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[[File:|150px|Flag of Andrar]] Andrar
Andrar ()
Capital: Andrar
Population: 42,478,455 (2022)
Motto: «La prosperidad se agrandece y la esperanza permanece»
Anthem: Andranic National Anthem

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Andrar O Officially as "Republic of Andrar" is a country located in the north of the continent of Tarephia, bordered to the west and southwest by TA024, to the southeast by TA026c and to the east by Ayir Ahali Al-Kaza, its Capital is the city of Dinar , Andrar has a population of 42,478,455 habitants (2022) and a total of 20 Provinces.

República de Andrar
"La prosperidad se agrandece y la esperanza permanece"
Largest cityOrdamerán
Official languagesCastellan Castanés
 • PresidenteDarrio Urrua Farragué (2020-2025)
 • Primer VicepresidenteCarmin Falas Do Gonez (2022-2026)
 • Segundo VicepresidenteRiri Anna Guana Vila (2020-2025)
 • Estimate (2022)42,478,455
 • Census (2020)TBD
 • DensityTBD/km2
TBD/sq mi
very high
CurrencyParche Andranico





The climate of andrar is biodiverse, but it is mainly dry-tropical, especially in the south of the country where the Serion desert is located, to the north, on the coasts, it is a humid and tropical climate, especially on the coasts of the districts of Bermedez , Boramaya, Durian and Lamantefere, in the southeast area, in the district of Salomé, the climate is between hot and cold.

Gobierno y política


.Andrar has a total of 42,478,455 habitants according to the 2022 population census, between 2012-2022 the population of Andrar increased by 7.4%, being the highest population growth in the country.

This fact was due to the gentilization and immigration of populations from neighboring and foreign countries.


Castellanese is the most widely spoken language in the country, spoken by 72% of the population, followed by Castanés by 15%, Ingerish by 6% and the remaining 7%, various national and international indigenous languages.

Despite the fact that castellanese is the most widely spoken language in the country, it has not been classified as the official language of the country, since Castanés takes the position.



Castanés is a variant of Castellan that was born in the last years before the independence of the republic, used as a language of protest against the repression that the Castilian army exerted towards the Ajazal communities or any other community that had no ancestry Castilian, years after independence this language tried to become relevant so that it would be taken as the main language in the country, but it would not be achieved thanks to government policies and the implementation of Castilian as the main and official language in the republic, although generations of families have tried to keep this language alive by implementing it to younger generations at home, over the years this language would have strength again to the point where small towns and cities will use it as their main means of communication, mainly in the west of the country, also in some schools Castanés has been implemented as a learning subject together with with the ingerish.

In 1982 Castanés was adeded the official language of the country, along with Castilian, at present, more than 6,000,000 inhabitants are Castanés speakers, mainly in the districts of Tardán, Mendár, Bermedez, Celebres, Sinderenjo, Alcazamento and the District of Dinar.

speakers of each languaje in Andrar according to the 2022 census.
languaje percent  % speakers
Castellanese 72% 30,584,487
Castanés 15% 6,371,768
Ingerish 6% 2,548,707
Mazanic 1.5% 637,176
Azajál 1.2% 509,741
Alparmez 0.9% 382,306
others 3.4% 1,444,267

Administrative Divition

Andrar is divide by 20 Districts (provinces)

administrative division in Andrar
Flag District (province) area (km²) Population Capital
Alcazamento 1,994,101 Ciudad Delta
Alparma 3,829,960 Cojedes
Bermedez 3,842,737 Karmenia
Borabarsîn 1,506,272 Puerto Balika De Samaniego
Boramaya 4,475,594 Heroico Puerto De Antalaya La Zona
Camarena 276,525 Lixus
Celebres 322,982 Adarán
Distrito De Dinar 4,995,980 Dinar
Durian 2,172,039 Achír
Gardamenesi 2,015,584 Arcanamana
Gardaya 3,165,947 Gardaya
Lamantefere 4,259,148 Lamantefere
Mendár 90,685 Maraníer
Ordamerán 2,644,531 Ordamerán
Salomé 2,238,500 Madán
Santa Fé 2,449,671 Santa Fé
Sindalef 1,117,602 Ildes
Sinderenjo 223,115 Avilez
Tamantif 119,480 Balár
Tardán 23,430 Cuidad Fronteriza De Serion

Relaciones exteriores



Andrar's economy is mixed, but mainly agriculture, mining, fishing and tourism are the main sources.

Ciencia y tecnología



The most abundant religion in the country is the Imani, by 75.2%, the Ortholic by 15.3%, and the remaining 10% by other national religions.

Religion in Andrar

In recent years, religion in Andrar has ceased to gain relevance and strength, moving away from political, educational, cultural and economic control, according to surveys, 4 out of 20 young people between 20 and 25 years old, belong to some religion, while 10 out of every 20 adults between the ages of 30 and 40 do not belong to any religion.



Educational System an the "reset of the system in 2010"

At the beginning of the presidency of Darnél Gallán Durna (2010-2015), he implemented a new and innovative educational system, definitively erasing the old system that was being managed in the country. Which consisted in that all minor citizens have as a base their three years of preschool, that we are all heavier, and would be followed by the 6 years of fundamental basic education of which both the abilities and their tastes towards their development would be notorious. future in society, which when entering the next stage of studies they already have the regulations and the right to choose their future professional studies based on what is described above, which would be from what we know today as middle education (Secondary) (grade 10), this allows the individual not to waste time in his preparation and has the option of changing faculty if required.

In this new regime there is no impediment to free choice from a very early age and to avoid emotional failures that happen as they did in previous decades. each faculty would take all the careers related to the concept of the same faculty.




la cocina Andranica es completamente variada y influenciada de otros paises (principalmente del sur del continente), pero tambien el mismo pais a cultivado platillos unicos y originarios.

empezando por los platillos mas recurrentes en la mesa Andranica nos topamos con el Arroz, el cereal mas importante del pais ya que es el que mas se cultiva y se exporta a nivel internacional, considerandose el arroz Andranico como el mejor del continente tarefico.

el arroz en Andrar es muy multifasetico ya que es el acompañante de una gran parte de los platillos del pais, como en pollo, milanesas, ensaladas, huevo, papas y verduras, frijol etc...

-el "blanco bañado" (pollo bañado en salsa chipocle) es un platillo comun en la zona oriente del pais, y como siempre acompañado del tipico arroz.

-en caldos, la "pintada" ( caldo con legumbres, como frijol, garbanzo y carne de rez ) es de los caldos mas populares y consumibles por el turista, ya que para comerlo es un reto, ya que para tener la experiencia de comer este platillo es de ley añadirle pizcas de chile "cheltepin" un chile k para gente sin experiencia al picante pueden tener dificultades al consumirlo.

-en bebidas, el cafe es el liquido mas consumible del pais, principalmente un acompañante en los desayunos, tambien la agua de "Cebada" una bebida refrescante y muy cotizada por los turistas, por otro lado la horchata igualmente es recurrente.

-y otros platillos a mencionar: en las costas del norte del pais, abarcan platillos como la "colectiva","tonton","cahuamanta" "manta","cachoreada" en el oriente y sur del pais, la "machaca", el ya mencionado "blanco bañado", "picudos", "escabeches", y al occidente de pais el "mar empacado", el ceviche sangrado, el "tablon".

-hablando de dulces, la cocada es el mas tipico, tambien el chocolate principálmente con almendras, e igual las galletas de almendras, las "mantecadas",y los panes rellenados de mermeladas.


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