Forum:Territory application/AR919 - Territorial tiny adjustments - Part: Chengan Province boundary

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ForumsTerritory application → Territory application/AR919 - Territorial tiny adjustments - Part: Chengan Province boundary
Noun Project Signature icon 619326 cc.svgTerritory ID and proposed name
The Territory ID (from OpenGeofiction:Territories, e.g. AR123a) and proposed name of the country





Here, we would like to adjust the boundary adapted to the latest topography plan in Huaxia's west part after the topograph design and drawing. Also, we would like to make some plans for the future development of Cheng'an Province's boundary part.

We will try to fill it out as thoroughly as establishing a country, since there are no templates for boundary adjustments on the Forum, but only templates for founding a country.

It is important to note that future boundary adjustments may not always achieve balance. We guarantee that the total amount of area for sum of series of proposal will not change significantly in the end; however, given that each adjustment might lead to significant changes, all future adjustments to the boundaries of the provinces may require such an application.



We intend to establish a county (Hekou County) on the territory claimed in this new application, which will cover most of the area of this application (and include some of the surrounding areas within the national border).

The following content mainly revolves around the description of Hekou County.

Noun Project Map icon 1463108.svgPhysical geography
An overview of climate, topography and landscape of the country. It is advised to also create a sketch, you can add a link to this (hosted on imgur or similar)

大体的地形已经通过wood等要素绘制在了OGF上:OGFmapicon.png 诚安省鎏营山—曼南山—鸣冠山附近的大致地形


The general terrain has been mapped on the OGF with features such as woods: OGFmapicon.png The general topography of Liuying-Mannan-Mingguan Shan (Mt.), Cheng'an Province.

But the shape of the river still needs to be adjusted, and it will eventually tend to follow the mountain ranges and the midline of the river as the national border. The drawing of the river will be adjusted again after the completion of the mountain ranges.



Generously, they are all mountainous areas. The nearest county town actually imitates the geography in reality, serving as the confluence of tributaries for the transboundary river that flows through AR922 and AR919.

This is similar to how the Yangtze River in China actually forms at Yibin, Sichuan Province, through the confluence of the Jinsha River and the Min River.

地理位置 河口县位于诚安省西南部边境地带,距离省首府鹿津240公里。地理坐标东经146°14'15",北纬12°11'57"。全县海拔高度419.6-4320.3米(华海高程),县城中心鼓楼海拔为478.5米。全县呈西北—东南走向的倾斜的条形,南北跨度114公里,东西跨度101公里,西面和南面邻AR922,东临曼南县和下山水县,总面积待测量。

Geographical Location Hekou County is located in the southwestern border area of Cheng'an province, where is 240 kilometers from the provincial capital Lujin. The geographical coordinates are 146°14'15" east longitude and 12°11'57" north latitude". It adjacent to AR922 to the west and south, and Mannan County and Xiashan Water County to the east. The altitude of the county is 419.6-4320.3 meters (Huahai elevation), and the elevation of the Drum Tower in the center of the county is 478.5 meters. The county is in the shape of a northwest-southeast inclined strip, with a north-south span of 114 kilometers and an east-west span of 101 kilometers. The total area to be measured.

地形地貌 河口县整体上北高南低,制高点为国界界山磙独子峰,县中部有鎏营山余脉仨母山将北部旮旯沟和南部数条山沟隔开。辖区山高谷深,河谷多为南北走向,沟谷与山顶的高差主要在600-1200米,谷底沿河有宽窄不一的河谷平地,山腰植被覆盖,高海拔地区山顶则多为灌木、裸岩。

Topography Hekou County as a whole is high in the north and low in the south with the highest peak the national boundary mountain Gunduzi Shan (Mt.). There is a remnant of Liuying Shan (Mt.), Sarmu Shan (Mt.), in the middle of the county to separate the northern ravine Galagou and several ravines in the south. The mountains and valleys in the jurisdiction are deep. The river valleys are mostly north-south direction, and the height difference between the valley and the top of the mountain is mainly 600-1200 meters. On the valley bottom are the valley flat with different width and narrowness along the river, while the mountainside is covered by vegetation, and on the top of the mountains in the high-altitude area is mostly shrubs and bare rocks.

主要河流 旮旯沟在县北部,呈西北—东南方向,旮旯沟河在拐弯垭口向东流出县界,并在吐固市汇入蜉河;蜉河向南在结石沟流入县境,向南汇入县城旁的诚安江红旗峪水库;诚安江和出夸河(Thoraqua)分别由县东南的花火湾和西南的界碑村流入县境,并汇入红旗峪水库;诚安江从水库南部在大降峡向南流出国界,进入AR922。

Major Rivers The Galagou is in the north of the county, in a northwest-southeast direction. Galagou River flows eastward out of the county boundary at the Guaiwan Pass and joins the Fu River in Tugu City. The Fu River flows south into the county border at the Jieshigou and into the Hongqiyu Reservoir next to the county seat in the south of the county. Cheng'an River and Thoraqua River flow into the county from Huahuowan in the southeast of the county and Jiebei Village in the southwest respectively. They both flow into the Hongqiyu Reservoir, and the Cheng'an River flows out of the river, go south, and go out of the national border and enters AR922 at Dajiang Gorge.

