
From OpenGeofiction




Hello, here is NM$l. I am focusing on mapping in Huaxia.

You are welcome to feel free to message me within the site.

「啊哈大人在上,乐子人参上!」 "Ah, sir, come on, come on, Lezi Ginseng!"

(Translation powered by 乐子Lezi)

你还可以在OpenStreetMap上找到一个同名的乐子人 You can also find a person with the same name on OpenStreetMap.

图一直画 - Incessant Mapping

坑一直挖 - Incessant Plans

华夏阿米诺斯语 - Aminoasoeeix in Huaxia (a conlang)



A Cyber ​​nation is a branch of the Aminos in Huaxia. They have derived their own language - Aminoasoeeix (in Aminoasoeeix: ꒘ꂰꆈ꒘ꌕ꒱꒱꒤ꑨ).

A brief description can be found here.



Test / Proposal


Country (admin_level=2) admin_level=*
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Flag of Huaxia.svg Huaxia
You could also refer Huaxia's Administration Introduction.
Du (Capital)〔都〕
Tebie Xingzhengqu (Special administration rigon, SAR)〔特别行政区〕
Sheng (Province)〔省〕
Fu (Municipality)〔府〕
Minzu Zizhiqu (Ethnic autonomous region)〔民族自治区〕
Shi (City)〔市〕
Minzu Zizhizhou (Ethnic autonomous prefecture)〔民族自治州〕
Xian (County)〔县〕
Qu (District)〔区〕
Ting (County-leveled city)〔厅〕
Difang (Region)〔地方〕
Jun (Sub-prefecture)〔郡〕
Minzu Zizhixian (Ethnic autonomous county)〔民族自治县〕
Xinqu (National new-zone)〔国家级新区〕 Zhen (Town)〔镇〕
Xiang (Township)〔乡〕
Jiedao (Sub-district)〔街道〕
Minzu Zizhixiang (Ethnic autonomous township)〔民族自治乡〕
Guanli Weiyuanhui (Committee)〔管理委员会〕
Heiqu (Provincial, prefectural, or regional "new-zone")〔地方黑区〕
Cun (Village) 〔村〕
Shequ (Community) 〔社区〕
Meng (League)〔盟〕 Qi (Banner)〔旗〕 - Sumu (Town)〔苏木〕
Kulüe (Township)〔圐圙〕
- -
Sgar-Khyab (Managing region)〔嘎巧〕(基巧+嘎本) Rdzong (District)〔宗〕
Gzhis-Ka (County)〔谿〕
- Gewog (Town)〔格窝〕 - -
Duhufu (Protectorate)〔都护府〕
Dao (Circuit)〔道〕
Xingsheng (Province)〔行省〕
Yuanxiashi (Municipality)〔院辖市〕
Shi (City)〔市〕 Xian (County)〔县〕
Qu (District)〔区〕
- Zhen (Town)〔镇〕
Xiang (Township)〔乡〕
- Cun (Village) 〔村〕
Li (Community) 〔里〕
- Zhou (State)〔州〕 - - Ji (Market)〔集〕 - Cun (Village) 〔村〕
Fang (Community) 〔坊〕


级别 Admin_level 名称 name:en 定义 数目
省级 大区级 3


Circuit ①大区道 :中央政府之派出单位,管理多个省或路;

Region Dao: Central government's delegated entities that manage multiple Shengs and Lus;

②民族自治道 民族道:民族自治的第一级行政区划,下可分省,下级区划名称可保留民族区域原有的区划名称;

Ethnic Autonomous Dao: The first-level administrative division for ethnic autonomy. It can be divided into provinces, and the names of lower-level divisions can retain the original ethnic regional names;


Special Dao: Blue territories (Qingzhou).



Capital 华夏首都(上京)。

The capital of Huaxia (Shangjing).

3 特别行政区

Tebie Xingzhengqu

-特区 Tequ

Special administration region



First-level administrative divisions with special policy.



Province 一般第一级行政区划。

General first-level administrative divisions.

副省级 4


Path 难以划省的区域组合起来的第一级行政区划,下有数个路作为派出机构,除路驻地市外不再辖地级行政区,直接下辖县或厅。(人话:散装省)

The first-level administrative division formed by combining regions that are difficult to be categorized or divided into provinces. Aside from the Lu's capital and, there are no prefecture administrative divisions at the district level. Directly governs Xians or Tings.

地级 次省级 5


Municipality ①陪都府:华夏陪都(央湖);

Peidu Fu: The secondary capital of Huaxia (Yanghu);


Daotai Fu: Capitals of circuits.



City/Municipality 一般第二级行政区划。

General second-level administrative divisions.

5 民族自治州

Minzu Zizhizhou


{Ethinc name} Zhou

Ethnic autonomous prefecture

-{Ethnic name} Prefecture


Prefecture with regional ethnic autonomy policy.



League 部分地区中实行民族区域自治制度的市。

Prefecture in certain area with regional ethnic autonomy policy.

5 嘎巧


Managing region 部分地区中实行民族区域自治制度的市。

Prefecture in certain area with regional ethnic autonomy policy.

县级 次地级 6


Country-leveled city (相当于现实中华人民共和国的县级市)适用于地级行政区下远离中心城区但发展较好的县。

Well-developed counties that are far away from main urban area of a prefecture-level administration.



County 非地级行政区中心城区的一般第三级行政区划。

The general third-level administrative divisions of the suburban area under prefecture-level administrative divisions.



