Forum:Territory application/UL04i - Corçadas

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ForumsTerritory application → Territory application/UL04i - Corçadas

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UL04i - Corçadas

Noun Project Map icon 1463108.svgPhysical geography
An overview of climate, topography and landscape of the country. It is advised to also create a sketch, you can add a link to this (hosted on imgur or similar)

This is a proposal to split off a few islands from UL04e to create a new territory (UL04i). I think I remember seeing such splits before on this forum so I thought I’d try my luck. Here is a rough sketch of how the split would work.

The Corçadas islands belong to an archipelago to the immediate South of the strait that leads out of the Mesembric Sea. Ilha Alta (the main island) is split by a short mountain range and the other islands have some rugged terrain albeit with lower elevation. Summers in the islands are typically hot, and much of the rainfall comes during winter (climate classified as Köppen Csa). I made a topographical sketch which includes a proposal for new islets – let me know if such an addition is ok.

Invest - The Noun Project.svgHuman geography
A brief description of the territory demographics, economic development, land occupation, infrastructure and mapping style

The 1,4 million inhabitants (similar to IRL Mauritius or Trinidad and Tobago) are spread unevenly across the islands: about two thirds live on Ilha Alta, which is also where the capital city is located (Porto Amparo, ≈400 000 inhabitants). Overall, the economy is based on services, fishing, refining and tourism.

There has been a conscious effort over decades to foster the use of public transport across the islands. A rail line connects Porto Amparo to the Costa do Sol area. An extensive tram system links the different neighbourhoods of the capital city (IRL inspiration: Tenerife Tram, with more lines). To complete the network, hourly buses serve every village on each of the islands, and the islands themselves are linked by ferries. There are regional airports on the three largest islands.

The densely populated northern coast of Ilha Alta is the breadbasket of the country, with towns dotted across a carefully irrigated agricultural landscape (the Horta region). This contrasts with the wilder South/Southwest, with areas of untouched nature. In the Southeast of the island (the Costa do Sol area), there is a handful of resort towns dating from the 1970s (IRL inspiration: Magaluf, Benidorm, Maspalomas). These resorts remain in place today – however, from the late 1990s onwards, the country chose to focus more on ecotourism instead.

Other islands, including the second and third-largest islands (Laja and Galha), have a notably laid-back atmosphere, away from bustling towns and all-inclusive resorts. Well-marked trails attract hikers from abroad, while sleepy beachside towns offer the perfect getaway.

Noun Project languages icon 105908 cc.svgHistory & culture
A brief description of the intended culture and language

The islands served as a fishing outpost for tribes from the Gobras peninsula that would occasionally travel West on pirogues. The location of the islands was also known to Mazanic sailors. Florescentians were among the first peoples to show more interest in the region when they sought to expand their trading relations and push towards Eastern Uletha around the 15th century. In early maps of the time, the islands were referred to as Ilhas das Corças, named after the roe deer present in large numbers, which offered a welcome source of venison and were hunted to near extinction.

The Corçadas, as they would come to be known, were solidified as a Florescentian territory for the centuries to come. Calls for an independent republic were made in the second half of the 20th century, in a context of wider global decolonization. Independence was achieved in 1970 and was immediately followed by the rule of the Secretaria, considered in retrospect to have been a "benevolent dictatorship". The country transitioned to a parliamentary republic in 1993 and is now a full democracy.

Culturally, there are still many similarities with Florescenta today. A peculiarity of the Corçadas is the high consumption of fish, one of the highest in Uletha. The nation is also known for its varieties of sheep cheese. The islanders have a certain laissez-faire and attitudes are quite liberal. The population tends to go by the motto "live and let live".

Most inhabitants have Florescentian ancestry. There are also descendants of Mazanic-speaking merchants who were allowed to settle in the territory during the Florescentian period – many families remain today in the historical Bairro Mazánico area of Porto Amparo, among other places. In more recent times, immigrants from East Uletha or Tarephia moved to the Corçadas to fill in job positions in the tourism and fishing industries.

Noun Project drawing icon 2123401.svgPast mapping
To support your request provide links to areas of OGF mapping which showcase your mapping skill. Mapping relevant to the requested theme & geography is especially useful
The {{coord}} template can optionally be used to link to the OGF map - it results in a nice formatted link. Or you can paste in a URL.

My past mapping can be seen in two territories: I used to map in TA153 and I currently own UL06f. Some examples:

City of Porto Claro, capital of Arbutânia (TA153)

Serra Meridional mountainous/forested area

Águas Rasas: small town and surrounding rural area

City of Muziri, capital of Malayar (UL06f)

Malayar Island

Bangalat Islands and ferry connections


Last year I swapped TA153 for UL06f because I wished to downsize.

I’m happy that I got the opportunity to map on a small island country as I requested. However something happened which I hadn’t planned on: I started to miss mapping in Portuguese (the language I used in my very first territory). I’m fluent in Portuguese and I think I’d have more fun mapping in that language.

That’s the rationale behind the territory switch. I hope this change doesn’t come too soon after the previous swap (mid 2024) and I’m convinced this new territory would be "the best of both worlds" for me.

If this application is granted, I’d like to give up my current territory UL06f. I’ll move over some of the content I’ve already mapped, because it will also fit the new territory quite well.

Noun Project Signature icon 619326 cc.svgUsername & date
Sign and date the application by typing four tildes like this: ~~~~

Oluap (talk) 16:34, 13 March 2025 (UTC)

Noun project 579150 Conversation.svgDiscussion
Discussion for clarification & decision

Feather-core-check-square.svg Territory application approved
Approved. Please refrain from exchanging territories in the near future. ⸺ Bixelkoven (talk) (West Uletha Admin) 13:19, 24 March 2025 (UTC)
The territory application is good, your mapping is okay as well, albeit I don't really see a lot of detailed urban mapping (buildings, amenities, etc). The previous exchange is rather recent indeed, as you have noted, but I will grant this request on the basis that it's a downgrade in size. However, I will have to note that you should stick to this territory and refrain from exchanging territories in the future. Your haven't been active in the last 4 months, and Malayar was closing in for a withdrawal marking. Lastly, you may add those islets you made in the sketch as well. Happy mapping!