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Flag of Atreisia Kingdom Atreisia
Atreisië / Atrèsy (Lentian / Valonian Atresian)
Capital: Atreiburg
Population: 20475600 (2023)

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Atreisia (pronounced Atraisia), officially the Kingdom of Atreisia ('Koninkrijk Atreisië' or 'Krönregime Atrèsy') is a country in northwestern Uletha. It is located in between Valony and Lentia, and culturally influenced by both countries.


Area: 90600 km² Population Density: 226 i/km² Population: 20475600


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History of Atreisia
Pre-Bond(before 1408)
• Atreisian Iron Ageca. 700BCE-20BCE
• Romantish Atreisia20BCE - 257
• Local nobles257-800
• Counties of Valony800-1408
• Bond of Atreisië1408-1556
• Religious Civil War1556-1628
• Republican Bond1628-1793
Modern Kingdomfrom 1793
• Vassal state of Valony1793-1815
• Independence and Unification1815-1838
• Kingdom of States1838-1919
• Federate Kingdomfrom 1919

Bond (1408-1793)

Bond of Atreisië (1408-1556)

On July 1, 1408, several territories signed the Charter of Spitten, effectively forming a confederation. This union strengthened their shared commercial interests and bolstered their military power. By 1412, the confederation adopted the name Bond of Atreisia and established an official governing body, the States General, which convened twice a year. The name Atreisia had long been used informally to refer to the coastal region and the Aulp Mountains, though it had no official territorial status at the time.

In 1465, the Treaty of the Bond formalized the powers and structure of the States General, increasing its authority and scheduling bi-monthly meetings. Despite these developments, the Bond of Atreisia did not have a central head of state. Over the next centuries the Bond gradually expanded. Main moments of expansion were:

  • 1423 Charter of Assel, with Asselland and Jora joining
  • 1459 with the Principality of Usters Joining
  • 1476 with Seilles joining
  • 1480 Charter of Nil saw amajor expansion to the northeast
  • 1490 Charter of Koom when Koom and Grations joined, marking the start of the Ambition of the Bond to also expand south of the Aulpen
  • 1521 Charter of Clairfenne saw a major expansion to the south, with Bouron and its allies joining the Bond

At the end of the Civil War the Treaties of Gravianen and Usters made some important changes in the borders between Bond members. After the civil war there were some major expansions:

  • 1638 Renne Charter: Renne became Bond member
  • 1685 Treaty of Trinida: Franquelle became Bond member
Territory name Aaccession Dissolvment Explanation
Princely Abbey State Ezen-Friede 1408 1815 Founding member of the Bond
County Acher (1408-1429)

County Acher-Halm (1429-1592) County Groot Acher (1592-1793)

1408 1793 Founding member of the Bond

Acquired the independent County of Halm in 1429 Merged with the Burggraafschap Spitten in 1592

Burggraafschap Spitten 1408 1592 Founding member of the Bond

Merged with Acher-Halm in 1592

Burgravate 't Burge (1408-1556)

Reformed Republic of De Oudburg (1556-1602) Republic of Oudburg (1602-1793)

1408 1793 Founding member of the Bond

Changed its name and governance system during the civil war period

Stad Ravensteen 1408 1632 Ravensteen (since 1793: Ravenstad) was a founding member of the Bond.

Merged into Duchy Wouder in 1632

Duchy Murgedal 1408 1632 Founding member of the Bond

Merged into Duchy Wouder in 1632 Lost city of Rozenburg to Beren in 1621

Lordship Ziemmen 1408 1632 Founding member of the Bond

Merged into Duchy Wouder in 1632

Duchy Wouder 1632 1793 Was founded in 1632 through the merger of Ravensteen, Murgedal and Ziemmen
County of Beren 1408 1815 Founding member of the Bond

Had some important civil war changes:

  • Lost some territories around Jerze to County of Aulpen (1621)
  • Conquered parts of Jorra (Koksland) (1621); parts of the Usters Lake shores (1628); Rozenburg (1621) from Murgedal
  • conquered most of the Elzdal in the Civil War, but this region was granted independence in 1628
Princely Abbey State Aulpen (1408-1621)

County of Aulpen (1621-1815)

1408 1815 Founding member of the Bond

Started as a Princely Abbey State, but was reformed in 1621 towards a county. Had unclear territory boundaries before the civil was: ruled over several smaller villages in the southern Aulps in the 1400s, including villages near Clairfenne and Koom, without a clear territorial claim.

Conquered parts of Beren in this Civil War (1605 and 1621) and parts of the Usters Lake shores (1628).