District 地级行政区的中心城区。

The general third-level administrative divisions of the urban area under prefecture-level administrative divisions.



Banner 部分地区中实行民族区域自治制度的县。

Counties in certain area with regional ethnic autonomy policy.



District 部分地区中实行民族区域自治制度的区。

Districts in certain area with regional ethnic autonomy policy.

6 谿


County 部分地区中实行民族区域自治制度的县。

Counties in certain area with regional ethnic autonomy policy.

6 地方


Region 地域较广但人烟稀少、几乎无城镇的地区,或区域内没有明显县城/城镇的区域。

Large but sparsely populated areas with few towns, or areas with no significant center county/town.



Sub-prefecture 适用于华夏项目成立前由项目外的成员已绘制的地区,且原作者要求保留的。

Areas that have been mapped by other members out of Huaxia before the establishment of the Huaxia, and the original author requires to retain them.

6 民族自治县

Minzu Zizhixian


{Ethnic name} Xian

Ethnic autonomous county

-{Ethnic name} County


Counties with regional ethnic autonomy policy.

副县级 7


Sub-county (相当于现实中华人民共和国的县辖区)县级行政区的派出机构,管理远离县治但发展较好的「卫星镇」,多为合并地市的产物,出现在华夏东部。

Well developed towns that are far away from the Xian capital, which are mainly results of Shi-mergence in Eastern Huaxia.

7 (地方黑区)


New zone
乡级 8


Town 非城区中的发展较好的一般第四级行政区划。

Well-developed general forth-level administrative divisions in suburban area.



Township 非城区中的发展次好的一般第四级行政区划。

Less-well-developed general forth-level administrative divisions in suburban area.

8 街道


Sub-district 城区中的一般第四级行政区划。

General forth-level administrative divisions in urban area.

8 民族自治乡

Minzu Zizhixiang


{Ethnic name} Xiang

Ethnic autonomous township

-{Ethnic name} Township


Townships with regional ethnic autonomy policy.

副乡级 9 管理委员会

Guanli Weiyuanhui

-管委会 Guanweihui

Committee 政府批准的由一些企业或机构管理的行政区域。

Administrative divisions approved by the government and managed by some enterprise or institution.

村级 10


10 社区




  • 斜体小字为通名的简称。
  • 特殊行政区划:离岛(县)管理委员会 离岛管委会、上京管区。
  • 「地方黑区」不计入本表,由地级省级或单位公布。
  • 统计数据划线部分为2024-11-01日版本。


  • The small-sized words in italics is an abbreviation for the name suffix.
  • Special administrative divisions: Oversea Island Administrative Committee OIC, Shangjing Special Administrative Zone SAZ.
  • "Regional Unofficial Zones" are not included in this table. They would be announced by the prefecture-level of province-level government.

抽象 / Abstract

各位OGF的管理员朋友早上/中午/晚上好,不管您所在的国家/地区是否提倡农历新年「中国春节」的概念,我们在此向您问候:「蛇年快乐!」 Good morning/afternoon/evening to all OGF administrators. Regardless of whether your country or region acknowledges the "Chinese Spring Festival," we extend our greetings to you: "Happy Year of the Snake!"
  1. 最近有相当数目的新成员进入华夏,现有的区域无法满足一些成员的需求,
  2. 先前已经绘制的部分内容在位置分布上被指出过于临近现有的华夏疆界而不合理,且移动/修改较为困难、会导致大量垃圾数据产生,
  3. 现有边界在部分地方不便于安排合适的地形。


The motivation for this application stems from the following:
  1. A significant number of new members have recently joined Huaxia, and the existing area can no longer meet the needs of some members.
  2. Previously drawn content has been noted as being too close to the current borders of Huaxia, making its placement unreasonable. Adjustments or relocations are difficult and could result in a large amount of junk data.
  3. The current boundaries in some areas are not conducive to designing appropriate terrain.

To facilitate better development of Huaxia, we hope to expand its territory moderately.



Based on prior consultations through internal messages, our primary direction for expansion is southward. However, to avoid the capital becoming excessively northern, we may also need to extend slightly northward. In the first section of this application, we will introduce the proposed expansion area and provide details by land block number. We are uncertain how much expansion will be approved, so the proposed range represents our most ideal scenario. If administrators find it excessive, we kindly request a partial reduction of land blocks as necessary.

The following sections will outline the expanded borders of Huaxia, its natural geography, human society, and other essential aspects required for this application.

申请范围 / Proposed Expansion Area

  • 鉴于华夏的首都位置,我们希望同时向南和北扩展以使得首都位置较为居中,主要包括:向北的百的南部部分(N1)、西部部分(N3)、AR922的北部小部分(N1a),向南的AR926的东部部分(S1)、AR900的沿海一小块(S2)。
  • 南北方向除上述主要地块外,还有部分较小的地块(N2a、N2b),我们希望设置为特别行政区。
  • 此外,为了使得上京(Shangjing)西面的纵深看起来合理,我们希望继续调整西部边界:包括划入AR922东部的两个小部分(W1、W2);作为交换以及补偿部分上次调整边界时多获得的AR922区域,我们计划划出原本向百扩展N1地块中的W1b部分,其可以作为AR922的部分或考虑另行建国。
  • 考虑到先前交流中用户TGSpace拒绝将良山并入华夏,且该地区以及建立了完整的边境设施,故我们希望良山(Liangshan)地区作为AR926的飞地(S1a)划入华夏。
  • 在S1、S2地块中我们计划划出B1、B2地块作为华夏的内部蓝区,以给新合作者和其他朋友自由开放的绘制空间,此二者计划设为2个道(省级行政区),其与华夏其他地区的边界计划作为省界或大区界,我们将会适当清理、迁走一些蓝区内的内容以腾出空间。
The planned expansion area is illustrated in the diagram below and includes the following:

