
From OpenGeofiction
Revision as of 18:57, 30 November 2023 by 快乐的老鼠宝宝 (talk | contribs) (重新排版NMSL编辑过的文言文条款,味有点重说实话,感觉用力过猛了,而且彻底文言化就不能用英语词了,但是又得体现不同,所以只能ruby注音了。有种片假名的美感。重新调整间距格式。)
Flag of Huaxia Republic of Huaxia
华夏共和国 (人民语)
Capital: 上京市
Population: 500000000 (2022)

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China road sign 警 37.svg
本页面是“华夏共和国”的协作页面。 This is the collaboration page for the Huaxia.


Before you edit this area, please read our Mapping Guide


第一条 始入OGF之途尚未逾七日者,便涉华夏境内作图,系为殊遇Privilege而非权益Right也。

Basic Law of Republic of Huaxia

Article 1: Mapping in Huaxia for newcomers who had contributed less than seven days and skip the novice tutorial directly is a privilege, not a right.

  • 本页面旨在为了协调合作区域的合作事项,也介绍本区域的相关其他内容。
  • This page exists to coordinate the project and coordinate collaborations within it. Notes for the Republic, its colonisation projects, history, and more are also detailed on this page.
  • 我们欢迎任何人在发展历史时使用本文中的信息。
  • While I welcome anyone to use the information in this article in developing histories, especially for main-space wiki articles, please be aware that information and details here may be subject to drastic changes over time. Please check this page regularly for updates.
  • 为了更好的避免多人合作中的编辑冲突,以及适时按照最新的规划进行调整.
  • In order to better avoid editing conflicts in multi-person cooperation and make timely adjustments according to the latest plans, if you have any queries (whether asking questions on the project or indicating an interest in joining), message me, 快乐的老鼠宝宝, personally
英文版可能不够及时! English version may be out of date!

基本信息 / Basic Information

领土主张 / Territory Claim


行政区划 / Administrative Division




之前将领海移动到 也是同理

领土合作与外交 / Territory Collaborate

yellow 若您想要与我们建交,请发公函告诉我们您已为我们预留大使馆位置。
Building Huaxia embassy in your country
  • 百帝国
  • 華邦
We currently have embassies stationed in the following countries:
  • Bai Empire
  • Izaland
red 目前我们尚未建成首都,但有央湖、微山、上京三地代行首都职责,您可以任选一个建立领事馆。请务必事先发公函告知。
Building your embassy in Huaxia
  • 百帝国
  • 華邦
Following countries currently have embassies stationed in Huaxia:
  • Bai Empire
  • Izaland

政治 / Politic

This part was not designed too much, partly due to lack of experience and partly due to a desire to focus more on the map itself rather than as a keyboard politician

Comment by Kengoman: For the envisioned mapping style (PRC-like), the government should be a unitary dominant party socialist (if not Marxist-Leninist) state with a strong central planning aspect.


国家象征 / National Symbol

  • 国旗:暂无
  • 国歌:暂无
  • 国徽:暂无
  • National Flag: Current None
  • National Anthem: Current None
  • National Emblem: Current None

政治结构 / Political Structure


自然地理 / Physical geography

地形地貌 / Geomorphology


水文 / Hydrology

华夏共和国境内共有三条主要的河流,并被亲切的称作华夏的母亲河。他们最终都汇入海洋中。此外,境内亦有两个大湖泊。较小的一个为咸水湖。 There are three main river in Republic of Huaxia, and they were called as mother river. All of them will flow into the ocean. There also 2 lakes and the smaller one is saltwater lake.

