
From OpenGeofiction
Flag of Platina Platinan Republic
Coat of arms

República Platina (Castellanese)
Capital: Montedorado
Population: To be determined (2024)
Motto: « Dum vita est, spes »
(While there is life, there is hope)

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Platina (Castellanese pronunciation: [plaˈtina]), officially the Platinan Republic (Castellanese: República Platina), is a country in West Uletha. Platina covers an area of 138 904 km² (53 631 sq mi) and a population of TBD million, and it is bordered by Alvorán to the northwest, Jarcón to the northeast, UL03m and UL03h to the southwest, Xatãera to the south, and UL03t to the southeast. Platina is a federal state subdivided into TBD provinces, and two autonomous cities: Santa Cruz, the largest city of the nation, and Montedorado, the federal capital. The provinces and the autonomous cities have their own constitutions, which exist under a federal government and constitution.

The earliest recorded human presence in modern-day Platina dates back to the Paleolithic period.





Geology, topography and hydrography

National parks

Government and politics

Government icon (black).svg
Government of Platina
Federal presidential republic and
liberal democracy
Head of state
• PresidentMarcos Arturo Barroso Humbert
• Vice PresidentJanine Montemayor de Eletta
LegislatureCongress of the Platinan Republic
• Upper houseSenate
• Lower houseChamber of Deputies
JudiciarySupreme Court of Platina
Additional institutionsConference for Government Policy and Regulation
Federal Election Commission
Assembly of Nations

Platina is a federal presidential republic and liberal democracy. It consists of TBD provinces, which are further divided into numerous municipalities, and two autonomous cities. Public policy is defined and executed by three levels of governance: federal, provincial and municipal. The Constitution of Platina is the supreme law of the country, and has been amended numerous times to enshrine certain constitutional rights and requirements designed to support the changes in the social, political and economical situation.

Comprised of five branches, all headquartered in Montedorado, the federal government is the national government of Platina. It is regulated by a strong system of checks and balances, as required by the Constitution. Platina is a representative democracy, as representatives are elected into numerous government offices to decide on numerous issues, but the Constitution enshrines the right of the electorate to approve or reject constitutional amendments and vote on numerous popular direct initiatives.

Federal government

The Congress of the Platinan Republic is the bicameral legislature, consisting of the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies. It is responsible for the legislation of Federal Law, declaring war and approving treaties. Both chambers are elected by popular vote, with each province voting for a determined number of delegates according to the population established by the last census. The Senate has 72 members, elected for a four-year term and renewable for an additional non-consecutive term, and the Chamber of Deputies has 216 members, elected for a two-year term and renewable for other two non-consecutive terms. The Conference for Government Policy and Regulation (CGPR) is constitutionally a part of the legislative branch, consisting of academics and experts in numerous fields of national relevance, which serves as an advisory body for Congress and is empowered to review legislation concerning the power of the purse (controlling the actions of the other branches by withholding funding, or putting stipulations on the use of funds) and the power of impeachment; if this chamber reviews other legislation and is deemed as impractical or unlawful, they are empowered to request its veto by the president if Congress ignores them.

The President is the head of state and government of Platina, serving as commander-in-chief of the military. The president is empowered to veto certain legislative bills before they become law, subject to congressional override, and execute Federal Law through the Council of Ministers and numerous government institutions. The president is elected in a federal election for a four-year term (renewable for an additional non-consecutive term) with his running mate, the vice president, who is enabled to assume the presidency if needed by the death, resignation or destitution of the incumbent president.

The judicial system of Platina is responsible for ensuring the uniform application and interpretation of Federal Law. The highest level of the judicial system is the Constitutional Court, responsible for interpreting Federal Law and overturning those deemed as unconstitutional by the majority of its judges. The president is empowered to appoint judges for serving a single eight-year term in the Constitutional Court, which must be selected from a shortlist determined by the CGPR and ratified by the majority of the Senate.

Provinces and autonomous cities

In the federal system of Platina, the federal government devolves certain responsibilities of governance to the numerous provincial governments, which exercise power over a pre-defined territory. People in each province or autonomous city are represented by elected government of each municipality, the subdivisions of each province; the autonomous cities (Montedorado and Santa Cruz), however, have merged their provincial and municipal governments, with their provincial legislature representing the electorate of each city district. Each province and autonomous cities have their own constitution and are responsible for determining, enforcing and reviewing the provincial and municipal laws for the people under their jurisdiction.

Flag, name and code Capital Largest city Population Area in km² (sq mi) Government structure Map
Total area Land area Executive Legislative
Unknown Flag.png Montedorado MD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD Mayor City Council TBD
Unknown Flag.png Santa Cruz SC TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD Mayor City Council TBD

Legal system and justice

Foreign relations


Economy and transportation

Economic overview

Franchises and industries

Roadways and railways


Demographics and culture

Largest cities

Ethnic groups



Education and health

Culture and sports