a socialist economy and a class system. During the peak of socialist influence, thousands of high density apartment blocks were constructed in large cities to accommodate the sudden and quick population growth.


Foreign Relations


Raqar's military has an estimated 175,000 active military personnel, and 90,000 reserve personnel. The vast majority of soldiers are in the army.

List of Military Bases

Name Name (English) Active Personnel City District
Kron Soyekrenihatohelef Soyekefen Capital Army Base Fenonas
Soyekrenihatoh Nasafo Royal Army Base 900 Fenonas
Aqam Soyekrenihatohelef Soyekefen Capital Navy Base Fenonas
Air Force
Marine Corps
Aqanqron Soyekrenihatohelef Soyekefen Capital Marines Base Fenonas

Law Enforcement

It is required that every district in Raqar has at least one court, and municipalities can have at most two courts. Each province has one supreme court, and a national supreme court rules the entire country.

Capital punishment is used in Raqar for crimes including terrorism, treason, espionage, sex trafficking, and in some cases, homicide. Methods of execution include hanging, shooting, and lethal injection. It is estimated that around 80 people are on death row in Raqar, and around 8 executions are performed every year.

List of Prisons and Detention Centers

Name Prisoners Capacity City District

List of Rulers

No. Name Birth Reign from Reign to Cause of reign end
The United Ganassam Kingdoms
1 Areno Pakigaka 872 907
Felal Bitha 1139 1165 1200 Overthrown
The New Ganassam Kingdom
1 Kokal Tedjani 1169 1200
The Kingdom of Raqar
1 Koyeho Paqa 1447 1493 1497 Assassinated
2 1449 1497 1505 Assassinated
3 1474 1505 1550 Died of smallpox
4 1508 1550 1577 Died of the flu
5 1524 1577 1581 Died of old age
6 1559 1581 1644 Died of old age
7 1612 1644 1668 Died of malaria
8 1615 1668 1678 Died of old age
9 1649 1678 1731 Died of old age
10 1679 1731 1733 Assassinated
11 1693 1733 1758 Died of smallpox
12 1712 1758 1785 Died of old age
13 1747 1785 1815 Died of old age
14 1754 1815 1830 Died of old age
15 Sreon Marakya 1801 1830 1871 Died of heart disease
16 Rene Marakya 1821 1871 1906 Died of old age
17 Ikradage Epha 1874 1906 1957 Died of old age
18 1905 1957 1966 Assassinated
19 Omeki Jollabhaj 1935 1966 2010 Died of lung disease
20 Fal Jollobhaj 1984 2010 Present





The official currency of Raqar is the Raqari Has (Ħ.) Banknotes are printed with values of 1Ħ, 5Ħ, 10Ħ, 50Ħ, 100Ħ, 500Ħ, 1,000Ħ, and 5,000Ħ. 0.1Ħ and 0.5Ħ banknotes were printed until 1972, and were all destroyed starting in 1978 due to their low value.


North of the ___ mountains, major exports include petroleum, barley, beer, and precious metals. South of the mountains, exports include coffee, cocoa, and timber.




The official languages of Raqar include Sohelef Beqammeoqar, native to the tropical areas south of the ___ mountains and spoken nationwide, and Sohelef Raqar, native to the northern deserts and savannas.



Literature and Art







The Fenonas Light Rail Organization operates a tram system running through many parts of southern Fenonas. It opened in 2013, and resulted in noticeably less traffic on the roads as many people no longer relied on car travel to commute.


The largest airport in Raqar is Omeki Jollabhaj International Airport (OMJ) in Fenonas. It features 4 terminals, each with 7 gates as well as parking garages, car rentals, and a hotel.