
From OpenGeofiction
Flag of Huaxia Republic of Huaxia
华夏共和国 (人民语)
Capital: 上京市
Population: 531135427 (2024)

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Huaxia, officially known as the Republic of Huaxia, is a republic located in the continent of Beita. It spans an area of 875,212.09 square kilometers (including territorial waters) and encompasses the vast plains of central Beita, as well as mountain ranges such as the Dahuaxia Ridge, Tianmen Mountain, and the Linqin Range. The coastline in the north is relatively smooth, while the southern coastline is rugged and dotted with islands like Richu Island, Riluo Island, the Donghai Archipelago, and Dongfanghong Island.

In ancient times, Huaxia and the neighboring state of Bai were united, but later separated due to foreign colonization. Today, Huaxia has well-developed infrastructure and an emerging economy. With over 3,000 years of history and a vibrant cultural heritage, the people of Huaxia are advancing toward further development.

China road sign 警 37.svg
这是华夏共和国的描述页面,关于本项目的合作、绘图和其他注意事项,请移步Collab:Huaxia This is the description of the Republic of Huaxia itself. For the collaboration, mapping, and other guides, please go to Collab:Huaxia.

历史 / History

在约4500年前,北塔洲中央的「华夏—百」地区出现了人类活动,并不断扩展。约3000年前,在现华夏和百交界的同胞江地区产生了最早的政权(华朝),其不断发展并经历王朝迭代,于公元150年左右统一了整个华夏和百地区,此时期华夏和百地区的发展空前高涨,文化交流密切,形成了现在二国相似文化的基础,最终于665-721年左右诞生了璀璨的「浮鼎盛世」,但随后又分裂为数个国家。 Around 4,500 years ago, human activity emerged in the Huaxia-Bai region of central North Archanta and gradually expanded. Around 3,000 years ago, the earliest government, the Hua dynasty (华朝, Huachao), arose in the Tongbao River region, which now forms the border between now Huaxia and Bai. The Huachao grew, undergoing several dynastic changes, and by around 150 AD, it unified the entire Huaxia and Bai region. This period marked an unprecedented level of development in both regions, with close cultural exchange laying the foundation for the similar cultures that exist in both countries today. Between approximately 665 and 721 AD, the flourishing "Fuding Cauldron Era" (浮鼎盛世, Fuding Shengshi) emerged, though it was followed by the fragmentation of the region into multiple states.
公元13世纪,符朝建立统一了现在的华夏地区,并与当时的百朝分庭抗礼,1285年二者曾发生战争,但因13世纪末、14世纪初的索奥(Suo)从北入侵而停战。最终百未能战胜并被索朝统治,而华夏地区则因在同胞江、北塔中央山脉等地理阻隔区域奋力抵抗未被侵犯,尽管受到一些北方打压,但仍继续以独立王朝存在。 In the 13th century, the Fu dynasty (符朝, Fuchao) dynasty established its rule over the current Huaxia region, becoming a rival to the Bai dynasty of the time. In 1285, the two states went to war, but the conflict was halted due to the invasion of the Suo from the north in the late 13th and early 14th centuries. Ultimately, Bai was unable to resist and fell under Suo rule, while Huaxia successfully resisted in regions like the Tongbao River and the Central North Archanta Mountains, preventing invasion despite pressure from the north. Huaxia continued to exist as an independent dynasty.
此后华夏又经历了分分合合,期间主要有原、鸣朝等七个不同的朝代,期间抵抗了来自北方的和外来的侵略,并从封建王朝逐步进步到现代的社会制度,最终在经历20年内战后,华夏共和国于1939年正式建立;随后1960年代新的百王朝建立后,二者保持了友好的关系。 Following this, Huaxia went through cycles of division and re-unification, with seven different dynasties, primarily including Yuan (原) and Ming (鸣). During this time, Huaxia resisted invasions from the north and other foreign powers, gradually progressing from a feudal monarchy to a modern social system. After a 20-year civil war, the Republic of Huaxia was officially established in 1939. In the 1960s, after the today's new Bai dynasty was established, the two nations maintained friendly relations.
注:由于华夏和百的史官经历长期的分隔,双方史料出现了不一样的记录,请读者自辩。 Note: Due to the long-term separation of Huaxia and Bai historians, there are discrepancies in historical records between the two sides. Readers are advised to discern for themselves.

