Forum:Territory application/AR001b - Tay'yanar
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![]() | Territory ID and proposed name |
The Territory ID (from OpenGeofiction:Territories, e.g. AR123a) and proposed name of the country |
AR001b - Tay'yanar
![]() | Physical geography |
An overview of climate, topography and landscape of the country. It is advised to also create a sketch, you can add a link to this (hosted on imgur or similar) |
Being a tropical wet climate in between two major oceanic gyres (USDA Zone 12a to 13b, Koppen Climate Af to Am), this island experiences plenty a rainfall within the early second quarter to the late fourth quarter of the climate year. Its' oceans in the northern coastline will see warm waters all year while the coastline to the south, ruled by the southern oceanic cycle, would have noticably cooler waters for most of the year, giving rise to a diverse coastline weather pattern.
The island also experiences frequent Category 1 to 3 Hurricanes every storm cycle with mountain ranges not significant enough to deal strong weakening effects to storms that make landfall, making up for a challenging place to live in for weather disasters.
Tay'yanar (Tai'iH-nAR*) is an island formed by the continental microplate it sits on top off, in moderate collision with the archapelagic plate to the north, forming the Sierra Encanta Mountain Range (2195 meter peak) and the Satban Mountain Range (2640 meter peak), with a Stratovolcano formed through normal tectonic activity.
Numerous fault lines line the whole island from north to south, from the main faults that makes up the mountain ranges to the secondary and bounce faults laterally on both sides of the main fault lines. As the tectonic collision speeds are moderately slow, earthquakes are infrequent, but historically, strong earthquakes have happened in the island.
The lone stratovolcano, Muntein Kaan ("Mount Kaan") is a current active volcano which experiences frequent VEI1 phreatic erruptions every year to two which has stabilized the extreme volcanic activity to a minimum. Historically, this volcano has created VEI5 erruptions.
Case study (tectonic activity)
![]() | Human geography |
A brief description of the territory demographics, economic development, land occupation, infrastructure and mapping style |
Boasting a population of 6.85 million, this island of medium density habitation has a state driven investment economy with an HDI of 0.627.
More than 50% of the population lives in rural and small municipal areas, while there are four main urban centers, 425k, 217k, 162k and 147k people respectively.
The nation's capital Lankanikta, has a population of 425,000, surrounded by satellite towns. The port city is home to multiple but small localized industrial bases which produces its goods for both export and local use.
The island's majority export is agricultural and textile production, with a sub industry in copper, cobalt, and tungsten mining. While its secondary exports are concrete products and coal. It has little to no local oil production and has to import fuel from other nations, while its strongest export is timber and fruit products. Well known in the local area for its exceptionally sweet native Kayabas'ani (Tomato).
Using a 260kV main, 57kV-12kV-5.6kV to 440v and 220v@60hZ distribution, the country's power mix is fueled by coal and natural gas while renewable energy sits at roughly 9% of the mix.
The island country is connected by a single double-tracked long haul commuter rail line (1,435 mm standard gauge) and a tolled motorway developed by a private corporation, there are no cargo rails. The majority of the population is on the southern side of the Sierra Encanta Mountain Range while the northern towns are only connected by a single national highway which runs through the whole island's circumference.
The city capital has 1 circumferencial metro line and 2 city-wide tramways.
The country's civil planners are well coordinated with local communities although the national government has final say on whether a specific project is preferred.
The nation has cultural influences from Lutang to Suvuma and Gobrassnya, the urban planning follows development patterns seen in these regions, with stronger Suvuma and Gobrassnya-influenced urban development in the north to Lutang and Kapasigan's in the south.
Following national standards, each formal municipality of more than 30,000 people will have its own park, basic government facilities, a regional court and a local court, a public elementary and high school and a memorial dedicated to designated national heroes in the central park or plaza.
The population's equal split of the local Maw'ynavat religion and Orthrodox Christic religion warrants that a central shrine to the deities and a Church or Chapel for the Orthrodoxy must be constructed in major urban centers and towns.
Island Network
Rivers and Mountains
Major Urban Areas
![]() | History & culture |
A brief description of the intended culture and language |
The island is inhabited by multiple ethnicities of peoples. The majority (68%) is the Nywa'nai, whose ancestors have originally migrated into the island 30,000 years ago from Majesia, Lutang and Kapasigan. While secondary migration happened during the mid thousands with the ancestral tribes of present day Barohu and Yuethon and tertiary migration from AR902
Between the middle ages, there have been traders and travelers settling from Suvuma and Gobrasnsya, ending up in the modern day diaspora of people.
The original religion of the island has been Maw'ynavat, a polytheistic religion with not the concept of a "god" but that of deities protecting the countless states of being of the universe. Each person is sworn in after their coming of age, to follow a specific deity. Most commonly that of Ran'wazi and Teryeivi, Guardian of the North Wind and of Farming. A deity can have an associate of formal monks to finalize and put into writing the teachings of the elders of tribes, while other deities have an unorganized following with a simple shrine dedicated to it.
