Demirhan Empire

From OpenGeofiction
Flag of Demirhan Empire Demirhan Empire
Emblem of Demirhan Empire.png

Devlet-i Aliyye-i Demirhâniyye (classic Demirhan), Demirhanlı Devleti (Turquese), Demirxanlı Dövleti (Sherkman), Demirhanli Davlati (Yughut), Demirhani Shtetit (Malesorian), Demirhan Suyu (Illiman), מדינת דמירהנלי (Ibryim), ایالت دمیرحانلی (Aryan)
Capital: Tarsınar
Population: 52 300 411 (2023)
Motto: Fethetmek için bir arazi her zaman vardır
There is always a land to conquer
Anthem: Sultanın yükselişi Marşı
Rise of the Sultan March

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Demirhan Empire (Turquese: Demirhanlı Devleti) is a federal monarchy located in Central Uletha with posession of Demirhan Tarephian Khedivate in eastern Tarephia as a remnant of former colonial empire. It covers area of 560 thousands squere kilometers of which land area is 503 thousands. The capital of the empire is Tarsınar, one of the largest cities in the country, while the biggest is Ardeşehir, a former capital. The country borders on the land with Antharia, Arya, Kushya, UL07c, Naphon, UL07f and Malesoria. Additionally it shares maritime borders with Qennes and Niscavo. In Tarephia the empire borders Arbutania, TA011a and Eden.

With its nearly thousand years old history Demirhan Empire is one of the states with longest continouos history. Ruled by the single dynasty from the beginning, emerged from small state in northeast part of Karadolu valley, in close proximity of Hellanesian coast to important regional power. Conquests caused that the country spread to many climate zones starting from Mediterranean coast through relatively dry but fertile Karadolu valley and deserts in distant south, as well as tropical climate in its colony. Inhabited by a conglomerate of people of multiple religions and cultures who try to live with each other relatively peacefully.

In the last century the empire relatively rapidly industrialised, especially in the areas of heavy and military industry.

Topographic map of Demirhan Empire


The name of Demirhan Empire comes from Demirhan Bey, first known ruler of the country. It exist in two forms:

  • first long and stylised official name: Devlet-i Aliyye-i Demirhâniyye which literally means Sublime Demirhan State. The name however rarely appears in translations as the government insists on usage of non-translated name in official documents.
  • second short form in contemporary Turquese: Demirhanlı Devleti which is commonly translated as Demirhan Empire however the more correct translation would be Demirhan State. Demirhan State was official name of the country under reign of Süleyman III in years 1965-1993. His descendants however returned to the long form of the name.

Citizens of Demirhan Empire usually prefer to be called by their own nationality however common demonym for all Demirhan Empire inhabitants is Demirhanı in Turquese or Demirhani in Ingerish.


Climate chart
Average max. and min. temperatures in °C
Precipitation totals in mm
Imperial conversion
Average max. and min. temperatures in °F
Precipitation totals in inches

Country is divided to three parts by mountain chains known as Kirmizi/Adanaz Mountains in the north and Zorlayıcı Mountains. The central plain, known as Karadolu is cut in half by several highland areas going as far as Lorantis. The western part of Karadolu is dominated by the large desert known under the name Yevercin. In the far west the Kan valley is located.

The soil in the country offers good conditions for farming - the Karadolu region, breadbasked of an entire country is dominated by red and black soil.

The country rely heavily on mining and many minerals can be found in the mountainous regions. These natural resources include boxites, coal, chrome, iron and copper ores. Gold is also present near the Iviran sea shore. Between rivers Sarica, Yenik, Nazip and Sarash lie huge amounts of peat, which is primary energy source in these lands. In the Yevercin Desert are located several oil wells but the quantity of crude oil is far smaller than the empire needs.

The country extends across many different climate zones - from mediterranean near Iviran Sea to hot desert in Gandara and sub-polar in Red Mountains.

The largest river in the country is Kiran river, which creates natural border between the empire and UL17g. Other notable rivers include Yenik, Havsalan and Hilvach. The biggest lake is Ocak, located in southern Kan Valley and supplied with water from Zorlayıcı Mountains via Kiran river.


Pre-Demirhan era

According to several resources originally the Karadolu region was home for unknown people of Semic origin, traditionally associated with present day Ibrıyıms living in Demirhan Empire and other neighboring countries as significant majority til present day.

In the very early days they were conquered by mighty Aryan Ardashid Empire from the south which led to large Aryan inflow to the central plain. The empire stretched as far as Yevercin desert and Adanaz mountains followed by Kiran river. However the empire collapsed intto multiple kingdoms during Lorantian migration who came from the western Uletha bringing iron weapons to the Iviran sea on the shores of which they established a bunch of city-states. The other reason of the collapse was exhausting war with Hellanesian colonies which existed around the Niskavo Bay.

