Collab talk:Federal States/Collaborative States/New Carnaby

From OpenGeofiction

Getting Started

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Hi, I would like to work on industrial areas in Brownstone, Stanton --example user

That sounds great, someone is working on detailing housing in the area so try not to alter that. --coordinator (fake)

Greater Stanton discussion


We've talked about this before, but the wiki is a good place to finalize things. The airports in the Stanton could definitely be moved around to create something more realistic and cohesive. Based on previous conversations in the FSA and Eastern Server discords, it seems like we have two options:

a) Airports serve Northern/Southern Stanton regions- Move Fiornio International Airport to Stanton International's current location (with a rotation to prevent conflict with Hestrom International in Warwick) and move STI southwards to Stanton Belleville Airport's location. FIA and HIA serve similar regions but this can potentially be justified historically.

b) Airports serve western Carnaby Valley and South- Move Fiornio International to Stanton Belleville's location, and move STI to around Mackleboro in Effinger County. First part is one of TheMayor's old suggestions, the second part being Alessa's.

Either of these can be modified, the main thing is which parts of Stanton these airports serve. I figure we can also vote here if necessary. --Fluffr Nuttr (talk) 19:33, 15 July 2022 (UTC)

Airport Vote

If you work in or are interested in working in the Stanton Area, please vote for one of the above airport plans by placing your signature beneath your preference's section. --Fluffr Nuttr (talk) 00:27, 28 August 2022 (UTC)

Option A

--Fluffr Nuttr (talk) 01:16, 30 September 2022 (UTC)

--hham2 (no wiki account)

--Example signature

Option B

--Example signature