Sangria Islands
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The Sangria Islands, officially the Republic of the Sangria Islands (Sangrìnensa: Ripubleca di las Ilas Sangrìanas) and also known as the Sangrias, is a small sovereign island state in the centre of the Sea of Mojaca. Culturally and geopolitically part of southwestern Uletha, the Sangria Islands are in closest proximity to Libérie-Valonnaise to the west, Alora to the east, and Onnutu to the south. The Sangria Islands consist entirely of the Sangrian Archipelago, with three main islands. The largest and most populated island is Ila di la Corána di la Sahìa (commonly Sahìa), dominated by the ~3,000 metre Monte di Táma, an extinct volcano. The second largest is Ila di la Tiára di la Beciána (commonly Beciána), followed by Ila di la Diadima dil Prìncipe (commonly Prìncipe). The country has a total land area of 847.99 km² with a population of approximately 262,020 inhabitants. The country's capital, Porta di Sangria (Sangrìnensa: Porta di Sangrìa) shares its name with the archipelago. The Sangrias are a semi-presidential unitary republic, headed by the President (Sangrìnensa: "Presadente") of the Executive, alongside a Prime Minister (Sangrìnensa: "Prìmu Menistèra") of the Legislature. The Sangria Islands is a member of the Association of South Ulethan Nations and the Assembly of Nations.
Bronze Age
Iron Age
Classical Antiquity
Late Antiquity
1st Century: The Romantish Empire arrives around the year 110 AD, becoming the first of many foreign powers to control the small island chain.
7th Century: Mazan, following the crumbling of the Romantish Empire, invades and annexes the land for its ever growing Caliphate. However, control is loose, and the territory acts in many ways as a sovereign nation paying tribute to the Mazanids.
Middle Ages
13th Century: The crusading Ulethan nations (Castellan, Florescenta, Navenna, Plevia, Valonne) invade and occupy the islands to secure a stopping point on the way to take the Kalkaran Straits. A small independent Crusader kingdom is established by a family of Castellanese nobles in the islands following the eventual departure of the Ulethan powers.
15th Century: Castellan unilaterally annexed the territory (after ?), raising a dispute with Valonne to last for centuries. The area could have been considered Castellan's first true colonial venture, however they were annexed and subsequently became a full province within the nation. The Sangria Islands would never receive the status of a colony.
Early Modern Era
Early 1800s: The first buildings, roads, and modern ports were constructed during the early 1800s. Loads of immigrants seeking better conditions arrived on the islands, cheap labour sourced from poorer lands like Iscu, Tolulu, and Telkarnatha.
18__: Following centuries of Castellanese rule, Valonne (in its Napoleon era?) invaded and illegally annexed the islands for its empire. Following the Valonian defeat, the islands were returned to Castellan ending years of occupation. Valonne fails to relinquish its claim to the islands after its departure.
Late Modern Era
1930s: During the Castellanese Civil War, Valonne invades and occupies the islands. After the war ends, Valonne refuses to recede the islands to Castellan until a Castellanese naval contingent retakes them by force.
1940s: Plevian immigrants form a small diaspora on the island as a result of the ongoing Great War, invigorating a hotel and services sector on the islands. The Plevian language following this point slowly became a minority contributor to the Sangrianese language once again. The Castellanese, following a full occupation of the mainland (by their enemies) during the Great War set up an interim capital at Porta di Sangrìa, quickly and successfully fortifying the islands. From this point onwards the return of the Plevian language increases in importance, with a notable amount of influence into today's iteration of the local language.
1950s: The Sangrias gain the right of home rule, being upgraded to an autonomous province of Castellan from a standard one. The Islands gain the right to oversee everything that pertains to their lands except for foreign relations, defence, environmental matters, health services, monetary matters, as well as oversight over the Sangrian legal system despite the islands receiving full control over their legal affairs.
1960s: As the wave of revolutions in Ulethan colonies begins to sweep the world, unrest and eventually riots break out in Porta di Sangrìa due to varying issues such as inequality with Castellan, exploitation of the islands, Castellanese control over the health and environmental sectors, and more. Despite being quelled peacefully, these pro-independence efforts eventually coalesce into a strong anti-colonial and pacifist movement.