By the middle ages through the late pre-modern age, the traders and settlers from Suvuma and Gobrassnya slowly introduced the Ingerish language and the concept of Christic Orthrodoxy into the island, ending up with a modern day 55/42 split of Maw'ynavat and Tay'yanar Orthrodoxy, the rest being other or atheistic.
The official language of Tay'yanar is Tay'yanariv (Standardized Tay'yanar Ingerish) and Tay-A'veka (Native Central Nywa'nai).
Tay'yanar comes from the Central Nywa'nai word "Ty'vanar" meaning "Land of riches/of the forestry"
Tay'yanariv is the standardized version of the Indigeneous Central Nywa'nai language, which evolved from the ethnolinguistic groups from Lutang and Kapasigan with major secondary influences from Majesia and Barohu.
The standardized languaged consists of 50% Ingerish, 20% Lutang, 18% Kapasigan and 12% Suvuma vocabulary. Although not exactly Ingerish, speakers of Tay'yanariv can understand Ingerish speakers while Ingerish natives can only understand 30% of a conversation between Tay'yanari.
Although modern day Central Nywa'nai does not have mutual intelligibility between the inhabitants of Lutang and Kapasigan, the coastal Eastern Nywa'nai languages have a 30-40% mutual intelligibility between the people of west Kapasigan.
Case study (migratory paths)
![]() | Past mapping |
To support your request provide links to areas of OGF mapping which showcase your mapping skill. Mapping relevant to the requested theme & geography is especially useful | |
The {{coord}} template can optionally be used to link to the OGF map - it results in a nice formatted link. Or you can paste in a URL. |
The entirety geometry of Sinagtala except the provincial highway (formerly Beachville Valley Road)
The entirety of the municipality of Ibaan.
The entirety of Rosario.
The roads leading to and from the three municipalities to Sinagtala.
The road alignment for South Island Link Expressway and Bigaan Trumpet Interchange.
All the river alignments draining to the 3 main basins, from the west of the mountain ridge.
All of the mountain peak details and heights.
All of the micromapped ridges.
Overall edit history.
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Sign and date the application by typing four tildes like this: ~~~~ |
ScarlettNataria (talk) 14:39, 22 December 2024 (UTC)
![]() | Discussion |
Discussion for clarification & decision |
- (FN: I plan to keep at least 30% of the current mapping in AR001b and improve existing geometry where possible.) I also understand that the region has been previously marked as based on Timor, but I would like to justify my reasoning to change as to directly base the history and culture of the place within the actual in-universe context of the OGF world instead of being just another real life mirror. I would also like to improve on and discuss with territory owners of the directly neighbouring territories regarding this change if it would be allowed. ScarlettNataria (talk) 14:39, 22 December 2024 (UTC)
- You've supplied a couple of sketches, but they don't cover what we really need to see - can you supply one outlining where the major urban centres are, the land they cover, main transport corridors and natural features please. Also, please explain the language in real-world terms, to avoid misunderstanding. Thanks/wangi (talk) 15:41, 22 December 2024 (UTC)
- Hi, I've supplied a general infrastructure sketch for both the general network, mountains and rivers, and the major urban areas. - As for the language and culture, if it were to be in the real world, I would describe it as a mix of Austronesian (Malay/Indo/Phil/Polynesia and Micronesia/Madagascar) and English (as I'm going with very high ethnic diversity within the island, how real life South East Asian countries are), with some Japanese vocabulary (not written in Japanese script and not a lot of words), with either Indonesian or Filipino grammatical rules. Hopefully this adds clarification. ScarlettNataria (talk) 16:24, 22 December 2024 (UTC)
- Quick addition/change. I would want to downsize my population down to around 28 to 34 million and the capital city hosting around 2 million with 3 million in the surrounding settlements. I realize upon second viewing, the island does not support the nearly the amount of population presented first in regards to available land for agriculture and economy. With that, I will also relatively downsize the proposed economy and infrastructure quantity in scale. ScarlettNataria (talk) 18:48, 22 December 2024 (UTC)
- We edit clashed, I was also raising major concern about the population. The sketches helped to highlight that the 42M proposal was far removed from reality, it would place the country ~11th in the real world list of countries by population density. Be sure to use our scale helper and relation area tools to ground truth your proposal. I think it needs to be significantly less than your 34M suggestion above. Please review and update the application. Also, please put the signatures where they below - at the end. Thanks/wangi (talk) 18:56, 22 December 2024 (UTC)
- Oops, sorry about that. Yeah I realized my mistake with the population number. I calculated a new number and ended up with 6.859 million, with a density of 191.92 per sq/km. Below Italy and above Kiribati. I would like your opinion regarding this new calculation if you do feel it fits the island better in context of everything else discussed? ScarlettNataria (talk) 19:18, 22 December 2024 (UTC)
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Territory application approved |
Approved /wangi (talk) 16:46, 23 December 2024 (UTC) | |
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