Forum:Territory application/UL19b - Ostland
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Territory ID and proposed name | |
The Territory ID (from OpenGeofiction:Territories, e.g. AR123a) and proposed name of the country |
UL19b-Østland In Jöhksvardsgiella: Kongernasriika Sápvuodmá In Kahtiák´ǩiõll: Koonǥsriǩǩ Sääm´jäupäiǩá In Luoððikiella: Váldegoðði Sápvuoðmä In Puäz´kīll: Coā͕rrēmné Säaplāmʹpâ̄jvé In Gadruönlliut: Rikksinaq Sapaminunait, In Lymvyvakvyla: Kanmûrtas Miizéredžymu, In Ilbastâs´ǩi͔ōll: Kōnǥśtā͕i̭ǩ Sām´jäūc̜̄śtˑǩā In Syraénčdâbaz: Tabadšévâ Manâlymsérteciâ
Physical geography | |
An overview of climate, topography and landscape of the country. It is advised to also create a sketch, you can add a link to this (hosted on imgur or similar) |
The majority of the southern part of the territory it’s taiga with small mountain ranges that reach up to 1200m, in the north of the country there are glaciers and most of the land is tundra with a very rugged coastline full of fjords, meanwhile the center of the country is very mountainous, thanks to the Vilgeshkkilaš mountain range, in which there are glaciers in which most of the country's rivers are born.
Climate and Landscape: In the southern tip of the country (Jöhksvardsbák) the climate is between -5 and 17°C, and the landscape its Taiga forest with many lakes and Islands like Norra Österbotten, In Luoððibák the climate its between -8 and 16°C, and the landscape its a predominant Taiga forest with some hills that can reach 800m like Sápmi, In Lymvyvakmu and Greater Boaszbák/Köredžydmu the climate its between -10 and 13°C (In the southern part) and the landscape its a predominant Tundra and some taiga forests with mountains and glaciers in the north, In Gadruönaqni the climate its between -12 and 10°C and the landscape Tundra with glaciers and mountain in the northeast, In the north the climate its between -18 and 7°C and the landscape its a tundra (Only in the coastal lands) with glaciers.
Topographic map:
White: >2000m
Brown: 1000-2000m
Light Green: 300-1000m
Dark Green: 0-300m
Human geography | |
A brief description of the territory demographics, economic development, land occupation, infrastructure and mapping style |
The population of Østland is mainly concentrated in the southern part of the country, having the 90% of the population, the north of the country only have the 6% of the population.
The total population of Ostland/Sápvuodmá is 1,015,000 people, 80% are Ostlandics, 7% Lymvyvaks, 5% Lechians, 4% Gadruönlliuts, 2% Syraenish, and the remaining 2% are other groups The southern part are majority an agriculture land, which most of the cities (Määddihämn, Marjarvi, Kongardsgäv, Rupsâdborg, etc) Including the capital (Jöhksvard) are located, and the center are majority empty because the mountains and the volcanoes, that makes the area so difficult to inhabitated, and the north of the country are so cold, so all the products are imported of the south, and the hunt of whales, fish and seales are so important to the economy of the area. Also in the latest 70 years the economy dependent on fishing and hunting continuously transformed to an economy based on services (especially banking) and geothermal and hydroelectric energy, as well as advances in technology, becoming a leader in programming and companies, that represent the 5% of the country incomes.
Map: Purple lines: Subdivisions borders Orange lines: Important Roads, Black Points: Cities with more than 8.000
Map of all the settlements that have more than 800 population If the dot is larger, the population in the settlement will be more.
Map of the train network of Østland:
Map of the road sketch in Østland: Blue: Winter Roads Yellow: Roads of regional Importance Red: Trunks Purple: Highways
New map of the provinces with names:
History & culture | |
A brief description of the intended culture and language |
The establishment of population in Ostland dates back to 2000 years ago with the Sirmirmiutat culture (ancestors of the Inuktitut) who populated the lands until the arrival of Finns/Uralic settlers in the south, so the indigenous population had to migrate north, in 1636 a Nordurlandic ship arrived to the coast and mapped the zone, and name the zone Østland, but them doesn't established settlements, later in 1662 the Lechians come to conquist the area and established a colony, then, in 1774 the colony became a protectorate with autonomy status, Later, in 1786 the Kingdom of Ostland was formed after becoming independent from Lechia, and they became a commonwealth with the regent of Lechia, later the Ostlandic people formed their own government as a parlamentary monarchy with their own real dynasty, and also established the Allátšuvdna (Parlament) in a period named the Blue Revolution (Allit Revolušjon) in 1796, 10 years after independence.