Given the position of Huaxia's capital, we aim to expand both southward and northward to centralize the capital's location. The primary areas include:

  • Northern expansion: Southern part of Bai (N1), western part of Bai (N3), and a small northern portion of AR922 (N1a).
  • Southern expansion: Eastern part of AR926 (S1) and a small coastal portion of AR900 (S2).
  • In addition to the main land blocks mentioned above, there are smaller sections along the north-south axis (N2a, N2b) that we propose to designate as special administrative regions.
  • Additionally, to make the western depth of Shangjing (Shangjing) more reasonable, we wish to adjust the western boundary further by including two small portions of eastern AR922 (W1, W2). As compensation and in exchange for the additional AR922 territory gained in a previous boundary adjustment, we propose ceding the W1b portion of the original N1 block extending toward Bai. This portion can either be integrated into AR922 or considered for the establishment of a new nation.
  • Considering prior communication, where the user TGSpace declined the integration of Liangshan (良山) into Huaxia and noting the existing complete border facilities in that region, we propose leaving Liangshan area as an exclave of AR926 (S1a) rather than incorporating it into Huaxia.
  • Within the S1 and S2 blocks, we plan to designate B1 and B2 as internal blue territory within Huaxia to provide free and open mapping space for new collaborators and other contributors. These two areas are planned to be established as two separate provinces (provincial-level administrative divisions). The borders between these zones and the rest of Huaxia will be treated as provincial or regional boundaries. We will appropriately clean up and relocate some existing content within these blue teritories to free up space.

不过出于我们希望拥有一些各地、各方向的海岸线和一些可以开展边界合作的邻居(即希望有更多的私有区域邻国)的愿景,我们希望不论怎么样可以有N1a、N2a、N2b这几个小地块(接受以飞地形式出现)。 Due to our vision of having diverse coastlines in various regions and fostering boundary collaboration with neighboring nations (i.e., increasing the number of private neighboring areas), we hope to retain N1a, N2a, and N2b regardless of other adjustments, even if they must exist as exclaves.

自然地理 / Physical Geography

地形 / Terrain

北部 / Northern Expansion Area

  • 图中紫线为大致的国界。
  • 红线为北塔洲(North Archanta)中央山脉(Central Mt. Range)的主分水岭,中央山脉在图中现有的「Misión del Dura Dura」地区会被开一个小口,形成一个关隘〔暂命名「通明关」(Tongmingguan),图中X所在〕,以便东西方向通行,此关隘以北的中央山脉会略微向西南延伸一些,以符合北塔洲北部山体整体呈现西南—东北走向的特点。
  • 浅蓝线为河流,主要有2条:
  1. 一条发源于现图中的「央尖」(Yangjian)地区,向北入海〔暂命名「莘河」(Xin River)〕;
  2. 另一条发源于前述河流流域以南的山区,流向AR923和格林泽兹(Grinzez)的界河并向西入海〔暂命名「弶河」(Qiong River)〕。
  • 深蓝色涂鸦和点为小丘陵或零散的山地。
  • 绿色圈起区域为规模稍大、山峰较高的山区。
The northern terrain draws inspiration from the Bai Empire's previous plans and is relatively simple, as shown in the diagram:
  • The purple lines indicate the approximate national borders.
  • The red line represents the main watershed of the Central Mountain Range in North Archanta. In the existing "Misión del Dura Dura" area, a small pass will be created in the mountain range (tentatively named "Tongming Pass", or "通明关" in Renminyu, marked with an X on the diagram) to facilitate east-west passage. The Central Mountain Range north of the pass will slightly extend southwest to align with the overall southwest-northeast orientation of the northern mountains in North Archanta.
  • The light blue lines represent rivers, primarily two:
    1. One originates in the current "Yangjian (央尖)" area and flows northward into the sea (tentatively named "Xin River", 莘河).
    2. The other originates in the mountainous region south of the first river's basin and flows westward into the sea, serving as the boundary river between AR923 and Grinzez (tentatively named "Qiong River", 弶河).
The Xin River has a relatively small flow in the shrubland area west of the Central Mountain Range (tentatively named "Duiliyuan", 堆离原) but gains volume further north, forming a small delta on the northern coastline. The Qiong River, with a larger flow, supports the appearance of its western estuary.
  • The Dark blue spots indicate scattered hills or isolated mountains.
  • The Green circled areas represent larger, higher mountain ranges.


Climatically, the northwestern coast is planned to be subtropical and humid, while Duiliyuan will differ from Huaxia’s existing humid areas, being drier, possibly resembling grasslands or arid regions (but not deserts).

Additionally, we plan to add small islands along the northwestern coastline near the mountains in accordance with the Rules of the sea of OGF. The details will be drafted or directly drawn on the map after the application is approved.

