
From OpenGeofiction

Tempeira, officially the Sereníssima República Federalista de Tempeira (Ingerish - Most Serene Federalist Republic of Tempeira), is a constitutional democratic federalist republic in Central Tarephia. It has two capitals, Mar Agosto and Tiléia, its largest city being Carotaba. It borders Barzona, Valaga, Tarephia Equatorial, Vodeo, Dania, TA305, Nayina and Araguán.

Throught it's history the region has been fractured in multiple polities that shared no common culture, however, this does not mean they haven't shared a common history.

Tempeiran Federalist Democracy

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"Nós somos Tempeira, Tempeira é Diversidade"
We are Tempeira, Tempeira is Diversity
A Canção dos Pássaros Sagrados
CapitalMar Agosto ;Tiléia (8.1 million)
Largest cityTiléia (10.1 million)
Official languagesTempeiran Florescentian, Tempeiran Sign Language, Kcytiane, Caleuchean (Minority), Guarinán (Minority)
 • PresidentYolandá Marka
 • Vice PresidentPedro Atalaia
LegislatureTempeiran Bicameral Legislature
 • Upper houseChamber of Senators
 • Lower houseChamber of Deputies
 • Estimate (2020)121,022,434
 • Census (2017)119,588,621
 • Density138,29/km2
358,04/sq mi
CurrencyAcol, symbol
Drives on theright


During the First Republican Revolt of 1750, citizens of Maer A'gosto (now Mar Agosto) dumped tons of spices into the water as a form of rebellion. During these acts, poet Pascal de Tubarões wrote to the Florescentian Metropolis: "They are screaming like rabid animals, and acting like them too! One particular phrase that has been uttered a lot is 'Season the Sea' (Tempeira o Mar, in Florescentian)."

During the Independence War, the revolutionists were know as Tempeirans by the Florescentian Guard, this would spread as the general name for the populous in the region and was adopted as the official name for the name after the Confederation of Free Nations became a Republic.


Ancient History


The archeological evidence provided by researches at the Royal University of Corico show that prior to the Middle Paleolithic, there is no sign of hominin habitation, neither homo sapiens or other homo species seemed to live here. The Middle Paleolithic was marked in the region by a low density of sites, most probably caused by the lack of cave systems which would have made sheltering harder, most archeological sites from that time concentrate in the Vodean border regions. Around 40,000 BP, the first signs of human habitation are found in the Guixma Paleolithic Area in the Tempeiran Central Sitian Valley, making the beginning of a long string on influxes to the valley. Their lifes were nomadic, and their diet consisted in animals found in the plains of the region, however, due to a lack of caves and coverage of vegetation during the era, caused by a colder climate, their non-permanent habitations were more similar to the ones found the in the nothern and southern polar and subpolar regions. There is evidence of controled fires by the nomadic people in the Guixma Valley whenever they would leave their old place of habitation, the reasons are still unclear.

The coastal plains were also inhabited, however, more sparcly, the sandy, windswept terrains of the time were hard to live in, and the lack of food sources made for an uninviting location. Though areas that would later become deserts around the world, including northern Tarephia, had seen incredible wet periods during the time, Tempeira was marked by, savannah like biomes with the occasional tropical forest.

During this time there have been identified the Taoline Culture, Areosa Culture, Ak' Culture, Minias Culture, Kcytia Culture, Ojmá Culture and Poldoró Culure.

Last Glacial Maximum
The believed locations of the influence areas of each culture, In accordance to the Royal University of Coricó.

During the Last Glacial Age, the continental shelf in Tempeira exposed the shallow seas between the modern coast and the island chains located close to it, it was during this time, the Focinian Culture came to existence, a offspring of the Taoline Culture that moved to the new lake and delta system formed. The climate was dry, however, it was wetter than the period before, allowing for an expansion of the Tropical forests in the region.

During that time, there was a heavy habitation of whats now the coast of Valaga-Barzona, since there was a huge delta that combined the waters of the Sitian, Bujon and Yoltinemiliziatoya rivers, which was a perfect habitat for a plethera of bird, fish and small mammal species. Most archeological evidence has been lost due to the flooding of the region, however, many of these cultures would later on divide themselves across the sea, the shared proto-languagues and genetics are able to prove that once, they had shared a common land.

The region were the the Sitian Delta sits was once the great Baiosa Takta Lake, a mostly fresh-water but sometimes brackish lake on the Tarephian Scar.


The movement of people was extensive during the level sea rise period, which was quick in the region due to its relation with sea currents. The Royal University of Coricó has been able to identify the descendants of each culture and their general movement of expansion and migration, the image shows how the sea level rise forced people out of their land, even being pushed away by other groups.