领土 / Territory

华夏领土包含AR917、AR918和AR919全境,目前已经完全拥有上述区域,并合并为了AR919,领土主要包含了北塔州(North Archanta)东部的、中央山脉以西的、大百帝国以南、东国海以北的区域和一些靠近大陆的离岛。 The territory of Huaxia includes the entirety of AR917, AR918, and AR919. These regions have now been fully integrated into AR919. The territory primarily covers the eastern part of North Archanta, specifically the area west of the Central Mountains, south of the Bai Empire, and north of the East Sea, along with several offshore islands close to the mainland.
华夏的领海使用基线画法,领海宽12海里。依此,华夏拥有完全内海的留虹湾、空岛中央水道、双子洲海峡,并与其他国家共享东国湾(与AR926)、同胞江口海域(与慷乐坡社会主义共和国)。 Huaxia's territorial waters are delineated using the baseline method, with a territorial sea extending 12 nautical miles. Based on this, Huaxia possesses several fully enclosed bodies of water: Liuhong Bay, the Central Waterway of Kongdao, and the Shuangzidao Strait. It also shares waters with other nations, including Dongguo Bay (shared with AR926) and the Estuary of the Tongbao River (shared with the Socialist Republic of Kanglapo).
截至2024年中,华夏共和国领土与领海面积总和约875212.09平方千米,其中陆地面积796736.96平方千米。 As of mid-2024, the total area of Huaxia, including land and territorial waters, is approximately 875,212.09 km², with a land area of 796,736.96 km².

行政区划 / Administrative Division

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华夏省级行政区地图(赤〔2024〕114号)Province Level Administration Division Map of Huaxia
华夏共和国定都上京,拥有四级基础行政区划(省市县镇)。第一级行政区划包含了1个都(红色标注)、2个特别行政区(黄色标注)和28个省,另有一特殊的、中央政府直接管辖的县级区划「离岛(县)管理委员会」(蓝色标注)。 The Republic of Huaxia has its capital in Shangjing and employs a four-tiered basic administrative division system (province, city, county, and town). The first-level administrative divisions include one Capital (marked in red), two Special Administrative Regions (marked in yellow), and 28 provinces. Additionally, there is a special county-level division directly governed by the central government, the "Oversea Island Administrative Committee" (marked in blue).
参见右侧行政区划地图,更多信息详见行政区划架构页面。 Refer to the administrative division map on the right, and for more information, see the administrative division structure page.
表1 华夏共和国的一级行政区
Table 1 - The first level administration division of Huaxia
Special admin division
省份 Ingerish 省份 Ingerish 省份 Ingerish 省份 Ingerish 省份 Ingerish 省份 Ingerish
P1-上京都 Shangjing Du W1-灼华省 Zhuohua N1-海角省 Haijiao E1-雾草省 Wucao S1-冲虚省 Chongxu M1-福承省 Fucheng
P2-北方特别行政区 Beifang Tebie Xingzhengqu W2-浪波省 Langbo N2-热风省 Refeng E2-望琼省 Wangqiong S2-南海湾省 Nanhaiwan M2-诚安省 Cheng'an
P3-空岛特别行政区 Kongdao Tebie Xingzhengqu W3-海珠省 Haizhu N3-观洋省 Guanyang E3-赤汤省 Chitang S3-金沙省 Jinsha M3-岭西省 Lingxi
OS-离岛管理委员会 Lidao Guanli Weiyuanhui W4-翠心省 Cuixin N4-林北省 Linbei E4-林东省 Lindong S4-洋湾省 Yangwan M4-岭东省 Lingdong
W5-纵横省 Zongheng E5-高湖省 Gaohu M5-陆边省 Lubian
W6-经纬省 Jingwei E6-丰岛省 Fengdao M6-万森省 Wansen
M7-青沫河省 Qingmohe
M8-泥江省 Nijiang