Most notable states carved from collapsing Ardashid Empire include Makamal Shahdom located in northern Karadolu and short-lived Aaron Kingdom near Zorlayıcı Mountains which was ruled by a king of Ibrıyım origin although the court was dominated by Aryans. Soon the scattered Aryan states were grouped under Chosranid dynasty banner. The Empire soon conquered entire Karadolu region causing the unification of Hellanesian city-states into loose confederation called Northern League. At its peak in seventh century the second Aryan Empire covered the area of more than 0.5 million of kilometers.

Additionally in fifth century first known Turkic State - Arslanid Kaganate was formed in sixth century in the present day Kuruvadi region. The Kaganate however was dominated only by some of the Kuruvadi clans which caused migration of other Turquans outside of the country, especially to fertile plains of Karadolu. Mass migration caused instability of Chosranid Empire which led to overthrowing the dynasty in 983 and collapse of government in large parts of state. Lack of centralised government caused growth of Turquan beyliks one of which was Demirhan Beylik near the border of lands controlled by Antharia which annexed Northern League in early ninth century.


The early history of the dynasty is unknown but it is believed that Demirhan clan dropped their traditional beliefs in favor of Irfan because they were under impression of fairness of Iman missionaries from Mazan who arrived to Arslanid Khaganate in eight and in ninth century to Chosranid Empire. After gaining independence from Chosranid Empire they became kind of dealers between rich Antharians and other inland beyliks which provided them certain wealth.

The first bey noted in Antharian chronicles was Demirhan who gave the name for the dynasty. His conquer of neighbouring beylik of Çinarhisar was mentioned in the book called "Modern history" by Athanasios. Demirhan Bey and his sons in about two hundred years gained control of the most of Karadolu region rather due to marriage than war. In 1181, after the collapse of Arslanid Kaganate the head of the dynasty, Murat II was the ruler of biggest piece of land in his neighbourhood, except for Illyrian Empire in the east. He decided to take biggest port in the bay - Ardeşehir. He herded army of 60,000 men and attacked the city. After two years long siege, Demirhans captured the city and installed new capital there. After that Murat II named himself sultan or padishah in Aryan language. However he wasn't able to hold the city for long. It was reconquered by Antharia shortly after, in 1334.

The Conquer

Murat II

When Murat II captured Ardeşehir, the state achieved roughly a sixth of current area. As sultan was unable to govern personally that big country, it was a sign to begin huge reforms. Murat created the Divan Council in which were four viziers (ministers) one for each province. As the head of the council served Grand Vizier (turq. Vezîr-i âzam). All of the viziers were directly appointed and dissmissed by sultan. The competences of viziers were very wide - they commanded their own armies and actually ruled their provinces. Also Murat II reformed the army, employing the first professional soldiers, trained from the children of conquered nations.

Before the first of the yeñiçeri (new army) end their training and can be used in war, Murat II died. His son, Ahmet I gathered the army of sixty thousand men and rushed to Burhane, which was the capital of last independent beylik - a possesion of Yavuz family, which controlled not much less territory than Demirhans. Yusuf Yavuz, leader of the dynasty tried to stop him near Zaramanaz. The battle of Zaramanaz begun 15 July 1207 and lasted two days. Yavuz died in battle bu many of his soldiers fled to Tarsınar, where his son, Ilham tried to resist. Although thick walls of the city could stand long time siege, there was not enough stock of food, so he decided to give up after two months. Ahmet I accepted his offer, but shortly after ordered execution of all Yavuz family members.

After the war with Yavuz family Ahmet started to look greedily for the remaining Antharian lands in the east of Ardeşehir, effectively separating the new capital from the outer sea. The campaign started in 1219 and lasted nearly to death of the sultan in 1222. The empire was exhausted by long war with well armed enemy, additionally supported by Kalmish crusader knights so his descendants were forced to facus on rebuilding the economy rather than enlarging the country.

The change came when Bayezid II, a clever diplomat and good strategist came to the throne. One of his aims was to destabilize the mighty Aznavad Empire, known also as Third Aryan Empire. To win with the stronger enemy he established alliance with Melik of Kushya and Yusuf Muhamedogulı, emir of Kayramtor. But that was not enough. He also needed support in the empire himself. To achieve that he sent his emissaries to governors of border provinces. United Turquan armies hit the empire from the north while the governors came from the east. As a result in 1332, after 8 years of war the peace treaty was signed. As a result Kayramtor, Kushya and Demirhan Empire received large amounts of land, Basharid Shahdom and Haderot Kingdom were created, effectively ending rule of great Aryan dynasties over the lands near the Emerald Sea.

However the war was exhausting for the Demirhan Empire which was used by Antharia to regain control of Ardeşehir. When sultan was focused on organizing new territories, Antharian fleet came to the capital and easily retook the city, forcing sultans family to leave. As a consequence the capital was moved to Tarsinar and in years 1335-1338 the new Golden Palace, which remains Demirhan dynasty main home, was built.