南部 / Southern Expansion Area

  • 图中紫线为大致的国界。
  • 红线为北塔洲中央山脉的主分水岭。
  • 浅蓝线为河流,有多条,皆从高山或高地留下,水量较大,但考虑道南部沿海地区我们计划多是山地,故除了现AR926东部从B2蓝区发源的河流以外入海口几乎不是三角洲。
  • 深蓝色涂鸦和点为小丘陵或零散的山地,主要分布在绿色的大山区之间充当过渡或分布在平行于海岸的地方。
  • 绿色圈起区域为规模稍大、山峰较高的山区。
  • 黄色圈起区域为高原或高地,海拔相对较高但地势起伏较小,主要有2处:
  1. 一为现有的大部分位于华夏内的一得阁拉米高山草地(米诺草原,Minoa Grassland),草原区海拔在700-800m左右,几乎完全平坦,与西面和北面地势较低的区域通过较为陡峭的山连接(参考巴基斯坦西部);
  2. 一为图中南部贯穿华夏、AR926、AR924的大高地〔暂命名「林州高原」(Linzhou Highland)〕,其上有大面积雨林分布,但在城市附近的地区可能会开出部分土地用于耕作,海拔在500-1000m不等,地形上可能有小褶皱(小山)分布,与东南面地势较低的区域平滑过渡,高地向南至海边的地区亦有大面积雨林,但向东至海边则为主要垦区,没有雨林(即:雨林的分布与地图上现有树林部分差不多大小),此外注意,红线在该区域仅表示大致的分水线。
  • 此外需要特别提出的是,S1区域东部的海岸线在没有和丘陵区接壤的地方将会类似于中国江苏的海岸线,以淤泥质的海岸为主,可能不会有沙滩。
The southern terrain is more complex and includes parts of the surrounding blue teritories, as shown in the diagram:
  • The purple lines indicate the approximate national borders.
  • The red line represents the main watershed of the Central Mountain Range in North Archanta.
  • The light blue lines represent several rivers, all originating from mountains or highlands with significant flow. However, since the southern coastal areas are predominantly mountainous, most river mouths (except for the one in eastern AR926 originating from the B2 blue teritory) will not form deltas.
  • Dark blue spots indicate scattered hills or isolated mountains, primarily distributed as transitions between larger green mountain ranges or along the coast.
  • Green circled areas represent larger, higher mountain ranges.
  • Yellow circled areas denote highlands or plateaus with relatively high altitudes but minimal elevation changes. There are two key highland areas:
  1. The existing Minoa Grassland (米诺草原) (currently mostly within Huaxia), with an elevation of 700–800m. It is almost entirely flat, separated from the lower western and northern regions by steep slopes (similar to western Pakistan).
  2. The Linzhou Highland (林州高原), which spans Huaxia, AR926, and AR924. This area has extensive rainforest coverage, but land near cities may be cleared for agriculture. Its elevation ranges from 500–1000m, with minor folds (small hills) transitioning smoothly to the lower terrain in the southeast. Toward the southern coast, the region features vast rainforests, while to the east, the coastal areas are primarily cultivated, without rainforests. The distribution of rainforests aligns with the current forested regions on the map.
  • And specially about S1 area: The eastern coastline where it does not connect with hills will resemble the mudflat coastline of Jiangsu, China, without sandy beaches.
我们还计划在长海(Changhai)—日出岛(Richu Is.)一带中间的海域添加一些小的岛屿,领海可能会封闭,参考中国渤海 Also, we plan to add small islands in the waters between Changhai (长海) and Richu Island (日出岛). The territorial waters in this region may be enclosed, drawing inspiration from the Bohai Sea in China.

地貌 / Landform

  • 没有涂色的部分(标记为「F」):为平原区,主要将被开垦为农田,但在一些地方也会保护性地植林,是城市、村镇的主要分布区、人口聚集区,这些区域将承担75%以上的华夏人口。
  • 涂为淡绿色的部分(标记为「G」):为草地,主要分布在华夏首都附近的米诺草原和中东部、地形上相对较为封闭的雾草草原,草地多被划入保护区,人口也较少。
  • 涂为草绿色的部分(标记为「M」):为山林,沿着大华岭、北塔洲中央山脉、东部的海岸等地分布,人口主要分布在山区的河谷中。
  • 涂为深绿色的部分(标记为「R」):为雨林,主要在南部和上京西南地区,气候湿润,多是平地,人口稀疏,生态几乎不会受到破坏(并且受到保护),其上会有数个林场县作为人口的集中定居点。
  • 涂为亮黄色的部分(标记为「S」):为荒原、沙地的过度形态的区域,主要是堆离原。
  • 涂为橘黄色的部分(标记为「H」):为高山林,主要分布在北塔洲中央山脉海拔2000m以上的区域。

In the future, the terrain across the Huaxia region will be primarily composed of plains, grasslands, and various types of forests, as depicted in the diagram. Specific areas include:
  • Uncolored areas (marked as "F"): These are plains, predominantly cultivated as farmland but also featuring conservation forests in certain areas. These plains will be the primary locations for cities, towns, and villages, serving as the population hubs and hosting over 75% of Huaxia's population.
  • Light green areas (marked as "G"): These represent grasslands, mainly distributed in the Minoa Grassland near Huaxia's capital and the Wucao Grassland in the mid-eastern region. These grasslands are mostly designated as protected areas and have relatively low population densities.
  • Grass-green areas (marked as "M"): These indicate mountain forests, found along the Dahua Ridge, the Central Mountain Range of North Archanta, and the eastern coastal regions. Populations in these areas are primarily concentrated in the river valleys of the mountains.
  • Dark green areas (marked as "R"): These are rainforests, primarily located in the southern region and the southwestern area near Shangjing. These areas are humid and mostly flat, with sparse populations. The ecological integrity of these rainforests will remain intact as they are under protection. A few forested counties will be designated as population centers.
  • Bright yellow areas (marked as "S"): These represent transitional regions between deserts and sandy terrain, primarily in the Duiliyuan area.
  • Orange areas (marked as "H"): These are high-altitude forests, mainly distributed in regions above 2,000m in the Central Mountain Range of North Archanta.