自然地理 / Physical geography

华夏整体的地势呈现西高、东低的形式,国家全域大致可分为西部山区(鎏营山—曼波山)、西南高原(阿米诺斯草原)、西部平原和东部平原(由大华岭分隔)几个地理区域。其中东部平原亦有一处「军沙草原」,直接与大海相连。华夏主要有繁花江、白河、微水、潮河、天门河几条河流,其中繁花江发源于华夏境外西南的山区和雨林,由于滋养了最多的民众,被称为「母亲河」。 Huaxia's overall terrain features a west-high, east-low pattern. The country can be broadly divided into several geographical regions: the western mountainous areas (Liuying Mountains—Manbo Mountains), the southwestern plateau (Aminoas Grasslands), the western plains, and the eastern plains, which are separated by the Dahuaxia Ridge. In the eastern plains lies a special area called the "Junsha Grasslands", which directly connects to the sea.

Huaxia is home to several major rivers, including the Fanhua River, Bai River, Weishui River, Chao River, and Tianmen River. The Fanhua River originates in the mountainous and rainforest regions southwest of Huaxia's borders, and because it sustains the largest number of people, it is affectionately known as the "Mother River".

人口 / Population

设想中的华夏共和国共有五亿人,并且除了首都以外,大多数居住在沿海地区。华夏共和国的发展并不算非常均衡,约80%的人口居住在20%的地区。部分地理学家将其成为“李氏弧线”,这一理论用来解释80%的人口和财富集中的现象。 The envisioned Republic of Huaxia has a population of 500 million people, with the majority living in coastal areas, excluding the capital. Development in Huaxia is relatively uneven, with about 80% of the population residing in only 20% of the land. Some geographers refer to this phenomenon as the "Li's Arc", a theory used to explain the concentration of both population and wealth.

民族 / Ethnic

华夏是多民族国家,总共有23个民族,主要民族为兴族,截至2018年,占比85.0%;少数民族主要有清水族5.2%、阿米诺斯族(꒘ꂰꆈ꒘ꌘ,Aminoas)4%、安然萨科族(Arasaki)3.1%、丹增族(བསྟན་འཛིན་རིགས།,Dazin)1.8%、茂族0.7%等等。 Huaxia is a multi-ethnic country, with a total of 23 ethnic groups. The majority ethnic group is the Xing people (兴), who accounted for 85.0% of the population as of 2018. The main minority groups are the Qingshui people (清水, 5.2%), the Aminoas (꒘ꂰꆈ꒘ꌘ, 阿米诺斯, 4%), the Arasaki (安然萨科, 3.1%), the Tenzin (བསྟན་འཛིན་རིགས།, 丹增, 1.8%), the Mao people (茂, 0.7%), etc.
表2 华夏境内的民族列表
民族 分布地域 简介 人口
兴族 Xing
  • 华夏全境
兴族,华夏的主体民族。 85.0%
  • The whole Huaxia
阿米诺斯族 Aminoas
  • 上京周边
  • 米诺大草原
原来的土著民族,在符朝时即被归顺,符朝朝廷还将一部分阿米诺斯族人迁下山,在上京周边居住,他们有一些游牧的文化。 4%
  • Near Shangjing
  • Mino Grassland
The Aminoas are an indigenous group living in the highlands of the Mino Grasslands, southeast of Shangjing. During the Fu dynasty, they were integrated into Huaxia, and some Aminoas were relocated by the Fu court to areas surrounding Shangjing. They have a semi-nomadic culture.
安然萨科族 Arasaki
  • 落花周边
  • 裁雨山周边
安然萨科族是外来民族,但已经很好地融入了华夏的民众,他们多信仰曼萨特教(Mansand),不过也有人不再信仰,但这部分人多保留了自己的生活习惯。 3.1%
  • Near Luohua
  • Near Caiyushan
The Arasaki are a foreign ethnic group, but they have integrated well into Huaxian society. Most of them follow the Mansand religion, although some no longer practice it. However, even those who do not follow the religion often retain their traditional lifestyle and customs.
丹增族 Dazin
  • 雾草大草地
  • Wucao Grassland
茂族 Mao
  • 沿海的部分山区
  • Some mountainous area near the sea
旺族 Wang 0.7%
清水族 Qingshui
  • 华夏南部海边
生活在华夏南部的海边的民族,古代华夏一些近海渔民只集中在南部海边,渔民很难获得淡水,他们认为淡水是神圣,并形成了独特的水文化。 0.6%
  • Coast area in southern Huaxia
The Qingshui (lit. meaning: clean water) people predominantly live along the southern coast of Huaxia. In ancient times, coastal fishermen were concentrated in the southern regions, where fresh water was scarce. They regarded fresh water as sacred, leading to the development of a unique water-centered culture.
百族 Bai
  • 同胞大江一带
  • Tongbao River
西山族 Xishan
  • 曼南山地区
  • Mannan Mountain area

