Association of South Ulethan Nations
Association of South Ulethan Nations | |||||
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Regional intergovernmental organization | |||||
Members | 24 member states
3 partner entities 10 observer entities | ||||
Official languages | Castellanese, Ingerish, Mazanic, Plevian, Turquese, Valonian | ||||
Administrative hub(s) | Hanif Megúcar Nemans Osianopoli Portat e Arta | ||||
Governance | |||||
• Secretary General | Abdullah Al Arsami | ||||
• President of the Committee of Ministers | Paltena Kalias | ||||
• Speaker of the Interparliamentary Assembly | Kabiri Mustafa Paşa | ||||
Legislative body | Interparliamentary Assembly | ||||
Population | |||||
• Estimate (2024) | 364 - 510 million | ||||
Timezone | WUT +3 to +6 |
The Association of South Ulethan Nations, better known by its Ingerish acronym ASUN, is a regional intergovernmental organization in Uletha. The organization was formally established on the 15th of March 1961, with the goal of promoting peace and security, economic cooperation and prosperity, and social and cultural development. The organization has its roots in various treaties between states in the Mesembric and Iviran Coast regions of Uletha, but has since expanded its scope significantly with a number of permanent institutions all over South Uletha.
The most important statutory bodies of ASUN include the Secretariat of the Association of South Ulethan Nations headed by the Secretary General, the Committee of Ministers which comprises the foreign ministers from each member state, the Interparliamentary Assembly which comprises national parliamentarians from all member states, and the South Ulethan Court of Fundamental Rights. ASUN cannot make binding laws, but it has the power to enforce international conventions and treaties ratified by ASUN member states.
Official languages
ASUN conducts its official business in Castellanese, Ingerish, Mazanic, Plevian, Turquese, and Valonian.
In these languages, ASUN is known by the following names and acronyms:
- Castellanese: Asociación de Naciones del Sur de Uleta
- Mazanic: جمعية دول جنوب ليثان
- Plevian: Associazione delle Nazioni dell'Ulezia Meridionale (ANUM)
- Turquese: Güney Uleta Milletler Birliği
- Valonian: Association des nations du sud de l’Ulethan (ANSU)
The region where ASUN is active is a cultural crossroad between Romantia, Turquan Uletha and Ghetoria. The founding member states of ASUN were united not only by their geographical proximity and diplomatic ties, but also a shared history of trade and cultural exchange. Ambitions of greater unity among the states of South Uletha have existed for most of the 20th century, with varying impact across countries. These ambitions have been partially attributed to a fear of Surian expansionism and the spread of communist revolutions in Uletha. In the aftermath of the Great War, much of Egalia had entered into Suria's sphere of influence. As a consequence, the post-war period saw several attempts at further integration among many capitalist states south of Suria, to form a united front against communism. Most of these attempts were short-lived due to due to a lack of political consensus among states of the region and a disinterest of many West Ulethan powers to partake in these organizations. A few saw success; among these was the Mesembric Free Trade Area (MESEFTA) founded in 1952. While only a trade bloc for most of its short history, it lay the foundations of cooperation amongst the states of the Mesembric. MESEFTA would later evolve into the Mesembric Community for Security and Prosperity (MCSP), founded in 1956 by the member states of MESEFTA. The Iviran Coast would see a similar development during that period, with increasing cooperation between the states facing both Suria in the north and the Demirhan Empire in the south.
On the 15th of March 1961, the Association of South Ulethan Nations was officially created through the Osianopoli Declaration and the ratification of the Association of South Ulethan Nations Foundational Statute (ASUNFS), signed by the foreign ministers of the founding member states. In addition to the core institutions of the organization, the declaration outlined the framework of a future South Ulethan defensive pact; the final form of which had yet to be agreed upon by the founding members. While the MCSP would be declared defunct and its institutions repurposed for ASUN immediately after its dissolution, MESEFTA would continue to exist as a separate organization until 1986 when it would be fully integrated into ASUN as the South Uletha Free Trade Agreement (SUFTA).