In the XIX century the kingdom make numerous advances in technology, liberty and education, all this was sponsored by King Jörgen II who was the one who supported the industrial revolution and allowed the country to advance too much in a short time. In March 1906, after the king's death, the kingdom became destabilized, generating a coup that ended with an ultra-right-wing republican government that lasted until February 1907, when the crown king regained his position.
Later, the country declared itself neutral from 1910 until the Arctic War of 1961, which helped the country's exponential development and increased quality of life, making it the Arctic country with the highest HDI to this day. In the 1950s, liberal economic reforms and economic diversification were developed, and energy self-sufficiency was achieved, also in the early 1960s Ostland helped Ruoguovvás to recover their economy after the war, At the beginning of the 70s, Ostland managed to be a developed country, and the economic boom occurred, which caused the population to increase in record time. During this time, the country became a technological center, and the headquarters of many companies. attracted by very low taxes and the massive amount of mineral resources in the country. in the 1980s and 1990s the country experienced a political divide between social-democrats and nationalists and a never-before-seen surge in immigrants, the government also promoted modernization, for which 4 new routes were built, the train network was expanded, the Jöhksvard tram expanded their network adding 15 more stations and two new runways for the Jöhksvard airport were inaugurated. In this century the country has been trying to gain more influence in the region, and also to further diversify of the economy.
The Ostlandic/East Sillimi languages are five: Jöhksvardsgiella, Luoððikiella, Kahtiák´ǩiõll, Ilbastâs'ǩi͔ōll and Puäz´kīll, and its speak by the 85~% of the population, other languages are Lymvyvakvyla (Komi + Sami) and Syraénčdâbaz (Nenets + Forest Enets + Sami).
Puerto Rendecón
Ashgali Village
Providence lake and Teruel River
Sierra de Bucanca (In colaboration with other users)
Aevalis Island
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DT Planner-18/09/2022
Discussion | |
Discussion for clarification & decision |
Please tell me more features to improve.
Hello DT Planner.
I am Liadrien, mapper of Ruoguovvás. Looking through your application, I am hopeful about your request but have a few pointers or critiques for you as the primary neighbor of the territory.
The inclusion of icelandic as primary language is not optimal, it does already exist in Norðurland, and even though EMKLI is currently inactive, it creates questions such as how that language got there. There are no other mentions of Nordic languages in the area around the great north sea. It's not a deal breaker, examples of this exists in other parts of the OGF world and I always preach that, 'as long as the mapper enjoys mapping, and does so actively, any language is good' but to further your chances, I would suggest looking into alternative languages. The area has before been cited as 'prefferably Siberian cultures/languages ' but I cannot remember when or where this was said.
About your inclusion of Inuktitut. There is currently little to no grounds for American languages in Uletha, on the same basis, it creates questions. There are languages in Archanta related to Inuktitut, and nothing of the sort in Uletha. I would suggest a native Siberian language if you believe you can pull that off. Your best bet if you want some kind of American theme, may be a conlang of some sort, I have been using the conlang Áardic in Northern Ruoguovvás, which uses sámi structure and vocabulary with Kallaalisut phonemes. I would greatly appreciate it if you were to include a related language to your territory. If you want to validate your request, using an already established language would certainly help.
I find your inclusion of Ruoguovvás a bit strange. Ruoguovvás does not have a wiki page as of yet so you'd be forgiven for assuming, but I do not see Ruoguovvás as ever having been on that side of the Iðitbeaivimearra. Ruoguovvás is a diverse union of arctic historic herding and fishing cultures, and is quite recent in terms of Uletha. If you want to go with the 'tyrannic overlord' theme, I'd suggest citing UL19a instead. Even if it in general isn't the best theme to go with.
The Vikings of OGF have been referenced before, but to my knowledge never in this area. Often being seen as part of the Vinn sea. It would be a strange inclusion of seafaring raiders if nobody in the area mentions them. It may be beneficial to forgo the 'vikings' term as that brings a lot of assumptions and instead refer to something else. As previously mentioned, Nordic cultures are not really referenced in this area.
Physical geography
I like that you see the area as very cold. Previous mappers in the area have not, and I hope you share the image that UL19b is no place for freeways, and the north should perhaps have no roads whatsoever. I like the idea of the tundra and the relatively low, presumably old mountains seem perfect for the area. If anything, perhaps Taiga could be a smaller part of the territory and the tundra be the majority? Seems reasonable for the latitude.
