
From OpenGeofiction
Flag of Malesoria Republic of Malesoria
Republika e Malësorisë (Malesorian)
Capital: Talrasin
Population: 16,804,661 (2023)
Motto: Të gjithë si një ("All as one")
Anthem: Nga malet në det ("From the mountains to the sea")

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Malesoria (Malesorian: Malësoria), officially the Republic of Malesoria (Malesorian: Republika e Malësorisë), is a country in central Uletha. It is situated in the Iviran region, and shares land borders with Suria to the north, UL17h and Qennes to the east, Demirhan Empire to the south and southwest, and UL07f to the west. It borders the Antharian enclave of Adakale on the river Kiran to the south, and also shares a lake border with Antharia to the east. Malesoria covers an area of 175,156 sq km (67,628 sq mi), and has a population of 16.8 million. The capital city, Talrasin (Malesorian: Tëlrasan), is located in the central part of the country, whereas the largest urban metropolitan area, Portat e Arta, lies on the short Iviran Coast to the southeast. The sole official language of the country is Malesorian, and the vast majority of the population is ethnically Malesorian.

Malesorian history is a rich tapestry of cultural, political, and social developments that spans over several millennia. The Dacenians were the earliest known inhabitants of the region, followed by the Hellanesian rule in the 3rd century BCE. Following the fall of the Hellanesian power, the area came under the influence of various Antharian, Turquese, and Surian rulers. In the late Middle Ages, the territory of modern-day Malesoria experienced the rise of several independent feudal states, including the Principality of Topojë and the First Kingdom of Malesoria. The Demirhan Empire conquered most of Malesoria in the 15th century, subjecting it to almost four centuries of foreign rule. During this period, Malesorians maintained their language, culture, and traditions, preserving their distinct identity.

The 19th century saw a wave of national awakening among the Malesorians, fueled by ideas of romantic nationalism and the emerging concepts of self-determination and nationhood. Following the turmoil in the Demirhan Empire, the Second Kingdom of Malesoria was proclaimed in 1886. The newly formed nation faced numerous challenges, including territorial disputes, political instability, and foreign interventions. Throughout the Great War, the country was led by the communist leader Gëzim Delvina who established a totalitarian regime, isolating Malesoria from the rest of the world. Delvina's death in 1969 caused a ferocious two-year civil war, in which his son, Lirim Delvina, proclaimed the victory. The Second Civil War in the 1980s brought a transition to a multi-party democracy, but faced challenges of corruption and organized crime. In recent decades, Malesoria has made significant strides in consolidating its democracy, strengthening its economy, and pursuing Ulethan integration. The country has undertaken reforms, improved its infrastructure, and engaged in regional cooperation.



Open Book icon.svg
History of Malesoria
Early history and Middle Ages
• Dacenian tribesc. 700 BCE
• Hellanesian colonisation3rd century BCE
• Princedom of Bëloti10th century CE
• First Kingdom of Malesoria1180-1498
Turquese Malesoria1523-1886
• Fall of Topojë1523
• Great Rebellion1565
• Principality of Lower Malesoria1821
Contemporary times
• Independence7 February 1886
• Communist Malesoria1947-1969
• 2nd Republic of Malesoria1971-1985
• Modern Republic1985


The knowledge about prehistoric Malesoria is limited due to the scarcity of written records and the reliance on archaeological evidence. The earliest evidence of human presence in the territory of modern-day Malesoria dates back to the Middle Paleolithic era, with traces of stone tools and animal remains found in the caves near Lemnushë.

Neolithic rock found in Odheshë Cave, Vardhë.

During the Neolithic period, around 6,000 to 4,000 BCE, agricultural practices emerged, leading to the establishment of settled communities. The cultivation of crops, such as wheat, barley, and legumes, and the domestication of animals became essential for subsistence. Excavations at sites like Dhaliq, Parrëdezi, and Njashtëmi have uncovered Neolithic settlements, pottery, and agricultural tools.

The Bronze Age marked a significant development in technology and trade. Advanced tools, weapons, and jewellery were produced, indicating the use of more sophisticated metallurgical techniques. The discovery of large tumuli (burial mounds) and grave goods at sites like Vidhovë and the Tumulus of Gjofkëndi provides insights into the social hierarchy and burial practices of the time.

