Infrastructure in Eshein

From OpenGeofiction


Higher education

Universities and Colleges in Eshein
Logo Name (Ing) State/ Region City Type Map link
NoyTyrrine Unyversitad

(New Tyrrin University)

Angelean New Tyrrin Public University [1]
Tekgnikal Unyversitad av Eshein

(Technical University of Eshein)

Angelean New Tyrrin Public University [2]
Kuniglikg Akademie av Kunsten

(Royal Academy of Arts)

Angelean New Tyrrin Public University [3]
Kluckghongeninstityut of Siyensen

(Kluckghongen Institute of sciences)

Angelean New Tyrrin Public University [4]

(Karolin Institute)

Angelean New Tyrrin Public University [5]

(Olkins University)

Keswerg Deersdome Public University [6]
Silte Unyversitad

(Silth University)

Alefain Silth Public University [7]
Fyrrene Unyversitad

(Firen University)

Keswerg Firen Public University [8]

(Yur Univeersity)

Keswerg Mirston Public University [9]

(Bryenter University)

Keswerg Northriver Public University [10]
Thomas Samuel Whalleyunyversitad

(Thomas Samuel Whalley University)

Keswerg Northriver Public University [11]
Johan Whitetekgnikal Unyversitad

(Johan White Technical University)

Atelfain Eym Public University [12]

(Ratenfoyer University)

Atelfain Imperium Public University [13]

(Aülenberg University)

Atelfain Imperium Public University [14]
Bellmontprivat Unyversitad

(Bellmont Privete University)

Angelean New Tyrrin Private University [15]

(Fergenton College)

Angelean New Tyrrin Private College [16]
Karlovinstetyut av Kunsten

(Karlov Instetute of Art)

Keswerg Firen Private College [17]

(Mirston College)

Keswerg Mirston Private College [18]
Waltzhændelen Skul

(Waltz Business School)

Angelean New Tyrrin Private College [19]

(Kellerr College)

Keswerg Kellerr Private College [20]


Hospitals and Clinics in Eshein
Logo Name State/ Region Krayk City District Type Map Link
Unyversitadhospital Atelfain Folkfælden n/a Teaching Hospital [21]
Hafenhospital General Hospital [22]
Veltiaklinik Clinic [23]
St. Ernesthospital Eym n/a General Hospital [24]
Est Hafenhospital General Hospital [25]
Clinic [26]
Estberayk Ævo̊r n/a Clinic [27]
Hospital Eyn: Hilmahospital Angelae n/a New Tyrrin Memorial General Hospital [28]
Hospital Zvyn:Solnahospital vor Frao̊en unt RehabilitatyonFliskerhospital vor KindenGrüdwaldhosital Noy Ingerland

Zvynd Yll

Women Hospital and Rehabilitation Center

Children Hospital General Hospital

Hospital Dren: Fergentonhospital -NTU Noy Ingerland Teaching Hospital [32]
Hospital Fo̊r: St. Enthorphospital St. Enthorp Mental Hospital [33]
Hospital Fönf: Hallströmhospital Værbro̊n Teaching Hospital [34]
Kunigbergströmhospital Kunigbergen General Hospital [35]
Sports Hospital Atelfain Uter Noy Tyrrin Badreysen n/a Sports Hospital [36]
Hornsto̊llhospital (Alt Hospital) Silth n/a General Hospital [37]
Bodenylle Hospital (Noy Hospital) General Hospital [38]
Hilbertklinik Clinic [39]
Olkinsunyversitade Hospital Kæsberg Deersdome n/a Teaching Hospital [40]


Highways and roads

Eshein has a large grid of highways, consists of: 4 major motorways, 8 main trunk roads and primary roads.

Eshen Road Types


  • Superveg (superway)- min. of three lanes in each direction and speed limit of 140 km/h
  • Frayveg (freeway)- two to three lanes in each direction and speed limit of 100-120 km/h
  • Ekspresveg (expressway)- one to two lanes in each direction and speed limit of 80-100 km/h
  • Ülgen (route)- one lane in each direction and speed limit of 50-80 km/h

Residential roads

  • Avenie (avenue)- one to two lanes in each direction and speed limit of 50-70 km/h
  • Stræt (street)- one lane in each direction and speed limit of 50 km/h
  • Veg (way)- one lane in each direction and speed limit of 30-50 km/h
  • Gæt (ally)- one lane to both direction or one in each direction and speed limit of 30 km/h