During this period at the end of the last glacial period, the region would have gone through different types of change, while the Sitian Valley gorged itself with the start of agriculture, the Cajueiros region suffered through a process of drying and the change for a steppe biome. The coastal regions would have suffered the most alterations, with plenty of their habitable lands being reclaimed by the sea.

Coastal Mesolithic Tempeira saw the extintion of the Taoline, that based mostly on the consuption of shellfish and cruteceans, while the Minias Culture migrated south and diverged. The wetter conditions made for a new tropical forest biome to flourish, while this was good for the diet diversity for the multiple cultures formed, the loss of open space and a new enviroment for diseases stopped the development of permanent settlements during the period. The Taolines dissapeared, although genetic evidence shows they are the progenitors of the Sea-Talepian People. While the Minias separated to become the Tocadas Culture. The Poldoró Culture was extint after the steppefication of the Cajueiros Region. The new Border Vodeo Culture was a small sparce group that left the caves of the region, however, did not advance to agriculture.


The Neolithic brought the sendentarism of most of the Sitian Cultures around 10,000 BP and the Coastal Region in 9,500-9,000 BP. The creation of settlements created a better ground for trading routes and innovation, the commoners life was more secure, with cities in certain regions with walls and mudbrick houses. The Sitian Valley at that point separated in 3 cultures: The Early Craton Mound Culture, Upper Sitian Culture and Tropical Sitian Culture. The Sitian Cultures dominated the fertile Sitian and Che River Valleys during the Neolithic.

The Costal Cultures with their small canoes started to specialize in fishing on the many lagoons dotting the coast, with inland costal cultures migrating during monsoons to the coast to avoid chronic flash floods and mudslides. During that time, semi-permanent settlements formed on the verge of trading roads, with the most important being Early Guyval, Tataramen, A-Aqátia, A-Judialz and A-Trapiches.

Bronze Age

The Neolithic period was marked in Tempeira by permanent or semi-permanent settlements that would shift locations during decades (this does not include the Craton site and the Mirva Site), the end of Neolitic in Tempeira is marked by the Craton Stone found in the Carotaba region, a inscripted stone with the description of the location of Craton with a small map of the region, dated to 6,500 BP.

The Craton Site is a anomaly on the Bronze Age record, while the entire Sitian Valley started urbanizing and the Early Craton Mound Culture ended, Craton kept a mound tradition on the floodplains of the Paranumbu Lake, the Craton Site has been the longest inhabited settlement on the region, with periods of abandoment followed by new inhabitants, which puzzles archeologists on what was the reason for the repeated re-settlement of the site without the apparent alteration of the Mounds.

The Bronze Age brought forth the Sitian Kingdoms, the Polyval Kingdoms and the Thra Lei Empire. During that time the jungles and steppes of the north and east pushed focus and activity to the Sitian River Delta and the coast line. The expansion through trading routes gave Sitian states great power in the region, even founding two known colonies in the Cajueiros Region Pos-Oti and Tav'a (modern day Possoró and Porto Seco), the Paranumbu Lake became a hotspot for trade. The Lake was bigger at the time, encompassing the entire lake and marshland system of the area.. The first city found on the region was Aprto in the region of the modern Apa Massa lake's northern shores. Development was slow an around three different interactions of sitian written languague came to pass between 6,400 - 4,700 BP. Around 4,500 BP the Sitian Empire was formed under the rule of the Cratón Dinasty, though the capital was oficially Ugo, Cratón was considered the religious center and a simbolical origin point for the Sitian population.

Sitians seem to have loose relations to north tarephian genetic groups of the Neolithic, however, there is also a mixture of other genetic groups that have yet to be identified, suggesting that Sitians migrated south during the early Neolithic and replaced indigenous tempeiran populations, the Sitian Genetic Group would dominated the upper lyc region until the arrival of the Archantan Sea People.

The Sitian Empire was the main power of the Lyc during the period, followed by the Budranian Dinasty in the southern Lyc, Sitians have been known to have communicated with Athya, evidence being found in the Ghary Letters showed a extensive trading route from Sitia, north to Athya and east to the Vodean Coast. The letters mention the city of Athya by an emmisery of the Tulig Dinasty of Sitia in Athya..

"The gifts from Agu have been well received by ------------------------- (this part of the letter has been lost) ------------------------, on the contrary Ehssia (pressumed to be Athya) seems to prosper on the weather, I would request a brief return to my homeland at The CYT (Sitian) River, to participate in the festivals this moon cycle, however, Athya is too far for my arrival in time, I will however use their river to prestige my Goddes Týh*, may her guidance take my offerings to the infinite blue."