1970s: The islands officially declare independence as the Republic of the Sangria Islands, following the election of a pro-independence majority to the Sangrian parliament in 1973. The Sangrias join the AN and ASUN as an independent nation. Valonne is forced to relinquish their claim to the islands. This move came with the advent of air travel and a massive tourism boom for the islands, granting them self-sufficiency with funds from tourism as well as other local industries such as fishing and limited mineral extraction.
Present-Day: As an independent first world nation situated in the near centre of the Sea of Mojaca, the Islands reap in benefits from trade, shipping, fishing, and tourism. An idyllic island paradise, the tourism sector is one if not the biggest sources of revenue for the nation. Visitors to the islands often come for the majestic colonial and medieval-era architecture and for its countless black sand beaches. The Republic has also become a personal tax haven, neglecting to impose income tax on its citizens and a smaller tax on immigrants and expatriates. Corporations however are often not permitted to set up any sort of office or factory on the islands due to strict ecological and environmental protection laws stemming from the original draft of the Republic's constitution regarding the environment. However, if a corporation can pass the strict requirements for setting up shop on the Islands, they will be levied a small corporate tax and reap large benefits.
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Geography of Sangria | |
Continent | Uletha (Southern) |
Region | Mojaca |
Population | 262,020 (2021) |
Area | |
• Total | 847.99 km2 327.41 sq mi |
• Water (%) | >1% |
Population density | 308.98 km2 |
Major rivers | Rio Ǵiamia, Rio di Santa Ǵines, Rio Ànavileia |
Time zone | WUT+04:00 (Mojaca Standard Time) |
The Sangria Islands is located in the Sea of Mojaca, consisting entirely of volcanic islands. The country's geography is greatly defined by its volcanic origin, leading to a diverse range of landscapes including rugged terrain, laurisilva forests, and pristine beaches.
The islands were formed by ancient volcanic activity associated with the Mojaca plate boundary. The country's volcanoes are nearly all extinct, with Monte di Táma being the most prominent. Volcanic eruptions have shaped the islands' topography over millions of years, creating a landscape of dramatic peaks, craters, and lava fields. Dormant activity is still recorded in some vents on Sahìa, although activity is of low concern according to the Inchtitúto Volcànolòjico Nàchional (National Volcanological Institute)
Rock Types
The primary rock types found include basalt, andesite, and rhyolite, all products of volcanic activity. These rocks form the foundation of the islands and influence soil composition, vegetation, and land use. They have also had a great influence on early architecture and buildings in the Sangria Islands' history, producing darker and black-stoned facades - now a draw for tourists.
Monte di Táma
The central regions of Sahìa are dominated by Monte di Táma (also known as Táma), the highest peak in the islands standing at 3,811 metres. Tama is one of the most prominent peaks in the world and easily recognisable.[1] It is also extremely isolated, located almost 2,000 kilometres from the nearest similarly-elevated peak. The mountain is characterized by its steep slopes, prominent ridgelines, and its highly eroded volcanic plug, which is all that remains of its caldera.
Coastal Features
The coastline of the islands is highly varied, featuring rugged cliffs, black sand beaches, and coral reefs. The interaction of volcanic activity and marine processes has created unique coastal landforms, including sea arches, stacks, and blowholes. Due to historic volcanic activity, the majority of Sahìa's beaches are black sand beaches rather than the usual varieties.
Plains and Valleys
Inland from the coast, fertile plains and valleys have developed from volcanic ash and lava deposits. These areas are important for agriculture, supporting crops such as bananas, mangoes, papayas, avocado pears, guavas. Fruit orchards and other crop variants are commonplace due to this.
The Sangria Islands experience a tropical climate, with distinct wet and dry seasons. The wet season, from [month] to [month], brings heavy rainfall, especially to the windward sides of the islands. The dry season, from [month] to [month], sees less precipitation and more stable weather.
Due to the varied topography, microclimates are common. The windward sides of the islands receive more rainfall, while the leeward sides are often drier and sunnier. Elevation also plays a significant role, with higher altitudes experiencing cooler temperatures and more precipitation.