Invest - The Noun Project.svgHuman geography
A brief description of the territory demographics, economic development, land occupation, infrastructure and mapping style


Hekou County has a population of about 30,000 to 50,000 (modeled after some counties in China's mountainous frontiers), and its county seat is built around the Hongqiyu Reservoir in the southeast corner of the new boundary mountain.

产业 河口县主要产业为农林业。在河谷接近谷底地形平缓的区域由农田,种植粮食作物;谷底稍微向上至半山腰的部分部分种植经济作物,特产为河口甘蔗,可能也会夹带一些梯田;半山腰以上是林区;高海拔地区为无人区。河口县县城所环绕的红旗峪水库往南有一处大坝,可以发电,平日可供县内使用,发电高峰时期可以向上京等地区输送电力。

Industry The main industries in Hekou County are agriculture and forestry. In the area of the valley near the valley floor, the terrain is gentle, from farmland, to grow food crops, the valley floor slightly up to the halfway up part of the mountainside part of the cultivation of cash crops, the specialty of which is estuary sugarcane, possibly with some terraces, above the halfway up the mountain is forested area, and the high altitude area is no man's land. There is a dam to the south of the Hongqiyu Reservoir, which is surrounded by the county seat of Hekou County, which can generate electricity, which can be used in the prefecture on weekdays, and can transmit electricity to Shangjing and other areas during peak power generation periods.

交通 河口县主要道路有国道一条,从花火湾进入县境,沿诚安江向南连接县城,随后向西沿出夸河终到国界;省道一条,由县城向西北沿蜉河到吐固市;有沿着主要河流和河沟的县乡道。公路多数沥青铺装。另有在建省级高速一条,连接曼南和河口。全境主要跨河桥梁六座、长隧道一条,隧道位于旮旯沟公路,南北横穿仨母山。


Transport The main Highways in Hekou County include 1 national highway, which enters the county border from Huahuo Bay, connects the county seat to the south along the Cheng'an River, and then goes west along the Thoraqua River to the national border; 1 provincial highways, which run from the county seat to the northwest along the Fu River to Tugu City; and several county and township highways along the main rivers and ravines. Most of the roads are paved with asphalt. There is also a provincial highway under construction, connecting Mannan and the county. There are 6 main cross-river bridges and 1 long tunnel in the whole territory; the tunnel is located in the Galagou Highway, which crosses the Sarmu Shan (Mt.) from north to south.

There are no railways or airports in the county yet.

Noun Project languages icon 105908 cc.svgHistory & culture
A brief description of the intended culture and language


There are hardly any residents, not to mention too much history and culture temporarily.

区划沿革 河口县因地处深山,古时几乎无人居住。原朝起逐渐有犯人流放至此,形成了最早的村落;鸣朝开原五年,设靖边厅,辖七村;1781年撤厅,设河口集,归南曼州;1928年,华夏正式与AR922划定边界(本次申请),调整界线时将两村划出;1991年,华夏开始边疆振兴计划,河口撤集设县,辖五镇,县驻地红旗峪镇。

Zoning History Hekou County was almost uninhabited in ancient times due to its location in the mountains. Since the beginning of the 原 dynasty, prisoners have been exiled here, forming the earliest villages. In the 开原 fifth year of the 鸣 Dynasty, the Jingbian Hall was set up, with jurisdiction over seven villages. In 1781, the Hall was withdrawn and was relpaced by Hekou Ji, which was under Nanman Prefecture. In 1928, Huaxia officially demarcated the boundary with AR922 (in this application), and the two villages were demarcated while adjusting the boundary. In 1991, Huaxia began the Frontier Revitalization Plan, and the Ji was withdrawn and set up as a county, with five towns under its jurisdiction, and the county administration center was located in Hongqiyu Town.

文化 河口县因古时易发山洪,居民产生了祭祀河神的习俗,每年雨季前会向河流中投掷大米、肉等食物以祈求平安;水库和电站修建后,山洪灾害显著减少,但习俗仍得到保留,现每年八月初八会在县城抗洪广场上举办敬河典仪。


Culture Hekou County is prone to flash floods in ancient times, and the residents have developed the custom of worshiping the river god. People throwed rice, meat and other food into the river before the rainy season every year to pray for safety. After the construction of the reservoir and power station, the flash flood disaster has been significantly reduced, but the custom is still preserved Now the river worship ceremony is held on the county town flood control square on August 8th (Huaxia Canerder) every year.

Most of the other culture in Hekou County is the same as that of other parts of China, but due to the isolation of the earliest exiles, some old customs such as sleeping on the floor and not using utensils to eat have been retained in Hekou County. In recent years, Huaxia has actively promoted the abandonment of bad habits and brought the way of life from other places into the county, and the problem has been significantly improved.

Noun Project drawing icon 2123401.svgPast mapping
To support your request provide links to areas of OGF mapping which showcase your mapping skill. Mapping relevant to the requested theme & geography is especially useful
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Noun Project Signature icon 619326 cc.svgUsername & date
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  • 快乐的老鼠宝宝
  • NM$l —— NM$l (talk) 04:06, 12 April 2024 (UTC)
Noun project 579150 Conversation.svgDiscussion
Discussion for clarification & decision
Feather-core-check-square.svg Territory application approved
Approved /wangi (talk) 08:29, 12 April 2024 (UTC)