人文地理 / Human Geography

经济 / Economy

总的来说,扩大后的华夏仍大致遵循我们之前对经济的规划,即华夏的经济发展面临不平衡的问题。沿海和沿繁花江(Fanhua River)一带是经济较为发达的地方,分布有华夏的几个都市圈,人口密集,有较多的新兴产业发展,比较符合当下现实中国的情况;其余地方经济水平一般,仍以农业和工业(尤其是重工业)为主,城市规模均较小(大部分的地级市城区大小仅比现实中国的县的城区稍大),更多参考现实中国在2000年左右的发展水平。 Overall, the expanded Huaxia region continues to follow the previously proposed economic plan, where economic development faces significant regional disparities. The coastal areas and regions along Fanhua River (繁花江) are economically advanced, hosting Huaxia's main metropolitan areas with high population density and thriving new industries. These regions mirror the current situation in modern China. Other regions have generally lower economic levels, focusing primarily on agriculture and industry (especially heavy industry). Cities are small—most prefecture-level city centers are only slightly larger than county-level centers in early-2000s China.
较先前规划〔以大华岭(Greater Hua Ridge)为界,西农业,东工业〕不同的是,考虑到人口总量和对粮食的需求,我们计划扩大垦区的规模,东部也将会有农业和林业等产业;但考虑到气象、地形等原因,它们可能不会成为当地的重要经济来源之一。此外,经济发达地区会更多影响经济一般的地区,这是出于政策的,所以从经济发达的城市圈会有更多的放射性交通网络辐射周边地区,而不是先前的「都市圈内交通发达,但跨区域交通需要提升」。 In contrast to the earlier plan (with agriculture dominant west of the Greater Hua Ridge, 大华岭 and industry to the east), the expanded region includes larger cultivation zones to meet population and food demand. The eastern areas will also feature agricultural and forestry industries, though due to geographic and climatic limitations, these industries may not dominate local economies. More, Advanced economic regions will increasingly influence less developed ones through policy-driven integration. Transport networks radiating from urban centers will ensure better inter-regional connections, replacing the earlier model of focusing solely on intra-metropolitan transportation.

产业 / Industries

  • 除沿海地区以及现状图上标注为「柚国自治区」(Kyawal-kaw Autonomous Region)的地方以外经济较差,以农牧业为主(中央山脉通明关以南的山区还会有林业),不会有太大的城市,不敌华夏现有的地区,但会随着时间有所改善,如华夏中央会尝试在堆离原部分地区开辟工业区(主要为食品加工行业等轻污染或无污染产业)、边疆生产建设兵团(Border Production and Construction Corps, BJBT)会改善农业;
  • 沿海地区,因交通便利有较强的工业基础,会有大城市,但会有些污染,故华夏接手后会要求企业进行搬迁或绿色化改造,不过不会破坏该区域整体工业较强的状态;
  • 柚国自治区,民族自治地区之一,未来将按照新的分省方案设置「柚州民族道」(Yuzu Ethnic Dao),受中央政府扶持,除农林业外因风景秀美,且有旅游和对外通道,会有较为发达的旅游业,并随着运河修建,物流行业会有一定发展,现状图中标注「大城 ံယဟောဧတ္က္ယေဧ」(Myahoetkyee)以东的区域可建设一个整个申请区域与现华夏区域的货运物流中转站。
Northern Expansion Area
  • Non-coastal and mountainous areas (excluding Kyawal-kaw Autonomous Region, 柚国自治区): These regions remain underdeveloped, primarily focusing on agriculture and animal husbandry, with forestry in the mountainous areas south of Tongming Pass in the Central Mountain Range. Large cities will not develop here, but conditions will improve gradually. The government plans to establish industrial zones in parts of Duiliyuan, focusing on low-pollution industries (e.g., food processing), while the Border Production and Construction Corps (BJBT) will work on improving agricultural practices.
  • Coastal areas: These regions benefit from strong industrial bases due to convenient transportation. Large cities will emerge, though industrial pollution remains an issue. The government will enforce industrial relocation or green transformations without undermining the region's industrial strength.
  • Kyawal-kaw Autonomous Region (to be renamed Yuzu Ethnic Dao): As an ethnic autonomous region, it will receive central government support. Besides agriculture and forestry, its scenic landscapes and international transport routes will foster a well-developed tourism and logistics industry. The planned canal connecting Myahoetkyee (大城 ံယဟောဧတ္က္ယေဧ) to Duradura Dam will further boost its logistics capabilities, enabling it to serve as a central hub for cargo transshipment between Huaxia and neighboring regions.
  • 因经济中心在已位于华夏境内的高阳(Gaoyang),所以大部分地区(包括S1地区东海岸线一带)会出现「离高阳越远的地方经济约差」的情况;
  • 因为根据前文对地形的规划,林州高原上的地区因为地形阻隔经济会更差。不过在S1区域南海岸线一带,会因为有良港经济会稍好,但因为远离华夏的核心区域,经济不会像主要的沿海、沿繁花江的经济发达区域那样繁荣。南部的产业仍主要以农业和工业为主,农业上作物、收产情况等参考现实印度尼西亚的农业情况(但农业用地会更加集中),此外还会重视种植经济作物;
  • 工业主要集中在沿海(包括S1区域东海岸线一带),会有一些带污染的重工业企业,林州高地内城市附近略有一些轻工业。
Southern Expansion Area
  • Economically, this region is centered on Gaoyang (高阳), already part of Huaxia. Economic development diminishes the farther one moves from Gaoyang, especially in the Linzhou Highland due to its geographical isolation. Coastal areas in S1 have ports, leading to moderate economic activity. However, these areas remain less prosperous than Huaxia's core coastal regions.
  • Agriculture and industry dominate here. The agricultural model, including crop types and yields, takes inspiration from modern Indonesia but with more concentrated farmland. Plantation crops will also gain emphasis.
  • Industrial activities will focus on coastal areas (including S1's eastern coast) and feature heavy industries with some pollution. Light industries will be scattered near cities in the Linzhou Highland.

