
From OpenGeofiction
Flag of Huaxia Republic of Huaxia
华夏共和国 (人民语)
Capital: 上京市
Population: 500000000 (2022)

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  目前,OGF统计工具显示,华夏项目的大小相当于4.9个中国四川省或者6.35个日本国。它或许在未来的一天仍可进一步扩大,并计划开展与其他亚洲文化地区的合作交流(如百帝国)。华夏核心协调员快乐的老鼠宝宝 ,欢迎您的加入。

Located in North Archanta, Republic of Huaxia is a country whose main language is Chinese. This is a republican country that references modern China (especially after the 1980s) in its political system and urban design, which is different from the imperial "Bai Empires" (but they both use the same characters and the same language). Therefore, many people call it "OGF China".

Currently, OGF statistical tool shows that the area of this project is equivalent to 4.9 Sichuan Province, China or 6.3 Japan. Perhaps one day in the future it can still be expanded further, and cooperation and exchanges with other Asian cultural regions are planned, such as the Bai Empires. The core mapper of Huaxia is 快乐的老鼠宝宝 (Laoshu Baby), and you are welcome to join.

China road sign 警 37.svg
这是华夏共和国的项目页面,旨在为了协调合作区域的合作事项,主要包含绘图、数据整理相关事宜。 This is the project page of Huaxia, which is to coordinate the project and coordinate collaborations within it, mainly containing mapping, data collation related matters.
关于华夏本身,如它的一些虚构史学,请移步Huaxia To find more about Huaxia itself, please go to Huaxia.


[QL 1]

China road sign 警 37.svg

第一条 始入OGF之途尚未逾七日者,便涉华夏境内作图,系为殊遇Privilege而非权益Right也。

Basic Law of Republic of Huaxia

Article 1: Mapping in Huaxia for newcomers who had contributed less than seven days and skip the novice tutorial directly is a privilege, not a right.

  • 本页面提供华夏各方面的合作基本信息和绘图注意事项。
  • 在您编辑本区域前,也请阅读我们的总绘图指南
  • 下文中出现左侧的标志及表明您需要注意的绘图事项。
  • This collaboration page provides various basic information of Huaxia and specific mapping guide to them.
  • Before you edit this area, please also read our general Mapping Guide.
  • In the following contents, the warning sign left means the mapping guide that you may need to follow in Huaxia.
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  • 我们欢迎任何人在发展历史时使用本文中的信息。
  • While we welcome anyone to use the information in this article in developing histories, especially for main-space wiki articles, please be aware that information and details here may be subject to drastic changes over time. Please check this page regularly for updates.
  • 为了更好的避免多人合作中的编辑冲突,以及适时按照最新的规划进行调整.
  • In order to better avoid editing conflicts in multi-person cooperation and make timely adjustments according to the latest plans, if you have any queries (whether asking questions on the project or indicating an interest in joining), message me, Laoshu Baby(快乐的老鼠宝宝), personally
英文版可能不够及时! English version may be out of date!

基本信息 / Basic Information

合作者 / Collaborators

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我们欢迎任何人加入华夏,不过我们推荐您会一些中文。欲正式加入,请查看我们的绘图指南和联系快乐的老鼠宝宝 We welcome anyone to join Huaxia; however, we recommend that you have some knowledge of Chinese. If you wish to officially join, please review our Mapping Guide and contact Laoshu Baby (快乐的老鼠宝宝).

活跃用户 / Active mappers

  • 快乐的老鼠宝宝 (Laoshu Baby)
    总协调员 / General Coordinator
    上京都 / Shangjing Capital
    央湖市 / Yanghu City
  • NM$l
    常务协调员 / Permanent Coordinator
    上京都 / Shangjing Capital
    赤汤省 / Chitang Province
    央湖市 / Yanghu City
    石布石市 / Shybshi City
  • Masyas
    金沙省 / Jinsha Province
  • lxgwsierra
    蔚津市 / Weijin City

    清文厅 / Qingwen County-Leveled City
  • saigyoujinoriko (uuz)
    铁路仙人 / Railway Expert
    宽亭市 / Kuanting City
    上京都 / Shangjing Capital
    密州市 / Mizhou City
  • 114514aaa
    滨原路 / Binyuan Path
    天门湖市 / Tianmenhu City
    橙花市 / Chenghua City
    灵昌市 / Lingchang City
  • deep river
    慈阳市 / Ciyang City
    金邑关市 / Jinyiguan City
  • LinB-observation(重新活跃评估中)
    墨渡市 / Modu City
  • Taksine

偶尔 · 曾经活跃 / Occasionally · Used to be active

  • DanDo
    机场仙人 / Airport Expert (一年画一次,一次画一年 / One edit per a year, one edit needs a year.)

    良丰市 / Liangfeng City
  • First3h
    武淞市 / Wusong City
  • 理塘丁真 (Litang Dingzhen)
    历塘州 / Litong State
  • LatimerHL
    江汇市 / Jianghui City
  • shining-k
    墨渡市 / Modu City
  • MikesonZhang
    甘泉区 / Ganquan District
  • 火箭苦力怕i (Huojian Creeper)
    央湖市 / Yanghu City
  • Kanoxitu
    湖隘县 / Hu'ai County
  • 123JK
    高速仙人 / Expwy Expert
  • Yongdinghe
    天保市 / Tianbao City
  • TGSpace
    沃浦市 / Wopu City
    光东市 / Guangdong City
    市 / Liangshan City
  • HugoCG
    青安厅 / Qing'an County-Leveled City
  • yumiqizi
  • mapper941

友情客串 / Friendly cameo

  • Mtejku222
    翠流县 / Cuiliu County
  • Mie
    邱家庄市县 / Qiujiazhuang City
  • 砖家认可
    北峪厅 / Beiyu County-Leveled City

