User talk:Zhenkang/Kanglapolish language

From OpenGeofiction

Meta commentary of Kanglapolish

Kanglapolish is somewhat inspired by various East Asian and Southeast Asian languages (including but not limited to Chinese and its variants, Japanese, Korean, Burmese etc). Hence, part of its vocabulary is derived from such languages, as well as certain grammatical rules.

Kanglapolish initially did not have firm rules (e.g. grammar and phonology) until I had to set some rules to make it coherent. This page is to finalise these principles for mapping purposes, especially on phonology. Initially, Kanglapolish had a special writing system directly inspired by Hangul. However, it would not be compatible for mapping at all (due to unicode and so on), so I explored potential other writing systems including Cyrillic and the expanded Hangul system (including its obsolete consonant clusters). Eventually, I decided on using the Tai Le script, with borrowings from related script systems like Burmese.

This page is crafted and inspired by Izaland's sandbox on the Izaki language, with the rules laid out and generated from vulgarlang, a fascinating language generator. Lonely Planet's language guides have also been helpful in laying out the rules in a simplified manner.

Commentary by Zhenkang (talk) 07:34, 31 August 2022 (UTC)