交通 / Transportation

公路 我们计划扩展我们的干线高速路网。北部主要计划是(1)将现有的上京(Shangjing)—阳东(Yangdong)高速公路(GJ1 京边高速)从慈阳(Ciyang)以西的东虹(Donghong)附近断开,以北的部分改线,西向北跨过同胞大江(Tongbao River),从通明关穿越中央山脉到达柚国自治区东界附近,再向北沿堆离原中部穿越之,抵达符图(Futu)并向北延伸至海岸,作为西百地区(West Bai Region)的南北干线,并辅以东西向的支线高速;(2)向北沿伸现有的上京—三江(Sanjiang)高速公路(GJ2 京三高速),过河接入现有的百国的高速至边界,作为百南部中央山脉以东的南北干线,并辅以东西向的支线高速。南部主要计划是(3)南延央湖(Yanghu)—石布石(Shybshi)高速公路(GY7 东南沿海高速)经茂桑(Maosang)、梓湘(Zixiang)、文屋(Wenwu)到达自由港(Ziyougang),作为南部的南北干线,辅以连接雀林(Quelin)、又生(Yoso)的支线;(4)从裁雨山(Caiyushan)至自由港沿海设置一条干线高速公路;(5)自林州高原东部的烟狼台(Langyantai)向东经石不石、灵水(Lingshui)、文礼(Wenli)至月湖(Yuehu)设置一条东西向干线高速公路。 Highways For Northern Expansion Area, we want to (1) extend the Shangjing (上京)-Yangdong (阳东) Expressway (GJ1 Jingbian Expressway, 京边高速) from Ciyang (慈阳) westward, realigning it northward from 东虹 (Donghong), crossing Tongbao River (同胞大江), passing through Tongming Pass, and reaching the eastern border of the Kyawal-kaw Autonomous Region. It will then run northward through central Duiliyuan, terminating at Futu (符图) and extending to the northern coast; (2) and extend the Shangjing-Sanjiang (三江) Expressway (GJ2 Jingsan Expressway, 京三高速) northward, connecting with existing highways in Bai, to the northern boarder to serve as a major north-south corridor east of the Central Mountain Range in Bai Nation's southern regions. For Southern Expansion Area, we want to (3) extend the Yanghu (央湖)-Shybshi (石布石) Expressway (GY7 Southeast Coastal Expressway, 东南沿海高速) southward through Maosang (茂桑), Zixiang (梓湘), and Wenwu (文屋) to Ziyougang (自由港); (4) add a coastal expressway from Caiyushan (裁雨山) to Ziyougang; (5) and construct an east-west expressway from the eastern Linzhou Highland at Langyantai (烟狼台) through Shybshi, Lingshui (灵水), Wenli (文礼), and Yuehu (月湖).
铁路 北部主要会有2条主要普通铁路南北向贯穿此地区并连接华夏现在的地方,在海岸和通明关附近还会设置东西向的联络线,联络线亦会延伸接入百国剩余地区和格林泽兹(如果对方同意);还会从慈阳出发、基本沿着前述高速公路的走向修建一条高速铁路。南部铁路成网,主要干线走向与高速公路走向相近。 Railways For Northern Expansion Area, two main north-south railways will traverse this area, with east-west connections near the coast and Tongming Pass, extending into Bai Nation and Greenzeth (pending agreement). A high-speed rail line from Ciyang, roughly following the expressway route, will also be constructed. For Southern Expansion Area, a dense railway network will follow highway alignments, with main lines connecting economic hubs.
航空 北部主要会在符图修建一座较大国际机场、柚国自治区修建一座小型国际机场(旅游用),其余的地方会酌情修建小型的国内机场;南部主要在各省会、道治、特别行政区设置国际机场,其中会有一座特别大型国际机场,预计在S1地块南部海岸线上的某个省会。 Airports For Northern Expansion Area, a major international airport will be built in Futu, with a smaller international airport for tourism in the Kyawal-kaw Autonomous Region. Other areas will feature small domestic airports. For Southern Expansion Area, each provincial capital, Dao administrative center, and special administrative zone will have international airports, including one particularly large airport on the southern coast of S1.
水运 北部我们计划在西北海岸按照地形修建一个大型港口和一个中小型港口,作为我们向西北方向进行商品交流的渠道,其中前者的规模会与现落花港类似;此外,我们还计划将弶河中上游的部分航道升级,并新建一段运河(大致开始于现现地图上标注为「大城 ံယဟောဧတ္က္ယေဧ」,至现地图上标注为「Duradura Dam」的湖),我们还计划在Duradura Dam的最南端修建一座大坝,附建船闸,整体规模参考德崇富南运河,以便向西连接向西出海的跨国河流(Duradura Dam以西的河流明显可以通航),发展柚国自治区和其他堆离原南部的省份。南部虽然河流较多,但因其他交通方式较为发达,内河运输和内陆港口较少,主要是沿海有港口。 Water Transport For Northern Expansion Area, a large port and a medium-sized port will be constructed on the northwestern coast for trade. The Jiang River's middle and upper reaches will be upgraded for navigation, complemented by a new canal connecting Myahoetkyee and Duradura Dam, which will include a dam and ship lock at its southern end for transnational river access, whose size can be refer to Funan Techo Canal. For Southern Expansion Area, despite abundant rivers, inland waterways will play a minor role due to the prevalence of other transport modes. Coastal ports will handle most maritime logistics.
经济有关的未提及的其他方面如教育、体育等,遵从现有华夏的一般性计划,参见我们的合作页面。 Other aspects related to the economy, such as education and sports, will follow Huaxia's general development plans. Further details can be found on our collaboration page.