特别鸣谢 / Special thanks

  • kengoman
    Helped us to establish Huaxia project.
  • Liadrien
    The original mapper of Fennhourkh who collaborated with us to rebuild it, making it transition to Huaxia.
到此一游 / Passersby[1][2]
初来乍到 / Newcomers[3]

领土主张 / Territory

华夏领土包含AR919、AR911、AR912、AR917、AR918、AR921全境和原AR916东部,目前已经完全拥有上述区域,并合并为了AR919,领土主要包含了北塔州(North Archanta)中北部的大部分区域,大陆部分包含完整的中央山脉及其终日山及以北的区域以西、山脉蔡宜及以南的区域以东的地区,北至符图海岸、南到国光湾西部、东至央湖、西到瓦嘉里贡,此外已有绣球、洘吝两个离岛群岛。


The territory of Huaxia includes the entirety of AR917, AR918, and AR919. These regions have now been fully integrated into AR919. The territory primarily covers the eastern part of North Archanta, specifically the area west of the Central Mountains, south of the Great Bai Empire, and north of the East Sea, along with several offshore islands close to the mainland.

Huaxia is committed to maintaining territorial integrity. When creating national maps of Huaxia, it is important to ensure that the easternmost part includes Dongfanghong Island. Significant archipelagos, such as the Donghai Archipelago and the Beidou Archipelago, should also be depicted in most instances.



Huaxia's territorial waters are delineated using the baseline method, with a territorial sea extending 12 nautical miles. Based on this, Huaxia possesses several fully enclosed bodies of water: Liuhong Bay, the Central Waterway of Kongdao, and the Shuangzidao Strait. It also shares waters with other nations, including Dongguo Bay (shared with AR926) and the Estuary of the Tongbao River (shared with the Socialist Republic of Kanglapo).

Huaxia adheres to OGF rules (in line with following the United Nations conventions) and adjusts its territorial waters according to OGF's guidelines.

截至2024年中,华夏共和国领土与领海面积总和约2403662.33平方千米,其中陆地面积2250616.14平方千米。 As of mid-2024, the total area of Huaxia, including land and territorial waters, is approximately 875,212.09 km², with a land area of 796,736.96 km².

行政区划 / Administrative Division

华夏共和国定都上京,全国分八个大区道(江渚、东原、天南、南陆、樾渊、大岭、继百、要缺道)、三个特别行政区(瓦嘉里港、治化、北岛特别行政区)和一个特别道(青州特别道)。大区道作为中央政府之监察和派出机构,并不实际构成一级政府,但道内省路互相协调计划和发展指标。道以下有华夏四级基础行政区划(省市县镇),第一级行政区划包含了1个都、35个省、8个路、3个民族道、1个特别路和3个特别行政区;另有一特殊的、中央政府直接管辖的机构「离岛管理委员会」下直接管辖2个乡、1个镇、1个管理委员会。 The Republic of Huaxia has its capital in Shangjing and employs a four-tiered basic administrative division system (province, city, county, and town). The first-level administrative divisions include one Capital, two Special Administrative Regions, and 28 provinces. Additionally, there is a special county-level division directly governed by the central government, the "Oversea Island Administrative Committee".
通常地,华夏的一个省下辖6-8个市,但亦有省份面积较大(如上京都、林北省)或下辖市面积较小(如北方特别行政区)下辖10个以上的市,也有省份存在直辖县级行政区的现象;一个市依据大小不同,小者下辖4-7县,大者下辖6-10个县。 Typically, a province in Huaxia governs 6 to 8 cities. However, some provinces with larger areas (such as Shangjing Capital and Linbei Province) or those where cities cover smaller areas (such as the Northern Special Administrative Region) may govern more than 10 cities. There are also provinces that include directly administered county-level divisions. The number of counties under a city's jurisdiction varies depending on its size, with smaller cities overseeing 4 to 7 counties, while larger ones oversee 6 to 10 counties.


All administrative divisions in Huaxia are broad in scope, meaning they encompass not only the urban built-up areas but also the surrounding fields, forests, rural areas, and more.

Refer to the below administrative division map, and for more information, see the administrative division structure page.

Province Level Administration Division Map of Huaxia
江渚道 东原道 天南道 南陆道 樾渊 大岭 继百 要缺






代码 名称 代码 名称 代码 名称 代码 名称 代码 名称 代码 名称 代码 名称 代码 名称 代码 名称 代码 名称
一级行政区 10 上京都 20 赤汤省 30 金沙省 40 望乡省 50 未命名省 60 高卅省 70 浪波省 81 米诺民族道 80 溧海省 97 瓦嘉里港特别行政区 都1
11 京原省 21 岭东省 31 丰海省 41 定边省 51 沫州省 61 奎疆省 71 祉猷省 82 柚州民族道 88 良山特别路 98 治化特别行政区
12 纵横省 22 林北省 32 林原省 42 靖凌省 52 沛原省 62 冀察尔省 72 同北省 83 绣球民族道 89 灵水路 99 北岛特别行政区
13 海珠省 23 海角省 33 陆边省 43 浪州省 58 花江路 69 杜阳路 73 望铭省
14 岭西省 29 高湖路 38 洋湾省 59 叶江路 74 通堑省
15 灼华省 39 滨原路 75 东原省
16 福承省 76 西原省
17 诚安省 77 大荒省
18 京畿路
19 镜江路
计数 10 5 6 4 5 4 8 3 3 3 51




When mapping administrative regions, please label them according to the tags provided on the administrative division structure page (mainly the place=* tag used for each level of administrative region and an additional place:hx=* tag). If you are using JOSM, you could ask NM$l for a tag combination preset of it.

Also, for the size of counties, prefecture-level cities, and other divisions, please refer to our Draft of the Common Element Drawing Standards.

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To avoid over-wikification, we are considering shifting to a data structure based on OGF data. For more details, see the Yuheng module: Administrative Divisions.