County Jorra 1423 1621 Suffered greatly in the Civil War in which the ruling house of Jorra was wiped out and their main city Jorraburg turned into ruin. Incorporated in the Duchy Asselland-Jorra by the 1621 Gratianen Treaty.
Duchy Asselland 1423 1621 Suffered greatly in the Civil War and merged into the Duchy Asselland-Jorra by the 1621 Gratianen Treaty.
Principality Usters 1459 1621 Suffered greatly in the Civil War. Usters itself suffered in the Duchy Asselland-Jorra by the 1621 Gratianen Treaty, but had to cede most of the Usters Lake shores to Beren and Aulpen in the 1628 Usters Treaty.
Duchy Asselland-Jorra 1621 1793 Founded as a new Bond member after the Civil War by the Gratianen Treaty. Contained most parts of Usters, Asselland and Jorra. The new ruling family was nephey of the former Prince of Usters and married to the doughter of the Duke of Asselland (who was killed in battle).
Republic Elzdal 1628 1815 Ceded from Koom in the Treaty of Usters (1628). Exists of mainly reformed Lentian speaking parts of the former Koom
City Koom (1490-1626)

Republic Koom (1626-1793)

1490 1793 Koom was the first Valonian Atresian speaking territory and the first city state to enter the bond. between 1490 and 1556 it gradually expanded its territory to incorporate the region up to Moranne-Bourg. Koom conquered more territory during the Civil War, especially to the south and east. Parts of these claims were formalized in the Treaty of Usters (1628). In the same treaty they had to give up the Elzdal region, which fell in the war under control of Beren.
Maark of Koom (1628-1734)

Republic Komermaark (1734-1793)

1628 1793 A territory partially occupied by Koom as a buffer state since the early 1500s, but never formally incorporated in the Bond until the Treaty of Usters. As one of two border regions ('Maark') it had limited rights in the Bond until 1734, when it became a full Bond member.
Maark of Aine (1628-1734)

County of Ainermaark (1734-1793)

1628 1793 Since the mid 1500s it was occupied by both Koom and Bouron, but not formalized as a Bond member until the Treaty of Usters (1628). As one of two border regions ('Maark') it had limited rights in the Bond until 1734, when it became a full Bond member, under a personal union with Bouron.
County Grations 1490 1825 Grations joined the Bond with Koom in 1490. Stayed out of most of the Civil War. Was in personal union with Altenkron from 1781-1793. The eastern parts, including the capital Gratianen, fell to the Revolutionary Republic of Atreisia in 1793. But the County could hold foot in the upper valleys till 1825, with Marktburg as capital.
Duchy Bouron

Grand-Duchy Bouron-Arasylle (1561-1628) Grand-Duchy Bouron (1628-1793)

1521 1793 A powerful Duchy that joined the bond in 1521. Ruled Arasylle between 1561 and 1628 (Treaty of Usters) through a personal union.
Princely State Kronland 1459 1793 Before Bouron joined the Bond it was an exclave.

Lost Altenkron in the civil war (1621, Gratianen Treaty).

County Altenkron (1621-1628)

Duchy Altenkron (1628-1793)

1621 1793 Ceded from Kronland in the Gratianen Treaty (1621) and became a Duchy in the Treaty of Usters (1628). Was in personal union with Grations from 1781-1793.
County of Torbe 1521 1793 Joined the bond with Bouron.
Grand-Duchy of Renne 1638 1793 Joined the Bond through the Renne Charter
Princely Abbey State of Sain Michel Abbè 1521 1793 Joined the bond with Bouron.
County of Arasylle (1525-1561) (1628-1825) 1521 1825 Joined the bond with Bouron. Ruled by Bouron through personal union between 1561 and 1628, and became again an independant bond member in the Treaty of Usters.
County Seilles 1476 1685 Absorbed by Franquelle in 1685. Had been governed by the same nobel house as Franquelle since 1603.
Principality Franquelle 1685 1793 Joined the Bond in 1685.
Duchy of Wissendale
Duchy of Klippe 1408 1793
Duchy of Baar 1408 1793
City Augen 1480 1793

Atreisian Civil War or Reformation War (1556-1628)

The Atreisian Civil War was a religious, social and political conflict, fought over a period of 72 years. Also the name Reformation War is often used. The war spanned 72 years, though there were extended periods of relative stability within this timeframe. While religious conflicts initially triggered the war, the primary drivers were social tensions and political struggles among ruling powers, including noble families, the landed gentry, the clergy, and merchant and craft guilds. The advent of the printing press and the rapid spread of information it enabled played a crucial role in fueling propaganda, which significantly contributed to the war’s escalation.

Beeldenstorm and onset

From the 1540s, several popular preachers advocated for church reform. In Atreisia, the most influential were Jeronimus Hermitszoon and Willem Porfijn, alongside foreign influences. Under pressure from the Pope, the Staten Generaal of the Bond banned Porfijn's teachings in June 1554. Porfijn went into hiding but remained highly popular. A sermon by Porfijn in Baar on June 5 or 6, 1556, directly triggered the Beeldenstorm — a wave of violence in which reformists, mainly Porfijn's followers (Porfinites), attacked, looted, and often burned churches. The Beeldenstorm began in the Baar region in June, reached Oudburg in July, and continued to ravage the Aulpen and Acher regions until September. In response, Papists formed militias to protect churches and monasteries, with support from the old noble families. These groups sought to defend Catholic institutions from the reformist attacks during the Beeldenstorm. Many rural rulers used this period to settle their own disputes, aligning themselves with either the Papists or the Reformists, depending on which side offered the most advantage. This opportunistic behavior further fueled the conflict, blending personal rivalries with the larger religious and political struggles of the time.