Road to power

Demirhan Empire and its ethnic structure at territorial peak

Loose of Ardeşehir and growing threat of Antharian invasion forced Demirhans to seek another safe port in the Iviran Sea. They decided to focus on Lorantian city-states. The siege of westernmost city-state, Malazit began in 1424 and ended succesfully three years later. Shortly after Malazit became to be a major port in the region and a base for Demirhan fleet. As a result the other Lorantian city states united and brought Knights of the Kalmish Holy Order to the border area effectively stopping Demirhan expansion in that direction.

Being aware of strenght of new Lorantis and its possible alliance with Antharia, sultan Bayezid III decided to sack small Haderot Kingdom (in 1456) and with help of Emirate of Kayramtor started a war with Illyria in the north, establishing new border on Kiran river ten years later. His another key conquest happened after second war with Aznavad Empire (in 1474-1477) when he gained control over the city of Ortakent.

Selim III in 1513 married Ahsen, daughter of emir of Kayramtor. Accidentally shortly after the emir and some of his close relatives died because of mysterious illness, possibly intentionally spread by Selim servants. When the sultan became aware of that he came to Kayramtor with the army, battled two brothers of deceased emir and established his rule over it, nearly doubling the area of the empire.

The next aim of the empire was to establish dominance over the Iviran sea. To achieve that they needed to remove influence of other nations bordering the sea. The first, weakest one was Lorantis. The army of two hundred thousand men led by the sultan himself started to march straightly to Neril. Also northern and southern fleets led by fleet admiral and Grand Vizier moved to Midistland territorial waters to avoid their intevention.

First battle between Demirhan and Lorantian forces happened in Quiriel in July 1692. During this month there were also several clashes between Demirhan and allied fleet of Lorantis, Midistland and Kalmish Knights but allies tried to avoid open confrontation and saved their force for protection of the capital. In August Midistland lost of the islands near Lorantian coast and quit from the war in fear of loosing entire fleet. Lorantian ships headed to Neril to protect the city. The two days long battle of Neril started on 3 September and ended with almost complete destruction of Lorantian fleet except for three ships still stationing in Malazit.

On 12 September sultan arrived with the army to Neril, starting the siege. Although the majority of the country was still under Lorantian control all of the land was cut off from the capital. In November the regional officers of Kandil sent their ships to Suria in desperate cry for help but the ships never achieved the target because were captured by Demirhans on the open sea. The defenders’ morale dropped and several cities surrendered. At the end of the year Lorantians controlled only Vilosetra and Limris.

During the winter the hunger in Neril became to grow. In spring the diseases also haunted the city. Capital, overpopulated by refugees, started to look as a powder keg. The Supreme Council, on one hand afraid of the rebellion and in hope for better position in negotiations on the other decided to surrender on 4 June 1693. Limris, the only city which was still loyal to the Council accepted the decision and the war was ended.

During 20s and 30s of eighteenth century they conquered Basharid Shahdom and Khanate of Musafir on the other side of Compelling Mountains. Later they recaptured Ardeşehir and established current border with Antharia.

Colonial Empire

After the victorious war with Malazit city-state Demirhan Empire took attempts to establish colonies around the world. The most notable was Demirhan Tarephian Khedivate which became a colony in 1711 and an integral part of the empire with 1841 although the native inhabitants of the khedivate became one of constitutional nationalities later, in 1916. They also tried to sack Midistland and for over fifty years controlled small area on its coast where they established a city Yeni Yurta (currently Noue Jurte).


Mehmet VI the Reformer

Next few centuries was really stable and prosperous for the empire but in the next years Demirhanlı Devleti fell into great faction war which costed a lot of money and made the empire weak and unstable. Sultans were changed often, sometimes murdered by the weak-paided army, sometimes poisoned by their servants.

The need for reforms was very strong and sultan Mehmet VI decided to make it. He annouced in 1826 the program called Arıtma, which in Turquese language means purification. The main theme for that was to separate religious law from the state law. Although sultan continued using the title of Iman caliph (which was one of the imperial titles since Murat II) and still was a head of empire's Iman community, the state law was reformed and all people living in the empire got the equal laws. Also the bussines law was separated from religion, what allowed to open first bank, the Demirhan National Bank. Other important changes include changing the writing system to Latin script and introduction of surnames which pushed the state into northern Ulethan cultural sphere.

Another reform which was taken during this time was associated with system of government. Anachronic Divan Council, which consist of four viziers since reign of Murat II, was abolished. The new Divan Council, first constitued in 1837 was consisted of minister of treasury, minister of war, minister of internal affairs, minister of external affairs, minister of justice and minister of imperial propaganda. Also, if there was a need to the council could be added some extra viziers, which happened in 1856 (unsuccesful Sherkman revolt) and 1885 (Lorantian uprising). Viziers were also not allowed to be the provincional governors and except the Grand Vizier they didn't command the army.

