Administrative divisions of Sangria Islands

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This page is about the administrative divisions of the Sangria Islands.

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Government Data - The Noun Project.svg
Administrative divisions of Sangria Islands
First-level2 provinces
(Sangrian: Pruvincià)
1 metropolitan region
(Sangrian: Dicherèto Metropolitan)
Second-level37 municipalities
(Sangrian: Comuni)

Administrative Divisions

The Republic of the Sangria Islands is divided into three sub-national entities, including two provinces (Pruvinciàs), the Metropolitan District (Dicherèto Metropolitan), and below these are thirty-seven individual sub-provincial municipalities (Comuni).

Within the municipalities according to the population and size of each settlement, cities, towns, and villages are divided into separate categories. The divisions are set by the General Parliament (Palaméntu Ǵinerel) and are regulated by the Provincial Court of each province. Each municipality has its own varying degree of local autonomy and control over local affairs, however none surpassing the powers of the provincial government that supervises them.

Within the provinces are one national park and two marine reserves. Despite falling within provincial and even municipal areas of administration, these areas are controlled directly by the federal government as per the constitution of the Republic.


Sahìa y Prìncipe

Flag of Administrative divisions of Sangria Islands Province of Sahìa and Prìncipe
Pruvincià di Sahìa y Prìncipe (Ioma dil Sangrìnensa)
Capital: Costa di Grachéiros
Population: TBD (2024)

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Sahìa y Prìncipe is the largest of the two provinces within the Sangria Islands, made up of the majority of the island of Ila di la Corána di la Sahìa (Sahìa), the small third island of Ila di la Diadima dil Prìncipe (Prìncipe), the Ilas Vizcòntes (Viscount Islands), the marine reserve of the same name, and the southern half of the Ilas Margràvias (Margrave Islands), which make up one half of the Reserva Marina di las Ilas Margràvias (Margrave Islands Marine Reserve). Famed for places such as Monte de Táma, the idyllic Costa di Grachéiros, the mountain towns of Vija de Sante Ǵines and Táma, the bustling ports of Chalay, Tecante, and Porta Teneral, the remote northern town of Agri, the colonial-era architecture exemplified by Sante Jose di la Diadima dil Prìncipe, and of course the massive national park covering much of the island, it is a natural tourist destination. It is also well known for its black sand beaches that make up the majority of Sahìan beaches. Many come to relax on its shores or hike through nature. The province is comprised of twenty-six sub-provincial municipalities which answer to the provincial government in Costa di Grachéiros, each with varying degrees of local autonomy and control.


Flag of Administrative divisions of Sangria Islands Province of Beciána
Pruvincià di Beciána (Ioma dil Sangrìnensa)
Capital: Porta di Aragèna
Population: TBD (2024)

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Beciána is comprised of the island bearing the same name (Ila di la Tiára di la Beciána) as well as the uninhabited northern two islands in the Ilas Margràvias within the Reserva Marina di las Ilas Margràvias. Albeit a lesser tourist destination, it is well known for its agricultural production and immigrant communities, as the main recipient of imported labour from exploited colonies and lands far off historically. Tourists here come for the foreign architecture drawing inspiration from Telkarnatha and the island Asperic nations to the southeast. Pockets of migratory languages are spoken here as well, and its cuisine is often a good draw for visitors both domestic and foreign. The largest town is Porta di Aragèna, and the only other settlement is the village of Nalvàn on its south coast. The province is comprised of four sub-provincial municipalities which answer to the provincial government in Porta di Aragèna, each with varying degrees of local autonomy and control just as in Sahìa y Prìncipe.

Metropolitan District

Dicherèto Metropolitan

Flag of Administrative divisions of Sangria Islands Metropolitan District of Porta di Sangrìa
Dicherèto Metropolitan di Porta di Sangrìa (Ioma dil Sangrìnensa)
Capital: Porta di Aragèna
Population: TBD (2024)

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The Dicherèto Metropolitan, formally known as Dicherèto Metropolitan di Porta di Sangrìa, is the metropolitan region housing the capital, Porta di Sangrìa, and the surrounding towns: Sante Juan de Sahìa, Virhin di la Néria, Vija di los Rios Ǵemèlios, Alriscuos dil Rio Néria, and Gròn Cresta. The main tourist destination and the most well known, Porta di Sangrìa is the most populous of cities and towns within the DM's borders. Comprised of five municipalities including that of the capital itself, it is the most populous sub-national administrative division in the nation and also the territorial unit with the most income from tourism.