From the late Bronze Age onwards, the Dacenians emerged as the dominant culture in the region. They established a series of tribal states in the western Iviran region. Dacenian hillforts, along with fortified settlements, have been discovered, indicating the defensive nature of the communities. Archaeological findings suggest trade connections with neighbouring cultures, such as the Moorsh people. It is believed that present-day Malesorians are the descendants of various Dacenian tribes. However, due to the lack of written records, the knowledge of their origin, and specific political or social organisation is limited.


During the 4th and 3rd centuries BCE, the Dacenians came into contact with the expanding Hellanesian colonies along the Iviran coast. Their influence gradually spread, leading to the Hellanisation of certain southern Dacenian regions. The first recorded encounter of Hellanesians and one Dacenian tribe, the Leuseti, comes from the First Periplous of the Iviran Sea, an ancient manuscript written in the late 4th century BCE. By the end of the first millennium BCE, several Hellanesian colonies were established in the Lower Kiran Valley, notably Artoporos (present-day Portat e Arta) and Somnos (present-day Somër). Following internal conflicts and external pressures, prominently the Antharian independence in the late 2nd century CE, the Hellanesian-controlled area was fragmented into smaller entities, mostly in the form of semi-independent city-states. The authorities encouraged trade, and the major cities served as important centres for commerce, facilitating exchanges with other Hellanesian territories and neighbouring regions.

Around 250 CE, Artoporos and the surrounding area were incorporated into the Antharian Kingdom, whereas the other city-states of the Kiran Valley, united under the short-lived Despotate of Asionos, showed fierce resistance. The Fall of Motos (present-day Motas) in 298 CE marked the end of the Antharian conquest of the Malesorian Iviran coast.

Portat e Arta was founded around 90 BCE as the Hellanesian colony of Artoporos.

Meanwhile, rural areas of the Central Highlands were the subject of different attempts at tribal organisation which would eventually lead to the first mention of the unnamed Malesorian tribe in the 3rd century. The Malesorian name was attested for the first time in 306 CE in the works of Hellanesian historian Bimocles, affirming that Malesorian rulers had both peaceful interactions and conflicts with coastal city-states, particularly those of Somnos and Tersalia. From the early 5th century on, these Malesorian unstable, consanguineal associations were often challenged by frequent raids of various Slevic hordes.

Middle Ages

The rise of the Surs under Prince Igor the Bold in the late 7th century posed a significant threat to Malesorian tribal lands. The invasions under his rule disrupted the existing social and political order, leading to a period of instability. Until the early 10th century, Antharians, Kartlegians, Surs, and the nomadic Semic tribes exerted their influence over the Malesorian lands. The Semic principality of Mevs (Malesorian: Maveshë) played a significant role in hindering the Southern Sur Campaign in 705–714 CE, attempting to reach the Gulf of Erez.

In 921 CE, the first notable Malesorian state, the Princedom of Bëloti, emerged in the western present-day Malesoria. A beneficiary of trade routes between the Hellanesian south and the Slevic inland, the Bëloti family expanded their territory to the Lake of Sens (Malesorian: Liqeni i Tëredes), impending the Iviran Principality and Po'ion territories to the east. The Battle of Verguence (1012–13) marked the definite end of the Bëloti advancement to the east. In the 11th century, several Malesorian regions became recognized as separate or autonomous dominions. The tribal rulers contended over territories, usually without a sense of ethnic unity.

In 1180, king Ardit of Zal unified three Malesorian principalities into the First Kingdom of Malesoria. Ardit introduced a centralised administration, established a feudal system, and implemented structural reforms to strengthen his rule. His son Dritan pursued military campaigns against neighbouring states, including the Romanish Kingdom and the Despotate of Burraj, further extending the territory. The dynasty of Zal encouraged the development of art, literature, and education, maintaining good relations with Antharia and Qennes.

Turquese Malesoria

Strategic fortress of Tudaji fell into the hands of Demirhani army in 1501.