The rationale is similar to the previous decision of moving territorial waters to

领土合作与外交 / Territorial Collaboration

欢迎建立关系 / You are welcomed to build relation with us

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华夏乐于和五湖四海的友人结交朋友,欢迎您的国家与华夏建立关系。 Huaxia is eager to make friends with people from all over the world and welcomes your country to establish relations with us.


yellowBuild Huaxia's embassy in your country

If you want to establish diplomatic relations with us, please contact Laoshu Baby or NM$l to tell us that you have reserved an embassy location for us, and then you could follow the guide in the next section.



yellowBuild your embassy in Huaxia

Huaxia's capital is Shangjing (上京). Although the city is not fully developed yet, land for consulates has been set aside. Additionally, Yanghu (央湖), Luohua (落花), and Weishan (薇山) serve as supplementary areas for capital functions, where embassies (or consulates) can also be established; the first two cities have designated embassy/consular zones.

  • 建立大使馆:您可以选择上京使馆区内的任意一处地块建立大使馆。如您希望建馆,请事先联系鼠宝宝或者NM$l告知,以便登记和后续我们在您的领土回建使馆。如您的使馆尺寸小于50米×50米,您无需事先向我们确认地址;但如您希望在上京使馆区外(包括上京其他地区或在其他城市)建设大使馆,或您的使馆尺寸超出上述限制(即使是在上京使馆区内),请在联系我们时一并向我们确认。
  • Establishing an Embassy: You may choose any plot within the Shangjing embassy zone for your embassy. If you wish to build, please contact Laoshu Baby or NM$l in advance to inform us, so we can register and facilitate the construction of your embassy on your territory. If your embassy is smaller than 50m × 50m, you do not need to confirm the address with us beforehand. However, if you wish to build your embassy outside the Shangjing embassy zone (including other areas of Shangjing or in other cities), or if your embassy exceeds the aforementioned size limit (even within the Shangjing embassy zone), please confirm with us when you contact us.
  • 建立领事馆:在建立大使馆后,如您满足以下条件之一,且您希望继续建立领事馆,可事先向我们联系:
    • 国家人口大于5000万;
    • 国土面积大于45万平方公里;
    • 您计划在华夏有至少一个您国家在华人口的聚集区,且您计划或已经建立相应的一处街区(需要预先沟通);
    • 您计划在您的国家有至少一个华夏人聚集区,愿意对其设立华夏领事馆(需要预先沟通)。
  • Establishing a Consulate: After establishing your embassy, if you meet one of the following conditions and wish to continue establishing a consulate, please contact us in advance:
    • Your country has a population greater than 50 million.
    • Your country has a land area greater than 450,000 square kilometers.
    • You plan to have at least one area with a significant population of your nationals in Huaxia and are planning or have already established a corresponding zone (prior communication is required).
    • You plan to have at least one area with a significant population of Huaxia nationals in your country and are willing to establish a Huaxia consulate there (prior communication is required).
If your country does not meet these requirements but you still wish to establish a consulate, please contact us to see if exceptions can be made (for example, if you only need an office in a high-rise building, we can discuss it). Don't be shy or worry, we are open to you in the most of time.
In the spirit of reciprocity, we will also establish an equal number of consulates in your country.
Shangjing Embassy Zone
Yanghu Consular Zone
Luohua Consular Zone (Under construction)

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Shangjing Embassy Zone, exactly the scope of Shiguanjie Community (Embassy Street Community), is the primary embassy area in Huaxia, designed to accommodate up to 40 embassies of various sizes. It is located in Zhuan'an District of Jingzheng City, Shangjing. The area features convenient transportation, with important roads such as Shangjing 3rd Ring Road (KH3) and Wanguo Avenue (K11) passing through. Approximately 150 meters east of the embassy zone is the Shangjing Metro Line 9 Shiguanjie Station. The surrounding facilities are well-equipped, including public diplomatic apartments, the Shangjing 1st Hospital of the Armed Forces Medical University, and Shangjing School of Foreign Children located on the west and north sides of the embassy zone. There are also parks situated on the northwest and south sides, with institutions such as the Huaxia Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Shangjing Exit-Entry Administration located on the northeast side of Shiguanjie Community.
China road sign 警 37.svg
央湖市是我们在OGF上的起点,目前中央水道以东的、在天空树岛上的部分目前基本还是无聊的格子,未来我们会重新修建它们,届时使馆区会保留,但将会整体移动,其内的要素会保持相对位置,恕不另行告知。(2024-09-24) Yanghu City is our starting point on OGF. Currently, the area east of the Central Waterway on Tiankongshu Island consists of almost only boring grids. In the future, the area is planned to be reconstructed. The consular zone will be preserved but will be moved as a whole, with the features maintaining their relative positions, and no further notice will be given. (2024-09-24)



When creating embassies in Huaxia, to ensure data uniformity and map aesthetics, please note the following points:

