
From OpenGeofiction

Τελκαρναθα (Ingerish - Telkarnatha, also sometimes called Tebranatha), officially Ηγεμονική Δημοκρατία της Τελκαρναθα (Ingerish - The Republic Hegemony of Telkarnatha;), is a constitutional democratic federalist republic island-nation in Eastern Uletha, in the Plurinesian Sea. Telkarnatha's capital is Selarohak. It shares no borders but is close to the countries of Goytakanya, Suvuma, Samiloor and Aurelia, with its rich and diverse history it is one of the most densly populated regions on the Plurinesian Archipelago, after Goytakanya. With evidence of humans in the region dating back to 55,000 B.P. the country is the meeting point of Archantan, East Ulethan and West Ulethan Cultures and has a rich history of multiple cultures, but also multiple conflicts.

The Republic Hegemony of Telkarnatha

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CapitalSelarohak (1.1 million)
Largest citySelarohak (1.1 million)
Official languagesTeltel/Telkan-Hellinesian, Telkan Sign Language
 • PresidentTBD
 • Vice PresidentTBD
LegislatureTelkarnathan Bicameral Legislature
 • Upper houseChamber of Senators
 • Lower houseChamber of Deputies
 • Estimate (2020)2,560,000 million
 • Census (2015)2,485,000 million
 • Density232,72/km2
602.76/sq mi
CurrencyTBD, symbol TBD¨
Drives on theright


While there is no clear consensus on the etimology of the name, most scholars believe that Telkarnatha comes from the old hellenisian Telkoranoi (Tele (Far) + Chora (Land/Country)), Telecharanoi most probably got shifted to Telkaranoi and then Telkoranoi because of a shift in sound. Telkarnatha itself seems to be a corrupted version by both Hindu? and Mazanic that survived through the changes of names of the island.

While Telkoranoi, for the Hellinesians, defined most islands east of Gobrassanya, the prominence in the current islands is given by the fact or the survival of a hellinesian population on the island up to this day. While during the 18th century the complex of islands that comprised Telkarnatha was under the Gintyk Kingdom under the name Bhuvarunatoia, the Hellinesian local elite continued to use the name for the main island as Telkarnatha, which was no different than the name for their area of incluence in the archipelago. After independence the main island changed names while Telkarnatha became the official name for the kingdom and later republic.


Ancient History

Human habitation of the islands starts around 55,000 B.P. during the first wave of migration of humans to Archanta, even though sea levels were lower at the period, the islands were still not connected to the mainland. This has made scholars suggest that the region saw the first use of rafting to move across bodies of water.


During the colonization of the island by what have been defined as proto-archantans, most mammal species were driven to extinction, including all that suffered from peninsular gigantism, most famously, the Giant Leanface Rat. This in turn must have caused the diminishing of the local population, that has been confirmed to have survived mostly of gathering fruits, hunting fish and easting seashells.

The Proto-Archantans had a singular shared culture, attested by the evidence of the famous "shark fashion" on all islands on the region. Sharks were hunted to create arrow heads, but also to be used as beads and to create other objects.

Last Glacial Maximum

During the last ice age, shifting patters of currents, and therefore, fish populations, resulted in a significant drop in populations on the islands. The shallow coral sea that was now exposed was a terrible terrain to traverse, and because of being barren, it was terrible to live upon, forcing population to sometimes walk miles to reach the coast. Though some brush and grass populations were able to start growing in small pockets, the strong winds that are theorized to have hit the island during that period of time would have caused for the death of any trees trying to grow.

Populations on the region have been theorized to have hit as low as 1000 people, and groups on different islands became isolated.


During the Mesolithic era, the local population slowly rose utilizing the fishing techniques learned during the last age, the original Telkans were avid swimmers and most probably had a similar better time underwater, as other insular populations show nowdays. They also were really protective of their local fauna, the Urutian Hog, a native endemic species on the island was able to stay alive during this time because of the fact they were not killed by Old Telkans, there is a lot of debate on if this was religious driven or not.


Sailors from East Uletha would generally use the islands as a resting stop on their way to Archanta, but the poor soil quality didn't allow for farming, making the most profitable part of the land, its fruits that were seen at the time as miracles, since they would normally avoid scurvy and similars. A few trading posts would set up during sailing season on the island bu they were temporary, the Neolithic never truly arrived at the island because the local people never learned agriculture. Agriculture would eventually arrive, by the form of East Ulethans colonizing the islands permantally, but this would erase Old Telkans from the record. This wave of migration matches the one of northern ulethan migration padrons to south archanta

The Secondary Telkan Culture developed slowly, very infamous for Stilt constructions on small reef islands of the coast, while the main islands stayed mostly empty, the reason for the avoidance of the islands is not sure, some believe an ecological collapse in early agriculture history, and that maybe religious belief convinced most communities to leave the mainland in fear of holy retaliation, however, here is no way to know for sure, since no written history exists from the period.