During the late 15th century, the First Kingdom of Malesoria came under the ambitious gaze of the Demirhan Empire, seeking to expand its territory and influence into the Iviran region. In 1472, Bayezid III launched an invasion by crossing the Kiran River, a natural boundary that had long protected Malesorian lands from southern incursions. The victory in the battle of Qepar opened the way for the Demirhani forces to advance deeper into Malesorian territory, and marked the beginning of the four-century long foreign rule.

Following the initial phase of the conquest, the Demirhan Empire focused on consolidating its control over the Lower Kiran Valley. The Demirhani rulers implemented a system of governance that incorporated local elites while also imposing Imani law and customs. The construction of mosques and madrasas began, signaling the cultural and religious transformation of the region. By the end of the 14th century, the First Kingdom of Malesoria collapsed, but resistance persisted, particularly in the highlands which became hotbeds of rebellion. Sporadic uprisings and guerilla warfare tactics plagued the Demirhani forces, necessitating continuous military campaigns to maintain control in the following decades.

In 1565, a major uprising known as the Great Rebellion erupted across Turquese (Demirhani) Malesoria. Led by a nobleman Beratbeg and a coalition of Christic Malesorian nobles and clergy, the rebellion sought to overthrow Demirhani rule and restore Malesorian governance. The rebels, leveraging their knowledge of the terrain and widespread local support, managed to achieve several early victories, capturing key fortresses and towns in the north. Eventually, the superior numbers and discipline of the Demirhan forces prevailed. The defeat of the rebel forces at Trullës in 1571 marked the beginning of the end for the rebellion. In the aftermath, the Demirhan Empire launched a campaign of pacification to quell the remaining resistance. This involved a combination of military action and diplomatic efforts to integrate the highland regions into the empire. By the 1620s, the last pockets of resistance had been subdued, and the Demirhan Empire firmly established its control over all of Turquese Malesoria.

Ali Kruja Pasha (1602-1668), the Grand Vizier of the Demirhan Empire under the rule of Sultan Murad II, was born in ignoble Malesorian family from Pyjerrët.

With the new rule, the society in Malesoria became stratified. Imanis, especially those of Demirhan descent or converts, occupied higher social and political positions. Despite the emphasis on Iman, the Demirhani rulers allowed a degree of religious freedom, particularly for the Christic population, to maintain social harmony. Churches were permitted to function, and Christic holidays were respected. The coexistence of Iman and Christicity led to a unique cultural synthesis, where local traditions blended with Imani influences.

From the 17th century on, the Demirhan Empire heavily invested in infrastructure, such as roads, bridges, and irrigation systems, improving agricultural productivity and trade. The Lower Malesoria became an important economic hub, linking the empire’s southern and western territories with the rest of Ivira and the East. With the rise of madrasas, but also Ortholic and Ekelan seminaries and universities, Portat e Arta became a pivotal intellectual centre for the Malesorian scholars and elite.

In the 19th century, much of Malesoria started to feel the economic consequences of a weakening Demirhani rule. Heavy taxes were enforced, and in later years the Demirhan Empire enacted a policy of creation of hereditary estates, effectively turning the rural population into serfs. Inspired by nationalist movements in Uletha, Malesorian intellectuals and political leaders began to organize and advocate for independence. Secret societies and political clubs emerged, promoting national identity and self-governance. Pamphlets, newspapers, and public speeches spread the message of liberation, gaining support among various social strata.

In 1880, a series of coordinated revolts erupted across Malesoria. The June Uprising was led by local militias, composed of peasants, workers, and former soldiers. Key towns and villages in the north were seized, and Demirhani officials were expelled or captured, marking the beginning of the Malesorian War of Independence. Following the capture of Talrasin in 1881, the Malesorian Provisional Government was established, with prominent nationalist leader Miftar Matraku elected as its head. The government sought international recognition and support, appealing to Ulethan powers for aid in their struggle for independence. The national liberation of the Lower Malesoria lasted until late 1885, with numerous massacres and heavy casualties from both sides. The failed attempt to liberate Adthe and reach the Iviran coast urged to make compromises and begin the peace talks.

Second Kingdom

Episode from the Malesorian War of Independence, painted by Marcel Thiaucourt in 1883.