  • 您可以按照您的意愿使用点或区域(包括线、关系)、或它们的组合表示您的使馆范围:
    • 当您仅使用点表示大使馆位置,希望使用线表示其的范围时,线可以是围栏(fence)、墙(wall)、树列(tree_row)等表示分界的要素;
    • 当您仅使用区域表示时,区域应该使用大使馆的标签,如果区域是关系,则关系的成员(大使馆边界的线)可以是围栏、墙、树列等要素;
    • 当您同时使用二者,点应使用大使馆的标签,而区域应使用商业区(landuse=commercial)标签(仅作为华夏为渲染而规定,非OGF或OSM标准),其中如果区域是关系,其成员(边界)遵从前述。
  • You can represent your embassy's area using nodes, areas (including ways and relations), or a combination of them:
    • If you use a node to indicate the embassy's location and wish to use a line to represent its boundaries, the line can be represented by features such as fences, walls, or tree_rows.
    • When using only areas, the area should be labeled with the embassy's name. If the area is a relation, its members (the boundary ways of the embassy) can be represented by fences, walls, or tree rows.
    • If you use both nodes and areas, the node should have the embassy's label, while the region should use the landuse=commercial tag (this is a requirement set by Huaxia for rendering purposes, not an OGF or OSM standard). If the area is a relation, its members (boundaries) should follow the previous guidelines.
  • 根据我们的绘图指南中的要素名称语言部分:
    • 在华夏的大使馆的名称(name标签)应填写「人民语(简体中文)+『-』+您的语言」,如果您不知道人民语名称,可以由我们填写,但请务必告知您的语言的名称;在其他name标签(如name:en等),您可以根据您的喜好自行填写;
    • 大使馆内的要素(如签证中心等)等的名称建议按照前述要求填写,但也可以只写您的语言的名称;
    • 在大使馆的国家名称是否缩写上,我们推荐「(您的国家)驻华夏大使馆」中您的国家使用全称,华夏使用简称;「华夏驻(您的国家)大使馆」中您的国家使用简称,华夏使用全称「华夏共和国」(非强制性要求)。
  • According to the usage of language for names section of our Mapping Guide:
    • The name of the embassy in Huaxia (name tag) should be filled out as "Renminyu (Simplified Chinese) + ' - ' + your language." If you do not know the name in Renminyu, we can fill it out for you, but please be sure to inform us of the name of your language. For other name tags (e.g., name:en), you can fill them out according to your preference.
    • For features within the embassy (such as visa centers), it is recommended to follow the aforementioned naming requirements, but you can also use just the name in your language.
    • Regarding whether to abbreviate the country name in the embassy name, we recommend using the full name of your country in "Embassy of (Your Country) in Huaxia" and the abbreviated name for Huaxia. In "Huaxia Embassy in (Your Country)," use the abbreviated name for your country and the full name for Huaxia as "the Republic of Huaxia" (this is not a mandatory requirement).

使馆资讯 / Embassy & Consular Info

国家 / Country 驻华夏大使馆 / Embassy in Huaxia 华夏驻该国大使馆 / Huaxia Embassy in the Country 首次建馆时间(现实世界)
Great Bai Empire





【房舍待建】雄京 禧佛 道德巷


空岛特区 央湖 和平路



Republic of Barzona



上京都 京正 未来街



卡如安特-Carante 东迪亚娜公园-Parc Diana 坎同道二甲巷口-Cantona Carrier Diana e Via 2ª

Cantona Carrier Diana e Via 2ª, costa oriental nal Parc Diana, Col. Diana, Carante

Commonwealth of Deodeca



上京都 京正 大观寺街(使馆区外)


值辰沃斯-Starworth 上值辰沃斯-Upper Starworth 大学道-University Ave.

United Kingdom of Geklinia-Dregolesia





多布赞卡-Добӂанка 尼卡-Ніљка 外交道-Дипломатична


空岛特区 央湖 领事横街



Republic of Izaland



上京都 京正 发展街


作安崎 庭庭汢-庭ヶ汢 风仑治筋-凬崘治筋 (Ikkarunji Yaon)


① 【未选址】海珠 落花

金沙 高阳 五高路


深灣-深湾 管渠 待定街道

若浦 Etsukanu 待定街道

Socialist Republic of Kanglapo





南松省-ᥢᥣᥢᥞᥨᥢᥞᥫᥢ 卡萨笛港-ᥟᥣᥞᥣဒᥤᥣᥠᥣᥒ 爱国者道-ᥛᥪᥐᥣᥒᥚᥨ စᥤᥢ


空岛特区 央湖 和平路



Kofuku Federation





矩铁城-Bako-Huz 福人街-Fu Quarter 韦帕纳道-Vepana Way





Republic of Novakia





斯洛文市-Slovech 普罗哈斯卡-Prohaska 帕卡星道-Pakstar

Republic of Malesoria



上京都 京正 使馆支街




Republic of Mallyore



上京都 京正 意诚巷



ㄋㄧㄎㄡㄌㄛㄨㄚㄎ-Nikolovac ㄅㄚㄙㄊㄜㄐㄧㄌㄡ-Basterijelo ㄆㄌㄧㄨㄟㄙㄨㄚ道-Plivčićeva

Plivčićeva 1, Nikolovac

Surian Socialist Confederaton



上京都 京正 意诚巷




Republic of Tay'yanar



上京都 京正 合作街



柯鲁檀马甲普土省-Kelutanmajaptu 兰卡霓科塔市-Lankanikta 待定街道


合作绘图 / International Mapping Collaboration



In general, we allow other countries to draw things like cultural districts in our designated areas where it makes sense. If you wish to map each other with Huaxia or unilaterally, please contact us. We may also invite other countries to participate.

When mapping, please note the Mapping Guide:

政治 / Politic

Info blauw.png
这部分设计得不是太多,一部分是因为经验不足,一部分是因为希望更多地关注地图本身而不是搁这儿键政。 This part was not designed too much, partly due to lack of experience and partly due to a desire to focus more on the map itself rather than as a keyboard politician.

Comment by Kengoman: For the envisioned mapping style (PRC-like), the government should be a unitary dominant party socialist (if not Marxist-Leninist) state with a strong central planning aspect.


国家象征 / National Symbol

Flag of Huaxia
  • 国旗:见右
  • 国歌:暂无
  • 国徽:暂无
  • National Flag: See the picture.
  • National Anthem: Current None
  • National Emblem: Current None


绘制华夏国旗时,因为单纯的旗帜标签不会渲染在图上,虽然Mapping for render是不正确的,我们还是建议您添加tourism=viewpoint标签。


In the following locations, the national flag of Huaxia should be added during detailed mapping: major public areas in each town (such as squares and park spaces), schools, party and government institutions, places of worship, historical education sites, and Huaxia's diplomatic missions abroad.

When mapping the Huaxia national flag, because a simple flag label will not render on the map, although mapping for render is not correct, we still recommend adding the tourism=viewpoint tag.

