
From OpenGeofiction
Users / xioma_sg / Sandbox

Route styles

historic 9 99 999
motorway 9 99 999
national 9 99 999
regional 9 99 999
all numbers are unique

Line styles

Long distance and regional

<span style="padding:0.25em 0.5em; color:TEXTCOLOUR; background-color:BACKGROUNDCOLOUR; font-weight:bold; border-radius:0.8em;"><small>''CATEGORY ''</small>NUMBER</span>

IN 1 IC 17 IR 27 R 53


<span style="font-weight:bold; white-space:nowrap; padding:0px .4em;background-color: BACKGROUNDCOLOUR; border-radius: 0ex; color:TEXTCOLOUR;"><small>''CATEGORY ''</small>NUMBER</span>

B 72



Name ID HDI Currency

Kojo UL31b 0.903 PYD
Vodeo TA130 0.945 ALS
Mergania UL24i 0.908 GZP
Neberly UL22a 0.937 Hhik Hh
Eelanti UL23b 0.902
Suria UL16 0,781
Geklinia-Dregolesia UL14b 0.804
alora UL05c 0.878
Adaria AR023 0.791
Deodeca AR060 0.917
Ardencia AR045 0.791
Castellan UL04a 0.850
Freedemia TA313 0.880
Bonavista TA162 0.796
Paroy TA310 0.795
Airannia TA321 0.913
Wiesermoria UL20c 0.913
Drabantia UL15a 0.85
Allendea TA332 0.88
Leresso AN141b 0.873
Jorisko AN142g 0.752
Kofuku AN150h .69
Lutecia AR040 0.818
New Ingrea KA073 0.921
Fayaan AR905 0.92
Grinzez AR913 0.923
Republic of Nakah AR914 0.924
Malacos TA123 0.83
Demirhan Empire UL07a 0.884
Federal States AR120 0.78
Velin UL24k 0.782
Hesperis UL01b 0.897
[[1]] AN140a 0.52
Izaland UL31e 0.88
Helvetiany UL24d 0.85
Mallyore UL15d 0.880
Alved UL22i 0.738
Semanya UL28d 0.886
Mazan UL02b 0.929
Mauretia UL02a 0.817
Vyzdland UL21b 0.45
Boscunis UL22b 0.841
Brevinfeld UL21a
ogf:wiki=Banuvia UL15l
Lutang AR004
Sangria Islands UL04c
Navenna UL08h
Larcetany UL04g
Dregovine UL15k
Native Asperian Federation AR042
Yagualpan AR074
Metsaria UL20b