Following the Osianopoli Conference in February 1886, Malesoria dropped the coastal claims in favour of the international recognition. The Western Ulethan powers installed Carl of Borwald as monarch, and the population exchange between the Demirhan Empire and the Second Kingdom of Malesoria was settled. The rule of the new king was despotic and influenced by local oligarchy and the protecting great powers. Following a revolt in 1893, Carl agreed to the establishment of a constitutional monarchy, introducing a parliament and granting limited political freedoms. Reforms were taken in education, military, and civil administration. Historical revisionism took the form of de-Demirhanisation, in favour of promoting Ancient and Medieval Malesorian heritage.

Great War

First Republic and First Civil War

Second Republic and Second Civil War

Contemporary period


Community Noun project 4864.svg
Geography of Malesoria
ContinentUletha (Western)
RegionIviran Sea
Population16,804,661 Increase (2023)
• Total175,156 km2
67,628 sq mi
Population density95.94 km2
248.49 sq mi
Extreme pointsZymëshim (2,938 m) Iviran Sea (0 m)
Calling code+180
Time zoneWUT +5 (no DST)


Malesoria is a representative democracy organised as a unitary, semi-presidential republic. The country is governed based on a multi-party democratic system and the separation of powers between the legislative, executive, and judicial branches. The current constitution was approved and adopted in 1996. Most political research institutes and think tanks rate Malesoria as a "flawed democracy" in 2023.

Executive functions are held by both the government and the president. The latter is elected by popular vote for a maximum of two terms of five years and appoints the prime minister who in turn appoints the Council of Ministers.

The legislative branch of the government, collectively known as the Assembly (Asambleja), consists of two chambers, the Senate (Senati) and the Chamber of Deputies (Dhoma e Deputetëve), whose members are elected every four years by simple plurality.

The justice system is independent of the other branches of government and is made up of a hierarchical system of courts with the Supreme Court being located in Portat e Arta, thus serving as the judicial capital of the country.

Regions of Malesoria
Flag Region Capital Number of
Land area Population Population density
km² mi² km² mi² HDI
Me Flag Atdhe.png Atdhe Portat e Arta 725 280 1,483,667 2,046 5,299 0.819
Bashelez-Mamogjinaj Bashelez 27,069 10,451 435,302 16 42 0.743
Me Flag Bicajze.png Bicajzë Bicajzë 10,572 4,082 489,006 46 120 0.757
Bizhuta Rekali 10,668 4,119 886,212 83 215 0.771
Bujzaujt Zereci 6,508 2,513 710,785 109 283 0.774
Burraj Burraj 13,291 5,132 376,633 28 73 0.751
Me Flag Telrasan.png City of Talrasin Talrasin 787 304 1,549,005 1,968 5,095 0.816
Me Flag Errez Kambunar.png Errëz-Kambunar Motas 4,724 1,824 1,194,569 253 655 0.801
Me Flag Hijekufit.png Hijekufit Hoxhaj 8,268 3,192 823,907 100 258 0.776
Me Flag Kallmet.png Kallmet Tekinanë 5,123 1,978 1,342,228 262 679 0.794
Karpan Padekë 12,255 4,732 440,257 38 99 0.760
Kodra Kostari 5,280 2,039 968,501 183 475 0.786
Kuqë Qepar 6,668 2,574 1,511,654 227 587 0.780
Me Flag Somer.png Somër Somër 1,904 735 558,010 293 759 0.793
Malet e Ftotha Telaurës 11,988 4,629 296,780 25 64 0.741
Me Flag Pyjerret.png Pyjerrët Maveshë 9,234 3,565 663,314 72 186 0.766
Me Flag Teredes.png Teredës Vogës 7,634 2,948 1,163,493 152 395 0.779
Me Flag Topoje.png Topojë Qanë 13,837 5,342 705,552 51 132 0.770
Me Flag Vojenenpet.png Vojenenpët Aibashjamvë 9,354 3,612 787,112 81 210 0.768
Zal Shterpaj 10,489 4,050 418,674 40 103 0.752
Government icon (black).svg
Government of Malesoria
Unitary semi-presidential republic with bicameral parliament
Head of state
• PresidentRrezag Prona-Mashkalla
• Prime MinisterUdhmir Bislimi
• Speaker of AssemblyGranit Shkëmbi
• Upper houseSenate (Senati)
• Lower houseChamber of Deputies (Dhoma e Deputetëve)
Assembly of Nations, Association of South Ulethan Nations