In the summer of 1556, the conflict escalated significantly. Merchants and craftsmen in Oudburg saw an opportunity to break free from the control of the nobility. The city revolted, deposed the burgrave, and hanged him. On September 7, the Reformed Republic of Oudburg was declared. Backed by a strong city militia and the financial resources of the merchants, Oudburg quickly became a dominant power within the Federation. That same summer, other cities, including Spitten, Spiedam, Ravensteen, Aulpstad, ... also rose in rebellion, with varying degrees of success.

The response from the ruling nobility was swift. The Count of Acher-Halm, with support from other Bondstates, raised an army. In December 1556, he captured and looted Spiedam. By March 1557, Ravensteen was under siege. However, the city militia of Oudburg launched a successful attack on the besieging forces, resulting in heavy losses for the nobility, including the death of the Count of Acher-Halm.

to be detailled

- continued shofts in alliances between 1557-1578

- splitting of the Bond between 1578-1582 in reformed and papal fractions

- 1583 attempt of the reformists to concer Beren fails, mass losses and easterly papals now conquering many regions

- 1587 uprise in the Aulps, Beren and Aulpen fall to reformists, 1588-1593 attempt of reformists to conquer south fails

- 1593-1600 status quo with reformists in charge of aulps and parts of the west, papals mainly east and south; attempt to form again a Bond out of fear of foreign intervention

- 1600-1608 reformists rise again, mainly in eastern cities; merchants see the increasing violence as a danger and rise in several merchantcities like Spiedam and Oudburg, where they trow out reformists

- 1608 treaty of Baar as first peace attempt, granting freedom of religion

- 1610-1615 papals renounce the Baar peace under pressure from pope; papal troops supported by aid from pope and foreign nobility try to invade the east; merchant militia take advantage of chaos and conquer Augen and most of the coast

- 1616-1621 new papal attempt with a large army send by the pope from the south breaks havoc in the Aulpen; when papal troops are defeated at Assel, they chaotically return south; in the Aulpen local militia and nobility try to take advantage, engaging papal troops or reformists, chaotic and bloody period that ends in a stand-still in 1621 in which the Gratianen treaty

- 1621 Gratianen treaty allows each Bondland to chose their religious system (papal, reformist or freedom of religion) and defines the territorial boundaries of the Bondslanden

- 1627-1628 Reformist uprising in the usters region, big impact on trans-aulp trade

- 1628 treaty of usters end the confilct

Republic (1628-1793)

Revolution and vassal state of Valony (1793-1815)

Discontent with the social structures of the ancien regime was further fueled by famine in the summer of 1789. Uprisings erupted in several major cities but were suppressed by federal republican forces. The violence was primarily directed against the nobility and the church, with numerous churches, abbeys, and castles being destroyed. Following the quelling of the uprisings, key liberal leaders such as Emmanuel Robbenjager, Niels Koopmans, and Johannes Papen fled to Valony.

In Valony, a revolutionary force was mobilized by the exiled, which invaded Atreisia in May 1793. With the help of Valony, Atreisia was largely conquered, except for parts of the Aulpen, where the federal government retreated to Beren. Emmanuel Robbenjager perished in one of the battles. On July 17, 1793, the triumvirate of the liberal Niels Koopmans and the left-revolutionaries Johannes Papen and Karel Bouchez was appointed as the head of the newly established Revolutionary Republic of Atreisia. Before long, there was significant discord within the triumvirate. The liberals staged a coup on August 26, 1793, but failed, after which the left-revolutionary took control and appointed Johannes Papen as first president. Revolutionary Republic of Atreisia became even more a vasal state of Valony.

The Terror (1793-1796)

After the 1793 coup, a period known as 'the terror' unfolded, lasting approximately three years and characterized by widespread political and social purges. Initially targeting liberal factions, many liberals fled abroad seeking refuge. However, internal strife within the left-revolutionary factions soon emerged. The primary factions included the Puriteinen, backed mainly by revolutionary militants and urban craftsmen, led by Johannes Papen and Dirk Kelder; the Boeren Faction, enjoying support from the farmers, led by Johannes Keirels; and the Christian-Revolutionary faction, comprising revolutionaries who disagreed with the rejection of religion, led by Michiel Maermens and Hans Koewachter. In 1795, a new faction emerged, the Willemieten, led by Willem Koenen and Willem Maershel, garnering support from the military as a more moderate counter to the Puriteinen.

On February 2, 1794, Johannes Papen was ousted from power, and on March 5, 1794, he was executed by guillotine. Following internal strife, Michiel Maermens of the Christian-Revolutionary faction was appointed as the new consensus president on June 7, 1794. However, his faction faced increasingly fierce opposition from others, leading him to flee to Halmyde in mid-November 1794 and eventually leave Atreisia on December 12, 1794, never to return. Dirk Kelder of the Puriteinen was instated as president on January 4, 1795.