Following the Social Crisis of 1964 in Suria and the founding of the Assembly of Nations in 1966, the tense diplomatic climate in Southwestern Uletha would de-escalate. The new geopolitical reality of Uletha would mean that ASUN's original plans for a common defence policy would never be realized. Instead, the scope of the organization would shift to focus on economic and social issues rather than safety and defence.
ASUN is founded on four principles that outline the aims of the organization:
- Promote peace, security and stability in the region through the renunciation of threat or use of force and the settlement of disputes through peaceful manners.
- Developing prosperous and resilient economies through sustainable economic growth and economic competitiveness, free and fair trade, and increased economic integration.
- Promote scientific and technological progress through collaboration in the fields of education, training and research.
- Promote social progress and cultural development in order to strengthen equality and cherish the unique cultural heritage of the community.
ASUN has its own legislative and executive powers through its institutions; these powers are independent and subordinate to the national legislatures and governments of the organization's member states. Therefore, ASUN cannot make binding laws and enforce them independently of its member states. Instead, member states commit themselves to common goals, political decisions and policies through the use of treaties, conventions and agreements developed and agreed upon by all member states through the institutions of ASUN. ASUN can be seen as a platform through which members discuss, shape and implement international law. ASUN has the power to enforce international conventions and treaties ratified by ASUN member states. In many cases, common political decisions and policies are agreed upon through deliberation and implemented on a national level only, in which case ASUN has no power to enforce those policies.
ASUN has been described by political scientists as having an "incrementalist agenda"; while ASUN has a number of stated goals the organization rarely implements larger goal-driven strategic plans or radical policies. Instead, ASUN follows a more problem-based methodology where smaller policy changes are implemented over time. The use of this method of working has been attributed to an ambition to avoid top-down approaches and secure consensus amongst member states. In a speech during the 1966 ASUN Summit, former President of the Committee of Ministers Alejo Durán asserted that solidarity amongst ASUN members wouldn't be achieved through "promises of radical change, but through solutions to immediate problems and concrete results". There have been notable exceptions to this, such as the plans for a South Ulethan defence pact as outlined in the Osianopoli Declaration, or the current but yet to be realized plans for the Single Ulethan Market (SUM) which has been envisioned to replace the South Uletha Free Trade Agreement (SUFTA).
As a geopolitical entity, ASUN is sometimes regarded as a regional power in South Uletha, and holds an important role in regional and global diplomacy, politics, economy and trade. Together, the nations of ASUN make up a diverse and formidable trade bloc rivalling other regional powers of Uletha. Proponents of ASUN view the organization as a possible counterweight against other regional powers with an interest in South Uletha, such as Sathria and Suria. ASUN allows for coordination and cooperation between many smaller nations, who gain influence and leverage from their membership in ASUN as part of a larger geopolitical bloc. Critics of ASUN regard this viewpoint as unrealistic, on the grounds that ASUN lack the necessary coordination and institutions to work against powerful external interests. The de facto impact of ASUN in global politics is an ongoing subject of debate.
ASUN has had a significant impact on the spatial development of South Uletha. Many large infrastructure projects across the region have been funded either directly through ASUN or through one of its many plurilateral agreements. The South Uletha Monetary Fund (SUMF) acts as the organization's main source for funding projects within individual member states, while ASUN itself often facilitates funding for cross-border projects by gathering stakeholders and establishing cost-sharing schemes. Many of these cross-border projects have evolved into permanent programmes for cooperation within ASUN's MULTIREG (Multinational Functional Regions) framework, which aims to enhance cooperation between border regions and increase the mobility of people and goods within the functional region. The goals of MULTIREG initiatives can range from short term infrastructure projects and social programmes to long term economic goals of enhancing the polycentric qualities of a border region.
ASUN is regarded as having an important role in the democratization process of states in South Uletha during the second half of the 20th century.
An important and unique pillar of ASUN's organization is differentiated integration - member states are allowed a great deal of freedom regarding which parts of the organization they wish to partake in. As a result, the obligations of each member state vary greatly depending on their degree of integration in ASUN. The structure of ASUN is very dynamic and facilitates the establishment and dissolution of institutions.
