Administrative divisions of Canterra

From OpenGeofiction

This page discusses the administrative divisions in Canterra.


Canterra is divided into multiple levels of administrative divisons, with the first level consisting of 14 states (Ankwoyu: Tsu), and the second level consisting of 133 local entities, containing 108 cantons (icho), 23 canton-level cities (ichoshi) and 2 forest cantons (mukkunicho).

Within Nautecove, a special entity divison is given, dividing Nautecove into 7 urban cantons (shiicho) and 24 districts (kwaain), further divided into wards (ttei) for districts.

This gives Canterra a total number of 14 first level divisons and 166 second level divisons.

List of states

Flag State Capital Population Area Density Number of Cantons Two letter code
Nordenkans Rubuon
Hudenkoon Miskalei
Kleenfoort Veva
Norsein Roscal
Embosine Shesteboren
Florovia Habalenne
Cuinnhodekoon Ebereinet
Oomient Farkernossi
Torlonza Geriferan
Liisundiene Meybenn
Namlii Sweeliisen
Dutwido Biskalet
Navofolk Koerike
Nautekouv Nautecove

Major cities

From the 23 canton level cities, the population ranking is as follows:

List of canton-level cities in Canterra(including Nautecove) by population
Rank Name Population (greater metropolitan area) Image State
1 Nautecove 20190203 Fukuoka City Museum museum-10.jpg
2 Roskal
3 Meybenn Hiroshima hdsr city S5 08.jpg
4 Rentayou Kumamoto Castle and Kyūshū Shinkansen 01.jpg
5 Farkernossi Meridian Gate (Citadel of Hue) 20190917-1.jpg
6 Nayaon New Orleans skyline-02.jpg
7 Biskalet Downtown Tampa from Curtis Hixon Park.png
8 Koeryk A view of Rotterdam, taken from the roof of the Maassilo, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.jpg

Major metropolitan areas