A highly bloody period, the Red Terror, of purges followed from March to May 1795, with modern historians estimating at least 8,000 executions in 80 days. Noble houses that hadn't fled the country were nearly wiped out, and the Christian-Revolutionary faction also faced significant losses. In response, the Willemieten faction emerged, quickly gaining control over several major cities. Together with the Boeren Faction, they staged a coup on September 11, 1795, resulting in President Kelder's demise. Willem Koenen was appointed president on September 15, 1795.

Localized purges continued into early 1796, but by February 1796, 'the terror' had definitively come to an end.

Post Terror Republic (1796-1815)

After the terror, the various factions endeavored to rebuild the Revolutionary Republic of Atreisia. In 1798, a half-hearted campaign against the Bond was launched, only to be quickly abandoned due to foreign threats. Between 1798 and 1815, the Revolutionary Republic found itself embroiled in numerous military campaigns, becoming entangled in various coalition wars. Significant defeats in 1810-1812 greatly weakened the state's position. The substantial cost of military campaigns, coupled with crop failures resulting from the conscription of many farmers into the army, fueled growing unrest.

An eastern campaign with coalition members in the winter of 1814-1815 ended in total failure, resulting in the decimation of the army. In May 1815, a coalition of liberals, remnants of the nobility, and the Bond managed to assemble an expeditionary force with the assistance of several international partners. Following a successful landing in Spiedam on June 8, 1815, a campaign ensued towards Oudburg. The city was captured with minimal resistance on June 18th 1815. In the following weeks all of Atreisia was conquerred by the Bond's army.

Bond during the revolution

Until 1815 the Revolutionary Republic of Atreisia remained a puppet state of Valony. A few states remained independent in what still beared the official name of Bond of Atreisië: Beren, Ezen-Friede. The Bondsraad established itself in the city of Beren in 1794, and from there, what remained of Atreisia was governed as a republic.

Constitutional monarchy (1815-)

Early Kingdom

Following the successful campaign of the Bond, it was formally reinstated on July 17th 1815. Under international pressure, the League was transformed from a presidential democracy into a monarchy, and the Count of Beren was crowned as King Boudewijn I on August 2, 1815. Between 1815 and 1838, he ruled Atreisia in an authoritarian manner, allowing few constitutional reforms and gradually diminishing the rights of the member states. Alongside Lentian private investors, he spearheaded the significant development of several mining regions. As a result, the Industrial Revolution in Atreisia began around 1825, leading to a rapid increase in prosperity, particularly among the restored nobility and prominent merchants.

Constitutional Monarchy 1838-1885

King Boudewijn I died suddenly on March 7, 1838, in a hunting accident in the Aulps, leading to an uncertain succession as his son Boudewijn was not a strong personality. The Staten General convened on March 15 and refused hereditary succession. Nevertheless, the Archbishop of Oudburg crowned Boudewijn II as king on March 19. In the following days, tensions rose as it became clear Boudewijn II lacked military support, leading to his abdication on March 26. His youngest brother, Karel, a promising 19-year-old officer with military support, emerged as the consensus candidate. Politically inexperienced, he had to make significant concessions to the Staten General, resulting in a new constitution drafted in early April. It greatly reduced royal power and vested significant authority in a government elected by a newly established parliament, which was the new name for the Staten Generaal. With Karel I's coronation on May 1, 1838, and the enactment of the new constitution on the same day, Atreisia was transformed into a modern, liberal constitutional monarchy.

In the 1840s and 1850s, rapid industrialization occurred primarily in the west, with large-scale mining and steel industries around Urras, metallurgy around Oudburg, and textile manufacturing around Oudburg-Assel. Starting in 1865, the major valleys in the Aulps also began to industrialize, utilizing water power for large sawmills, quarries, and some mines. From 1870, the chemical industry became significant, especially around Oudburg and Zoutburg, while the glass industry developed in Spiedam.

This industrial revolution also brought a revolution in transport. Railways were built, new canals were dug, and existing ones were widened. The network of old roads was gradually replaced by wide, straight stone roads.

This industrial revolution brought prosperity to a small segment of the population. However, the living and working conditions of urban workers were deplorable, and wages were low. The federal army and the militias of the member states retained considerable power, with military wages significantly higher than those of workers. Although Atreisia was organized as a democracy, there was no universal suffrage, which severely limited the power of the working class. Both the traditional and reformist churches provided social organization but aimed primarily to maintain general order among the populace.

In 1851, the 'Mancier Law' was enacted, named after Erik Mancier, a parliament member and bank owner. This law established stringent banking secrecy. Combined with a strong neutrality policy, liberal governance, and the presence of state militias, this led to significant growth in the banking sector from 1855, particularly in cities like Beren and Aulpstad.

In contrast to the cities, large parts of the countryside in the 1800s saw little industrialization. Cottage industries often remained an important supplementary income source, but agriculture and forestry were the main sectors. Medieval agricultural improvements like fertilization led to large harvests, but long, harsh winters with frost extending into spring caused crop failures. As the state prioritized feeding the cities, the countryside suffered more from famines. The most notable famines occurred in 1830-31, 1838, 1847, 1855, 1872-74, and 1890. These famines led to migration to the New World, particularly from impoverished rural villages.