The final reform of the sultan Mehmet VI was making the first constitution of the Demirhan Empire in 1841 and performing the first free elections to the parlament in 1843. Mehmet VI thought that when he get part of responsibility for the country to the people, they will have more national identity. Although he knew he must be confident that the results of the elections should be corrrect, so he called his damat (imperial son-in-law) Ahmet Paşa to create a party, which could won. The Fatih Partisi due to great financial assistance easily won the election and got the standalone majority in the new parliament.

Mehmets son, Selim IV started to modernise the country industry and built first railway in the country. He also started to resettle Ibrıyıms from all of the empire who as non-Iman people were at the bottom of the society to sparsely populated area near Compelling Mountains. Every Ibrıyım who decided to move received the chunk of the land big enough to feed him and his family. The idea behind this decision was to separate Aryans and Mazanics from each other by people committed to sultan to avoid joint rebellion as well as reduction of poverty.

Mehmet's hopes could not change reality. Newly organised state did not create new nationality. Liberally minded Lorantians did not accept the conservative majority in parliament elected by Mazanics and Turquans. Also the very conservative Mazanics did not like secular constitution and wanted to restore a caliphate. Sultan throw away all complains, what in short time made the people rebellious.

In 1885 Lorantian Revith Pasha betrayed the Empire and started his uprising which led to independence of Lorantis and growing unstability of the Empire which shortly after lost many of its colonies.

Unsuccesuful policy of Fatih Partisi caused that they lost majority in elections in 1890 and had to form an exotic coalition with Işçi Partisi (Workers Party), which was the only party, which did not want to abolish monarchy at the time. In 1882 sultan Ahmet III dissolved National Assembly, becouse the parliament created a law, which highly limited his powers, which was a secret plan of Grand Vizier Tevfik Paşa, who wants more power.

After that Ahmet III used all his powers to repress society. Three years later, in 1885, the army dethroned Ahmet III in coup attempt and chose his brother, Süleyman as new padishah. Although new sultan did not change anything, when he ascended to throne, he understood that secularisation is really a must. In 1916 the current constitution was saccepted by 77,19% of votes in public referendum. It completely abolished Demirhan Caliphate and restricted the powers of sultan, especially in commanding empire's army.

The other important reform was that several provinces, mostly inhabitated by non-Turquan peoples gained autonomy. Since then they were allowed to learn their motherlanguages and culture freely. It ended separatist tendencies across distant parts of the empire however reinforced them among Hellanesians in and aroud of Ardeşehir.

Present times

Komünist Halil Bey, leader of Işçi Partisi shortly before death in riots of 1963

Despite reforms, in 1963 the Işçi Partisi and Sosyalist Halk Partisi (Socialist Peoples Party) started to revolt to overthrow monarchy. The revolt was bloody estinguished by the army and year later all leftist parties were abolished and their members were arrested.

After the revolt newly elected sultan, Süleyman III, nicknamed Faşist by the historians after his death, was able to consolidate the power and create personal cult similar to these of fascist leaders from the beggining of the century. Under his rule the empire experienced fast industrialization and population growth. However it was also a period when the human rights were mostly non-existent. Most of the workers in the new fabrics were prisoners and political dissidents. There were also several labor camps in the Yevercin desert.

On 8 August 2018 Mazir Azhar Paşa, leader of the nationalist İMYD party revealed several pictures on which was Selim V kissing with other man during his winter holidays in Federal States of Archanta. During the speech to his party members pasha accused the Sultan of "lying constantly to his nation everyday of his life" and call him to resign because of "being unable to fulfil the Sultan's duties and extend the dynasty" as well as "not having moral authority to rule". He also accused Grand Vizier Yazinci Mustafa Paşa of "being the partner in the lie" and dissolved the ruling coalition.

Four days later Mazir Paşa gave another speech in which he stated that someone tried to assasinate him but his guards catched the murderer and try to interrogate him. He also summoned his well-wishers to come to his mansion to protect his life. When police tried to enforce the pasha to give the murderer to him the crowd didn't allow them to come into the mansion. Several clashes erupted and seven people (of which one was a policeman) were killed. On 14 August Davut, the brother of ruling Sultan and the well-known İMYD supporter came to the protesters and sang the national anthem with the crowd.

Three days later Mazir Paşa had another conference on which he has shown the video of the assasin who says that he is the member of the State Security Bureau and fulfiled the Grand Vizier's orders. Pasha also repeated his call to the Sultan and the Grand Vizier.

On 20 August Selim III resigned due to ongoing mass protests in the whole country and Davut, as Davut III was announced his successor. The new Sultan also appointed the date of snap elections - 20 September but also said that Yazinci Mustafa Paşa would stay as a leader of minority government until the new parliament will be elected.

The whole situation bring to the public a debate about sexual minorities' rights in the country as well as true monarch duties.