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Economy of Malesoria
upper-middle income mixed economy
CurrencyMalesorian rreth (MRR)
Monetary authorityBank of Malesoria
GDP (PPP)2023 estimate
• Total$313.26 billion Increase
• Per capita$18,641 Increase
GDP (nominal)2023 estimate
• Total$110.24 billion Increase
• Per capita$6,560 Increase
HDI (2023)Increase 0.779
Principal exportsmetals and metallic ores, construction materials, processed foods and beverages, fruits and vegetables, tobacco, textiles
Principal importsmachinery and equipment, crude petroleum oils, food products, cars and car parts, plastics
Industries and sectors

Main export partners


Main import partners
Increase $63.12 billion (2022)

Demirhan 23.6%
Plevia 13.1%
Antharia 8.8%
Suria 7.9%
Franquia 7.2%
Qennes 5.6%
Midistland 5.0%
Gobrassanya 4.5%

Increase $88.74 billion (2022)

Demirhan 19.6%
Plevia 14.2%
Suria 8.5%
Antharia 7.8%
Franquia 7.1%
Qennes 5.2%
Pretany 4.9%
Inflation rate

GDP growth rate

Public debt

Budget balance

Credit rating
Increase Negative.svg4.3% Nov 2023

3.9% Q3 2023

Decrease Positive.svg 45.1% (2023)

-1.7% of GDP (2023)


The economy of Malesoria has undergone significant transformation since the country transitioned from a centrally planned system to a market-oriented economy in the 1980s. While challenges remain, Malesoria has made notable progress in various sectors and has experienced economic growth and increased integration with international markets. Malesorian economy is classified as an upper-middle-income economy in 2023.

Due to their high population, modern infrastructure, and favourable geographical location, the cities of Talrasin and Portat e Arta comprise the economic and financial centre of Malesoria. The country's most important infrastructure facilities take course through both of the cities, connecting the north to the south as well as the west to the east.

Primary sector

Agriculture has traditionally been an important sector in Malesoria, employing a significant portion of the population. The central and southern portions of the country have fertile land and favourable climate for agricultural production. Livestock farming is an essential component of Malesorian culture. Shepherding has been a traditional way of life in the Northern and Central Highlands for centuries, deeply ingrained in the region's culture and history. Shepherds in the mountains typically lead a semi-nomadic or transhumant lifestyle, moving their flocks between highland pastures in the summer and lower elevations in the winter. It is estimated that about 3,000 families still practice seasonal migration of sheep, goats, and cattle to sustain their livelihoods. Another notable agricultural population are smallholder farmers who cultivate small plots of land using traditional methods. The most of national fruit, vegetable, and cereal production is still yielded this way.

More than 26% of the land is used for agricultural purposes, and one of the earliest farming sites in Uletha has been found in the southeast of the country. Key agricultural products include fruits, vegetables, dairy products, livestock, and tobacco. Efforts have been made to modernize the sector, improve agricultural practices, and enhance productivity.

Secondary sector

Shkonjë chromium mine near Dreres, Errez-Kambunar.

Malesoria possesses significant mineral resources, including aluminium (bauxite), chromium, copper, lead, and nickel. The mining industry has historically played a crucial role in the Malesorian economy, particularly during the communist era when it was one of the country's major sectors. Recently, the industry faced challenges due to outdated technology, inadequate infrastructure, and environmental concerns. Nevertheless, Malesoria was one of the largest producers of nickel and chromium in Uletha in 2022. Gozhdarashtë mine is the most important coal mine in the country, accounting for one-fifth of the national production.

Since the fall of the communist regime, the secondary sector has seen considerable changes and diversification. Although still lagging behind neighbouring countries, Malesoria has developed various industries, like electronics, manufacturing, and textiles. The construction sector has experienced expansion, driven by infrastructure development projects and private investments. The energy sector has seen improvements in hydroelectric power generation and renewable energy initiatives.