Internationally, Atreisia played the role of a liberal trading partner, viewing other nations in Uletha as markets for its industrial development. Atreisia pursued a strong neutrality policy, carefully balancing relationships with other powerful states in Uletha. Since the Middle Ages, the militias of the member states often served as mercenary armies, but this practice was banned in 1854 to maintain neutrality.

Rise of socialism 1885-1910

In the mid-19th century, the Christian movement primarily organized the workers' movement, while more socialist movements were strongly suppressed. However, under international influence, the first socialist workers' association, the 'Brotherhood of Weavers' (Broederschap der Wevers), was founded in Spiedam in 1881. Christian mutual societies had existed since the 1860s, but in 1883 the first scoialist ' Onderlingen Broederschap Mutualiteit ' was established in Oudburg. Although illegal socialist newspapers had been circulating for years, 'Solidair Oudburg' became the first licensed socialist newspaper in 1885. These events were crucial for the strong growth of socialism in the 1880s. Inspired by international examples, Edward Otters founded the 'Socialist Workers Party of Oudburg' (SAPO) in 1887. In the following months and years, similar parties were founded in various cities, eventually merging into the 'Atreisian Workers' Party' (AAP) in 1892. In 1894, the AAP secured its first parliamentary seat (Edward Otters). By 1895, the workers' movement had established a network of social organizations, including mutual societies, a workers' bank, and their own bakeries and shops.

During the same period, the Christian workers pillar also became more organized. Though often playing a more limited role, they too established mutual societies and their own bakeries. In 1887, a workers' wing was formed within the Christian Party, securing two seats in the 1894 elections. The Christian workers' movement had better contacts with employers but was often criticized for achieving little. This submissive role contributed to the rising popularity of the socialists.

In 1897, the United Socialist Workers' Congress presented key demands to the government: universal suffrage, compulsory and free neutral education, and the abolition of child labor under the age of 12. Previous years had seen numerous strikes against local wage cuts or reductions in working hours, but the Socialist Workers' Congress marked the beginning of well-organized strikes. A major strike in late 1897 was brutally suppressed. In the lead-up to the 1900 elections, large strikes were organized from December 1899 onwards, initially achieving little and often ending in violence. An extreme faction split from the AAP in February 1900, forming the 'Communist Revolutionary Party' (CRP). They occupied the ports of Oudburg and Spiedam from March 10 to May 8, with the military eventually quelling the occupation, resulting in over 500 deaths. Despite the elections proceeding as scheduled in May 1900, the social unrest instilled fear of revolution among the upper classes. Consequently, in August, a law for universal plural voting for men was passed.

In the 1904 elections, despite significant victories by socialist and communist parties, the conservative majority held power due to the plural voting system. By 1908, rising social unrest and large strikes, coupled with the exclusion of the Communist Revolutionary Party from the elections, deepened political tensions. The situation escalated in 1909 with massive communist-led strikes, resulting in over 2,400 deaths as the government forcefully suppressed the uprisings. By mid-1910, with communist militias occupying parts of Oudburg and fears of revolution mounting, the parliament passed sweeping reforms and a new constitution. These included reducing the king's powers, improving workers' rights with a 48-hour workweek, and establishing universal suffrage for both men and women, thus transforming Oudburg into a more democratic society.

Democratic constitutional monarchy 1910-1929

The political landscape of Atreisia was marked by intense volatility between 1910 and 1929. In the late 1910 elections, communists and socialists dominated urban areas, while conservatives retained control in smaller towns and rural regions. However, the grand coalition government of socialists, liberals, and conservatives collapsed after just one year, leading to increased political instability.

From 1911 to 1929, Atreisia saw a series of unstable governments, with large confilcts with the popular communist party. By 1918, the country faced significant economic decline, especially in the industrial sectors. Contributing factors included social unrest, rising wages, and trade restrictions. Though the banking sector continued to thrive.

In 1912, the Atreïsische National Party (ANP), a nationalist fascist party, was founded. Initially small, it gained popularity post-1920, fueled by street violence, anti-communist sentiment, political chaos, and the perceived ineffectiveness of conservative leaders. With substantial support from the military, the ANP became a formidable force. Originally led by Hans Weldekens, the party saw a major shift in 1921 when Erik Jagers, a charismatic fascist leader, took control, steering the ANP to prominence in Atriesia's fraught political arena.

Moderne Staat Fascism 1929-1950

In late 1929, the Communist Party was banned, signaling a significant political shift. Early in 1930, the Conservative Party withdrew its support for the government, leading to the call for new elections. In response to the ensuing political instability, the military staged a coup on March 7, 1930. Erik Jagers was appointed as the new Prime Minister. Following the coup, the parliament was dissolved, and all other political parties were outlawed, consolidating power under the new regime, often refered to as 'Moderne Staat'.

Under Erik Jagers' leadership, significant economic reforms were implemented, particularly in the industrial sectors. Major state-owned enterprises were privatized, while labor unions were banned and social protections were significantly reduced. The economy opened up to international markets, yet certain strategic sectors, such as rail transport, energy production, and key mining operations, were nationalized and rationalized.