The Sitian Empire lasted from around 4,500 BP to 2.900 BP, in it's height, it ruled over all of the Sitian River and major tributaries. The Paranumbu Lake (Ilopé Lake at the time) was the mos important asset of the empire, the navigability of the Sitian up to the lake allowed for direct trade of inner region with the coast with no need for treversing the Recca Mountains.

Bronze Age Collapse

The Bronze age collapse was a extensive process of the de-urbinization of early civilizaions and loss of technology and knowledge due to the collapse of organized society, historians argue in what might have been the main reasons to the collapse but with no consensus, the most accepted reasons are:

  • Overpopulation pressure collapsing system of government and economy;
  • Lack of knowlegde of erosion and climate change due to agriculture causing a collapse on the food chain supply;
  • A natural period of warming climate post glacial age enlarging the reaches of deserts around the world and lowering water supplies in certain regions;
  • Oversupply of Ironwoks that collapsed the economy;
  • Changes in battle tactics that led to bigger scales in destructions;
  • Mass Migration related to climate.

In Sitia the main reason for the collapse of the Old Sitian Empire was the overuse of canals to better facilitate the transportaion of goods out of the Ilopé Lake. The Lake at the time had been recorded to have slowly been building up silt in its southwestern shores for at least 300 years. As a result, many cities, like Luki, Ugo, Muó and other had already been forced to build channels that connected their old ports to the lake, and build new ports as the shorelines recceded, however, the process was slow, and the siltification process did balance itself by eroding other parts of the lake. During the Late Sal Dinasty, Queen Lugá ordered the opening of a small canal that would cut through a small collection of dirt hills east of the Sitian River soutflow from the lake to shorten distances for trade, however, this process would capture water from the river, rapidly accelerating the siltification process, measurements show a drop of almost a meter in the depth of the river right after the outflow. The outflow eventually closed up, the small canal had no ability to carry that much water, and during the monsoon seasons the lake levels were raised almost 4 meters above their historical marks, this forced a new outflow north of the canal, however, this, added with the flood, eroded the new channel enough to be able to find a almost 50km quicker route to the ocean. Lake levels quickly dropped 8 meters and most of the lake was emptied out, this caused the separation of the lake into two, which took the river 2 years to reconnect both, and during this period the lower Sitian ran dry. The Ilopé emptying caused the creation of a huge system of marshlands across the lower sitian and the division of the lake into 7 different lakes, it also caused the collapse of the Old Sitian Empire in 2.900 BP.

The sitian downfall and loss of influence on the region was followed by a migration have across the ocean that would bring the Archantan Sea People. Most of the coastal and navigable regions became partly or fully influenced by them, specially in the Lycene.

Caleuche and Guarinán both descend from a multitude of people crossing the sea, with Caleuche eventually settling down around the Gulf of Sitians.

Caleuche Empire and Ceuci-Quaraí

The Calueche became incredible sailers, trading throughout the Lyc. While Guarinan traded north, even trading with Ta Seti, Guarinan called Ta Seti Tasetaquaraí, in connection with their sun worshipped, while Ta Seti texts called Guarinan "Karay/Katay", this would in the future reached Ulethan powers that would fable a place called "Katamy/Catami" or Catamia, a kingdom/city of gold, which was in fact true, ignoring the "gold city" part, however, for the lack of context of the corruption of the original name, Quarai was not identified as the Golden Power that had been searched.


Rivagiens arrived around 1240 around the region of the Tamatan Culice (later the Tantantan Province). Caleuche, was not surprised by ulethans, though no direct contact had been made before, trading between Uletha and the Lycene was already established, with Budranian goods being found as north as Plevia. The Caleuche representative in Tamatan, Alepi Aty, reportedly communicated directly with the RIvagiens Armada and welcomed them inside the royal palace, however, in the years after, the Emperor of the Caleuche Xuaty Myci II, gained distruss with the "Franquesse" colonists, their fame as a violent power in the region grew rapidly and Caleuche, together with other powers in the Sack of Oridica were slowly entering discussions of what to do.

The Talepo city-states at the coastal regions were eventually absorbed by the Rivagiens Empire, the eventual fall of the Empire would bring the collapse of most of the remaining Talepan city-states.

Tamatan would become the only official trading post between the two empires, while "franquese" pirates would sometimes enter the archipelago region for sacking, they were generally against venturing so much into uncharted territory. At the time for example, there was no Ulethan knowlegde on the deltas located at the ends of the Sack of Oridica, it was believed that the sea carved its way onto the western tarephian coast through the rivers located there, is believed that the lakes located in central tarephia were mistaken for the southern lycene seas.