Bronze Age

During the Bronze Age, Telkans were more and more visited by merchants, specially ones from Gobrassanya and North Archanta. The Main Island was rich in some ore materials, during this time the first urban center of Telkarnatha was formed, with no knowledge of the real name, scholars call the urban center the Vhilan City Site 1, located aound what is know Houms, it was a densly populated community to up to 5000 inhabitants a its peak, it maintaned great relations with its ulethan neighbours north in the mainland, having many minted coins from the region. The Vhilan City Civilization, was formed by the entirety of the main island, it seems that most dwellers of the city would leave during the day to work around parts of the island, and come back at the end of it.

However, the Ulethan mainland would introduce the horse to Vhilan, causing a unbalance in power, with a quick way to go around the island, deforestation once again became a problem for the people of the island, together with growing number of raids around the country. At that point records show the addition of a second urban center Olden Selarokoi in around 1400 B.P., however, the settlement would last less than 100 years.

Bronze Age Collapse

Constant raids by boat and horse, the lack of big defenses and another collapse of the local biosphere caused many issues to the settlements around the island. Even though the collapse of the Late Vhilan Civilization started before the general Late Bronze Age Collapse, the later fall of most localized merchant routes finished the Vhilans, the point where he collapse ends in the island is generally defined as the year of the Great Collapsing Fire, around 1380 B.P. where a large portion of the island, after droughts, caught fire. Most of he population seems to have left the islands in search of more stable lands, this is shown by the level of presevation of Vhilan Site 1, where you can find intact buildings of the time emptied out.

Iron Age

During the early iron age, merchants from hellinesia sailed as far as suvuma, early stages of the city-state colony stage can be seen by the establishing of Selaronoika and Ekatopolis, these cities were very loosely associated with hellenisian affairs, the distance made them into their own cities very quickly. Their relation with Hellinesia was more cultural than political and economical, since their early days, both cities had large minorities of eastern ulethans as inhabitants, politically speaking these cities were a very famous spot for political exilees, a few philosophers found a new home at Selaronoika, the city advanced culturally over some other colonies. Economically both cities traded with many different nations, their isolation made for an easy defensible bastion, since most empires at the time avoided wasting their navies on invading a far away island.

Selaronoika fought for hegemony of the general are and eventually won after the small colonies of Ekatopolis in the Main Island decided to side wih Selaronoika. This hegemony would last until the Mazanic waves of migration.

The expansion of the hellinesian world made the island closer to their allies, however the quick advancement of the Triaic? Empire in modern day Plevia/Franqueterre cut once again strong ties with west uletha, the Trian? Empire was more concerned on dominating the west than east, though it is accounted that some plevians? visited and even moved to Selaronoika, it seems the empire had no interest in controlling the cities. Slowly this would cut west ulethan culture from the island as eastern influence grew.

Old Mazanic Immigration and Caliphate Dominance

Eastern influence was cut by a big wave of migrations of pagan mazanic tribes from the caliphates of the Imani religion. Though there seems to have been a big dislike to these immigrants they were eventually accepted by the local elite thinking this would guarantee the ties with west uletha. However this would prove wrong. Imanic expansion over the centuries would use the Mazanic ethnic composition of the island to justify invading the island, later advancements towards Archanta solidified the Imanic rule over the island. The Hafid Caliphate was harsh against paganism, and started inforcing the destruction of pagan gods' images throughout the island, however, strong opposition made it a hard task, multiple revolts of hellinesian and mazanic groups kept hindering progress. Multiple decades of conflict would weaken the ability of the caliphate to wage war with Telkans, and eventually the island would be free once more.

East Ulethan Rule

From 1010 AP onward a multitude of eastern principates and kingdoms would rule over, bringing waves of eastern immigration.

West Ulethan Colonialism

Seldomian Wars

Telkoranoi Civil War

Hellenisian 1st Kingdom

Goytakano Revolt

Hellenisian 2nd Kingdom

Mazanic Coup and Ulethan Interference

Branatak Republic

Hellenisian Coup and Goytakano Exile

1st Telkarnatha Republic

Ethnic Tensions

Goytakano Genocide

Lindarokoi Coup

2nd Telkarnatha Republic






Teltel Language


Major Cities

  • Selarohak
  • Ekatopoli
  • Houms/Kom
  • Larah




Governmental Agencies