The volcanic islands are crisscrossed by numerous rivers and streams, originating from the central highlands and flowing to the sea. These watercourses are generally short and steep, with some forming spectacular waterfalls in combination with the rugged cliffs, such as TBD Waterfall near Nalvàn, Beciána.
Flora and Fauna
The islands are home to a rich biodiversity, with many endemic species of plants and animals. The volcanic soil supports unique laurisilva forests, while coastal areas host mangroves and coral reefs.
Efforts are ongoing to conserve the unique ecosystems and species of the Sangria Islands. National parks and protected areas, such as Parca Nàchional Monte di Táma (Monte di Táma National Park), play a crucial role in preserving the natural heritage of the islands. Ecological protection and management is an important political-point in the islands, with the previous governments of the last decade promoting a strong national policy of protecting the island's ecology. Protection of the environment was a key factor in the independence struggles of the 60s and late 70s, and has been included in the nation's constitution.
Natural Hazards
The volcanoes do not pose a significant hazard, as activity is generally low due to the majority of extinct volcanoes on the islands. Monitoring and early warning systems are in place, however, to mitigate the impact of volcanic activity from the few dormant ones.
The tectonic setting of the islands makes it prone to earthquakes. Seismic activity is monitored closely, and building codes are designed to reduce earthquake damage. In recent years many new buildings are built to withstand earthquakes and old ones are retrofitted to do so as well, adhering to newer local codes taking into account acts of God in property destruction. There is a nation-wide earthquake and tsunami alert system providing warnings in advance to civilians when an earthquake or tsunami is on its way which has been continually updated since its creation in 2005.
Tropical Storms
The islands are also vulnerable to tropical storms and cyclones, which can bring heavy rains, strong winds, and storm surges, leading to flooding and landslides.
Government and Politics
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Government of Sangria Islands | |
Semi-presidential unitary republic | |
Capital | Porta di Sangria |
Head of state | |
• Presadente ('President') | TBD |
• Prìmu Menistèra ('Prime Minister') | TBD |
Legislature | Palamentu Gineral ('General Parliament') |
• Upper house | Senàto ('Senate') |
• Lower house | Cameìras di Comjúni ('House of Municipalities') |
Judiciary | Supreme Court |
Patriarch of Sangria Islands | Santa Nicóla ('Saint Nicholas') |
Major political parties | |
The government of the Sangria Islands operates as a semi-presidential unitary republic, blending elements from the political systems of Ingerland, Valonne, Plevia, and Castellan. This hybrid structure reflects the country’s complex colonial history and its efforts to create a governance model tailored to its unique cultural and geographic circumstances.
Executive Branch
At the heart of the Sangrian political system is the presidential executive branch, headed by the President, who serves as both the head of state and a key figure in policymaking. The President is directly elected by the populace, symbolizing national unity and acting as the ultimate guarantor of the constitution. While the President wields significant powers, including the ability to appoint the Prime Minister and veto legislation, their authority is balanced by the need to work alongside the legislature and judiciary.
The Prime Minister, nominated by the President and confirmed by the parliament, serves as the head of government and oversees the daily administration of the state. The Prime Minister’s cabinet, composed of ministers drawn from the ruling coalition or party, manages various portfolios and implements policy initiatives.
Legislative Branch
The bicameral parliament is composed of two houses: the Senate and the House of Muncipalities. The House of Municipalities is the lower house, representing the general population through proportional representation. It is responsible for drafting and approving legislation and serves as the primary forum for political debate.
The Senate, the upper house, is a smaller body designed to represent regional and professional interests. Its members include both appointed experts and elected officials, ensuring a balance between popular representation and technocratic oversight. The Council reviews legislation passed by the Assembly, providing an additional layer of scrutiny.
Judicial System
The judicial branch operates independently, upholding the rule of law and ensuring adherence to the constitution. Courts at all levels, from municipal to the Supreme Court, interpret laws and adjudicate disputes. Inspired by Castellan and Valonian traditions, the Sangrian legal system is a blend of civil and common law, tailored to the needs of the islands.