人口 / Population

我们先前计划的华夏有5亿人口,但华夏只有1.8倍现实中国四川省的大小(四川省人口密度在中国较高,人口截至2020年末中国第七次全国人口普查为83674866人[1]),无法承载5亿人口,但扩区后的大小承载5亿人则较为合理,故总人口指标不变。扩区前的区域作为核心区计划承载2.3亿人口,南部扩区计划承载1.6亿人口,北部扩区计划承载1.1亿人口,主要分布在前文提到的平原区。 Previously, we planned for Huaxia to have a population of 500 million. However, as Huaxia was only 1.8 times the size of present-day Sichuan Province in China (which has a relatively high population density, with a population of 83,674,866 according to China's 2020 Seventh National Census[1]), it could not accommodate 500 million people. With the expansion of territory, the total area can now support a population of this scale. Thus, the total population target remains unchanged. The pre-expansion core area is planned to accommodate 230 million people, the southern expansion area 160 million people, and the northern expansion area 110 million people, primarily distributed in the previously mentioned plains regions.
虽然扩区后华夏总的人口密度仍较现实四川省大,但鉴于华夏的城、镇因规模较现实中国更小而分布比现实中国更密集(先前规划「华夏各行政区均是现实中国行政区缩水版」所致),该密度较为合理。人口将会影响城镇大小,结合后文将会提到的「合县并市」计划,我们会适当放宽城市建成区大小的限制。 Although the total population density of Huaxia after expansion will still exceed that of present-day Sichuan Province, it is reasonable considering that cities and towns in Huaxia are smaller but more densely distributed than in present-day China (due to the earlier plan that “all administrative regions in Huaxia are scaled-down versions of their real-world Chinese counterparts”). This higher density aligns with the unique administrative and urban planning structure of Huaxia. Additionally, population considerations will influence the size of urban areas, and in line with the proposed “county-merging and city-consolidation” plan, we will appropriately relax restrictions on the size of built-up urban areas.

行政区划 / Administrative Divisions

  • 一是新置道、路、府等区划,调整部分不便于划界的地方并重划省(路)界;
  • 二是整合部分县市,称作「合县并市」。我们计划在最终扩界完成、勘定县市界后hx的市在400个左右,县(厅)在3800-4300个左右,省在35个左右,我们在内部已经基本确定修改和合县并市的原则草案和部分省、市、县的划界方案,限于篇幅原因,此处不便放出,敬请谅解。
Due to the previous size limitations of Huaxia, counties (ting), cities, and other administrative divisions were generally small[2]. After the expansion, if the existing sizes of counties and cities are maintained, it may result in an excessive number of administrative divisions. To address this, adjustments to the current administrative structure are planned:
  • New Levels of Divisions: We propose the establishment of new levels of divisions, such as dao, lu, and fu, and adjustments to certain provincial (lu) boundaries in areas where delineation is challenging.
  • County-Merging and City-Consolidation: We plan to merge some counties and cities, aiming for a total of around 400 cities and 3,800–4,300 counties (ting) across Huaxia. The number of provinces (lu) is expected to reach around 35.

We have internally developed draft principles and preliminary plans for county-merging and city-consolidation, along with some delineations of provinces, cities, and counties. However, due to space limitations, the details cannot be included here. We appreciate your understanding.