ASUN consists of two types of institutions; official bodies and plurilateral agreements. The official bodies make up the main structures of governance in ASUN, setting the agenda and managing the activities of the organization itself. ASUN’s plurilateral Agreements are semi-autonomous institutions organized by or in association with ASUN. Members of ASUN are encouraged but not obliged to take part in partial agreements, and may opt out from individual agreements as they see fit. This is the main mechanism through which the principle of differentiated integration is operationalized within ASUN. Observer and partner states are allowed to partake in any plurilateral agreement that is funded through cost sharing. Observer and partner states that ratify plurilateral agreements are considered full members of those institutions only, and are obliged to partake in the funding of those institutions. Plurilateral agreements are primarliy funded through cost sharing by participating states, with a small baseline of funding provided through ASUN itself. Plurilateral agreements are generally specialized in coordinating cooperation in a certain field or around a specific issue, such as economic integration, maritime security or research grants. They also indirectly aid the official bodies by preparing public inquiries when requested by an official body. Such public inquiries often precede major decisions in ASUN in order to gather data for or analyse possible outcomes of new policy.
Outside of ASUN's permanent activities through its institutions, the heads of government of all member states meet during the annual ASUN Summit to discuss current economic, political, security, and socio-cultural policy issues. The summit is usually held over the course of a few days, and the location varies from year to year. Many landmark decisions of ASUN have been developed during an ASUN Summit. ASUN is also involved in a number of partnerships with non-ASUN member states. ASUN is one of the organizers of the Ulethan Forum, a pan-Ulethan summit held annually with the intention of fostering dialogue and diplomacy, building confidence and strengthening cooperation among states on the Ulethan continent. ASUN also participates in the Tarephia-Uletha Partnership (TUP), another forum which aims to foster cooperation and dialogue between the continents of Tarephia and Uletha.
Official bodies
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Secretariat (SASUN)
Administration and budgeting
Located in Osianopoli, Plevia.
The Secretariat of the Association of South Ulethan Nations holds the responsibility for the strategic management, administration and budgeting of ASUN’s meetings and activities. The position of Secretary General is appointed by majority vote by the Interparliamentary Assembly for a non-renewable term of six years.
Committee of Ministers (CMASUN)
Located in Hanif, Mazan.
The Committee of Ministers of the Association of South Ulethan Nations is the executive body of ASUN, representing the national governments of its member states. Its members consist of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of all member states. Its mandate includes deciding the general action and common policy of ASUN, finalizing conventions and agreements, adopting the budget submitted by the Secretariat, as well as admitting new member states in dialogue with the Interparliamentary Assembly. The Committee meets at least two times a year; additional meetings can be called when necessary. Each member state also has the opportunity to appoint a Deputy Representative, who provides permanent representation for its member state outside of the Committee’s biannual meetings.
Interparliamentary Assembly (IAASUN)
Advisory and deliberative
Located in Megúcar, Castellan.
The Interparliamentary Assembly of the Association of South Ulethan Nations is the parliamentary arm of ASUN. The overarching goal of the Interparliamentary Assembly is the dissemination of best practices and harmonization of national laws across member states. The Assembly does not have the power to make binding laws, but can help develop, recommend, implement and evaluate national legislation of member states. In addition, the Interparliamentary Assembly acts as a platform for debate for member states and holds frequent dialogues and debate sessions on any topic it chooses. The Assembly has the power to appoint the position of Secretary General and judges for the South Uletha Court of Fundamental Rights. Member states found to be in violation of ASUN’s statutes can have their delegation suspended or voting rights removed. The Assembly includes the delegations of each member states’ parliament, and seats are distributed proportionally according to country population. It is the responsibility of each individual member state that their delegations are representative of the balance within their respective national parliaments, but ASUN does not regulate in detail how each member state selects their delegation. Observer and partner states also have the opportunity to send a delegation to take part in the Assembly's sessions, but they lack the right to vote or to set the agenda.
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Court of Fundamental Rights (SUCFR)
Located in Portat e Arta, Malesoria.
