
From OpenGeofiction
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Flag of Eicarl The kingdom of Eicarl
Coat of arms is in the make.

Das Königreich Eicarl (Eicarlo)
Capital: Bestagen
Population: 4 Million (2018)
Motto: « Fortschritt! » (Progress!)
Anthem: « Lebe geliebtes Land, Lebe! » (since 1972)

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Eicarl is a country in the east of Tarephia with an area of around 21653 km². The country spans 200 km from North to South, and about 150 km from East to West. Its bordering countries are Islatramma, to the east, and Reino Pablo to the south.

The land is famous for its inventions and industry, as well as the untouched nature and its beautiful beaches.


First prehistorc remains of human settlement can be found around lake Aang from about 12,000 years ago.

In the aftermaths of the Great War of the Islatramman Empire in the 1940, there had been a push for independence by the Eicarlic people, a group of tribes located towards the north and south of the "Murehles" mountain range within today's Eicarl. During the reconstruction after the Great War, influential thinkers and writers such as Suhail Vogel helped found a united Eicarligian identity. Often, this search for identity was linked to the difference in the physical environment as well as cultural practices than the rest of Islatramma. After the 32-day Islatramman-Eicarlingian Civil War in May of 1970, Eicarl gained its independence. After independence was declared, the northern Eicarligos were quick to make Seestett their capital, while the southern Eicarligos declared Bestagen the capital of Eicarl. This almost resulted in a second conflict which was prevented by secret meeting in Uunakurunin between Annaka Wikopop from the northern Eicarligo and Luhsa Kirchweb representing the southern Eicarligo. An agreement was found which ensured that much of the initial investment would be going to Seestett as well as some of the national institutions, while Bestagen would become the capital of the new country. In addition, Eicarl would be administered federally with five regions and a king as a symbolic head of state.


Noun project 288.svg
Demographics of Eicarl
Official languagesEicarlo
Latina Indigen Religion
LiteracySteady 99.5%
Life expectancyIncrease 77 (male)
Increase 81 (female)

Cooperations & Agreements

Tarephia Cooperation Council