Florescentian Arrival

Florescenta, wanting to expand its territory, aimed to carve out small pieces of land through out the tarephian region. In 1350, Florescenta lands on Estreito, close to Port Catamia/Montblanc, founding the Nossa Terra Sagrada de Nova Florescenta (Ingerish - Our Sacred Land of New Florescenta).

Florescenta soon founded the town of Atalaia dos Fortes, in between the small Mata Lake and the Capivara Lake, it was easier to access the mainland and it had a good natural harbour. However, the marshy, loose soil would soon be eroded away in a cyclone, called The Storm of Saint Rita, most of the city was flooded and sank bellow sea level, Florescenta almost gave up on colonization efforts, however, the cyclone helped erode the sedimented regions around Montblanc, allowing for more ships to anchor in its harbour.

During the next 50 to 70 years, the Florescentians move up the coast founding cities, until they stumble upon the Bay of Fire, currently Mar Agosto. There they founded Vila Maria Antunes in 1400, it was destroyed in 1410 by Caleuche Pirates that lived mostly around the bay area, Florescenta invaded the pirate islands and subjugates them for the time being, however this attack infuriated the Caleuche Emperor, that used the pirates as a means to control the lower tempeiran coastal trade. Maer A'gosto is founded in 1422 in the ruins of Maria Antunes.

The Colonial Wars

In 1470 the multiple colonies under Tempeira are joined into the New Florescenta Colony, that claims much of the coast of Tempeira, this caused the ulethan troops to move up to the Caleuche border. This was the final straw for the Caleuche, who declared war against Florescenta in 1478. During this brief war, the "franquese" minority inside of Tantantan revolted, and helped ulethan forces to capture the city and surrounding regions in 1480 in a coup. For a brief period of time, between 1480-1495, Caleuche and Florescentians would have small battles along the new border, but in 1495, the Machacol Treaty is signed, allowing bigger trading between the two and acess inside caleuche cities. This would mark the end of the 1st Colonial War and the beginning of the end for the Caleuche Empire.

The Caleuche were able to marry with a few lower tier nobles of Florescenta, this would initially help Caleuchia to keep its independence, however, during the sucession crisis of 1525, a group of mixed nobles threw a coup that killed the sucessor of the late Emperor Malon Myci, putting Huandro Jacquan in power, the crisis caused a civil war inside Caleuchia that spilled over to Tempeira. The Florescentian Crown decide to step in, and together with the Ingreans, invaded multiple coastal towns, Coricó was invaded in 1540. With the fall of Coricó, the Caleuche Empire was absorbed by Tempeira.

Epucaleuche Republic

In 1709 a cholera outbreak in the Ceuci-Quaraí weakens their borders, together with the loss of major teritories for Vodeans, and now under threat by florescentian mercenaries. A weakened Caleuche from the war against Terrossa and the Bund proposes a unification of both nations, this starts the Epucaleuche Revolt that would later create the Epucaleuche Republic. The country had a large territory but claimed almost double its size in "indigenous territory", or as it was called at the time "Sitian Greater State".

The Republic had two objectives: Win back the terriories culturally connected to Sitians, Caleuches and Guarinans; And give more power to its citizens. Epucaleuche sees that to win its population, it needed to loosen older laws, this makes the aristrocacy to make he decision to ban slavery and create a voting system.

The local government could be elected by the people, while the two kings and senate of the country were elected by both the local governments and the elite, however, white and ulethan people were considered "non-citizens" of the republic and were not allowed to vote and to buy more land. Kalmish and Plevian settlers were stuck inside their already owned lands and were not allowed to leave the country as well, in fear of joining Florescenta in a war.

Epucaleuche was able to conquer small regions, and during the battles in Mar Agosto many slaves were freed by Epucaleuche and given land in the more empty steppe regions of Tempeira. It was during this time Cajueiros is founded.

The Epucaleuche Republic lasted from 1709-1798, Florescentans were able to push for Tileia and Corico, caputilating the state, in the Sacrament Treaty following the end of the war, many major cities of the empire received sectors of florescentans, many areas are still called Sacrament Accord. Cajueiros however, remained independent, many attempts in conquering the region were made but failed.

Republican Dreams

Scholars from the Epucaleuche Republic move into florescenta, mixed with illuminists, this creates a big movement for republicanism and independence. Many florescentans at the time were tired of the constant infighting between the aristrocracy and constant war with neighbours, and so a growing movement of republicism took power of colonial governments. In response the central authority banned local governments.