政治结构 / Political Structure


行政机关 / Administrative Institution




Huaxia currently has the following administrative institutions provisionally established. All of the institutions listed below are located in Shangjing, and they serve as national-level administrative bodies. Provincial, municipal, and county-level administrative divisions can have some of the secondary or tertiary institutions listed below (with suffixes downgraded, such as "Ministry" to "Bureau"). Municipal and lower-level administrative divisions may also consolidate offices from the institutions listed below.

华夏共和国的国家级部门·委员会 Huaxia National Administrative Institution Structure
一级 务司
二级 政部 政部 安部 交部 业与信息化部 林牧渔部 通运输部 化教育部 自然源部 发改划委 生健康委 律监察委 总署 人民 华夏学院
三级 社会保障部 税务总局 国家安全部 邮电部 华夏铁路总公司 新闻出版总署 水利部 发展改革委 国有资产监督管理委 国家航天局
民族与宗教事务委员会 网络空间管理总局 原子能与核安全部 民用航空管理总局 华夏广播电视总台 国土 城乡规划委 国家信访办公室 中央地震局
乡村振兴办公室 应急消防救援总局 人民语发展委员会 地矿 国家统计局 中央气象局
城市更新办公室 移民与出入境管理局
  • 总务司发文:总字〔2000〕01号
  • 民政部发文:民字〔2000〕01号
  • 民政部下属社会保障部发文:民社字〔2000〕01号

绘制华夏人民政府或行政机关时,因为单纯的政府标签不会渲染在图上,虽然Mapping for render是不正确的,我们还是建议您添加landuse=commercial标签。


When mapping the Huaxia people's government of administration institutions, because a simple goverment label will not render on the map, although mapping for render is not correct, we still recommend adding the landuse=commercial tag.



Provincial Representative Office in Shangjing

Each province is required to have a representative office in Shangjing. If you are assigned to a province, you are free to design and map its representative office at any location in Shangjing.

特区 W-西部地区 N-北部地区 E-东部地区 S-南部地区 M-山部地区
省份 驻所 省份 驻所 省份 驻所 省份 驻所 省份 驻所 省份 驻所
P2-北方特别行政区 W1-灼华省 N1-海角省 E1-雾草省 S1-冲虚省 M1-福承省 九省大院
P3-空岛特别行政区 空岛特别行政区驻京办 W2-浪波省 N2-热风省 E2-望琼省 S2-南海湾省 M2-诚安省
OS-离岛管理委员会 九省大院 W3-落花省 海珠省驻京办 N3-观洋省 E3-赤汤省 宇林院 S3-金沙省 南海园 M3-岭西省
W4-翠心省 翠心省驻京办 N4-林北省 E4-林东省 S4-洋湾省 M4-岭东省
W5-纵横省 E5-高湖省 M5-陆边省
W6-经纬省 E6-丰岛省 M6-万森省

自然地理 / Physical geography

地形地貌 / Geomorphology





Huaxia's terrain presents a west-high, east-low profile, and can be broadly divided into several geographical regions: the western mountainous area (Liuying Mountain—Manbo Mountain, 鎏营山—曼波山), the southwestern plateau (Aminoas Grassland, 阿米诺斯草原), the western plain, and the eastern plain (separated by the Dahua Mountain Range, 大华岭). The eastern plain also features Junsa Grassland (军沙草原) that directly connects to the sea. Approximately 50% of Huaxia's territory is covered by mountains or forests.

Huaxia's coastline is quite winding in the eastern and southern areas of Xin River Bay (新江湾), primarily featuring the islands of the East Huaxia Sea (东海诸岛), Xinjiangkou Islands (新江口诸岛), and Liuhong Bay Archipelago (留虹湾群岛). In contrast, the western and northern areas have a relatively smooth coastline.





Huaxia has eight major river basins: Tongbao Great River (同胞大江), Bai River (白河), Jingliu River (镜流江), Fanhuajiang (繁花江), Wei River (微水), Lisha River (璃沙河), Tianmen River (天门江), and Longyang River (龙阳河). Among these, Fanhuajiang originates from the southwestern mountainous and rainforest areas outside Huaxia, nourishing the largest population and is thus referred to as the "Mother River." There are also three large lakes within the territory: Mianlong Lake, (眠龙湖) Qin Lake (琴湖), and Gaolun Tianmen Lake (高轮天门湖).

Additionally, plans are underway to construct Chao River (潮河)[4].



  • 【中北平原区】
    • 阳东 10
    • 三江 50
    • 沃浦 80
    • 卫陵 85
    • 上京 95
    • 芸州 100
    • 叶子江 100
  • 【西部山区/沿边】(大沟平缓,平均200m/30km?;小沟陡峭,最大200m/10km)
    • 让坪山 140
    • 符关 230
    • 慈阳 300
    • 界河口 850
    • 二道龙 850
    • 高州 1000
    • 黄龙江 1900
    • 南龙湖 2687
    • ※山峰 按照沟底高度+500~1000m计,接平原区一带最外侧山峰控制在800~1300m

Key elevation control points (m) for the 2024 version

  • 【中北平原区】
    • 阳东 10
    • 三江 50
    • 沃浦 80
    • 卫陵 85
    • 上京 95
    • 芸州 100
    • 叶子江 100
  • 【西部山区/沿边】(大沟平缓,平均200m/30km?;小沟陡峭,最大200m/10km)
    • 让坪山 140
    • 符关 230
    • 慈阳 300
    • 界河口 850
    • 二道龙 850
    • 高州 1000
    • 黄龙江 1900
    • 南龙湖 2687
    • ※山峰 按照沟底高度+500~1000m计,接平原区一带最外侧山峰控制在800~1300m

FYI: the first version draft

气候 / Climate

总的来说,华夏属于热带气候,但具体的气候区尚未规划。 Overall, Huaxia has a tropical climate, though specific climate zones have not yet been defined.



Unlike the real-world China, Huaxia's tropical climate means that features such as glaciers, snow-capped mountains, and heating stations—elements that do not align with tropical conditions—should not be present.

