
From OpenGeofiction
Flag of Larcetany Republic of Larcetany
Coat of Arms

República d'Ellarça (Larcetan)
Capital: Cirtella
Population: TBD (TBD)
Motto: Ellarça Triomfant

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Larcetany (/lar'sɛ'təni/, pronounced: lar-SEH-tuh-nee; Larcetan: Ellarça, pronounced: [ə'ʎarsə], uh-YAR-suh), officially The Republic of Larcetany (Larcetan: República d'Ellarça), is a sovereign state in southwestern Uletha. It is bordered by Saiol to the south, Alora to the north, UL04e to the southeast and Lucetia Regalis to the east. The Larcetan shores, west of the country, lie on the Mesembric Sea. The capital and largest city of the country is Cirtella, located in the southwest of the country.

Diplomatically, it is a member of the Association of South Ulethan Nations, after joining in 19xx.


Both the endonym (Ellarça) and the common exonym for Larcetany have the same origin. During the classical era, before the *romantian* invasion of the lands that are currently Larcetany, geographers described the peoples living between the Braida and the Casquer river mouths as Larcetanii. Eventually, those lands would be called Larcetania, which would become Llarcetania, Ellarcetania, and eventually Ellarça in the native Larcetan.



Open Book icon.svg
History of Larcetany
Kingdom of the Southeast
• Foundation of the county of Cirtella
• Foundation of the county of Mingó
• Breakup with Lustria
Principality of Larcetany
• Castellanese vassal state
• Independence war1658-1662
• Foundation of the Larcetan Court1813
Republic of Larcetany1882-
• Socialist revolution1927
• Reactionary coup d'état1942
• Democratic restoration (Fourth republic)1957

Pre-"Romantian" Period


"Romantian" Period


"Romantian" Kingdom of the Southeast


Larcetan Counties


Castellanese vassal period


Independence War


Independent Larcetany

Absolutist period


Larcetan Court: Constitutional monarchy


Republican period

Republican revolution


Socialist period


Military dictatorship


Fourth republic: Democratic restoration


Politics and Government

Government buildings

Most government buildings and ministries are in the Eixample district of the capital city, Cirtella.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Ministry of the Interior

Ministry of Defense

Ministry of Justice

Ministry of Health

Ministry of Education

Ministry of Infrastructures and Transportation

Ministry of the Presidency (Government Palace)

Ministry of Social Security

Administrative divisions

Government Data - The Noun Project.svg
Administrative divisions of Larcetany
First-level8 regions (Larcetan: Vegueries)
Second-level60 counties (Larcetan: Comarques)
Third-levelMunicipalities (Larcetan: Municipis)

There are three main levels of administrative divisions in Larcetany: regions (Vegueries), counties (Comarques) and municipalities (Municipis)

Administrative divisions of Larcetany

Ellarca admin blank.png

Region Capital Number of
Land area Population Population density
km² mi² km² mi²
Altolà i Errates Votlla 7 5,879 2,270 TBD TBD TBD
Vall Colomera Creugisa 5 5,156 1,991 TBD TBD TBD
les Altes Vidó 6 4,019 1,552 TBD TBD TBD
Serres de Llevant Santa Coloma de Berrià 7 5,821 2,248 TBD TBD TBD
Baixa Ellarça Cirtella 9 8,102 3,128 TBD TBD TBD
Comarques Centrals Vilafranca de Grifós 4 4,468 1,725 TBD TBD TBD
Valls de Migjorn Carmajor 12 7,114 2,747 TBD TBD TBD
Camp de Mingó Camingó 10 7,737 2,987 TBD TBD TBD


Larcetany is a member of the Association of South Ulethan Nations, and the Assembly of Nations.

Diplomatic missions

Diplomatic missions in Larcetany and Larcetan diplomatic missions abroad
Country Larcetan Embassy Embassy in Larcetany Consulates
Anglesbury and Youcestershire 6-8 Nae Street, Whangiora Carrer de la Independència, 84
BNV flag.png Banuvia Granovska avenija, Sarengrad Carrer de Barnils, 21
Bandiera na Barzona.png Barzona Via eu Cavall, Carante Carrer del Consell Ellarçà, 107
Castellan flag.png Castellan Carrer de la Memòria
Flag of Demirhan Empire.png Demirhanlı Devleti Avinguda del President Balcells
UL14b flag.png Geklinia-Dregolesia Плац Крўлевскі, Dobrzanka
Maslinavia Opolovac
FlagQennes.png Qennes Patra Arṣanta Naoță, Arta Ronda de Sant Just, 35
FlagKofuku.jpg Kofuku Wellstar Street, Bako-Huz Carrer del Comtat, 25