江河 / River

  • 繁花江 (w13909988)
  • 白河 (w12349333)
  • 微水 (w660139)
  • 潮河(/青沫河?(来自第二版))(建设中)(这是第一版规划里面的沿中部山脉附近(或者东侧)到达镇海市出海的河,是第一版规划唯一可遗留的)
  • 天门河(见第二版)
  • Fanhua Jiang
  • Bai He
  • Wei River
  • Chao River(Building)
  • Tianmen River

湖海 / Lake

  • 高轮天门湖(r31661)
  • 眠龙湖 (r357270)
  • 琴湖 (r389100)
  • Highly Gateway Lake
  • Mianlong Lake
  • Qin Lake

Comment by Kengoman: Don't forget about the climate and how the Chinese culture will work out in a more tropical area. FYI: the first version draft

人文地理 / Human geography

国民经济 / Civic Finance







设想中的华夏共和国共有五亿人,并且大多数居住在沿海地区。(所以在发达地区将出现不少超高密度住宅公寓。)华夏共和国的发展并不算非常均衡,约80%的人口居住在20%的地区。部分地理学家将其成为“李氏弧线”,这一理论用来解释80%的人口和财富集中的现象。 The fictional ROH have 500 million people and most of them are lived in near sea area. (So there will me some ultra density residential apartment in developed area). The development of ROH maybe not parity enough, about 80% people live near sea and about 20% people live inner. Some geography raised a "Lee's sketch arc" theory to describe this phenomina, that is 80% people and wealth are outer this arc.
人均GDP目前为23870美元。(全国总GDP为119.3亿美元) Personal average GDP is 23,870 dollars (11.93 trillion dollars in total)
国民HDI为0.81 HDI 0.81

Comment by Kengoman: for the entirety of the territory (AR917-919 together), still might be too many people for what it is but could be possible with some justifications.

农业 / Agriculture

华夏共和国的农业相当发达,尤其是在部分内陆省份。主要的农作物为稻米与玉米。 ROH is a agrictural strong country, especially in some inner provinces, main products is rice and corn.

工业 / Industrial

华夏共和国的工业基本以重工业为主,其石油冶炼工业极为高效,尤其是在华夏北部。 ROH have a traditional of heavy industrial, its Oil industry and refining industry is very efficient, especially in Northeast Huaxia.

能源 / Power

详见Collab:Huaxia/Power See Collab:Huaxia/Power

矿产 / Minerals

煤矿 / Coal
石油 / Oil
黄金 / Gold
稀土 / rare earth minerals

交通 / Transport

详见Collab:Huaxia/Transport See Collab:Huaxia/Transport

教育 / Education

大多数有名的公立学校都坐落在沿海城市。 Most famous university are public and located in the cities near sea.

历史与文化 / History and culture

历史 / History

共和国有超过2500年的历史。在古华夏时期总共有先后七个不同的朝代。经历20年内战后,共和国终于正式建立。 This Republic have a history more than 2500 years. At ancient Huaxia there have 7 dynasty in total. The republic build after twenty-year war.

Comment by Kengoman: Perhaps tie into other aspects of North Archantan history.

语言文字 / Language and Script

People in ROH are using Remin language(人民语) (using the Simplified Chinese in real world instead).

Comment by Kengoman: A better name for Simplified Chinese (and other Chinese languages) is in the works, since this also matters to Bai and other Chinese language countries.

宗教 / Religion

About 4.5% of people have religion beliefs, the Mansand(曼萨特教). Most of them are Arasaki(安然萨科) people. Those people are moved to Huaxia with Arasaki merchants in about 750 years ago, but now they are part of Huaxia people.

Comment by Kengoman: perhaps refer to existing religions of the world.


民族 / Ethnic

There 23 ethnics in ROH but 87.3% of them are Xing(兴), and also 5.2% Qingshui(清水), 2.8% Mao(茂), 2.2% Arasaki(安然萨科), etc. (left 2.5%)
Most of Arasaki people live near the Jushan Desert. Qingshui people most live near seaside in south Huaxia because at ancient time fisherman are hard to gain fresh water, so they think fresh water is holy. Mao and Shuli(书历) dwelling mainly in alpine forests.

Huaxia people like peace and don't want to begin a war, so it already 210 years haven't involved with war against other country. Also they don't have a territorial disputes with other countries.

(^ the above will probably need to be changed to be consistent)

Comment by Kengoman: with reference to AR914 culture, a peace loving culture can exist while still having warfare. Perhaps the country became very peaceful after a long war in the past century similar to Japan.

传送门 / Fast Link

国内 / Domestic

友邻 / Friendly neighbourhood