Comment by Kengoman: Don't forget about the climate and how the Chinese culture will work out in a more tropical area.

人文地理 / Human geography

人口概况 / Population

设想中的华夏共和国共有五亿人,并且大多数居住在沿海地区,于在发达地区将出现不少超高密度住宅公寓。华夏共和国的发展并不算非常均衡,约80%的人口居住在20%的地区。部分地理学家将其成为“李氏弧线”,这一理论用来解释80%的人口和财富集中的现象。 Huaxia have 500 million people in the plan and most of them are lived in near sea area. (So there will me some ultra density residential apartment in developed area). The development of ROH maybe not parity enough, about 80% people live near sea and about 20% people live inner. Some geography raised a "Lee's sketch arc" theory to describe this phenomina, that is 80% people and wealth are outer this arc.

国民经济 / Economic



Personal average GDP is 23,870 dollars (11.93 trillion dollars in total).

HDI 0.787



Agriculture & Livestock Farming

Agriculture in the Huaxia Republic is highly developed, particularly in certain inland provinces. The primary crops can be summarized as "potatoes in the west, wheat in the east, and rice on the mountains," with maize as an additional staple. Livestock farming is concentrated mainly in the Junsha Grassland, which focuses on sheep farming, and the Aminos Grassland, where cattle and sheep farming dominate.




Huaxia has a traditional of heavy industrial, its Oil industry and refining industry is very efficient, especially in Northeast Huaxia.




See Collab:Huaxia/Transport.

资源地理 / Resources Geography

华夏有较为丰富的自然资源。其中矿产目前计划集中在大华岭片区,我们认为其地处横跨北塔洲的一条断裂带上,此地区的矿产包括煤、铁、铜、银、金等,最著名的是卡申银矿;此外,在东南部的日出岛,岛上有钼矿;东南部沿海,有油气田;我们还计划有稀土矿,但位置待定。 Huaxia has relatively abundant natural resources. Currently, mineral resources are planned to be concentrated in the Dahualing region, believed to be located along a fault line that spans across North Archanta Continent. The region's resources include coal, iron, copper, silver, and gold, with the most famous being the Kashen Silver Mine. Additionally, there is a molybdenum mine on the southeastern Sunrise Island, offshore oil and gas fields along the southeastern coast, and rare earth minerals, though their location is yet to be determined.
可以通过脚注中的代码Overpass查询[QL 2],并可根据需要检索:[5]
  • 煤矿 / Coal:resource=coal
  • 石油 / Oil:用单独的man_made=petroleum_well
  • 黄金 / Gold:resource=gold
  • 稀土 / Rare earth minerals:resource=monazite/bastnäsite



Before mapping any resources area, contact Laoshu Baby.




See Collab:Huaxia/Power.

教育 / Education

华夏有幼儿园、小学、初中、高中、大学共计5个教学阶段,多为公办学校。其中对于大学,大多数有名的(T0级别)公立高等院校都坐落在上京和沿海城市,惟「山河大学」除外,其是国家用于帮助提升其四个校区所在省份高等教育的公办高等院校,且地位处于华夏T1级别。 Huaxia has five educational stages: kindergarten, primary school, junior high school, high school, and university, with the majority being public schools. Among universities, most renowned (T0 level) public higher education institutions are located in Shangjing and coastal cities, except for "Shanhe University." Shanhe University is a public institution intended to enhance higher education in the four provinces where its campuses are located, with its status classified as T1 level in Huaxia.



  • 华夏高校系统(知名度分级)h-edu:hx=T0/T1/T2/T3
  • 中文别称或简称:alt_name=*
  • 英语名称:name:en=*
  • 英语缩写:short_name=*

The distribution of educational facilities in Huaxia is uneven, especially at the university level. As mentioned earlier, top universities should be concentrated in Shangjing and coastal areas. A university's main service area should generally cover city-level or higher administrative regions. If the service area is below the city level, it is likely to be a private micro-university or an independent college. If you plan to establish a renowned university (including its branch or campus) in a region that is not well-developed in education, please contact Laoshu Baby or NM$l.

When mapping universities, please consider the land area used. Additionally, please add the following tags for your university:

  • Huaxia Higher Education System (fame level): h-edu:hx=T0/T1/T2/T3
  • Chinese alias or abbreviation: alt_name=*
  • English name: name:en=*
  • English abbreviation: short_name=*

历史与文化 / History and culture

历史 / History

见华夏描述页面历史章节,华夏更多注重绘图,所以对历史持「需求导向型」的态度,如果有必要,再继续添加历史,否则不添加历史。但涉及到如城区中的老城区这种细部的历史内容,可以预先想好;如需要添加古代的遗址等,请向管理者咨询。 Refer to the history section of the Huaxia description page. Huaxia places more emphasis on mapping and therefore adopts a "needs-based" approach to history. Additional historical details are only added if necessary, otherwise, no further history is provided. However, when it comes to specific historical content, such as old districts in cities, it is advisable to plan ahead. If you wish to add ancient ruins or similar features, please consult with the administrators.
华夏人民喜爱和平,不想发动战争,因此已经210年没有与其他国家发生战争。同时,他们也没有与其他国家的领土争端。 Huaxia people like peace and don't want to begin a war, so it already 210 years haven't involved with war against other country. Also they don't have a territorial disputes with other countries.

Comment by Kengoman: with reference to AR914 culture, a peace loving culture can exist while still having warfare. Perhaps the country became very peaceful after a long war in the past century similar to Japan.

语言文字 / Language and Script

详见Collab:Huaxia/Guide#要素名称(name)语言 See Collab:Huaxia/Guide#要素名称(name)语言 (in Chinese, so you need to translate by yourself).

Comment by Kengoman: A better name for Simplified Chinese (and other Chinese languages) is in the works, since this also matters to Bai and other Chinese language countries.