姓氏 / Surname

华夏人注重家庭传承,姓氏可以极好的反映血缘上的人群分布。华夏西部主要分布单字姓氏,如王、陈、李、华、朱、云、楚、户、金等,复姓较少;东部主要分布复姓,如欧阳、诸安、宁国、安门、飞霄等,单字姓仅占一半人群。这些姓氏中的复姓多为古时华夏诸侯林立,东部的一些上层人士为识别身份而取的,西部诸侯不屑于此。 Huaxians place great importance on family heritage, and surnames provide valuable insights into the distribution of familial groups. In the western region of Huaxia, monosyllabic surnames such as Wang (王), Chen (陈), Li (李), Hua (华), Zhu (朱), Yun (云), Chu (楚), Hu (户), and Jin (金) are prevalent, while compound surnames are rare. In the eastern region, compound surnames are more common, with names like Ouyang (欧阳), Zhu'an (诸安), Ningguo (宁国), Anmen (安门), and Feixiao (飞霄), while monosyllabic surnames make up only half of the population. These compound surnames largely originated from the aristocracy in the eastern part of Huaxia during a time when many vassal lords ruled independently. Eastern nobles often adopted compound surnames to distinguish their status, whereas western lords regarded such practices with disdain.
少数民族有自己的姓氏,如阿米诺斯族有「和歌」(꒱ꉺ'ꆏꎳ,Ehnesh)姓氏;有的民族有自己的姓氏传承规则,如丹增族的子女会将父母的名作为自己的姓。除了少数民族外,华夏最长的复姓是「鞭打芦花车牛返」,这是纪念一个孝顺孩子而产生的姓氏。 Minority groups in Huaxia have their own unique surnames. For example, the Aminoas people have the surname "Ehnesh" (꒱ꉺ'ꆏꎳ, 和歌). Some ethnic groups also have distinct surname inheritance rules. In the Tenzin ethnic group, for instance, children adopt their parents' given names as their surnames.

Beyond the minority groups, Huaxia's longest compound surname is "Biandaluhuacheniufan" (鞭打芦花车牛返), which commemorates a filial child and has been passed down as a family name.

经济 / Economic

华夏采用「别具一格」的市场经济体制,主要经济来源是工业(东部)和农业(西部),近年来随着网络发展,电子技术等高新领域和互联网、电信等服务行业也发展迅速。 Huaxia adopts the "Distinctive" Market Economy System, with its primary economic sectors being industry in the east and agriculture in the west. In recent years, with the advancement of the internet, high-tech fields such as electronics and service industries like telecommunications and internet services have also experienced rapid growth.


Personal average GDP is 23,870 dollars (11.93 trillion dollars in total)

HDI 0.787

交通 / Transport

交通页面。 See the transportation page.

文化 / Culture

华夏拥有丰富的、基于华朝文明和汉字的华夏文化,有琴、棋、书、画、传统音乐、杂技舞蹈、武术、十六生肖、六行、地干天支、传统思想、历法、节气节日、民间工艺、美食等文化分支。 Huaxia has a rich cultural heritage based on the civilization of the Huachao and the Huaxian character (汉字) system. Its cultural branches include music, chess, calligraphy, painting, traditional music, acrobatics and dance, martial arts, the Sixteen Zodiac Animals (十六生肖), the Six Elements (六行), the Earthly Stems (地干) and Heavenly Branches (天支), traditional philosophy, calendars, calendar terms (节气) and festivals, folk crafts, cuisine, etc.

