Forum:Territory application/BG15 Pine View
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![]() | Territory ID and proposed name |
The Territory ID (from OpenGeofiction:Territories, e.g. AR123a) and proposed name of the country |
BG15 - Pine View
![]() | Physical geography |
An overview of climate, topography and landscape of the country. It is advised to also create a sketch, you can add a link to this (hosted on imgur or similar) |
The geography of Pine View view is based off of the west coast of the USA. The main regions that Pine View will be based off of are Southern California, the Central Valley (California), Northern California, and the pacific northwest (Oregon and Washington).
The coastal region of Pine View are the areas east of Oceanside and west of a unnamed planned large city near BG12/16 based loosely off of the Bay Area (San Francisco/San Jose region). The coastal areas will feature a large mountain range similar to the Coast Ranges stretching across the state. The coastal region of Pine View will be mostly flat up until the unnamed coastal mountain ranges. The region will have lots of grass fields, shrubs, bushes, and short trees around the rivers. The rivers in the coastal region come from the unnamed coastal mountain range and from the unnamed large city near BG16. The year round rivers from the unnamed mountain range come from a few sources. Year round rivers in Pine View coastal region come from the large lakes and springs in the mountain. There are also a lot of intermittent rivers from the mountain range which are fed from melting snow that were formed during the winter in Pine View. The rivers from the unnamed city are very polluted due to lots of trash getting thrown in them leading to them getting rerouted further east from their original location into a single concrete channel leading to farms.
The Northeastern region of Pine View is the most populated region with a large (unnamed) city near BG12/16 on the coast. The region has lots of large port cities dotted along the coast and the many rivers that travel through the region. The Northeastern region is also very cold compared to the Western regions as cold air from the north gets blown into the area causing large snow and rainstorms to happen during the winder. Due to the rapid influx of water during these storms the Northeastern region has lots of manmade concrete channels that feed water out of the cities into less populated farming areas. This leads to a ton of crops getting destroyed when there are multiple large rainstorms in the span of a few days. The Northeastern region is known for the large pine trees that grow in the region giving the county it's name Pine View.
The central region of Pine View were originally very rural with only a few mining towns scattered throughout. The reason for this is that most rivers from the surrounding mountains ran to the coastal region and south to the BG18 border. Alongside this, the large mountains blocked most of the rain in the region which came from the north and south. This meant that there was little vegetation or wildlife in the region making it unattractive for early settlers massively hampering its growth through the 20th century. Later on when Pine View faced a food crisis as too much of the farming land was developed over, the country decided to build a series of 5 canals 3 east to west from the unnamed large city and 2 from the unnamed coastal mountain region. This led to the central region booming in population becoming the fastest growing region in the entire country today. The Central region has little to no foliage with there only being small shrubs and grass growing.
The Southern region of Pine View is the driest of all of the regions and is the least populated. The region faces harsh summers and freezing winters and strong winds. The region is famous for its large sand dunes and beautiful rock formations formed through the strong winds that sweep across the region. The region has a few villages and a mid sized city all located next to water bodies next to large mountains or in a valley for protection from the climate. The main source of money from this region is from the tourists who visit the region for its natural beauty. Like the Central region, there were lots of mining towns after the discovery of gold in the south eastern corner of the region leading to a ton of mining towns. Unlike the Central region which still has mines active to this day, almost all of the mining towns have died off as the gold has been dug out. The region has little to no foliage other than a few tumble weed and cacti.
The Western region is the richest region of the entire country and is home to the nations capital city Bayside. The region is home to the "Tech Capital" of the nation with many of its tech startups originating from a city called River's Edge a few miles away from the capital. This region is notorious for being very expensive with many people unable to afford housing forcing them to live in nearby cities such as Oceanside. This lead to the Bayside and Rivers Edge having a large and extensive rail network with many highways stemming from the center of the cities. The region has a very large river which passes through the capital famous for its use as a shipping canal. The Western region is one of the most foliage dense regions of the entire nation with lots of shrubs and trees in dense forests.
![]() | Human geography |
A brief description of the territory demographics, economic development, land occupation, infrastructure and mapping style |
The nation of Pine View originated when people from the north crash landed on the Coastal region of Pine View in the 17th century. Without large trees to rebuild their boat they were unable to escape back to their home land leading to them deciding to stay. They first lived in the coastal region with farming being their main food source. Later on after their settlement was getting too big for the few pieces of land where they could produce food, they moved further west to where Oceanside is today. There was a Brief war in the 18th century causing the people to split off with the losers getting banished to the far eastern reaches of Pine View today. In the late 18th century English speaking colonists arrived in the coastal region wrecking havoc on the small towns of both nations causing them to form a alliance. The war was bloody lasting into the 1930s. The war had a few effects on newly unified country of Pine View. One of which was the spreading of English to the nation leading the native language to die off making the old history of the nation a mystery to this day. Another effect the war caused was the massive migration from small farming villages to larger cities for protection and more job opportunities. Pine view later found their main economic source in the late 90s with computer electronics and their manufacturing leading to the nation of Pine View today.
Pine View's cities will be mapped in a "new urbanism" style similar to "old towns" that exist in many mid size cities. There will be many straight highways stretching across the country as when they were built the areas they traveled through were mostly rural.
![]() | History & culture |
A brief description of the intended culture and language |
English is the main language there used to be another language spoken by the original colonists but it died out as English was easier to learn and more universal across the world.
![]() | Past mapping |
To support your request provide links to areas of OGF mapping which showcase your mapping skill. Mapping relevant to the requested theme & geography is especially useful | |
The {{coord}} template can optionally be used to link to the OGF map - it results in a nice formatted link. Or you can paste in a URL. |
![]() | Username & date |
Sign and date the application by typing four tildes like this: ~~~~ |
Breenseaturtle (talk) 16:44, 3 August 2024 (UTC)
![]() | Discussion |
Discussion for clarification & decision |
- (Couldn't get the cord template working)
- The application was mostly unedited so there will be many grammatical errors
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Territory application approved |
Approved. Reminder: BG territories are for building up experience and mapping skills, they are not for long-term mapping. Thanks/wangi (talk) 21:07, 3 August 2024 (UTC) | |
As you develop your territory, be sure to keep it realistic. Here are some resources you may find useful for starting out: Help:Portal, Help:Making realistic countries, Help:Making realistic cities and OpenGeofiction:Site policies |