After the elections Fatih Partisi lost it's power gaining only third result, beaten by İMYD and GİP. At 8th October the new government consisted of unusual marriage of İMYD and GİP was appointed by sultan Davut III. Mazir Azhar Paşa became his term as a new Grand Vizier.

New government supported further integration between Lorantis and Demirhan Empire based on mutual understanding and shared history. The policy faxed mixed support on both Demirhan and Lorantian side of the border but initially led to Lorantis handling their external affairs to the empire in early 2019 with possible autonomy on some issues. That decision caused some voices of concern among Lorantians but was welcomed warmly by expat community living in Demirhan Empire and abroad. The community engaged in convincing Lorantian nation they should reunite with Demirhan Empire as it would allow them to put all own requirements at the table. Intense campaign led by Back to the Homeland NGO established by Lorantian expats living in Demirhan Empire allowed to increase support for the union and finally introduce referendum to April 2021 law voting round. The referendum was held on 17th April and 71.4% of voters voted in favour of joining.

The results caused severe protests in some areas of Lorantis including Aheron, however as organised entirely with accordance with national law was considered binding. Lorantian Republic formally ceased to exist on 1st January 2022 when it officially joined the empire as fourth special province. Lorantis remained direct democracy with Supreme Council as government however provincial governor was also appointed by the sultan. His powers were limited only to control over central government initiatives. At the same day new administrative subdivisions of the province were introduced as well and nine regions were changed into larger number of subprovinces called Bratay.


Yazinci Mustafa Paşa, Grand Vizier in years 2011 - 2018
Gnome-edit-redo-bw.svg See also: Government of Demirhan Empire

The leader of the empire is sultan. His powers are:

  • dissolving the National Assembly.
  • appointing the Grand Vizier and government.
  • dissolving the government.
  • giving a veto for particular acts of the law.
  • appointing members of judicary.

Lawmaking is reserved for one house parliament called National Assembly, in which takes a sit 250 lawmakers, each 50 for one elayet. Since the coup de etat in 1964 all traditional leftist parties are banned, although some right wing and central parties adopted social aspects of their programs. To get to the National Assembly party must get total score in elections of 5% votes or more.

Traditional council of ministers (viziers) since 1916 consists of: minister of war, minister of internal affairs, minister of external affairs, minister of justice, minister of infrastructure, minister of social affairs and minister of imperial propaganda. In external politics empire tends to soft isolationism, but holds affairs with many countries around the world.

External relations

Since September Revolution international politics of Demirhan Empire is defined by strong anticommunism and anti-leftism, even increased after failed revolt of 1963, although some exceptions like Ohesia exist where Pantarephian office and fabrics of Vehikar are located.

Demirhan Empire also adopted the specific policy of spreading its influence to small neighboring states. As a result some of them, notably Lorantis, remain only formally independent while in fact all important international affairs of these countries are handled by Demirhan Empire. In the same style the Treaty of Friendship between the Empire and Kushya was signed. While Kushya remains fully independent both states are obliged to mutual military and economical help if needed. As a result the area of Kushya and Lorantis is sometimes referred as Greater Demirhan Empire.

Demirhan Empire also maintains warm relationship with Kuehong and Imani countries of the world.

Demirhan Empire is important destination for tourists both in summer and in winted due to diversified climate. However citizens from most of the countries of the world except for Imani countries and countries with special status in relations with the empire require visa to come.

Results of 2023 elections

Ulusal Konseyi
National Assembly
Party Percentage of votes Seats Short program summary
  İmparatorluğun Milliyetçi Yeniden Doğuşu (İMYD, National Rebirth of the Empire)
38,43 162 Since last election coalitiant of GİP. Party wants to intensify pro-war propaganda and destroy small countries on the east of the empire. Party wants to control economy by a central of the state. After the 2018 elections party became a major ruling force in the empire.
  Geleneksel İman Partisi (GİP, Tradional Iman Party)
11,67 57 This party wants to reestablish religious law in the empire (caliphate was abolished in 1916, when secular constitution was improved). It is natural coalitiant for MCP, but in 1996 the long time coalition was broken because of conflict about wearing religious clothes in public. They are followers of socialist economy. In coalition with İMYD.
  Fatih Partisi (FP, Victory Party)
6,10 24 Traditional, militaristic and promonarchical party. It led in the national elections since establishing a parliament in 1843 to the recent crisis, due to usage of power of Ministry of Imperial Propaganda. Many of party leaders are assoviated by a marriage with sultans family. Party is the adherer of Third Way economic policy. After 175 years in power kicked out from the government.
  Yeni Sağ Partisi (YSP, New Right Party
11,34 43 New party established after political crisis of 2018. Lead by charismatic Döner İnal Paşa, a retired general, praises liberalism and free market economy. Socially conservative, usually votes in line with government.
  Doğrudan Demokrasi Partisi (DDP, Direct Democracy Party)
7,41 36 Party established by a group of Lorantians who want to transform Demirhan Empire into direct democracy. So far the party was unable to secure majority so remains in opposition where usually takes center or center left position. Surprisingly popular among İbryims.
  Rum Partisi (RP, Minorities Party)
9,92 40 Party represents inhabitants of the empire from minority peoples. They fight, sometimes really fight for their laws and freedoms. By FP and IMYD they are often accuse of wanting a partition of the empire. Party is a adherer of Third Way economic policy.
  Halklar Partisi (HP, Peoples Party)
5,17 22 Except of being the peoples party they are really conservative and traditional. Their program is focused on agrarian part of the society. Party wants to build a socialist economic state.
  Sosyal Adalet Partisi (SAP, Social Justice Party)
5,04 16 New party established in 2022 when ban on leftist parties was lifted. Usually takes center left position and distances itself from worker parties which caused revolution of 1961.