Municipalities of the Sangria Islands
Flag Municipality Name Postal
Municipal Capital Area (km2) Population Province
Flag.svg Comuno di Agri AG Agri 93.78 km² SyP
Flag.svg Comuno di Porta Teneral PT Porta Teneral 58.41 km² SyP
Flag.svg Comuno di Cazan CA Cazan 17.83 km² SyP
Flag.svg Comuno di Panàs PN Panàs 14.93 km² SyP
Flag.svg Comuno di Sante Ǵines Vija di Sante Ǵines 26.82 km² SyP
Flag.svg Comuno di Táma TA Táma 63.16 km² SyP
Flag.svg Comuno di Colúsia CO Colúsia 16.34 km² SyP
Flag.svg Comuno di Porta di Sirenay PY Porta di Sirenay 30.30 km² SyP
Flag.svg Comuno di Costa di Grachéiros CG Costa di Grachéiros 25.80 km² SyP
Flag.svg Comuno di Astrife AS Astrife 25.68 km² SyP
Flag.svg Comuno di Olbadiera OL Olbadiera 21.39 km² SyP
Flag.svg Comuno di las Ilas Vizcòntes IV Sante Diaco 3.73 km² SyP
Flag.svg Comuno di Gròn Cresta Nord GN Gròn Cresta (Nord) 8.78 km² SyP
Flag.svg Comuno di Avicha AV Avicha 24.22 km² SyP
Flag.svg Comuno di Guadamerìa GU Guadamerìa 9.47 km² SyP
Flag.svg Comuno di Ànavileia AN Ànavileia 5.25 km² SyP
Flag.svg Comuno di Sevà SE Sevà 7.58 km² SyP
Flag.svg Comuno di Vijarochia dil Monte VM Vijarochia dil Monte 13.98 km² SyP
Flag.svg Comuno di Tecante TE Tecante 12.17 km² SyP
Flag.svg Comuno di Ǵiamia ǴI Ǵiamia 55.37 km² SyP
Flag.svg Comuno di Tolunia TO Tolunia 14.71 km² SyP
Flag.svg Comuno di Nayon NA Nayon 33.24 km² SyP
Flag.svg Comuno di Vayavia VA Vayavia 9.10 km² SyP
Flag.svg Comuno di Chalay CH Chalay 7.58 km² SyP
Flag.svg Comuno di Ceyan y las Ilas Margràvias IM TBD 152.76 km² SyP
Flag.svg Comuno di Sante Jose di la Diadima dil Prìncipe DP Sante Jose di la Diadima dil Prìncipe 2.45 km² SyP
Flag.svg Comuno di Rágòa RA Rágòa 0.91 km² SyP
Flag.svg Comuno di Porta di Aragèna PA Porta di Aragèna 14.10 km² BE
Flag.svg Comuno di Camèria CC Camerìa 4.78 km² BE
Flag.svg Comuno di Sante Ináchio SI Sante Ináchio 7.37 km² BE
Flag.svg Comuno di Nalvàn NL Nalvàn 4.88 km² BE
Flag.svg Comuno di Porta di Sangrìa PS Porta di Sangrìa 12.17 km² DM
Flag.svg Comuno di Sante Juan di Sahìa SJ Sante Juan di Sahìa 6.51 km² DM
Flag.svg Comuno di los Rios Ǵemèlios Vija di los Rios Ǵemèlios 15.77 km² DM
Flag.svg Comuno di Alriscuos dil Rio Néria RN Alriscuos dil Rio Néria 18.52 km² DM
Flag.svg Comuno di Gròn Cresta Sur GS Gròn Cresta (Sur) 5.33 km² DM
Flag.svg Comuno di Virhin di la Néria VN Virhin di la Néria 7.33 km² DM

Sangria flag.svg Sangria Islands
Territory-specific topics
Regional topics
Regional organizationsAssociation of South Ulethan Nations