
From OpenGeofiction
Revision as of 02:27, 23 December 2023 by MiniMapper (talk | contribs)

Hello! I am MiniMapper, I don't do all too much here and count yourself as lucky if you find anything I have made. If you ever have a problem with a place I made please message me and I will try to fix it!

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Largest cities in Karva
Rank City Province Population Area [km2] Density
1 Berbest Berbest Block 313271 49.071 6384
  1. f0f0f0

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <script src=""></script> <body>

<canvas id="myChart" style="width:100%;max-width:600px"></canvas>

<script> const xValues = ["Italy", "France", "Spain", "USA", "Argentina"]; const yValues = [55, 49, 44, 24, 15]; const barColors = ["red", "green","blue","orange","brown"];

new Chart("myChart", {

 type: "bar",
 data: {
   labels: xValues,
   datasets: [{
     backgroundColor: barColors,
     data: yValues
 options: {
   legend: {display: false},
   title: {
     display: true,
     text: "World Wine Production 2018"

}); </script>

</body> </html>