Administrative divisions

Gnome-edit-redo-bw.svg See also: Description of imperial subdivisions

Demirhan Empire is divided into seventeen provinces (il) with three stages of autonomy:

  • Eyalet - provinces directly ruled from the capital with right to self-governance limited to minor public investments. Heads of the provinces are appointed by the Sultan. Each eyalet has also small elected council consisting of 30 members. Currently there are eight eyalets and all of them are inhabited almost entirely by Turquese people.
  • Vilayet - provinces with much higher degree of autonomy. In vilayets the council, enlarged to 50 members may choose additional official language, including introducing it to school curriculum, also the freedom in spending money for public projects is increased. There are currently six vilayets in total.
  • Other - two provinces have highest available level of autonomy. In these provinces subdivisions, as well as governing officials, bear own unique names. Several differences in civil law also exist. Additionally compared to vilayets the governor of the province is elected by the council and the choice is only confirmed by the Sultan. There are currently two provinces with special status.

The provinces are further divided into sanjaks (known also as etrap, nafa, şahrestan) and then further into kaza (ilçe or bahş), except for Zorlayıcı Dağları Mahosı which does not use the smallest subdivisions. Cities larger than 100 000 inhabitants have the same rank as sanjaks and are further divided into districts (mahalle).

Groups of overseas provinces, belonging to one of the two latter types, are grouped into khedivates which are governed by khedives. Khedivates have greater autonomy than any other province as they are not subjects of dıvan but only the Grand Vizier and the Sultan. Currently there is only one khedivate located in Tarephia.

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Gnome-edit-redo-bw.svg See also: Economy of Demirhan Empire

The ruling coalition adapted third way economic policies introduced by precedent Fatih Partisi which remained in power for few last decades. This means all people in the empire are granted many social privillages and the private bussiness is limited on some level. Strategical parts of the industry, such as elictricity, mining and production of weapons is restricted to the government.

The country products and export huge amounts of weapons and has one firm, which is making cars - Vehikar. Other pillar of the Demirhan economy is constructing ships. The main source for money is agriculture.

The currency of the empire is lira, which divides into 100 agçe and further into 10 000 kuruş. Since 1996 Demirhani Lira is also used in Lorantis. The banknotes and coins issued for Lorantis have different obverse design and are described in Lorantian instead of Turquese.


Linguistic map of the empire

Demirhan Empire is a multiethnic country where minorities constitue a third of the whole population. However over 85% of the population believe in Iman religion which is considered a main uniting factor with the dynasty being just behind.

The table and text in this section refers only to statistics of the core, Ulethan part of the empire. More precise demographic and financial data for entire country can be seen in dedicated article about the economy linked above.

Name Presence Population Main religion Additional info
Turquese All of the country, the only group in the central part 33 132 896 (67.61%) Irfan, Ekelan Christic The dominant group from which comes the ruling dynasty, Turquan language is also the only official language of the country.
Sherkmans Yevercin Vilayeti 1 916 869 (3.91%) Irfan Sherkman are the Turquese people who preserved original language and for a long time nomadic culture of Turquan people. They live mostly on the Yevercin desert.
Yughuts Koşangar Uçbeyliği 889 777 (1.82%) Irfan Another group of Turquese people, although a little more distant from Demirhans. Live behind the southern mountain range.
İbrıyıms Entire country, mostly autonomous Zorlayıcı Dağları Mahosı. 1 787 162 (3.65%) Dionism The ethnic group which since middle ages provides bank services in entire region so it is spread as far as Antharia.
Aryans Şirvan Ostanı 3 224 105 (6.58%) Irfan, Ahuryanism They were creators of the great ancient empire of Farsia, conquered first by Mazan and later by Demirhans.
Antharians Sahil Eyaleti 1 453 771 (2.97%) Christic, Romanish Ekelan Church Antharians are people who stood in Demirhan Empire after the conquest of Viktoreşti Eyaleti (which is sometimes called Demirhan Antharia).
Hellanesians Northern Iviran Sea coast 1 340 993 (2.74%) Christicism, Ekelan Church Hellanesians are remnants of ancient Eganian colonization of Iviran Sea.
Kalmians Şneldorf Vilayeti 70 287 (0.14%) Christicism, Ortholic Kalmians are descendants of Kalmish military order which was brought to the region to help christicize Pagans from Lorantis and Kalmished Lorantians.
Lorantians Sahil Eyaleti and along Yenik and Hilvaç rivers. 4 255 515 (8.68%) Kreideth Lorantians are first inhabitants of Lorantian coast. However they were able to preserve their unique cultural identity only on small part of their original homeland being mostly assimilated with Hellanesians, Antharians and Turquese.
Malesorians Malesorians Vilayeti 859 676 (1.75%) Irfan Malesorians live mainly in lands gained by Demirhan Empire during Surian Revolution.

