
From OpenGeofiction

In terms of tag usage (keys and values), OGF attempts to stick to the standards and best practices as extensively documented on the [OSM wiki]. Below, however we discuss some aspects of tagging that provide additional clarification for use in OpenGeofiction.

The tagging is documented in the OpenStreetMap-Wiki, see English|German|French, this German How to map a ... page is very useful, too.

Special OGF tags

OpenGeoFiction represents physical features on the ground using standard OSM tags attached to its basic data structures: nodes, ways and relations. However, in some cases, OGF might use its own tags to make situations more clear or to simplify maintenance. These tags are listed here.

Confirmed by the admin team

  • To assign territory information (only relation)
"type" = "boundary" + "boundary" = "administrative" + "ogf:id" = VALUE

Country-specific Tagging

Certain tags in the OSM database, especially those related to territory administration, but also things like highways or railways, are not really held to specific standards in OSM, but rather vary from country to country.

Thus it can be hard to know what standard to apply when we create our countries in OGF, too. Below is a collection of some of these problematic tags, with values being used in some of our OGF countries by various mappers.

Keys with OGF-specific usages


The rendering documented here for the following tags is for an outdated version (6+ years old) of osm-carto, and as such needs to be updated.

Below we have attempted to document the real rendering based on tagging in different situations for OGF in the standard-style. In each case, if a given zoom-level is stated, the same rendering result is seen at higher zoom-levels unless otherwise stated.

The items are tested, but there may be errors. If you see one, please correct it here or mention on the discussion-page.

Beach, desert, heath and sand

this simple tags for areas without plants (or only few) as natural = beach or desert or heath or sand (all visible beginning at level 10) shows

  • beach = light yellow area with black point-raster
  • desert = light brown area
  • heath = light oliv area
  • sand = plain yellow area


Cemeteries global are visible at zoom 10 as darker green area

  • landuse = cemetery = shows at zoom 14 ("500 m") a darker green area with gravestones
  • landuse = cemetery and religion = jewish = at zoom 14 a darker green area with the jewish hexagon ("David star")
  • landuse = cemetery and religion = christian = at zoom 14 a darker green area with cross
  • 2nd or 3rd tag as name = Xyz = is shown at zoom 15 ("300 m")

Green grass

If you tag landuse = meadow, landuse = grass, leisure = common, leisure = garden, landuse = recreation_ground, landuse = conservation or landuse = village_green = in all this cases you see a light green area (colour #cfeca8). Even if the Podlatch2-editor shows at your editing grey or different green areas, the renderer make his light green, visible at zoom 10.

If you tag leisure = recreation_ground, (instead of landuse = recreation_ground) then the area is not in the green of grass, but in the same darker variante as leisure = park. If you tag natural = grassland, you get an area in the colour between the green of grass and and the green of park. Both tags are visible at zoom 10 as the others.

The tag natural = scrub makes the next variante of a green, a little bit darker as park, but lighter as the rendering for woods. Visible at zoom 10 too.


  • landuse = military = a red striped area at zoom 10
  • military = barracks = a darker red area at zoom 10 - can set alone
  • military = danger_area = alone drawn you see nothing, inside of landuse = military this area has a darker red at zoom 10 as the normal military landuse

Motorway in construction

Motorways in construction you can see at zoom-level 12 ("3 km"). Therefore both tags are necessary : highway = construction and construction = motorway. With the construction-tag other roads as motorways can shown too.