The South Uletha Court of Fundamental Rights is the international court of the Association of South Ulethan Nations, whose mandate includes enforcing the contents of the Ulethan Charter of Fundamental Rights to which every member state is a party. The court has jurisdiction amongst all member states of ASUN. The court hears applications from individuals, groups, organizations or entire states and makes judgments regarding the Ulethan Charter of Fundamental Rights or any of ASUN’s optional treaties and conventions when applicable for involved parties. The court may also, upon the request of the Committee of Ministers, the Interparliamentary Assembly or individual member states, issue advisory opinions regarding the interpretation of ASUN treaties and conventions. Judges are elected by majority vote by the Interparliamentary Assembly for a non-renewable eight-year term.
Plurilateral Agreements
Economy & Finance
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ASUN Banking Association (ASUNBA) | ASUN Business and Investment Council (ASUNBIC) | South Uletha Monetary Fund (SUMF) |
Asociación Bancaria de la ANSU | ANUM Conségio Afàri é Investìmenti | Fond Nomiaș ḑe Uleța Vuoță |
Located in Lutos, ![]() |
Located in City of Navenna, ![]() |
Located in Malvertta, ![]() |
ASUNBA aims to promote the development and implementation of common payment systems, to encourage cooperation and dialogue among member banks, and to foster monetary and financial stability. | Aims to strengthen economic competitiveness, ease of business among members, and promote economic cooperation through the formation of multinational networks. The Business and Investment Council works on a variety of issues related to international trade, foreign investment and sustainable economic growth. | The Monetary Fund grants loans to ASUN member states for the co-financing of different projects. Projects co-financed by SUMF include the Tunnel of Lions, SIPRENA Barrier Project∈⊾, Arta-Niskavo HrSR, the M2 motorway in Malesoria, the High Speed Railway of Plevia∈⊾... |
Ratified by DD, KK, LV, ME, MR, NA, PL, PN, QN, SI | Ratified by DD, KK, LV, ME, MR, NA, PL, QN, SI | Ratified by DD, KK, LV, ME, MR, NA, PL, QN, SI |
Infrastructure & Communications
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ASUN Agency for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (ASUNMAF) | ASUN Cosmic Agency (ASUNCA) | South Uletha Agency for Infrastructure and Transport (SUAIT) | South Ulethan Energy Center (SUEC) |
Located in San Openġ, ![]() |
Located in Tarsınar, ![]() |
Located in TBD. | Located in TBD. |
Its mandate includes international shipping, cooperation between port authorities, maritime resources and fishing rights. | Its mandate includes space travel, research and exploration. Owns a cosmodrome in Demirhan Tarephian Khedivate. | Aims to identify important transport corridors, coordinate the planning and construction of trunk roads, railways, seaports, traffic management systems, telecommunications and energy networks. | Aims to work towards sustainability and self-sufficiency in the energy sector, and increase the integration of national energy systems across member states. |
Ratified by DD, EL, LV, KK, ME, MK, MR, NA, PL, QN, SI | Ratified by DD, KK, LV, ME, MR, NA, QN | Ratified by DD, KK, LV, ME, MR, MM, NA, PL, QN, SI | Ratified by LV, ME, NA, PL, QN |
Health, Technology & Research
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ASUN Agency of Medicine and Health (ASUNAMH) | ASUN Agency of Statistics (ASUNSTAT) | ASUN Technology and Innovation Agency (ASUNTI) | Infrastructure for Spatial Information in South Uletha (ISISU) |
Located in TBD. | Located in TBD. | Located in TBD. | Located in Cirtella, ![]() |
Its mandate include harmonization of quality standards for medicines regulations, monitoring and raising issues regarding public health among member states, and food control. | Aims to harmonize statistical data collection methods and provide member states and other ASUN institutions with statistical data. | Aims to provide expertise and funding for the development and deployment of innovative technologies and services. | ISISU works towards establishing a common and open infrastructure for geographical information among member states through the harmonization of spatial data collection, storage and usage policies. |
Ratified by DD, EL, KK, LV, ME, MK, MM, MR, NA, PL, QN, SI | Ratified by DD, EL, KK, LV, ME, MR, NA, PL, QN, SI | Ratified by DD, EgU, KK, LV, ME, MR, NA, PL, QN, SI | Ratified by DD, EL, KK, LV, ME, MR, NA, PL, QN, SI |