Other minorities constitue 0,46% of country population. Most of them are Surians and other people from neighboring countries.

Largest cities

Currently in Demirhan Empire, including Tarephian Khedivate, are 61 cities with population larger than 100 thousands of inhabitants. The list goes as follows:

Largest cities of Demirhan Empire
Rank City Province Population Area [km2] Density
1 Ardeşehir Ardeşehir Eyaleti 10472829 1321,82 7814
2 Tarsınar Payitaht Eyaleti 3687337 645,66 5711
3 İskenderiya Ardeşehir Eyaleti 2231572 495,53 4383
4 Hörezöy Ardeşehir Eyaleti 1983748 334,98 5636
5 Nehirhisar Kan Vadisi Eyaleti 1831417 399,87 4584
6 Neril Lorantis Talamı 1203238 785,70 1531
7 Malazıt Sahil Eyaleti 984728 267,23 3682
8 Yeşilkörfez Fırtına Burnu Vilayeti 873628 163,61 5331
9 Viktorya Sahil Eyaleti 827483 297,06 2769
10 Almıros Kıran Eyaleti 736182 224,86 3278
11 Vıralmanaz Kıran Eyaleti 623778 225,38 2774
12 Sebesta Sahil Eyaleti 578393 222,83 2682
13 Burhane Batı Karadolu Eyaleti 526368 182,89 2878
14 Aperis Sahil Eyaleti 511272 197,43 2585
15 Fıstıkşehri Fırtına Burnu Vilayeti 498372 109,55 4554
16 Tekinhane Kıran Eyaleti 487290 171,92 2972
17 Kendarıl Doğu Karadolu Eyaleti 426273 154,74 2755
18 Şirvandar Şirvan Ostanı 387283 111,55 3472
19 Gölbostan Kuruvadi Eyaleti 378261 161,65 2340
20 Denglikar Yevercin Vilayeti 376282 164,09 2293
21 Şahriz Şirvan Ostanı 365721 196,25 1864
22 Daşayandor Yevercin Vilayeti 365721 160,73 2275
23 Ortakent Doğu Karadolu Eyaleti 352719 101,81 3461
24 Rudafşar Şirvan Ostanı 346279 219,65 1577
25 Vilosetra Lorantis Talamı 342579 318,78 1075
26 İslahisar Batı Karadolu Eyaleti 339875 114,83 2960
27 Perşehir Doğu Karadolu Eyaleti 324517 109,07 2975
28 Aksaray Kuruvadi Eyaleti 324169 212,12 1528
29 Kumırt'uku Fırtına Burnu Vilayeti 314628 58,69 5349
30 Mavikent Kan Vadisi Eyaleti 312416 102,27 3055
31 Kamaniçe Kuruvadi Eyaleti 289373 184,21 1571
32 Haderot Zorlayıcı Dağları Mahosı 283619 60,59 4681
33 Kandil Lorantis Talamı 264789 322,68 821
34 Hosrat Şirvan Ostanı 245217 89,56 2738
35 Tavyal Lorantis Talamı 234144 272,75 858
36 Lepuş Melesür Vilayeti 231415 47,78 4834
37 Kirazbahçe Sahil Eyaleti 226268 310,66 834
38 Hersilitya Lorantis Talamı 207561 194,16 1069
39 Şirinabad Raha Ormanı Vilayeti 187362 46,12 4067
39 Çelenk Batı Karadolu Eyaleti 168592 150,70 1119
41 Afariş Şirvan Ostanı 166725 46,12 3615
42 Akdalyakale Batı Karadolu Eyaleti 164892 56,02 2943
43 Kömürkent Kuruvadi Eyaleti 162437 43,92 3698
44 Ahça Koşangar Uçbeyliği 154262 71,30 2164
45 Zarafet Payitaht Eyaleti 150882 71,64 2106
46 Doğan Doğu Karadolu Eyaleti 146628 45,92 3193
47 Musafir Kuruvadi Eyaleti 146278 57,83 2529
48 Najafadabad Şirvan Ostanı 136251 48,87 2788
49 Taroşiş Zorlayıcı Dağları Mahosı 132465 55,38 2392
50 Yüksekhane Batı Karadolu Eyaleti 128623 54,28 2370
51 Kapışehir Şekerkamışı Adaları Vilayeti 126526 21,55 5874
52 Ölmeyen Kan Vadisi Eyaleti 121627 59,43 2047
53 Meredil Lorantis Talamı 121536 147,50 824
54 Kayramtor Yevercin Vilayeti 118316 70,22 1656
55 Alaeddinhisar Raha Ormanı Vilayeti 116357 43,22 2698
56 Aheron Lorantis Talamı 112578 83,38 1350
57 Hüdavendigar Kıran Eyaleti 112362 24,70 4549
58 İkviryel Lorantis Talamı 107252 78,65 1364
59 Limris Lorantis Talamı 105617 68,36 1545
60 Karsun Batı Karadolu Eyaleti 103728 33,53 3082
61 Sarılangirt Payitaht Eyaleti 103617 27,20 3812