历史文化 / History and Culture

历史 / History

历史方面,南部将被设定为古代是华夏的江诸(Jiangzhu)王朝(历代繁花江一带政权,即现实的中原王朝)之势力范围,有数个朝贡国,其中部分被江诸王朝兼并,现在的版图(指区域扩展后的疆域)最早在公元150-180年华夏大一统时形成,后又分分合合,并在约600年前再次统一,此后江诸对南部的统治不断加强,版图趋于稳定。 In terms of history, the Southern Expansion Area will be set as historically under the influence of the Jiangzhu Dynasty (江诸, referring to successive regimes along the Hua River, equivalent to the Central Plains dynasties in the real world). This region once contained several tributary states, some of which were annexed by the Jiangzhu Dynasty. The current territory (referring to the expanded area) first formed during Huaxia’s unification in AD 150–180, experiencing cycles of division and reunification. It was unified again approximately 600 years ago, after which Jiangzhu strengthened its governance over the southern region, leading to stabilized borders.
关于北部,我们在2024年10月闲暇时,根据百帝国在维基页面遗留的一些信息和我们的一些想法,初步讨论出了一个解决二国历史存在问题的方案,详见华夏的维基页面,但当时鉴于Zhenkang的退出,我们无法征求他的意见。在此基础上,我们做出以下延伸:百帝国因为战后帝国的政治制度和其他问题,逐渐衰落,内部有起义、民心不安,起义军借着堆离原地区少数民族较多,联合了他们,并控制相当多的领土(即我们希望扩展的部分)并与政府谈判,最终达成了和解,起义军控制的领土独立,原东部的政府被改组;独立出的地方因为自然条件较差,也未能取得很好的发展,且南方(即华夏)经历经济挫折后逐渐强盛,最终经过此地区各族人民公投,此地区于数年后加入华夏。 For Northern Expansion Area, in October 2024, during leisure discussions, we drafted a preliminary plan to address historical inconsistencies between the Bai Empire (百帝国) and Huaxia, based on leftover information from the Bai Empire's wiki page and some of our ideas. (See the Huaxia Wiki page for details.) At that time, due to Zhenkang’s withdrawal, we were unable to consult his opinion. Building on that discussion, we extend the narrative as follows:

The Bai Empire, due to political and systemic issues following a postwar decline, gradually weakened. Uprisings and civil unrest emerged, with rebels aligning with local minority groups in the Duili region (堆离, an area with many minority populations), ultimately seizing significant territories (the areas we aim to include in the expansion). Negotiations ensued between the rebels and the government, leading to a settlement that granted independence to rebel-controlled lands. The government in the original eastern territory underwent restructuring. However, the newly independent region, hindered by poor natural conditions, failed to achieve substantial development. Meanwhile, the southern region (Huaxia) grew stronger after overcoming economic setbacks. Eventually, through referendums involving the local populations of various ethnic groups, the region voted to join Huaxia within a few years.

文化 / Culture

文化方面大致遵从我们现有的计划,南部原先与华夏主要的地区间隔了大面积的雨林,分布了数个民族,在华夏形成现在的疆土后,其上的人被华夏主体民族兴族部分同化,吸纳了一些兴族习俗,但也保留自己的传统,此区域的原本的文化不同于目前设定的「以中国北方为主」的文化,会偏中国南方,会参考如湘鄂、闽南、粤广一带的文化,这一带人口主要为汉族但与中国北方文化有一定差异。也可能会融合一些中国西南地区的文化(中国西南有多个少数民族,民族文化亦非常丰富,结合部分西南地区的民族文化可以使得该区域文化更多样以符合设定上此区域多民族的特点,但西南地区的文化会主要应用在北方,详见下文)。 In terms of culture, the Southern Expansion Area mostly follows the existing plan. Originally, a vast rainforested area separated the southern region from the central regions of the Xia Empire. It was home to several different ethnic groups. After the current borders of the Xia Empire were established, the dominant ethnic group in the empire, the Xing (兴) people, assimilated parts of the local populations. They absorbed some customs of the local people, but the region retained its own traditions. The culture of this region is distinct from the "northern China" culture of the present-day Xia Empire. It is closer to the culture of southern China, referencing areas like Xiang-E (湘鄂), Min-Nan (闽南), and Yue-Guang (粤广). The population is primarily Han, but there are noticeable cultural differences from the northern Han culture. There may also be a blend of Southwestern Chinese ethnic cultures, as Southwestern China is home to many ethnic minorities with rich cultural traditions. This combination of influences reflects the area's diverse ethnic composition. The Southwestern cultural traits would primarily be applied to the northern regions, as explained below.


In the Northern Expansion Area, the western part of the expanded area beyond the central mountain range and some of the areas extending westward are geographically isolated by large mountain ranges. Therefore, these areas have a distinct cultural identity from the Jiangzhu region. The plan is to draw inspiration from Southwestern Chinese culture, which could be reflected in the design of villages, terraced fields, and place names with a Southwestern flavor. Additionally, based on the AR923 language, we believe it is suitable to use some of the minority languages from Southwestern China in the northern region (some Southwestern languages are similar to Thai and Burmese). We plan to incorporate this by using word combinations for place names.

As for the southeastern part of the northern region (the southeastern part of the Bai Empire), due to its geographical proximity, its culture aligns with the current Xia culture. However, considering that this area was once under the control of the Bai Empire (prior to the early 14th century, as detailed on our Wikipedia page), the culture here has been more influenced by the West (colonial influences). We envision the culture of this area being similar to that of Singapore[3]. This may be reflected in the style of older districts in cities, where private residences might be present, but in newly constructed districts, particularly those built in the past 20-30 years, the style will remain modern, in line with current Chinese trends.


  1. 1.0 1.1 国家统计局, 国务院第七次全国人口普查领导小组办公室. 第七次全国人口普查公报. 2021.
  2. 2.0 2.1 现实中国的地级市的辖区面积的中位数约为12000平方千米,而目前华夏的约为3000平方千米。 In reality, the median area of prefecture-level cities in China is about 12,000 square kilometers, compared to about 3,000 square kilometers in Huaxia.
  3. 3.0 3.1 打个不严肃、非常局限的比方,如果你玩《崩坏:星穹铁道》这款游戏,那么这两个文化的区别将会是其中仙舟罗浮和仙舟朱明之间的文化差别。A lighthearted and limited analogy: if you have played the game Honkai: Star Rail, the cultural difference between these two areas can be likened to that between Xianzhou Luofu and Xianzhou Zhumin.