
From OpenGeofiction
Flag of Nawagan Province of Nawagan
Naawagaam (Gishiime)
Capital: Wadeville
Population: 5,001,950 (2021)
Motto: "We are one"

Constituent province of the 2560px-FP-Deodeca.svg Commonwealth of Deodeca

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Nawagan (also known as The Nawa) (Giishime: "Naawagaam") is a province in the Commonwealth of Deodeca. Nawagan is home to the cities of Fayette, Wadeville, Brightall and more. It's geography varies from flat prairie in the northeast, hilly and relatively untouched southwest, and the scenic view of Lake Amanecer. Fayette serves as the tech/innovation hub of the province, with other cities having a smaller tech hub in their downtown cores.


Nawagan comes from the word Naawagaam in the Gishiime language that means in the middle of the lake referring to how the Gishiime seen themselves inside Nawagan. The Ingerish used the word as an official term for the area, calling it Nawagan instead of Naawagam.




Government and Politics

Government icon (black).svg
Government of Nawagan
Constitutional parliamentary monarchy
Head of state
• KingGeoffrey VII
• GovernorDaniel MacGlover
• Lieutenant-GovernorCatherine McConnahan
LegislatureNawagan Legislative Assembly
JudiciaryHigh Court of Nawagan
Major political parties
  New Labour Party
  Green Party
  Nawagan United Party



Noun project 288.svg
Demographics of Nawagan
DemonymNawaganer, Nawa, Nawaganese (less common)
Official languagesIngerish
Recognized minority languagesLumquah, Giishime, Franquese, Castellanese, Native Archantan languages