Demirhan nation

Example of broad interpretation of Ulus and Millet ideas - İMYD party leaflet from 2019 elections

Nationalism became an issue in Demirhan Empire on the break of 18th and 19th centuries. Initially the standard nationalism focused on different ethnic groups was introduced possessing a threat to the unity of the empire. Changes came during Arıtma period when some intellectuals came with concurrent theory.

Nuri Ahmet Hoca brought back to the debate the term Ulus in contrary to the widely used Millet, both translating roughly as nation. According to hodja Millet describes people of shared culture and language while Ulus is associated with land, modern history and the state. That means a person belongs to both Millet and Ulus and both are associated with rights and duties. Ulus is limited to the borders of the country while the Millet is limited by the spread of the culture.

Initially the idea was not warmly welcomed among some national subjects of the empire, especially Antharians, Hellanesians and Lorantians were not interested in joining the Ulus. Also some scholars believed that people of the imperial millets living outside the borders should make their lands joining the empire. These ideas were welcomed warmly especially in places where people who belonged to the one of the imperial millets were repressed or discriminated because of their origin. In contrary it caused negative reaction in Arya, where it was seen as a danger for the country.

Another controversial, still unresolved issue is what constitutes a millet. According to original thoughts of Ahmet Hoca all Turquanic people are one millet but many, mainly Sherkman thinkers prefer to see themselves as separate millet and reject ideas of shared Sherkman-Turquese national identity seeing it as a mean of sorted assimilation. The idea however was a milestone in Kushya-Demirhan relationship and allowed to create supranational bond between the two countries.

It can be easily noticed that millet principle was the main inspiration for creation of boundaries between imperial provinces and a base for their governance system in the way which is supposed to allow minorities much more freedom than unitary system.


A painting of Ibriyim man praying in tradional dress

The main religion of the country is Iman religion in their Irfan philosophy. About 85% of people living in the empire are Iman believers. The rest is mainly christic or secular Imans, which is a term meaning people, who were grown in Iman culture and tradition. Being simply atheist is still not allowed. Small minorities believing in traditional Aryan religion, Ahuryanism and Lorantian Kreideth are also present in the empire.


About 72% of Imani believers follow Mazanic sect of Iman while 21% follows the Aryan Iman and another 7% prefers to describe themselves as non-deminational. However in reality Demirhan Iman, actuall followed by majority, is conglomerate of the aforementioned denominations and sometimes even christic or Ibryim influences. The diversity is achieved because of presence of twelve Imani orders every of which has own laws and rites and uses as a base either Aryan (three orders) or Mazanic Iman.

Ruling Demirhanoğlu family follows the Sayyidunacı order, historically popular in northeastern part of the country. Contrary to mainstream Iman Sayyidunacı order allows their advanced members to drink alcohol and break the fasting rules, confession to the spiritual leader, similar to Christic confession, is also present. It also allows believers to perform and listen to music and sees it as important way to praise the God. Advanced members of the order are worldly known as dervishes and their performances of ritual dancing and singing are part of national cultural heritage, as well as renowned tourist attraction.

LGBTQ+ rights

The homosexuality was decriminalised in 1830 during the Arıtma process. It was also protected by the 1841 Constitution. The 1916 Constitution extended the protection to all sexual minorities. Despite general legality the sexual minorities have rather negative view towards the society because they are seen as immoral. Because of that the government tends to treat minorities the same way as does with atheists - they try to act like they are not existing. There are no such things like homosexual marriage and civil unions and the gender changes are not recognised by the state. To avoid criticism from the society the minority members tend to not overreach especially outside the biggest cities. Also during the rule of Süleyman III there were many actions provided by the special forces against homosexualists because the Sultan has seen them as hidden far-left supporters.


Flag of Demirhan Empire.png Demirhanlı Devleti
Regional topics
Neighboring territoriesAntharia, Niscavo, Qennes Malesoria, Suria, Kushya, Arya, Arbutania, Eden
Regional organizationsAssociation of South Ulethan Nations