Union Revolts

In response of the banning of localized governments, many port cities decide to revolt. In 1791 port workers throw spices into the sea in Maer A'gosto, republicans declare the Justine Republic, based in Maer and claiming all coastal colonies. In 1792 the Justine Republic ends with the fall of Maer, Florescenta creates a new authority fully based in Tempeira but made from a group of lower class nobles, creating the Duchy of Tempeira.

In 1800 all colonial holds become one, inside the Vassal Kingdom of Tempeira, old colonies became Duchies.


In 1809, another independence movement, powered by the reintroduction of slavery and serfdom, takes control of most of the nation, with only a few islands and major cities in hold of Florescenta. Republican Troops move south to Araguán to control the strait region around Comodoro de Peña, this quickstarts the Araguanese Independence movement, that joins Tempeira and fully takes control of the colony in 1814. In 1820, after all main mainland holds were lost, Florescenta gives up in defending the colony. In 1821, the Treaty of the Republic is signed, and Tempeira is fully independent.


In 1850, the mainly castellanese speaking population of Araguan, then called Great Cualca, declare independence from Tempeira, the latter, in a weak economic state, has no choice than to accept the independence. In 1967, during the brief military coup, the northern half of Araguán was invaded and the parts of the population were moved, in 1970, after the fall of the militaristic government, most of Araguán is given back, however, the northern tip of he country is annexed, on he basis of population.

In 1980, the Talepan Unification Movement (TUM) is formed, with the objective of joining all of the greater territories of the Talepan culture together.




Located in the crossroads of multiple cultural regions, the northern Lyc has been the stage of multiple migration periods, including the expansion of the Imani Caliphates. The country is diversed, but sometimes heavly segregated, for example, 87% of the more than 10 million Caleuche live in the State of Caleuxé, while most Sitians live in the Sitian and Che valleys.

During independence this almagomation of multiple cultures was used to justify the union of the nation, while many wanted independence for their own people, the fact that fragmenting the larger state in minor ones would weaken once again their border was enough to convince the local elites to give power away to a more centralize authority, eventually, with internal migrant movements, the once clear ethnic borders became more closely tied to community-to-community interaction, meaning that inside of a small region you could have multiple villages that did not share cultural ties to eachother.

However, the Tempeiran government, early in its days divided the country by ethnic-states. This would fuel clashes for land expansion.

Early in this process, race wars were common, specially between the larger ethnicites and smaller ones, the most know being Sitians vs Pohserian or Guarinan vs Torohani. With centralization becoming more common, multiple elite classes fought over the right to hold have the capital in their territory. This culminated in the Reigning Wars of 1820, in which the major old capitals (Talepo, Ceuci, Arasy, Ruda, Acol, Corico and Porto Catamia) fought over the control of the Union. The war ended in 1827, after Sitians and Ulethan settlers reached a stalemate between themselves and other cities had lost mos of the control over their own territories, the Treaty of the Union signed after the war created two capitals (one for settlers and other for the indigenous cultures), one was the transfer of the Ulethan Capital to Mar Agosto and the creation of Tileia, against the wishes of both Caleuche and Ceuci, who claimed that building a new capial next to the old Sitian Capital would consolidate power in the hands of the Sitians, to appease these concerns, Ceuci and Corico were given more relaxed taxation and their territories were expanded (however the territories would be divided once again in the 1960 Constitution).

Demographic compostition of Tempeira, 2024 - Instituto Tempeiro Nacional de Dados

The Tempeiran National Data Institute (TNDI or ITND) divides the multiple tempeiran ethnical groups in 4 different categories:

Tempeiran - People with multiple ethnical backrounds or anteraphians that were born in Tempeira (Tempeiran, Black)

Sitians - This includes all groups under the Greater Sitian Cultural Sphere (Sitians, Talepan, Miahani, Malponese, Halama)

Ulethan/Post-Colonial People - Generally includes all groups that have migrated willingly to Tempeira (White/Ulethan, North Archantan/Farest Ulethan)

Pre-Colonial People - Associated groups of indigenous people out of the Sitian Sphere of Influence (Sahiir/Suhi, Caleuche, Guarinan, Pohserian, Teotiyl, Ojkanian, Valagian)




Major Cities

Mar Agosto




Porto Catâmia


Economic Policies: Old vs. New



Governmental System

Electing Presidents and Vice Presidents

The Bicameral Legislature

The Four Powers (Legislative, Executive, Judicial, Decisive)

Governmental Agencies