「耕历」与节庆 / "Gengli" and Festivals

  • 扬春:「耕历」第1个节气,每年的第一天,象征着春天的开始,华夏人选择在这一天与全家团聚,象征着全年平安。
  • 分秋:「耕历」第30个节气,秋天的一半,通常在收割季节之后,华夏人在这一天也会尽可能与家人团聚,或至少相互联络,分享丰收喜悦。
  • 思故:「耕历」第20个节气,夏季中后期,此时华夏的天气最热,古时人们认为这时的热可以传递到往界,已故的人们可以通过热道回到现实世界访问在世之人,华夏人在这一天祭祖,并在家中摆好酒席,迎接已故的亲人回家。


Huaxia, located in the tropics, has a relatively humid climate in many regions, which has led to the development of advanced agriculture. For convenience in farming, the people created the "Gengli" calendar (the Huaxian Cultivation Calendar, 耕历) to guide agricultural production. This calendar is based on both the solar and lunar cycles, so the number of days in a year or month is not fixed but can be calculated. The year is divided into 48 parts, with key points designated as calendar terms and festivals. Here are some of the main festivals and calendar terms:
  • Yangchun (扬春): The first calendar term of the "Gengli" calendar, marking the first day of the year, symbolizes the beginning of spring. Huaxians gather with family on this day, representing a wish for peace throughout the year.
  • Fenqiu (分秋): The 30th calendar term, marking the midpoint of autumn, usually occurring after the harvest season. On this day, Huaxians try to reunite with family or at least contact one another to share the joy of the harvest.
  • Sigu (思故): The 20th calendar term, falling in the mid-to-late summer during the hottest time of the year. In ancient times, it was believed that the heat could connect the living world to the afterlife, allowing the deceased to return and visit the living. Huaxians honor their ancestors on this day by preparing feasts at home, welcoming departed family members back.

In addition to these traditional festivals, Huaxia has introduced historical holidays, such as National Day to commemorate the founding of the country, and Army Day to celebrate the establishment of the People's Army.

包含前文提到的传统节日,这些节日会放1-7天的假期,通常节日本身在假期中间的位置,如果假期从周二开始或在周四结束,则相邻的周一、周五一并放假,且无需调整其他休息日,华夏每年有至少32天的公共假期。 Including some traditional festivals mentioned above, Huaxia would hold holidays in range from 1 to 7 days. Typically, the festival falls in the middle of the break, and if the holiday starts on a Tuesday or ends on a Thursday, the adjacent Monday or Friday is also included in the holiday without the need to adjust other rest days. Huaxia has at least 32 days of public holidays each year.

饮食 / Foods

华夏有句古话「民以食为天」,华夏地域较大,产出多种食。主食上根据主产地有「西面薯、东面麦、山上稻」的说法,古时后二者较少,但近现代人们发现后二者的优点后,科学家尝试将后二者培育出耐热、耐旱之特点,并推广到全国种植;蔬果方面,因处于热带又盛产水果,蔬菜也较为丰富;肉类方面有猪、鸡、牛〔随安然萨科族(Arasaki)人吃法兴起〕等;近代航海业逐渐发达,并传入国内,渔业也开始兴起。 Huaxia has an old saying, "The people regard food as their heaven". With its vast territory, Huaxia produces a wide variety of foods. The staple foods are summarized by the saying "Western tubers, Eastern wheat, and mountain rice". In ancient times, the latter two were less common, but in modern times, people have recognized their advantages. Scientists have worked to cultivate wheat and rice varieties with heat and drought resistance, promoting their widespread cultivation across the country. In terms of fruits and vegetables, Huaxia's tropical location makes it a major producer of fruit, and it also boasts a rich variety of vegetables. Meat sources include pork, chicken, and beef (the latter of which gained popularity through the culinary traditions of the Arasaki people). In recent times, as seafaring became more advanced, fishing has also developed.
  • 华夏的正餐主要有薯、米、面、汤锅、水饺等,配菜有炒、煎、煮、炖菜、江湖菜等,并辅以凉菜、榨菜或茶点(一般在海珠省及周边地区);
  • 小食中有代表性的甜口有糖葫芦、吹糖塑、叶饼、珠粑粑、果脯等,咸口有桃儿片子、肉脯、豆腐脑等,辣口有辣串、醒神糕等。


