
From OpenGeofiction



19th Century (1800s)

The borders that depict the Izaki gains after the Six Month Campaign. In black outlines the old border between Blönland and Izaland, and in red outline the new border.

1812: The Six Months Campaign

Following rising tensions between Izaki and Blönnish force in the region, a small war enveloped the region which the Izakis won, forcing the Blönnish government to cede the Sanienhügel (Sanian Hill) region, as well as Kimunay passage and Hairua, forming an exclave. This would go on to define the new border between modern day Wendmark and Đenkuku, as well as the border between Wendmark-Đenkuku and the modern day Sanain Republic. As a result of this border change, Izaland gained more power in the region as new land routes were established.

1841: The Beginning of "The Troubles" in Wendmark

The troubling era in Wendmark began after the uprisings and struggles between Blönnish officials and Wendmark protesters in Windischdorf, the colonial capital at the time. As protests erupted across the region, radical factions began to stage violent demonstrations, often targeting those affiliated with Blönland. The Troubling era would officially end when Wendmark gained new autonomy in 1862. As a result of "The Troubles", many Wendmarkers took refuge in Đenkuku.

1846: Free State of Ostland

1862: Autonomy under the Free State of Ostland

1874: Wendmark Confederacy under Ostland

1877: Đenkuku Autonomy Act

As a result of political turmoil in Izaland, the central government gave Đenkuku more autonomy in order to keep the region's residents happy, as well as shielding the region from political instability and potential uprisings.

1889: The Sunbird Movement

The Sunbird movement was a series of protests and peaceful demonstrations in Wendmark, advocating for more freedoms and rights from regional governments under the Wendmark Confederacy.

20th Century (1900s)

1900: Establishment of the National Provisional Government

The National Provisional Government was officially established in November of 1900 to transition the Wendmark Confederacy into a more federalized government.

1901: Breakup of Ostland

Following the new year, the Wendmark Confederacy officially dissolved and ceded all power to the National Provisional Government. The new government was given one year to establish a new constitution and political system.

Following the assassination of [Important Bloennish Official], the Free State of Ostland began to collapse. As a result, The Sanain Republic, Wendmark, and Eshein developed into separate nations. A brief nine month war ensued as Ostland attempted to maintain control over the region. Izaland injected massive sums of money to boost the Provisional Government's army and naval forces. The Free State of Ostland officially dissolved into Blönland, Sanain Republic, Eshein, and Wendmark on December 23rd, 1901. Peace was established on the Wednesday Agreement two days later.

The provisional government decided to extend the deadline to three years as the sudden collapse of Ostland gave the region new independence and power.

1902: Đenkuku joins the National Provisional Government; The Hundred Days Crisis

As the National Provisional Government continued to change its role in the region, a referendum was held in Đenkuku to join the National Provisional Government with an 76% approval vote. A final provincial vote was scheduled five days later to finalize the vote.

Two days after the referendum, Izaki forces staged a coup in Temunnay (the capitol of Đenkuku at the time) and occupied all government buildings, preventing lawmakers from entering and approving the vote. As a result, the National Provisional Government extended its deadline by two additional years and began modifying its constitution to accommodate for the entry of Đenkuku. This sparked an intense rivalry between the Provisional Government and Izaland. A complete breakdown of diplomacy occurred between both parties and Izaland respectively. The Đenkuku government relocated in Hakusmero twenty days later and passed an unanimous vote to break away from Izaland and join the National Provisional Government.

After immense international pressure, as well as threats from the Provisional Government's land forces, the Izaki army was forced to leave Temunnay just thirty days after the initial coup was staged. Although no war was officially staged, but the diplomatic situation between the Provisional Government and Izaland continued to deteriorate until the Treaty of Obaitolo-Sebaskai was signed. This diplomatic incident marked an era of diplomatic cutoff between Wendmark-Đenkuku and Izaland (as well as Bloenland) until the end of the Great War. All ocean passages between Wendmark-Đenkuku were dissolved and ships allocated to other lines, and border travel between Đenkuku and Izaland was heavily restricted.

1905: Establishment of a New Government

19XX: The Great War

21th Century (2000s)