
From OpenGeofiction

Hello! I am Minimapper. I map Oakley

Some of my proudest mapping:


List of projects that I will be doing/I have done

Oakley Forest Project

The Oakley Forest Project was two weeks long and the idea was to make every forest in Oakley into a relation based on township.

How it looks


Questions people may have

  • Why use admin_level=9?
    • I wanted a hybrid of townships like these do while still having thost towns that act like townships as Vermont does. And it ended up with there being townships, towns, then almost in a way real towns.
  • Why are there some towns that do not use the admin_level=9 but are instead just 8?
    • Most are due to them being "large enough" to fill all of the level 8 area so they don't need 10. And some are just from before the rule was made.



Oakley Town Rules

Caption text
Type Requirements
City 20,000+ people
Town 3,000+ or in vote is cast and majority say in favor of becoming a "town" level zone in which then it becomes a town (Town areas are just admin_level=8)
Village Some town level areas can be villages or just 200+ people and/or 50 people/sq mi
Hamlet Usually small intersections and are formed as the first level when majority vote is in favor of being incorporated
Locality Location that locals recognize but is unincorporated (some townships in the south do give them the incorporated status but they are called Locality due to their small size)

remember this: gov


  1. Sandbox Main
  2. Karva
  3. Oakley