This abundance of ingredients has led to a rich culinary culture, spanning from main courses to street snacks. Huaxia's main dishes include tubers, rice, noodles, hotpots, and jiao'er (dumplings, 饺子). Side dishes are prepared in various ways, such as stir-fried, pan-fried, boiled, or stewed dishes, and include Jianghu cuisine (江湖菜). Cold dishes, zhacai (pickled vegetables, 榨菜), or tea snacks (particularly in Haizhu Province and nearby areas) are also often served with in a meal.

Representative sweet snacks include tanghulu (candied fruit, 糖葫芦), chuitangsu (sugar sculptures, 吹糖塑), yebing (leaf cakes, 叶饼), zhubaba (pearl cakes, 珠粑粑), and dried fruits. Savory snacks feature tao'erpianzi (savory peach slices, 桃儿片子), meat jerky, and doufunao (tofu pudding, 豆腐脑), while spicy snacks include spicy skewers and xingshen cakes (醒神糕).

In addition, as Huaxia has gradually opened up in recent decades, foreign food cultures have also been introduced and embraced. Western-style barbecue, sushi, pizza, and salads are now enjoyed by many in Huaxia.

宗教信仰 / Religion

华夏允许宗教信仰自由,但时下多数华夏人受现代生活带来的实用主义影响,不信仰宗教。截至2010年,华夏信教人口约占总人口7%,主要有本土的鹿珈教(Rogga)、外来的曼萨特教(Mansand)。前者是华夏数千年以来自己形成的民间信仰,最初起源于华夏传说中的一头神鹿,在约400年前被原朝确认为官方认可的、正式的宗教;后者随约750年前的外族入侵、移民带来,现在主要由少数民族安然萨科族(Arasaki)的民众信仰。 Huaxia allows freedom of religious belief, but now the majority of Huaxians, influenced by the pragmatism of modern life, do not follow any religion. As of 2010, about 7% of the population were religious, with the primary faiths being a indigenous one, Rogga (鹿珈教) and a foreign one, Mansand (曼萨特教).

The former, Rogga, is a folk belief that developed over thousands of years in Huaxia, originally based on a legendary divine deer. About 400 years ago, it was officially recognized as a formal religion by the Yuan (原) dynasty. The latter, Mansand, was introduced approximately 750 years ago during foreign invasions and migration. It is now primarily practiced by the Arasaki ethnic minority (安然萨科族).

此外现在坊间还有一些地方上的、民间信仰,其多来自于华夏的传说和神话,这些信仰发展出了一些地方的特色文化,如在上京附近分布的供奉着管理华夏地脉和上京赛博龙脉的土地爷的「土地庙」、在海边经常出海的民族信仰「海神」、天空树岛及周边信仰的居住在苍天之树上的「树王」等。 In addition, there are still various local and folk beliefs that come from Huaxia's ancient folks and stories, and have developed into unique regional cultures. For example, near Shangjing, there are "Tudi Temples" (土地庙) dedicated to the Tudi God (the Earth God, 土地神), who is believed to govern Huaxia's geopathic forces and the dragon vein of Shangjing. Along the coast, some ethnic groups practice a sea deity belief tied to frequent seafaring activities. On Tiankongshu Island and nearby areas, there is a belief in "Shuwang" (the Tree King, 树王), who is thought to reside on the Tiankongshu (Towering Celestial Tree, 天空树).
尽管现在的华夏人大多不信教,但是许多人会在结婚、生子、考试、面试等一些人生大事之前去寺庙参拜祈福,主要谋求一个心理安慰,为自己添加信心。 Although most modern Huaxians are non-religious, many people still visit temples to pray for blessings before major life events, such as marriage, childbirth, exams, or job interviews. This practice is mainly for psychological comfort and to boost confidence.