
From OpenGeofiction
Flag of Aurelia Realm of Aurelia

Capital: St Michael
Population: TBD (TBD)
Motto: 'In Faith and Unity'

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Aurelia, officially the Realm of Aurelia is an island country located in southern Uletha. St Michael is the capital and former largest city, but was overtaken by Nova Aurelia in population. Aurelia's is a constitutional monarchy, with the King of Ingrea as head of state along with a parliament. The de facto head of state is his representative, the Governor-General. Parliament holds most of the power, while the Governor-General signs bills into law on behalf of the sovereign. Aurelia has Catholicism as its state religion, and over 90% of the population indicated it as their belief in the 2020 census.

Aurelia began to be colonised in the early 1800s by the Ingerish, who discovered it to be mostly uninhabited. A Colonial Secretary was set up, and Aurelia functioned as a dominion of the Kingdom of Ingrea. In the 1920s, the Kingdom started to devolve power to Aurelia, which culminated in Aurelia being granted the right to independence from the Kingdom, while retaining the King as the head of state.

Government and politics

Government icon (black).svg
Government of Aurelia
Constitutional monarchy
CapitalSaint Michael
Head of state
• MonarchThe King of Ingrea
• Governor-GeneralThe Baroness Whittaker
LegislatureParliament of Aurelia
• Upper houseAurelia Committee of the Privy Council
• Lower houseHouse of Commons
JudiciaryJudicial Committee of the Privy Council
Prime Minister

Chancellor of the Exchequer

Foreign Secretary

Home Secretary
Sir Harold Barrington

The Baroness Clifton

Sir Alan Hoyle

Dame Margaret May
Lord Chancellor

Lord President of the Council

Lord Keeper of the Privy Seal
The Lord Archer

The Baroness Cameron

The Baroness Lancaster
Major political parties
HM Government
  CDU (75/32)
  NUP (12/1)

HM Most Loyal Opposition

  SDLP (49/25)


All others
  FFP (9/11)
  LCP (9/18)
  GFP (6/4)
  FVP (3/1)
  Ind. (2/14)
  WSP (1/0)
  HP (1/0)

The government of Aurelia is mostly centred around the parliament. Aurelia has a unicameral legislature in which Members of Parliament (MPs) debate, scrutinise, and refine bills before they are presented to the Governor-General to be signed into law. The monarch and viceroy no longer have such a large roll in affairs as they used to—the power now is in the hands of the House of Commons—and by extent the people they represent.

Political Parties

House of Commons
Seats coloured white with a border indicate these MPs do not vote.
Parties Seats Position
CDU Christian Democratic Union 75 Centre-right
SDLP Social Democratic Labour Party 48 Centre-left
NUP National Unity Party 12 Right
FFP Future First Party 10 Centre
LCP Liberty Coalition Party 9 Right
GFP Green Future Party 6 Left
FVP Family Values Party 3 Right
IND Independent 2 Various
WSP Workers' Solidarity Party 1 Far-left
HP Humanist Party 1 Far-left

The political landscape of Aurelia has been dominated by the main two parties—the Social Democratic Labour Party, and the Christian Democratic Union—for most of its existence. Coalition governments are not uncommon, however majorities are more abundant. The CDU has been the governing party for the past 14 years, but in the last two terms has been propped up by the LCP and the NUP respectively. Polls show that the CDU and the Prime Minister have very positive approval rates across the citizens of Aurelia.


The legislature of Aurelia is divided into two chambers, the House of Commons and the Aurelia Committee of the Privy Council. The House of Commons is elected every four years by citizens of Aurelia, and is presided over by the Speaker of the House of Commons. On the other hand, the Aurelia Committee of the Privy Council (ACPC) is appointed by the government of the day (i.e. the Cabinet). It is presided over by the Lord President of the Council. The job of the ACPC is to scrutinise bills and send them back to the Commons for revision, and to advise the Governor-General. Thus, most of the members of the committee are professionals in their respective fields and not career politicians. Members of the ACPC are given a life peerage.


The Cabinet (Barrington Ministry) is the main component of the executive branch of government. They are sometimes known as 'the government of the day'. Cabinet deals with the day-to-day affairs of running a country. It is comprised of Government Ministers who can be from either the upper or lower houses, and also important civil servants.