Administrative Divisions
The Sangria Islands are made up of two provinces and one metropolitan region making up the country's entirety:
Sahìa y Prìncipe is the largest province within the Sangria Islands, made up of the majority of the island of Sahìa, the small third island of Prìncipe, the Ilas Vizcòntes (Viscount Islands), the marine reserve of the same name, and the southern half of the Ilas Margràvias (Margrave Islands), which make up one half of the Reserva Marina di las Ilas Margràvias (Margrave Islands Marine Reserve). Famed for places such as Monte de Táma, the idyllic Costa di Grachéiros, the mountain towns of Vija de Sante Ǵines and Táma, the bustling ports of Chalay, Tecante, and Porta Teneral, the remote northern town of Agri, the colonial-era architecture exemplified by Sante Jose di la Diadima dil Prìncipe, and of course the massive national park covering much of the island, it is a natural tourist destination. It is also well known for its black sand beaches that make up the majority of Sahìan beaches. Many come to relax on its shores or hike through nature.
Beciána is comprised of the island bearing the same name as well as the uninhabited northern two islands in the Ilas Margràvias within the Reserva Marina di las Ilas Margràvias. Albeit a lesser tourist destination, it is well known for its agricultural production and immigrant communities, as the main recipient of historic imported labour from exploited colonies and lands far off. Tourists here come for the foreign architecture drawing inspiration from Telkarnatha and the island Asperic nations to the southeast. Pockets of migratory languages are spoken here as well, and its cuisine is often a good draw for visitors both domestic and foreign. The largest town is Porta di Aragèna, with other settlements comprising of Nalvàn, Camèria, Puanta Loma, and Coránado. Coránado is home to the Ìeraporta Prùvincial di Beciána (Beciána Provincial Airport).
The Dicherèto Metropolitan, formally known as Dicherèto Metropolitan di Porta di Sangrìa, is the metropolitan region housing the capital, Porta di Sangrìa, and the surrounding towns: Sante Juan de Sahìa, Virhin di la Néria, Vija di los Rios Ǵemèlios, Alriscuos dil Rio Néria, and Gròn Cresta. The main tourist destination and the most well known, Porta di Sangrìa is the most populous of cities and towns within the DM's borders.
At a lower level, the country operates using a number of municipalities that answer to the provincial governments.
Flag | Province | Capital | Number of municipalities |
Land area | Population | Population density | ||
km² | mi² | km² | mi² | |||||
Sahìa y Prìncipe∈⊾ | Costa di Grachéiros | 27 | 755.76 | 291.80 | TBD | TBD | TBD | |
Beciána∈⊾ | Porta di Aragèna | 4 | 31.43 | 12.13 | TBD | TBD | TBD | |
Dicherèto Metropolitan∈⊾ | Porta di Sangrìa | 6 | 65.63 | 25.34 | TBD | TBD | TBD |
Administrative governance
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Administrative divisions of Sangria Islands | |
First-level | 2 provinces 1 metropolitan region |
Second-level | 37 muncipalities (comjúni) |
Third-level | TBD wards (rióni) |
Fourth-level | TBD unorganised localities (località) |
Largest cities | |
• Porta di Sangrìa • Costa di Grachéiros • Chalay • Sevà • Porta di Sirenay | 110,023 42,102 24,319 12,637 10,712 |
The Sangria Islands are divided into three first-level divisions: two provinces and one metropolitan region. These divisions function as the primary units of regional administration, overseeing policy implementation and coordination across the municipalities within their boundaries.
The provinces and metropolitan region are subdivided into 37 municipalities, known locally as comjúni. These municipalities are responsible for local services, including public utilities, education, and community development. Municipalities vary greatly in size, from urban centers like Porta di Sangria to smaller, rural communities.
At the third level, municipalities are further divided into wards, known locally as rióni, though their exact number and boundaries are subject to ongoing administrative refinement. These divisions primarily facilitate local representation and neighborhood-level governance. Outside of these three divisions, unorganised areas are referred to as localities, or località.
Largest Cities
The Sangria Islands’ urban centers are vital to its governance and economic structure. The five largest cities by population are:
Porta di Sangrìa – 110,023 residents: The capital and largest city, serving as the administrative and cultural heart of the islands. Costa di Grachéiros – 42,102 residents: A bustling port city with a vibrant fishing industry. Chalay – 24,319 residents: Known for its historic architecture and role as a regional commercial hub and link to Beciana. Sevà – 12,637 residents: A picturesque city surrounded by agricultural estates. Porta di Sirenay – 10,712 residents: A coastal city renowned for its beaches and growing tourism sector.