文化 / Culture

  • 落花:广东、广州一带的粤语区文化(但使用简体字)
  • 赤汤部分地方:川渝地区
Huaxia culture draws inspiration from real-world Chinese culture and can encompass various aspects. Refer to the culture section of the Huaxia description page. On OGF, we primarily focus on northern culture, but contributions related to southern culture are also welcome. Currently identified areas of southern culture include:
  • Luohua: The Cantonese cultural region around Guangdong and Guangzhou (using simplified characters)
  • Certain areas of Chitang: The Sichuan-Chongqing region
  • 有华夏特色餐饮的美食店
  • 戏院、剧院
  • 寺庙、道观
  • 带有华夏文化特色的石刻、碑文
  • 等等(请开动你的脑筋)
Some cultural features can be reflected on the map, and contributions are encouraged, such as:
  • Restaurants featuring Huaxia-style cuisine
  • Theaters and opera houses
  • Temples and Daoist shrines
  • Stone carvings and inscriptions with Huaxia cultural characteristics
  • And more (please get creative)!

宗教 / Religion

华夏允许宗教信仰自由,但时下多数华夏人受现代生活带来的实用主义影响,不信仰宗教。截至2010年,华夏信教人口约占总人口7%,主要有本土的鹿珈教(Rogga)、外来的曼萨特教(Mansand)。前者是华夏数千年以来自己形成的民间信仰,最初起源于华夏传说中的一头神鹿,在约400年前被原朝确认为官方认可的、正式的宗教;后者随约750年前的外族入侵、移民带来,现在主要由少数民族安然萨科族(Arasaki)的民众信仰。 Huaxia allows freedom of religious belief, but now the majority of Huaxians, influenced by the pragmatism of modern life, do not follow any religion. As of 2010, about 7% of the population were religious, with the primary faiths being a indigenous one, Rogga (鹿珈教) and a foreign one, Mansand (曼萨特教).

The former, Rogga, is a folk belief that developed over thousands of years in Huaxia, originally based on a legendary divine deer. About 400 years ago, it was officially recognized as a formal religion by the Yuan (原) dynasty. The latter, Mansand, was introduced approximately 750 years ago during foreign invasions and migration. It is now primarily practiced by the Arasaki ethnic minority (安然萨科族).

此外现在坊间还有一些地方上的、民间信仰,其多来自于华夏的传说和神话,这些信仰发展出了一些地方的特色文化,如在上京附近分布的供奉着管理华夏地脉和上京赛博龙脉的土地爷的「土地庙」、在海边经常出海的民族信仰「海神」、天空树岛及周边信仰的居住在苍天之树上的「树王」等。 In addition, there are still various local and folk beliefs that come from Huaxia's ancient folks and stories, and have developed into unique regional cultures. For example, near Shangjing, there are "Tudi Temples" (土地庙) dedicated to the Tudi God (the Earth God, 土地神), who is believed to govern Huaxia's geopathic forces and the dragon vein of Shangjing. Along the coast, some ethnic groups practice a sea deity belief tied to frequent seafaring activities. On Tiankongshu Island and nearby areas, there is a belief in "Shuwang" (the Tree King, 树王), who is thought to reside on the Tiankongshu (Towering Celestial Tree, 天空树).
尽管现在的华夏人大多不信教,但是许多人会在结婚、生子、考试、面试等一些人生大事之前去寺庙参拜祈福,主要谋求一个心理安慰,为自己添加信心。 Although most modern Huaxians are non-religious, many people still visit temples to pray for blessings before major life events, such as marriage, childbirth, exams, or job interviews. This practice is mainly for psychological comfort and to boost confidence.

Comment by Kengoman: perhaps refer to existing religions of the world.

民族 / Ethnic

华夏是多民族国家,总共有23个民族,主要民族为兴族,截至2018年,占比80.3%;少数民族主要有清水族5.2%、阿米诺斯族(꒘ꂰꆈ꒘ꌘ,Aminoas)4%、安然萨科族(Arasaki)3.1%、丹增族1.8%、茂族0.7%等等。 Huaxia is a multi-ethnic country, with a total of 23 ethnic groups. The majority ethnic group is the Xing people (兴), who accounted for 80.3% of the population as of 2018. The main minority groups are the Qingshui people (清水, 5.2%), the Aminoas (꒘ꂰꆈ꒘ꌘ, 阿米诺斯, 4%), the Arasaki (安然萨科, 3.1%), the Dazin (丹增族, 1.8%), the Mao people (茂, 0.7%), etc.
我们欢迎您根据民族的历史文化绘制相应的内容,详见华夏主页民族部分 We welcome you to draw content based on the history and culture of ethnic groups, as detailed in the Ethnic Groups section on the Huaxia homepage.


Ethnic Autonomous Regions

In the administrative divisions of Huaxia, certain areas are designated as ethnic autonomous regions. These divisions are meant for areas with a significant population of ethnic minorities. The table below provides a current overview of ethnic autonomous regions.