The agricultural sector also underwent profound changes. Where there had been numerous small, family-owned farms up until the 1920s, these farms were consolidated into larger, more professional operations. Mechanization, which accelerated after 1940, improved agricultural knowledge and methods, and an active role by the government led to a substantial increase in productivity.

The government heavily invested in modernizing infrastructure. Ports were upgraded, new airports were constructed, and the first motorways opened in 1938. The liberal approach to the service sector, including banking, continued, fostering significant growth in banks and insurance companies.

While initially, there was a degree of tolerance for political activities by other parties, the regime became increasingly repressive from 1935 onwards. Hundreds of political opponents were arrested, and it is estimated that around 1,250 political adversaries were executed during the period known as the 'Moderne Staat'.

Democratic restoration 1950-1987

Fourth Republic


Physical Geography

Atreisia, a captivating land, is defined by the Aulpen mountain range at its heart. These majestic mountains, forming the central backbone with a general east-west direction, interlink with adjacent ranges in neighboring territories. Comprising central massifs surrounded by fouthill massifs, the Aulpen dominates the landscape.

To the north of the Aulpen, a diverse expanse unfolds—eroded low mountain chains, expansive plateaus, and sedimentary basins characterize this region. At the northernmost edge lies the Neeve River, carving through its sedimentary basin, offering a blend of rugged terrain and serene plains, enhancing Atreisia's scenic allure.

Stretching along the northwest coast are the eastern extensions of the Morcanol Bay. This coastal belt encompasses a mosaic of coastal marshlands, dominated by sandy beaches.

To the south of the Aulpen, a similar topographical tapestry emerges—eroded low mountain chains, undulating plateaus, and interconnected sedimentary basins form part of the larger Ijsne River basin, contributing to Atreisia's diverse geographical makeup.


56.143/51.438 396385

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Highest mountains

The Aulpen range boast many peaks with an elevation above 3000 m asl. The highest mountains are

Name Height Bondsstaat Aulpine Region
Koningskroon 4572 Bondsland Beren Koningskroon Massif
Koninginnekroon 4430 Bondsland Beren Koningskroon Massif
Hemelspits 4310 Bondsland Beren Hemelspits Massif
Grote Naald 4108 Witteberg Massief
Driespits 4211 Witteberg Massief
Rode Doom 4075 Witteberg Massief
Kleine Naald 4066 Witteberg Massief
Witteberg 4250 Witteberg Massief
Johannespiek 3099 Witteberg Massief
Zadelhoorn 4007 Witteberg Massief
Bielderspits 4080 Witteberg Massief
Hectors Piek 4029 Witteberg Massief
St Bernard Piek 4346 Witteberg Massief
Kleine St Bernard Piek 4092 Witteberg Massief
Oldhoorn 4273 Witteberg Massief
Hoge Aulp 4033 Witteberg Massief
Zonspits 4270 Zonspits Massief
Hoogspits 4317 Hoogspits Massief
Misthoorn 3765 Misthoorn Massief
Windhoorn 4292 Windhoorn Massief

There are some other important peaks, with less elevated heights, but a siginifcant socio-cultural importance:

Name Height Bondsstaat Aulpine Region
Meidenhoorn 2901
Witte Tand 3951 Witteberg Massief
Finnberg 3510 Witteberg Massief
Misthoorn 3765 Misthoorn Massief

Nature Reserves and National Parks

Atreisia has five levels of protection classes for nature and landscape parks:

  • nature reserves which have a varying protection level (1 to 3) but which are always small (<10 km²)
  • protection class 1: biologic protection areas: areas where all human activities are prohibited, inclusing recreation
  • protection class 2: national parks: focus on protecting biodiversity and natural landscapes, in some cases also human landscapes when essential to biodiversity; economic activities in general are prohibited, except for low impact activities such as hiking; only park buildings allowed; infrastructure limited to essential infrastructure
  • protection class 3: regional (nature) parks: protect both natural and human landscape elements, with a focus on preserving biodiversity; economic activities are bound to permits, and include mainly traditional agriculture and traditional rural activities (including forestry)
  • protection class 4: landscape parks: focus is on protecting traditional human and natural landscapes; economic activities are bound to permits, and include mainly traditional rural activities (agriculture, forestry)

Below an overview of protection class 2 and 3 are provided

Koksland National Park

Located in the northern region of the Aulpen mountain range, Koksland National Park features a high mountain plateau nestled between two ridges, with the ridges not significantly higher than the plateau itself. Forests dominate the lower western areas, while higher elevations boast alpine meadows, along with numerous smaller lakes and peatlands. The park offers outstanding hiking opportunities, especially for multi-day treks, allowing visitors to explore its diverse terrain. Wildlife abounds, including bears, wolves, lynxes, deer, chamois, and marmots. However, the park is renowned primarily for its unique flora and hosts a few rare fish species. Known as a habitat for breeding birds, notable species include the golden eagle, bearded vulture, snow finch, and whooper swan. Within the park's boundaries lies Bevermeren, a small tourist village functioning as an enclave.

National Park Hoge Jorra

National Park Hoge Jorra is part of the bigger Regionaal Natuurpark Hoge Jorra and protects the higher parts of the Western Jorra.