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Economy of Sangria Islands | |
Mixed economy | |
Currency | Sangrian Pecheta (₧) (SIP) |
Monetary authority | Banca di las Ilas Sangrìanas ('Bank of the Sangrian Islands') |
GDP (PPP) | 2020 estimate |
• Total | $8.25 billion |
• Per capita | $33,800 |
HDI (2020) | ![]() very high |
Principal exports | Gas, fruit, fish, wine/alcohol, graphite, sulphates |
Principal imports | Computers, machines, paper products, vehicles |
The economy of the Sangria Islands is a diverse and dynamic blend of traditional industries and modern sectors, shaped by the archipelago’s geographic isolation, volcanic origins, and Mesembric maritime culture. Heavily influenced by the economy of Castellan, the Sangria Islands rely on agriculture, fisheries, tourism, and renewable energy as core drivers of economic activity.
Agriculture plays a crucial role in the Sangria Islands’ economy, with terraced farming and fertile volcanic soils supporting crops such as bananas, sugarcane, citrus fruits, and vineyards. The islands are renowned for their sweet wines and rum, often exported to neighboring Ulethan markets. Local cooperatives promote sustainable farming methods to preserve the fragile ecosystem while boosting productivity.
The fishing industry, deeply rooted in Sangrian culture, is another cornerstone of the economy. Small-scale fishers and larger commercial fleets harvest tuna, sardines, and shellfish from the surrounding waters. Fisheries benefit from the large exclusive economic zone (EEZ) surrounding the islands, although careful management is essential to prevent overexploitation.
Tourism is an increasingly growing sector, due to to the Sangria Islands’ mild climate, volcanic landscapes, and rich cultural heritage. Since the 1960s, Ulethan tourism has increased every year to the islands, and has developed a strong tourism sector. Key attractions include the vibrant Carnivàl celebrations, traditional music festivals, and the islands’ unique cuisine. Ecotourism has grown significantly, with visitors drawn to hiking trails, natural reserves, and marine sanctuaries. The government promotes sustainable tourism practices, aiming to balance economic growth with environmental preservation.
Renewable Energy and Innovation
Capitalizing on its natural resources, the Sangria Islands are becoming a hub for renewable energy. Wind, solar, and geothermal projects provide a significant portion of the islands' electricity, reducing reliance on imported fossil fuels. The volcanic activity beneath the islands supports geothermal plants, while wind turbines and solar farms dot the landscape. This green transition aligns with the islands’ strategy to position themselves as leaders in sustainable development, reflected in modern policymaking.
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Infrastructure of Sangria Islands | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Roadways | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
• Driving side | Right | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
• Minimum age | 16 (motor vehicles) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
• Maximum speed | Motorway: 100km/h Urban dual: 60 km/h Rural: 80 km/h Urban: 50 km/h | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Railways | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
• Passing side | Right | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
• Gauge | 1435mm | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
• Electrification | Varies | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Electrical power generation | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Mains electricity | 230 V, 50 Hz | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Internet TLD | .is |
The Caritèra di Moyaca (CM-1) is the main highway in the Sangrias. It is entirely on Sahìa and extends from Costa di Grachéiros in the west, to Chalay in the east. Its major connections include Porta di Sante Juan, Saint Nicholas International Airport, and the ferry terminal at Chalay.

The only international airport in the Sangria Islands is Ìeraporta Internàchional di Santa Nicóla (Saint Nicholas International Airport) located west of Tolunia. It was originally called Tolunia International Airport until 1993, when it was renamed to honour the island's patron saint. The only other airport in the islands, Ìeraporta Prùvincial di Beciána (Beciána Provincial Airport), is solely domestic and serves the island and province of Beciána.
Ferry terminals at Porta Teneral, Chalay, and Sante Juan serve both domestic and international connections. Ferry terminals at Sante Jose di la Diadima dil Prìncipe and Porta di Aragèna are solely domestic. Historically, the port at Porta di Aragèna was an international harbour and the main port of entry for imported labour, but has since been demoted to play the role as the domestic terminal for the island and is its only harbour.