民族自治地方列表 · 强制刷新
名称 民族 行政区类型
盦山西山族乡 乀̫ଽ̬乄̷̥(n43059612) 未识别(xishan) 民族乡
历塘丹族州-ལི་སྟོང་།(n120534322) 丹增族(Dazin) 民族州
卅远西山族州(n125119382) 未识别(xishan) 民族州
圣慈安族乡(n172935252) 安然萨科族(Arasaki) 民族乡
天顶茂族县(n262359492) 茂族(Mao) 民族县
拉提米尔左旗-꒐꒸ꊜ ꇁꄜꂾ'ꇈ ꉢ꒤꒐꒘꒤ꀦ(n267958831) 阿米诺斯族(Aminoas)
拉提米尔右旗-꒸꒐꒤ ꇁꄜꂾ'ꇈ ꉢ꒤꒐꒘꒤ꀦ(n320311387) 阿米诺斯族(Aminoas)
胡巴茂族民族乡(n324263990) 茂族(Mao) 民族乡
禹德茂族民族乡(n324263991) 茂族(Mao) 民族乡
邑巴什旗-꒤ꀠꎳ ꉢ꒤꒐꒘꒤ꀦ(n335877350) 阿米诺斯族(Aminoas)
通申扈族州(n337148621) 沪族(Ko) 民族州
倪石纳西米诺族县-꓀ꑾ'ꉢꎳ ꒘ꂰꆈ꒘ꌘ ꒸ꊜ'ꅿꂾ ꆅ꒤ꑟꍎ"꒤ꊜ(n348609211) 阿米诺斯族(Aminoas) 民族县
湾里清水族州(n351411969) 清水族(Qingshui) 民族州
米诺阿米诺斯族乡-ꂰ꒐꒘ꌘ ꒘ꂰꆈ꒘ꌘ ꒸ꊜ'ꅿꂾ ꉢ꒤ꑟꍎ"꒤ꊜ(n363213739) 阿米诺斯族(Aminoas) 民族乡
曼大布旗-ꆅꆋ'ꄉꀮ ꉢ꒤꒐꒘꒤ꀦ(n364423081) 阿米诺斯族(Aminoas)
大铁山茂族乡(n367917782) 茂族(Mao) 民族乡
ㄅㄨㄕㄍㄜ门茂族乡(n367917783) 茂族(Mao) 民族乡
卓母丹族乡-ཇོ་མ་དངོས་བསྟན་འཛིན་རིགས་རང་དབང་གི་གྲོང་བ་(n367917784) 丹增族(Dazin) 民族乡
置州安族县(n368281449) 安然萨科族(Arasaki) 民族县
益明安族乡(n368296250) 安然萨科族(Arasaki) 民族乡
积泽清水族乡(n368296251) 清水族(Qingshui) 民族乡
魁郸清水族乡(n368296252) 清水族(Qingshui) 民族乡
嘉湖清水族乡(n368296355) 清水族(Qingshui) 民族乡
鱼丰清水族乡(n368296356) 清水族(Qingshui) 民族乡
天明安族乡(n368296357) 安然萨科族(Arasaki) 民族乡
下河清水族乡(n368758745) 清水族(Qingshui) 民族乡
吉木拉达旺族乡-ꐛꃀꇁꄿ(n370212773) 旺族(Wang) 民族乡
雄秋汪族县-ꃘꉬꄁꃢꃅꄦꄓꏦꑳ(n370396905) 旺族(Wang) 民族县
绵下波勒旗-꒘꒤ꂾ'ꑟ꒘ꀣꇌ ꉢ꒤꒐꒘꒤ꀦ(n371263873) 阿米诺斯族(Aminoas)
答各吉奥米诺族县-ꄉꈣ'ꑳ꒘꒐ ꒘ꂰꆈ꒘ꌘ ꒸ꊜ'ꅿꂾ ꒸꒐ꍎ"꒤ꍎ"꒤ꊜ(n371394595) 阿米诺斯族(Aminoas) 民族县
落乌黑旺族乡-ꇉꂷꑟꃰ(n371491316) 旺族(Wang) 民族乡
吉兜汪族县-ꑞꌥꄁꃢꃅꄦꄓꏦꑳ(n371601669) 旺族(Wang) 民族县



When mapping, it is important to control the number of such administrative divisions appropriately. Additionally, for lower-level administrative divisions within ethnic autonomous regions, if the dominant ethnic group is the same as that of the region, standard administrative divisions should be used instead of ethnic autonomous ones.

脚注 / Footnote

  1. 最早一批到此一游的绘图者中有的是华夏建立项目时在华夏画了一段时间的绘图者,当时的华夏还参考着《〇神》……
  2. 2024年10月中,疑似有人散布了关于华夏的内容,引入了一批成员......
  3. 新成员会被归到此类,直至其长期的OGF兴趣得到认可,此后分至「活跃用户」;否则未来会被分至「到此一游」。
  4. 4.0 4.1 来自地理规划第二版,这是第一版规划里面的沿中部山脉附近(或者东侧)到达镇海市出海的河,是第一版规划唯一遗留的,现准备替换为清沫河。
  5. 参见OSMwiki上的资源类型

传送门 / Fast Link

国内 / Domestic 友邻 / Friend Neighbours

工具 / Tools

查询代码 / QL Code


  1. 国情资要:
  2. 查询矿产资源:
  3. 3.0 3.1 地震、气象系统
  4. 4.0 4.1 华夏高校及其注册代码:
        true; "|"
    nwr[amenity=university](poly:"18.049257 149.051512 17.970897 148.184966 17.704213 147.579344 16.599348 147.153623 16.612509 147.013547 15.884737 146.947629 15.533086 146.557614 15.776398 145.316159 15.541025 145.195310 14.317620 145.360102 14.104618 145.722651 13.036675 145.431513 12.522396 145.634760 12.071558 146.431269 12.431218 146.909174 11.730236 147.904814 10.493219 148.458246 9.194298 148.249506 8.982754 149.468989 8.559299 149.611811 9.069557 151.424555 8.798231 151.721186 9.486992 152.858275 9.814624 152.891234 9.899864 153.231810 10.082447 153.429564 9.218695 154.756163 8.083707 153.893735 7.844339 154.064023 7.904192 154.857787 7.633755 155.040092 7.609595 155.113563 7.593260 155.346679 7.793998 155.360411 7.928676 155.489501 8.231879 155.523833 8.530776 155.990752 8.799583 156.069030 8.962403 156.073149 10.120307 157.489008 11.636101 159.114985 12.838587 159.125971 13.432372 156.137690 15.146375 155.467524 16.673036 155.692744 17.214270 153.539423 15.987740 152.501215 16.167202 151.171870 16.926765 149.852141 17.143416 149.861754 17.283777 149.820555 17.270663 149.740904 17.372922 149.690093 17.503939 149.501952 17.973509 149.262999 18.049257 149.051512");
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