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South Uletha Meteorological Network (SUMN) | Nuclear & Atomic Research of South Uletha |
Located in TBD. | Located in Vadă Potoļeu, ![]() |
Aims to promote cooperation and harmonization among national meteorological organizations and the establishment of a common network of meteorological data collection points. | Group of laboratories and research institutes focused on the study of particle physics. |
Ratified by DD, EgU, EL, KK, LV, ME, MM, NA, PL, QN, SI | Ratified by AN, KK, LV, ME, NA, QN |
Public Safety & International Security
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ASUN Agency for Maritime Safety (ASUNAMS) | ASUN Agency of Natural Disaster Prevention and Relief (ASUNNDPR) | ASUN Agency for Safety and Stability (ASUNSS) | ASUN Anti-Corruption Bureau (ASUNACB) |
Located in ![]() |
Located in TBD. | Located in TBD. | Located in Marim, ![]() |
Its mandates include the protection of life and property on waterborne transportation. Its scope is similar to ASUNSS, but with a focus on maritime conflicts. | Its aims include developing disaster prediction research, risk management, post-crisis analysis and rehabilitation. | Its mandates include arms control, crisis management, conflict prevention and post-conflict rehabilitation. | The Anti-Corruption Bureau provides member states with recommendations regarding corruption through the identification of deficiencies in national anti-corruption legislation and evaluating the implementation of such legislation. |
Ratified by EL, KK, LV, ME, MM, NA, PL, QN, SI | Ratified by DD, EL, KK, LV, ME, MK, MR, NA, PL, QN, SI | Ratified by KK, LV, ME, MM, NA, PL, QN, SI | Ratified by LV, ME, NA, PL, QN, SI |
South Uletha Law Enforcement Cooperation Agency (SUPOL) |
Located in TBD. |
SUPOL is the agency for cooperation between the national law enforcement forces of ASUN member states. Its mandate includes cross-border crime prevention and investigation. |
Ratified by KK, LV, ME, NA, PL, QN, SI |
Culture, Education & Social issues
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ASUN Education and Vocational Training Agency (ASUNEVT) | ASUN University Network (ASUNUN) | Forum for Cultural Heritage and Exchange in South Uletha (CHESU) |
Located in TBD. | Located in Fort Franque II University, ![]() |
Located in TBD. |
Aims to promote investment into primary and secondary level education as well as vocational training. | Its mandate encompasses easing credit transfers and student exchanges, encouraging cooperation in academic research and providing participating universities with a platform for communication and cooperation. ASUNUN maintains partnerships with many international student exchange programmes, such as the MEUSS Programme. | Aims to promote cooperation in arts and culture. Each year, members of the Forum select a “ASUN Capital of Culture“. |
Ratified by EgU, KK, LV, ME, MR, NA, PL, SI | Ratified by EgU, EL, KK, LV, ME, MR, MM, NA, PL, QN, SI | Ratified by EL, DD, EgU, KK, LV, ME, MK, MR, MM, NA, PL, PN, QN, SI |
Climate & Natural Resources
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ASUN Climate and Environment Agency (ASUNCE) | ASUN Initiative for Responsible and Effective Protection of Ulethan Geology and Ecology (REFUGE) | ASUN Agency for Agriculture and Rural Development (ASUNARD) |
Located in TBD. | Located in Porta de Sangrìa, ![]() |
Located in TBD. |
ASUNCE's mandate includes developing and evaluating environmental protection policies among member states. Aims to promote the use of renewable energy sources, ecologically sustainable development and efficient resource use. | REFUGE oversees and funds a network of marine and terrestrial nature protection areas in South Uletha. | The agency provides subsidies for agriculture and forestry, and promotes the development of rural areas among members. ASUNARD is responsible for the South Ulethan Agricultural Guarantee Fund. |
Ratified by EL, KK, LV, ME, MK, MR, NA, PL, QN, SI | Ratified by EL, KK, LV, ME, MK, MR, NA, PL, QN, SI | Ratified by DD, EL, KK, LV, ME, MR, NA, PL, QN, SI |
Treaties and conventions
ASUN has a number of treaties and conventions that, unlike plurilateral agreements, do not have a physical institution associated with them. Member states are expected to ratify these treaties but are able to negotiate opt-outs as part of their ASUN accession. Two of these are obligatory for ASUN members to ratify and cannot be opted out from, namely the Association of South Ulethan Nations Foundational Statute (ASUNFS) and the Ulethan Charter of Fundamental Rights (UCFR).