Government icon (black).svg
Government of Atreisia
Federate ceremonial constitutional monarchy
Head of state
• QueenAstrid I
• Minister-PresidentPhilip Asselmans
• Upper houseStaten Generaal or Parliament
JudiciaryGrondwettelijk Hof
Major political parties
  Het Midden

Atreisia is a federated ceremonial constitutional monarchy where power is divided between the federal government and the governments of its federation members, known as “Bondslanden.” The head of state is the king, who primarily serves a ceremonial role. The real political power resides with the Prime Minister, who is appointed by the parliament. The parliament consists of 200 members, 180 of whom are elected, while the remaining 20 are appointed by the Bondslanden.

The federal governance of Atreisia is defined by its third constitution, enacted in 1950, which is largely based on the first constitution from 1838. Any amendment to the constitution requires a two-thirds majority in the parliament. Members of parliament are elected every four years using an apportionment method.

Each of the Bondslanden also has its own parliament, with terms varying between four and five years, depending on the specific Bondsland.

The constitution delineates the division of powers between the federal government and the Bondslanden:

  • Federal Powers: Foreign affairs, defense, federal legislation, customs, monetary policy, postal and telecommunication services, and federal highways.
  • Bondslanden Powers: Education, healthcare, police, local government, and certain fiscal authorities.

Bond members (bondslanden)

Flag/Arms Code Name Capital GDP per capita Population Area (km²) Density (inhab/km²) Official Languages
1 OU Oudburg Oudburg
2 EF Ezen-Friede Ezen/Friede
3 AC Acher-Kust Spiedam
4 FQ Franquelle-Land Franquelle
5 WO Wouder Ravenstad
6 BE Beren Beren
7 AU Aulpen Aulpstad
8 AS Asselland-Jorra Assel
9 EZ Elzdal Meidingen
10 GR Grations Gratianen
11 KO Koomer Koom
12 AR Arasylle
13 KM Koomermaark
14 RE Renne Rennefort
15 AM Ainermaark
16 BO Bouron Clairfenne
17 TO Torbe
18 SM Sain Michel Abbè Sain Michel Abbè
19 KR Kronland
20 AK Altenkron
21 WD Wissendalen
22 BA Baar
23 KL Klippe
24 AG Augen

Regional Geography

Atreisia is a country with a large diversity of cultural and natural landscapes. Below we detail on the typical properties of those landscapes:

Bondsland Beren

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The Bondland of Beren, named after the former Duchy of Beren, once a prominent seat of power, boasts its capital in the city of Beren. Positioned at the confluence of the Aar and Murge rivers, the city of Beren stands as the thriving social and economic epicenter, renowned for its plethora of monuments, inviting cityscape, esteemed university, and robust banking sector.

The State of Beren, nestled within the mountainous expanse of the "Aulpen," is characterized by its dramatic terrain and expansive valleys. Notable among these valleys are the Murge, Linten, Witte Traune, and Rook valleys, each contributing to the state's diverse landscape. Towards the eastern boundary, the state extends to encompass the Grootmeer, a glacial overdeepened mountain lake, adding to the region's natural allure. Within this stunning setting, other significant cities within the state include Wildburg, Rozenburg, and Lintenbrug, each contributing to the cultural and economic diversity of the region. Beren is celebrated for its picturesque landscapes featuring towering mountain ranges, sprawling plateaus, and iconic peaks such as Hemelspits (4310 m) and Koningskroon (4572 m), along with prominent plateaus like Wolfsplateau and Koksland. This stunning setting of Beren is also home to a rich variety of wildlife, including deer, bears, ibexes, and majestic birds like the golden eagle.

While historically reliant on mining, forestry, and agriculture, the modern economy of Beren thrives on specialized industries, particularly in leisure products (skiing, skateboarding, cycling), outdoor apparel, dairy products, luxury furniture, and a robust international banking sector. The Murge and Linten valleys serve as hubs for both population density and economic activities.

Renowned as a haven for winter sports and summer outdoor activities such as hiking, mountain biking, birdwatching, mountain climbing, and parasailing, Beren attracts outdoor enthusiasts year-round. Beren city, a hotspot for cultural tourism, draws visitors keen on exploring its historical heritage and vibrant cultural scene.

Major transport routes traverse the Murge and Linten valleys, with Beren city situated along a crucial North-South railway line, complemented by branch lines to smaller valleys and Lintenbrug. Expressways connect the Grootmeer through the Linten valley to Beren city and a second North-South expressway passing through Beren city, linking the two routes.

Historically, Beren's significance stemmed from its influential dukes, fostering a robust economy for centuries, and the famed Beren Legion —a renowned mercenary force from the pre-modern era, often engaged in significant battles.

Bondsland Jorra

Bondsland Acher-Kust

Provincie Watermark: The Watermark Province is a predominantly rural area characterized by flat terrain and numerous villages. Its primary and only city, Waterkampen, serves as the capital and largely functions as a commuter town for Spiedam. Watermark comprises low-lying regions originally formed as coastal marshlands, now repurposed for agricultural use, primarily featuring pastures with grazing cows, contributing to a thriving dairy industry producing milk and cheese. Additionally, there are scattered orchards within the area. The province boasts numerous coastal lakes, some of which have been drained, while those remaining hold significant ecological value. A network of canals and drainage channels crisscrosses the landscape. Along the coastline stretches a wide dune belt, home to a few coastal villages with limited tourism opportunities.

