Infrastructure in Eshein

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Higher education

Universities and Colleges in Eshein
Logo Name (Ing) State/ Region City Type Map link
NoyTyrrine Unyversitad

(New Tyrrin University)

Angelean New Tyrrin Public University
Tekgnikal Unyversitad av Eshein

(Technical University of Eshein)

Angelean New Tyrrin Public University
Kuniglikg Akademie av Kunsten

(Royal Academy of Arts)

Angelean New Tyrrin Public University
Kluckghongeninstityut of Siyensen

(Kluckghongen Institute of sciences)

Angelean New Tyrrin Public University

(Karolin Institute)

Angelean New Tyrrin Public University

(Olkins University)

Keswerg Deersdome Public University
Silte Unyversitad

(Silth University)

Alefain Silth Public University
Fyrrene Unyversitad

(Firen University)

Keswerg Firen Public University

(Yur Univeersity)

Keswerg Mirston Public University

(Bryenter University)

Keswerg Northriver Public University
Thomas Samuel Whalleyunyversitad

(Thomas Samuel Whalley University)

Keswerg Northriver Public University
Johan Whitetekgnikal Unyversitad

(Johan White Technical University)

Atelfain Eym Public University

(Ratenfoyer University)

Atelfain Imperium Public University

(Aülenberg University)

Atelfain Imperium Public University
Bellmontprivat Unyversitad

(Bellmont Privete University)

Angelean New Tyrrin Private University

(Fergenton College)

Angelean New Tyrrin Private College
Karlovinstetyut av Kunsten

(Karlov Instetute of Art)

Keswerg Firen Private College

(Mirston College)

Keswerg Mirston Private College
Waltzhændelen Skul

(Waltz Business School)

Angelean New Tyrrin Private College

(Kellerr College)

Keswerg Kellerr Private College


Highways and roads

Eshein has a large grid of highways, consists of: 4 major motorways, 8 main trunk roads and primary roads.

Eshen Road Types


  • Superveg (superway)- min. of three lanes in each direction and speed limit of 140 km/h
  • Frayveg (freeway)- two to three lanes in each direction and speed limit of 100-120 km/h
  • Ekspresveg (expressway)- one to two lanes in each direction and speed limit of 80-100 km/h
  • Ülgen (route)- one lane in each direction and speed limit of 50-80 km/h

Residential roads

  • Avenie (avenue)- one to two lanes in each direction and speed limit of 50-70 km/h
  • Stræt (street)- one lane in each direction and speed limit of 50 km/h
  • Veg (way)- one lane in each direction and speed limit of 30-50 km/h
  • Gæt (ally)- one lane to both direction or one in each direction and speed limit of 30 km/h