Name | Purpose | Opt-outs |
Association of South Ulethan Nations Foundational Statute (ASUNFS) | The ASUNFS outlines the purpose, principles and organizational structure of ASUN. Required for ASUN membership. | Opt-out not possible. |
Ulethan Charter of Fundamental Rights (UCFR) | Outlines the values and rights enshrined by ASUN, such as the rule of law, pluralistic democracy, free and fair elections, and fundamental freedoms. Required for ASUN membership, but non-members may also ratify the charter. | Opt-out not possible. |
South Uletha Free Trade Agreement (SUFTA) | Signatories of SUFTA have a coordinated trade policy and abolished tariffs on various goods in trade between SUFTA members. Signatories retain their rights to enter into bilateral third-country trade arrangements. | MR |
South Ulethan Single Visa (SUSV) | SUSV works towards further freedom of movement among member states. Citizens of its signatories are allowed visa-free access to other member countries. Certain processes (for example, applying for work permits, bringing goods for personal use across borders) are harmonized between SUSV participants. |
Member state • Partner state • Observer state • Non-member |
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Member states
All AN member states located in southern Uletha are eligible for membership in ASUN. States are required to ratify the Foundational Statute of the Association of South Ulethan Nations as well as the Ulethan Charter of Fundamental Rights in order to become a member. Full members enjoy all perks of ASUN membership, such as the right to raise issues and set the agenda of meetings, submit and vote on proposals, raise points of order and circulate documents. ASUN institutions can only be hosted in ASUN member states.
Country | Capital city | Accession to ASUN | Area | Population | Population density | GDP (nominal) | GDP per capita | HDI | Gini index |
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Aden Mdin | 77,841 km² | 20,251,930 | 260.17 inhab./km² | 540 billion USD | 26,664 USD | 0.901 | 38.2 | |
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Poulvanne | 16,219 km² | 2,800,000 | 172.63 inhab./km² | |||||
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23,450 km² | ||||||||
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Borrodin | 59,102 km² | 10,520,000 | 177.99 inhab./km² | 367 billion USD | 34,957 USD | 0.917 | ||
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Ytakolo'my | 11,921 km² | 0.891 | ||||||
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Megúcar | 805,519 km² | |||||||
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Tarsınar | 431,089 km² | 52,300,411 | 96.85 inhab./km² | 558 billion USD | 14,234 USD | 0.818 | ||
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Marim | 60,121 km² | 8,004,998 | 133.14 inhab./km² | |||||
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San Openġ | 54,121 km² | 0.905 | ||||||
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Khaiwoon | 912 km² | 6,292,900 | 6,900.10 inhab./km² | 372 billion USD | 59,229 USD | 0.870 | ||
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Cirtella | 36,458 km² | 9,572,440 | 198.22 inhab./km² | |||||
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Talrasin | 1 January 1992 | 175,156 km² | 16,804,661 | 95.94 inhab./km² | 143 billion USD | 8,560 USD | 0.779 | 35.5 |
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Chuqagidhar | 232,291 km² | 8,750,000 | 37.66 inhab./km² | |||||
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Hanif | 911,015 km² | 69,273,120 | 76.03 inhab./km² | 2,706 billion USD | 38,990 USD | 0.877 | 42.3 | |
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Prēstyra | 35,733 km² | 0.875 | ||||||
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Navenna | 15 March 1961 Founding member |
41,585 km² | 4,542,692 | 243.51 inhab./km² | 383 billion USD | 84,211 USD | 0.929 | 36.2 |
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Montedorado | 139,048 km² | |||||||
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Osianopoli | 15 March 1961 Founding member |
450,958 km² | 92,665,890 | 205.48 inhab./km² | 3,468 billion USD | 37,426 USD | 0.898 | 33.4 |
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Lavinum Lavino |
218,719 km² | 0.881 | ||||||
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Arta | 15 March 1961 Founding member |
10,950 km² | 3,018,147 | 275.62 inhab./km² | 200 billion USD | 66,347 USD | 0.919 | 39.6 |