I appreciate your population being relatively low. But for a country located almost entirely north of the Arctic Circle, in a part of the world where seeing the effects of a 'gulf stream' seems woefully unlikely, I find your estimate of 3 million people to be very high. I would find 1 million to perhaps be a high estimate. Keep in mind that agriculture is mostly impossible at this latitude. in addition, I would assume maybe the vast majority of the population to be in the far far south. Even more so than 75%
The name
In summary, perhaps a slight reimagining of the cultures would be beneficial. Western Siberian would be my suggestion. And in general, perhaps adapt the plan a bit more to the intense climate. Lower population etcetera. Perhaps another that could help you is doing some research on the nearby countries. ask yourself the question, how does this country relate to Ruoguovvás? To Lechia? To UL19a? In addition, it may be good to prove that you are able to map on a larger scale as well, something you'll have to do a lot in UL19b.
I wish you the best of luck and hope to see you in the future!
Hi, Liadrien, I will change the language to faroese, and the taiga its only in the southeast part, the population will change to 850000 people, 60% faroese, 35% inuktitut, and 4% chuckchi and 1% yakuts, the name will change to østland (East land) and I think its better to change the history to a colony of Ruoguovvás that have a peacefull independence in a treaty, or something like that, and i am intetresting of the faroese, because is a language that is unique and my country is based in Vinland.
- Hello DT Planner, thank you for your application, and thank you Amadeus for you comments. (You can both sign comments by typing ~ four times, by the way). My comments:
- The physical geography is appropiate to the location and regional concept, though providing a sketch is highly encouraged. The same goes goes for human geography.
- The history incorporates elements of native and foreign influences with an interesting back-and-forth. Of course, relevant historic events should be coordinated with neighbours, but I see that is already taking place ;)
- Your past mapping so far lacks some larger scale natural features, which are central to the territory's theme. In UL19b, you woulnd't get to map a lot of cities, instead the climate (as you rightfully describe it) would mostly demand a very nature-oriented mapping style.
- May I suggest the following: you and Liadrien could continue your discussion for a little bit (either here on the forum or on private messages), and you can update the proposal with the new info later. In the meantime, try to practice mapping some large-scale natural features (for me, personally, this is the most challenging aspect of mapping; so don't see this as a test of skill, more of a test for whether you enjoy this kind of mapping). I realise we don't really have any arctic blue territories. I'll therefore carve out a testing area in UL19b titled "DT Planner Testing Area" where you can experiment a little. We can then revisit your territory application in a month or two. Please let me know if you'd like this way forward. Cheers! Leowezy (talk) 17:36, 19 September 2022 (UTC)
DT Planner (talk) 19:30, 19 September 2022 (UTC)Yes, please, Its better for me practising some more natural features, specially the larger ones: like a glacier, or a taiga.
Hi, I'm doing very well in the testing area, so I ask when my application process will be revisited? You can take all the time if you want.
Also i want like in 5-6 months after developing my territory (if I can have it) expand to UL19ak, and make it an autonomous republic but is it possible if this is reserved territory?
- Hello DT Planner. It's great to see you continue practising in your testing area. The amount and detail of mapping is still expandable though. Keep in mind that UL19b is roughly 57 times larger than your testing area! For some inspiration, check out the mapping in Iceland, northern Norway or Greenland. Or even other places on OGF (like your neighbours to the west). Please understand that because UL19b is a particularly challenging, large and exposed territory, the bar for having full ownership approved has to be higher than for other, more straight forward territories. Happy mapping, Leowezy (talk) 17:34, 6 December 2022 (UTC)
- Hi Leowezy. Thanks for your comments!
- Update: General sketch for Ostland/Sápvuodmá in Arhet (Notes: Ignore the North part)
- Hello DT Planner, I try to keep an eye on this forum entry, but with your frequent updates it's hard to keep track ;) Can you let me know when you feel like this application and your mapping in Arhet and OGF are sufficient to reevaluate the application? Then I'll do so. Cheers, Leowezy (talk) 17:21, 22 January 2023 (UTC)
- Yes, I think, DT Planner (talk) 13:16, 23 January 2023 (UTC)
Territory application approved | |
Application approved, restriction to test area lifted. I highly recommend consulting the following Help-resources that provide guidance on realistic country and city planning, which will be especially crucial for a territory like UL19b with its geographic extremes. Cheers, Leowezy (talk) 16:44, 23 January 2023 (UTC) | |
As you develop your territory, be sure to keep it realistic. Here are some resources you may find useful for starting out: Help:Portal, Help:Making realistic countries, Help:Making realistic cities and OpenGeofiction:Site policies |