Bondsland Ezen-Friede

Ezen-Friede is a small territory situated on the northwest coast of Atreisia. Comprising two small towns, Ezen and Friede, it historically formed the 'Princely Abbey State Ezen-Friede', established around the abbies of Ezen and Friede.The historic abbeys, founded between 945 and 970 AD, suffered devastation in 1793, leaving only ruins of the once-vibrant structures of the Ezen Abbey. Parts of Friedes grand abbey church and some buildings still endure.

The territory boasts a rural landscape dominated by meadows, forests, heathlands, and bogs. Despite its limited commercial activity, both Ezen and Friede contribute to the local economy. Agriculture, primarily dairy farming due to extensive pasturelands, is a significant sector, while fishing, particularly in Ezen, remains vital.

Notably, a substantial portion of the territory is occupied by the Witte Venen National Park, characterized by moors, heathlands, and forests.

Today, Ezen Friede faces several major challenges, including aging population, depopulation, unemployment, and poverty. Since the 1990s, there has been an ongoing consideration of integrating into the Bondsland of Acher-Kust. After a referendum in 1998, Ezen Friede delegated several powers to the Acher-Kust, including responsibilities over national infrastructure such as public works, transportation, waterways, and water policies, along with healthcare and security. However, in 2007, the proposal for incorporation into Acher-Kust narrowly missed approval. Following a subsequent referendum in 2009, additional authorities over public transportation, environmental matters and spatial planning were transferred. A new referendum is scheduled for 2025 to decide on the potential incorporation into Acher-Kust.

Franquelle Land

Franquelle, historically a Valonian-speaking duchy, has was integrated into the Bond in 1628 during the religious conflicts. Originally a stronghold of the Valonian language, Franquelle experienced a linguistic transition over the past century. While Valonian remained prevalent, Lentisch gradually gained prominence, and today, a small majority of the population identifies as Lentisch speakers. Urras remains the stronghold of Valonian speakers.

The late 19th century marked a transformative period for Franquelle, with the discovery of coal reserves in the 1850s triggering a rapid industrialization around Urras that persisted until the mid-20th century. The Urras region emerged as a hub for coal mining and metallurgical industries, sustaining its economic significance to the present day. The extraction of coal remains a vital industry, closely tied to the metallurgical sector. In the northern region, encompassing Seilles and Franquelle, a thriving small and medium-sized enterprise sector prevails. Manufacturing, food processing, and transportation activities form the backbone of the industry in this area, fostering economic diversity and resilience.

Urras, the largest city in Franquelle, stands as a symbol of industrial prowess. However, it grapples with socio-economic and environmental challenges, including high unemployment rates and the closure of traditional industries. Franquelle, the second-largest city, serves as the administrative capital and historical policymaking center. Recent decades have witnessed substantial modernization, particularly in the realm of digital service-oriented businesses. The western inland region of Franquelle boasts dense forests interspersed with picturesque villages, creating a tranquil contrast to the urban bustle.

Bondsland Wouder

Situated in the northern foothills of the Aulps, Bondland Wouder is defined by its dominant physical features: two vast glacial lakes, Starnemeer and Ziemmeer, and the expansive Murge Valley to the east. The region's landscape is characterized by those north-south oriented lakes and valley, intersected by synclinal and anticlinal folds. Land use predominantly consists of extensive forests and pasturelands, with limited cropland. Ravenstad, the capital since 1838, functions as a suburb of Oudburg, while the historic capital is Zoutburg. The population centers around Ravenstad and in the Murge Valley, including Murgeburcht and Zoutburg, with Goudburg located to the west. The Murge Valley historically served as a vital trade route, connecting Oudburg to Beren and beyond to the south. The economy thrived on trade along this axis, with also notable salt mines near Zoutburg and gold mines near Goudburg until around 1750.


Road infrastructure

Road infrastructure is the repsonsability of the Federal, Bondsland and Municipal level.

The federal government manages highways (called A-roads), expressways (called X-roads), ringways (called R-roads) and national ways (called N-roads). Each bondsland is responsible for roads between muncipalities. Municipalities are responsible for local roads. Some roads (especially highways) are held by private consessions. Some roads have also toll, mainly bridges, tunnels and some highway stretches.

Number Main cities Remarks
A1 Halmyde-Oudburg-Aulpstad
A4 Assel-Oudburg (Oost) - ...
A8 Beren-Oudburg-
A10 Connecting A1 to Lentia
A22 Spiedam- Direction Sonnenburg
X1 Oudburg Airport-Bossum-Uras Prolongiation planned to Spiedam.
X14 Machunne valley expressway


First parts build in 2014, large stretches now under construction but final completion not expected before 2035.
X15 Spiedam to A1 connection
X84 Connection X14-A8 near Kampe Planned to be constructed 2030-2038. First preparatory works starting 2025. R15 Spiedam Ring