Forum:Territory application/UL15h - Vrašija (Request to migrate territory)

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ForumsTerritory application → Territory application/UL15h - Vrašija (Request to migrate territory)

Please fill in the information below to make a territory request.
Noun Project Signature icon 619326 cc.svgTerritory ID and proposed name
The Territory ID (from OpenGeofiction:Territories, e.g. AR123a) and proposed name of the country

UL15h - Vrašija (Request to migrate territory)

Noun Project Map icon 1463108.svgPhysical geography
An overview of climate, topography and landscape of the country. It is advised to also create a sketch, you can add a link to this (hosted on imgur or similar) -


Plans for the new territory for Vrašija


Plan za novu teritoriju Vrašije.

Invest - The Noun Project.svgHuman geography
A brief description of the territory demographics, economic development, land occupation, infrastructure and mapping style

Mostly same as the old application for UL15i

Većinom isto kao iz aplikacije za UL15i

Noun Project languages icon 105908 cc.svgHistory & culture
A brief description of the intended culture and language

Same as the old application for UL15i, but I think that this territory fits more as it is closer to more similar cultures (South Slavic) than UL15i. (West Slavs)

Isto kao iz aplikacije za UL15i, ali ova teritorija je bolja za kulturu Vrašije zato što je bližu drugih sličnih kultura (Južnoslovenska) nego u UL15i (Zapadnoslovenska)

Noun Project drawing icon 2123401.svgPast mapping
To support your request provide links to areas of OGF mapping which showcase your mapping skill. Mapping relevant to the requested theme & geography is especially useful
The {{coord}} template can optionally be used to link to the OGF map - it results in a nice formatted link. Or you can paste in a URL.

Noun Project Signature icon 619326 cc.svgUsername & date
Sign and date the application by typing four tildes like this: ~~~~

Yawnrock (talk) 21:52, 3 March 2025 (UTC)

Noun project 579150 Conversation.svgDiscussion
Discussion for clarification & decision

Feather-core-check-square.svg Territory application approved
Approved. ⸺ Bixelkoven (talk) (West Uletha Admin) 14:34, 5 March 2025 (UTC)
You got the current territory rather recently, but I'll approve it because this territory is in the same area, and you are still at the early stages. I do agree that it fits better with the other territories, culturally. Please don't move territories in the future and stick to this one. Be careful with the lakes in your territory - the Egalian Lake on your northern shores is still a lake, not a sea, so other larger bodies of water near it are not very realistic. Rivers never flow into a body of water at a peninsula, like the two rightmost rivers you have drawn. As part of the Egalian community, we'll guide you forward with more tips.