Template:Saiol | Mantola | 86,277 km² | 17,339,605 | 200.98 inhab./km² | 305 billion USD | 17,595 USD | 0.817 | ||
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Porta di Sangrìa | 6 April 1973 | 847 km² | 262,020 | 308.98 inhab./km² | 8 billion USD | 33,800 USD | 0.886 | |
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Fort-Valonnais | 134,602 km² | 1,036,260 | 7.69 inhab./km² | 0.720 | ||||
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Nemans | 719,211 km² | 113,802,016 | 158.23 inhab./km² | 7,101 billion USD | 62,405 USD | 0.942 | 31.5 | |
24 total | 4,992,035 km² | 504,897,485* | 101.14 inhab./km² | 17,058 billion USD* | 33,785 USD** | TBD | TBD |
** - Data calculated using only population data of countries with present total GDP numbers (Total population: 474,733,787).
NOTE: Data presented in italics was calculated and should be checked by the territory's respective owner.
States that are not full members of ASUN, but partake in some plurilateral agreements, are eligible for partner status. Supranational entities with an interest in partaking in plurilateral agreements may also apply for partner status. Partners are given the same perks as observer states, including some enhanced rights to reflect their desire for further cooperation on certain matters. Partner states are given the right of reply in matters that are of importance to them, but they are not allowed to otherwise raise questions or set the agenda of any ASUN discussions. Partners that partake in plurilateral agreements however are treated as full members of the agreements they have ratified, and as such are expected to contribute to the funding of those institutions. It is common for future ASUN members to have partner status during their ascension process. States wanting to participate in ASUN activities while at the same time preserve a higher degree of neutrality and sovereignty may choose to become partners rather than full members.
Current partners include:
States with an interest in southern Ulethan affairs, and states located in or adjacent to Uletha, are eligible for observer status. Supranational entities all over the world may also apply for observer status. Observers have the right to attend meetings, sessions and activities of ASUN institutions, but they may not speak unless invited to do so. The role of observer is intended to provide states with an enhanced insight into ASUN's activities.
Current observers include:
- Antarephian Coalition
- Chara (constituent entity of
- Egani
- Gaskús (constituent entity of Ruoguovvás)
Many politicians have accused ASUN of not having any meaningful purpose or clear aim. In particular, the Interparliamentary Assembly has been the object of repeated criticism for not having any effective power and being a “political theater”, with critics positing that the Committee of Ministers being the only body with actual authority. Issues have been raised regarding the inability of the Court of Fundamental Rights to effectively pursue violations of the Charter of Fundamental Rights. Fringe groups on both sides of the political spectrum often accuse ASUN of having a neoliberal agenda furthering the interests of the economic and political elite of the region.
Funding of ASUN institutions are a major point of contention for ASUN member states. A consequence of ASUN's asymmetrical integration principle is the fact that funding for each of ASUN's institutions is dependent on how many countries are willing to partake in them. Notably, a 2017 report published by the Secretariat with the purpose of reviewing and evaluating the performance of the organization's institutions pointed out the South Ulethan Energy Center and the ASUN Anti-Corruption Bureau as two institutions that underperform. The South Ulethan Energy Center has struggled to finance all its activities since its inception due to low interest from ASUN members, with various projects for common renewable energy production beeing put on halt. The ASUN Anti-Corruption Bureau has on repeated occasions been forced to abandon investigations due to lack of funding. Due to the percieved importance of the Anti-Corruption Bureau, the Secretariat has sought to find ways to finance the Anti-Corruption Bureau's activities through other means, or even turn it into a fifth official body of ASUN. All such attempts have been met with strong resistance from many ASUN members, and no motions to provide more funding for the Anti-Corruption Bureau have passed.