Tertiary sector

The tertiary sector is the country's fastest-expanding sector. About 35% of the population is employed in services, which accounts for 59% of the country's GDP. Since the end of the 20th century, the banking industry has been a prominent component of the tertiary sector, and it has remained in good health overall thanks to privatization and solid monetary policy. Tourism, in particular, has emerged as a major driver of economic growth. Malesoria's natural beauty, historical sites, and coastal areas attract a growing number of visitors each year. In 2022, it directly accounted for 7% of GDP, though including indirect contributions pushes the proportion to just over 15%. The government has focused on promoting tourism infrastructure and investing in the development of tourist destinations.


Malesorian road and railway infrastructure considerably lags behind the rest of the Iviran region, despite the recent efforts to upgrade the main national and Pan-Ulethan corridors. The motorway coverage doubled in the last 15 years, and it is expected to reach 2,000 km by 2030. An extensive network of toll-free expressways is being constructed to support a widespread, but heavily burdened state road grid. With 306 motor vehicles per 1,000 people, Malesoria ranks low in Uletha, although the contrast is high between the scarcely populated North and the heavily urbanised South.

The railway infrastructure in rural Malesoria is relatively basic, with single-track lines and limited electrification.

The railway network is administrated by the public company Railways of Malesoria. The coverage is limited to the urban and industrial centres, and it has been in continuous decline in the last few decades over the rising car dependency and bus usage. Portat e Arta railway station serves as an important stop on the Iviran intercity railway link.

Talrasin International Airport is the busiest air hub in the country, closely followed by Sorë-Portat e Arta International Airport in the Adthe region. They account for more than 90% of total air traffic and provide daily domestic, regional, and international connections throughout the year. The national flag carrier MassAir carried 5.6 million passengers in 2023.

The Port of Malesoria, located in Portat e Arta's satellite town of Portilumës, is the only cargo and passenger seaport in the country. In 2022, it welcomed 923 thousand passengers and had an annual cargo tonnage of 15.8 million tons. Due to the sufficient navigability of the Kiran River deep inland, cargo is also transported to and from the ports of Bliri, Somër and Tekinanë.

Energy production is primarily reliant on hydropower and lignite coal. Oil and natural gas fields in the Upper Kiran Valley cover about 65% of national consumption. Bliri oil terminal connects to the refineries in Bertakë, Hoxhaj and Ilinjasi. A nuclear power plant and a liquified natural gas terminal in cooperation with neighbouring countries have been discussed.


Noun project 288.svg
Demographics of Malesoria
Official languagesMalesorian
Recognized minority languagesAntharian, Eganian, Iviran, Qennesan, Romanish, Surian, Turquese
Malesor Ekelan
Other Christic
Life expectancyIncrease 78.4
Birth rate

Death rate

Net migration rate
Decrease 12.1 births/1,000 population (2023)

Decrease Positive.svg 7.8 deaths/1,000 population (2023)

-3.3 migrant/1,000 population (2023)
Fertility rate

Infant mortality rate
1.73 children born/woman (2022)

9.6 deaths/1,000 live births (2023)

As of December 2023, Malesoria had an estimated population of approximately 16.8 million people.

Largest cities of Malesoria
Rank City Region Population (city proper) Population (metro area) Growth[note 1]
1 Talrasin City of Talrasin 1,159,802 1,549,005 9.3%
2 Portat e Arta Atdhe 452,428 1,283,023 7.2%
3 Tekinanë Kallmet 290,637 431,588 5.5%
4 Aibashjamvë Vojeneneptët 253,582 364,395 -0.3%
5 Vogës Teredës 240,371 386,954 4.4%
6 Kusarth Atdhe 228,213 [note 2]
7 Qepar Kuqë 195,692 278,003 3.6%
8 Bicajzë Bicajzë 172,522 297,913 -1.2%
9 Somër Somër 163,844 261,458 5.8%
10 Motas Errëz-Kambunar 149,331 199,275 7.8%







  1. Population growth of the metro area in the period between 2013 and 2023.
  2. Part of the Portat e Arta metro area.
Malësoria flag - Timboh01.svg Malesoria
Territory-specific topics


Regional topics
Neighboring territoriesFlag of Antharia.svg Antharia, Flag of Demirhan Empire.png Demirhanlı Devleti, FlagQennes.png Qennes Flag of Suria.png Suria
Regional organizationsAssociation of South Ulethan Nations