International ferry connection from Sante Juan de Sahìa to the ports of San Nicolas and Saint-Port in Libérie-Valonnaise provides the island with a connection to the Ulethan mainland. The ferry runs twice a week both ways, with the journey taking 13 and 18 hours respectively.
Energy in the Sangrias was historically dependent on coal imports from overseas, which fueled the now-decommissioned Centriále Ìléctrica di Carbòn di Sante Juan (Sante Juan Coal Plant) However, the environmental concerns over the coal power plant made it unpopular, as did the reliance on international partners for energy production.
In 1952, exploratory searches uncovered a vast natural gas well within the Sangrìa submarine plateau. Amid plans to become more self-sufficient, the colonial government built a natural gas power plant near the Airport at Ǵiamia in 1965, known as Èmpiánto di Gàs Nàturizáli di Ǵiamia (Ǵiamia Natural Gas Plant). It opened in February 1966, with the coal plant being decommissioned the following year through the transitory period.
In the 1970s, a series of submarine power cables were lined from Sahìa to Beciána and Prìncipe, effectively combining the grids into one united grid.
Due to the island's near-equatorial position and tropical climate, photovoltaic panels are becoming more popular in reducing energy costs.[2] Modern buildings are encouraged to include panels on their roofs. In 2011, a photovoltaic solar farm was opened in Vija di Sante Ǵines.
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Demographics of Sangria Islands | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Demonym | Sangrian or Sangri | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Official languages | Ioma dil Sangrìnensa (Sangrian) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Recognized minority languages | Castellanese, Plevian | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Ethnicities | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Religion | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Literacy | ![]() | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Life expectancy | ![]() ![]() | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Birth rate | TBD ![]() ![]() | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Death rate | TBD ![]() |
The Sangria Islands are a diverse and multicultural nation, reflecting a rich history of conquests, migrations, and cultural exchange. As of the most recent census, the population of the Republic stands at approximately 262,000 residents, with a unique cultural composition shaped by centuries of interaction among Ulethan, Mazanid, and local islander influences.
- Sangrian Islanders (55%)
- The largest ethnic group, the Sangrian Islanders, are a blend of the indigenous population and the many settlers who arrived throughout the islands’ history, including Castellanese, Valonnese, and Plevian influences.
- Castellanese (20%)
- Descendants of settlers and administrators from Castellan, who ruled the islands for centuries, continue to maintain a strong presence, particularly in government and business sectors.
- Valonnese (10%)
- The Valonnese population has steadily decreased over time but remains a significant minority, concentrated in enclaves with their own schools and cultural institutions.
- Plevians (5%)
- A small but vibrant diaspora that traces its origins to 20th-century migrations during the Great War. Their influence is seen in the islands' cuisine, service industries, and linguistic evolution.
- Migrant Communities (10%)
- This group includes more recent arrivals, primarily from Iscu, Tolulu, and Telkarnatha, who came during the early 19th century seeking better opportunities. Today, they play a vital role in sectors like fishing, tourism, and construction.
The islands have experienced steady population growth due to their reputation as a tourism hub and tax haven. Immigration policies favor skilled workers and entrepreneurs, contributing to an influx of expatriates from neighboring nations. However, strict environmental and residency laws ensure sustainable development.
The Sangria Islands pride themselves on a rich cultural tapestry, blending medieval and colonial-era architecture with vibrant festivals and traditions. The nation's identity is rooted in its historical role as a crossroads of civilizations, with music, dance, and cuisine reflecting this heritage.
Food and drink
Blue agave is grown on Sahia, which is used to produce variants of tequilia. Several distilleries around the island use local agave for both domestic and international products, with Sangrian tequilia being a popular spirit for tourists coming to the island to try.
- ↑ Wandworth, A. and Greenby, S. (1967) Global Peaks and Mountains. Wendon Publishing House.
- ↑ Moncarlo, C. (2022) 'Busca sercòndo riduchìr los cósti di inerǵia? Asì es como ùna comuni està 'achiende il cambiu' ('Looking to cut power costs? Here's how one comuno is making the change'). Chàmpa di Porta di Sangrìa.
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