Forum:Territory application/UL04b - Saiol

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ForumsTerritory application → Territory application/UL04b - Saiol

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Noun Project Signature icon 619326 cc.svgTerritory ID and proposed name
The Territory ID (from OpenGeofiction:Territories, e.g. AR123a) and proposed name of the country

UL04b - Saiol

Noun Project Map icon 1463108.svgPhysical geography
An overview of climate, topography and landscape of the country. It is advised to also create a sketch, you can add a link to this (hosted on imgur or similar)


Saiol contains an important mountain range that divides the country north to south. This mountain range, still unnamed, stretches from the coastal city of Vaucargue in the West all the way to the rugged northeast, where it meets with Ellarça (Larcetany)'s eastern mountains. The highest elevation in the country is in the northeast, at around 1500m. The territory's climate is very arid and dry, with the north having Köppen Csa along the coast and inland, and the south, being uniquely arid due to its low latitude (30º N) and isolation from the mountain range, having a classification of BSh and BSk.

Invest - The Noun Project.svgHuman geography
A brief description of the territory demographics, economic development, land occupation, infrastructure and mapping style

With a population of 17.3 million, Saiol is less developed than Ellarça, with a heavy agricultural focus, although Tesseis, with its less rugged coast, has one of the leading ports in the continent for goods coming in through the Mediterranean, and is a major leader in national innovation. Its major exports are olives, citrics, beans, almonds, livestock, wine and dates. The capital, Mantola, is on the southern part of the country, hosting government offices and a growing industrial sector.

My addition - Arlhac, its largest city, has benefitted from an era with high migration rates due to rich oil and resource deposits nearby. Migrants have come from the interior and abroad, especially from Ellarça, UL04e and Castellán. Along with Tesseis, both cities boast an impressive rail network due to the country's bet on efficient modes of transportation. Arlhac is a relatively new city, with most of its infrastructure being built in the last 50 years. Before this discovery, it was just another town along the river Llançà. In the confluence of river Llançà and Auran, a picturesque town called Llintrera existed, now incorporated as a neighborhood within Arlhac.

Noun Project languages icon 105908 cc.svgHistory & culture
A brief description of the intended culture and language

The two official languages of Saiol are Ellarçan (IRL Catalan) and Occitan. The divide is unclear, as the majority of the country's population speaks a dialect that combines elements of both languages. Catalan is still the majority language if we only compare Catalan and Occitan, with a 70/30 divide.

IRL Catalan being very prevalent in the north, is spoken in cities like Tesseis, Siparo and Roquebézac, jointly with the aforementioned dialect. The south, meanwhile, frowns upon this dialect due to the turbulent breakup with Ellarça and the unwillingness to continue speaking catalan, although the dialect has still managed to be the majority in the southwestern Ponencia and Tarente provinces, with no plans to phase it out due to the unity of the country and the existence of the Valonian enclave of Castelnau.

Noun Project drawing icon 2123401.svgPast mapping
To support your request provide links to areas of OGF mapping which showcase your mapping skill. Mapping relevant to the requested theme & geography is especially useful
The {{coord}} template can optionally be used to link to the OGF map - it results in a nice formatted link. Or you can paste in a URL.

This will be the second territory I own, after the state of Arbenon (AR120-57) in the FSA, almost 5 years ago. Most of my work and edit history has been deleted, unfortunately, but I created this account in 2019 so I can guarantee that I have some experience in mapping.

From newest to oldest:

Arlhac, Tierra Nueva, will move it to this country.

Guilana, Tierra Nueva, also moving it.

Cadelle, WM, FSA

Matford, Rhododactylia

Arbenon, all work deleted.

Some very old mapping in former Commonia also deleted. Only a small beginner city remains, made on my first day as seen by this way creation date:

Unnamed City

Noun Project Signature icon 619326 cc.svgUsername & date
Sign and date the application by typing four tildes like this: ~~~~

Rivrei (talk) 22:20, 15 February 2025 (UTC)

Noun project 579150 Conversation.svgDiscussion
Discussion for clarification & decision

  • Dear rivrei, the application is good and the country you imagined is very fitting for the region. The mapping you provided is good but I'd like to see your take on natural/rural mapping as well. Please take some time to map out an agricultural or natural area somewhere that will be fitting for Saiol. When you are ready to showcase your work, please update this submission and I'll continue with my comments and/or finalize my thoughts. ⸺ Bixelkoven (talk) (West Uletha Admin) 17:47, 16 February 2025 (UTC)
  • Hi, I'm not very good at natural mapping, so I will most likely do a skeleton for the entire country first and slowly start to detail more and fill in the gaps when I get the hang of it. Here's some natural areas and farmland that I've been mapping: Also making natural reserves on both the Llançà and Auran rivers. ⸺ Rivrei (talk) 22:45, 21 February 2025 (UTC)